as we shift – you are the bad ass ~ March 30, 2017

The Arcturians ~ The Process of Your Transformation ~ March 10, 2017

The Process of Your Transformation by The Arcturians

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 10th March 2017

Sacred School of OmNa

We, the Arcturians, greet you with love and joy. Today we wish to discuss the process of your transformation, highlighting areas for you to contemplate and focus upon. Many of you understand your process of transformation while in existence upon the Earth into the light being that is your truth. We, the Arcturians wish to guide you through this process so you may assist yourself more fully, calling upon the necessary aid so that each transformation you experience is easy, effortless and enjoyable.

When you begin to focus on observing your entire being each day, even if only for a few minutes, you allow yourself to connect into the energy, feelings, sensations, colours and sounds of your entire being, becoming present with yourself. At first, you may not understand or even be able to explain the energy of your entire being. Instead, you may be distracted by emotions, thoughts or areas of your body. Acknowledge anything that rises into your awareness and then continue with your focus and intention of observing your entire being. There is no need to focus on experiencing love or connecting with the Creator, simply observe what your energy feels like to you at that moment. Is there a lot of light pouring into your being? Do you feel heavy and drowsy? Do you sense that you are ungrounded or resisting something? Whatever you observe, acknowledge it first and then let it go, if the same observation keeps returning to you then allow yourself to focus on the energy as it may require your attention. Once you feel you have become familiar with your energy then you may wish to use this innovation:

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support my constant transformation, healing and ascension. I allow all resistance to dissolve as I receive the necessary light to support me now. Thank you.’

Take a few moments to imagine yourself receiving the necessary light and assistance from the Universe of the Creator. This simple process will not only allow you to release blockages and resistance to your ascension, often without realizing, you will also become familiar with the presence of your energy. This means that you will be aware when you are moving through a transformational process and when you are experiencing a rest period where your entire being is recalibrating, and light is settling within your being. The more you achieve this practice, the more you will understand yourself and the ascension process you are moving through. Recognizing whether a cold is simply a cold or whether it is helping you release old energies. Whether a pain in your body is due to something you have done physically or a resistance within your being that requires your intuitive attention. You may realize that you feel tired because of the great volumes of light that are anchoring into your being, recognizing that you require rest. You may feel low in mood because a past lifetime aspect of yourself is returning to merge with your soul and requires to release all burdens before it can fully surrender to the light of your soul. When you are in tune with your entire being, you are more able to assist yourself in moving through your ascension process with ease and happiness. Thus you become intuitive to your spiritual, physical, emotional, mental and ascension needs.

The process of spiritual transformation within a physical body encourages you to trust your intuitive senses. By developing your intuitive senses to aid your own ascension, you become alert and aware of the transformations and positive transitions into greater light occurring within others and the entire Universe of the Creator. Thus, you become a powerful source of light assisting, supporting and encouraging the ascension of the entire Universe of the Creator.

A process of your transformation which occurs often is that new aspects of your soul download and ground into your being to merge with the aspect of your soul already present within your physical body. This means that the presence and influence of your soul becomes stronger within your being, new tools, skills and abilities develop, new passions and desires materialize leading you upon new pathways in your reality, and new wisdom or understanding dawns offering a clearer understanding of self and the Creator. For some people, new aspects of their soul can download every few weeks or months, for others, it can be every few years, depending on the mission of the soul and the focus or acceptance of the personality.

When a new aspect of your soul anchors, this often creates a shift or change in your being or reality which encourages you to let go of an aspect of yourself you are familiar with such as a perspective, habit or understanding. Frequently in order for the new aspect of your soul to enter a transition must take place where you let go of a perception of your identity which no longer serves you. This can be a challenging process especially if the physical body, personality or mind is resisting, unwilling to change or let go. Sometimes we are asked to let go of perceptions, ideas and aspects of ourselves that seem so familiar, which seem to describe who we are and are very much a beloved part of our existence. This can even manifest in your physical reality such as a beloved friend leaving, having to leave a home, job or area which you have enjoyed immensely, losing a precious object or even a part of your body. Often these transitions are so subtle that many people do not notice them and simply perceive them as a natural part of life. However, a perception, idea and understanding of yourself is lost, released and let go of to make space for the new aspect of your soul which will bring forth greater fulfilment and new perspectives. A grieving period may even take place which will allow for a deep cleansing to be experienced, a purging of the old to allow for a new perception, idea and understanding of self to dawn which is when you connect with and accept the new aspect of your soul. With the connection of the new aspect of your soul that was waiting to download you will experience a healing and renewal process allowing you to feel as if you are soaring high. This entire experience is a process of transformation, becoming more of the Creator’s light, love and wisdom upon the Earth.

If you are asked in your life to let go of something or someone, realise that not only new energy are entering into your life, a new aspect and level of your soul is grounding and awakening within you, ready to share all its insights, love and skills with you.

In these times with your intuitive senses, you will be able to comprehend that you require support and assistance.

‘Together with my guides, angels, healing and transformational team, I invite the most appropriate energies and frequencies of light to gently penetrate my entire being, anchoring all that I require to support me in letting go and releasing all that is no longer necessary, so I may accept a new aspect of my soul to merge with my physical being, becoming fully present with me now. I am ready to transform with ease and happiness. I invite my soul and soul group to support me now. Thank you.’

It is important to remember that your ascension process can be found in the subtle actions and reactions of your entire being, from your thoughts to your emotions. Even experiences within your physical reality or within your being which do not feel remotely connected to your ascension such as worry, exclusion, fear or anxiety, are keys that encourage you to continue forth, transforming and shifting into the light of the Creator, into your ascension.

Take notice of all that you are; the Creator is speaking to you, through you, guiding you to recognize and remember yourself once more as the light, truth and love of the Creator, and All That Is.

We the Arcturians are supporting the transformation of all upon the Earth. We are aiding you in understanding, experiencing, moving through and accepting each process of your transformation. We are sharing skills, wisdom and tools to encourage, enthuse and support all. Please call upon us for assistance, and we will come forth to share our energy, wisdom and understanding of transformation, as well as offering insights into your own transformation.

‘Arcturians, I call forth your loving, supportive energy to surround me completely. Assist me in gaining new understanding and wisdom concerning transformation and my own transformation process now. Surround me with your healing and inspirational light, love and consciousness as I inhale and accept all you wish to share with me. Thank you.’

In loving transformation,

The Arcturians


Winter Solstice Alignment ~ Dec. 18, 2016


The small always reflects the big, creation always follows repetitive patterns that mirror each other. Inside every body of every living being is a reflection of the whole Universe. Every star system, every galaxy, mirror these same patterns.


Every star is a heart, and every heart is a star. They are the centers of the torus energy fields, whether it is a human body, or a galaxy.


Stars and hearts are portals that connect to the Source, through which all the Light, all the life force, flows into the whole body. The physical heart inside the human body pumps blood throughout the body. The heart chakra pumps energy throughout the aura. The Galactic Central Sun pumps Light and Love throughout our whole galaxy.


This happens in a rhythmic way : just like your heart beat, the Central Sun has a heart beat, which happens every 25000 years. Right now we are in the middle of this heart beat, which lasts more or less 50 years, from 1975 to 2025. As a consequence, during this time frame, every winter solstice, our solar system is aligned in a straight line with the galactic plane and therefore the Galactic Central Sun. We therefore receive a flash of energy from the Central Sun every winter solstice.



We can use this to align ourselves with the Light, and let it flow throughout our solar system to help bring the Event.

So we can join together in this synchronized meditation at the exact time of the Winter Solstice : 10:44 GMT on December 21, 2016

(10:44 also happens to be a digital reference to 144, famous sacred number)


You can click here to get the exact time for your own time zone :


And you have a guided meditation with voice and music here :

Guidelines :1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

Related:  The Big Wave Of High Dimensional Frequencies Is Now Coming Through

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to trigger the Event.

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light coming from Source, through the Galactic Central Sun, and then through your soul star chakra and into your body, connecting to the center of Gaia, as you sing the mantra OM three times. Now visualize another pillar of brilliant white light rising from the center of Gaia through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Connect to the soul star chakras of every lightworker on the planet – calling to the higher selves of the 144,000 members of the Order of the Star to activate and awaken to their respective missions.

5. Connect to the soul star chakras of all the beings of light in our solar system and galaxy, including the Agarthans, the Ashtar Command, and the Galactic Confederation, who are all sending us so much light, so much guidance, and so much energetic support.

6. See this collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth’s Light Grid, anchoring itself into the Heart of Gaia, and connecting to the permanent light emanating from the core of the Earth. See this light spreading out along the energy grid on the surface of the Earth, and then see it continue to expand throughout the entire Solar System.

Related:  How Will Your Body Ascend During The Planetary Shift

7. Visualize this light dissolving all negative emotions and behaviors, bringing justice, truthfulness, and loving interactions between all the people living on the surface of the Earth.

8.Visualize the Goddess Do Mou descending through this pillar of light, bringing peace to humanity.

9. Visualize Full Disclosure and full information releases about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth through the mass media. Visualize the creation of the new fair financial system for everybody. Visualize First Contact with benevolent ET races. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth. Visualize every human being having contact once again with their spiritual families and guides.

Winter Solstice Global Meditation Dec. 21 [video]


A note from Nova Biscotti… 

Hello, I am Nova Biscotti. I have been working with Cobra, Prepare For Change, and also quietly doing work in the background to accelerate the creation of the new Financial System, Disclosure, and also First Contact.

As a show of solidarity among all persons who are blogging these days, I am asking roughly 70+ bloggers or other personalities to join in promoting this very important organized meditation on Wednesday, December 21 – the Winter Solstice:


Those whom I am working with are also trying to reach many bloggers with audiences both large and small. It is time for us to put aside our disagreements and unite together as one species; we must join together to promote a brighter future for our planet. It will only come through hard work and cooperation – I personally do not believe in ‘gifts’ or ‘free lunches’. At the same time, everyone on the planet deserves to be safe, free of mental and/or physical pain, have clean drinking water, nutritious food, and sturdy shelter from the elements.

It is my belief and personal experience that organized mass meditations help to re-wire the consciousness of humanity to be more peaceful, loving, and cooperative. It will also help to anchor an awareness and acceptance of the rapid/stunning changes to come.

If you are puzzled by the inclusion of ‘Dou Mu’ in the text above, I assure you there is a very good reason for that. There is some level of accuracy to the Wikipedia post below (despite their reputation for infiltration) – after all, her home planet is located in the direction of Ursa Major aka “The Big Dipper”:


Whether or not you agree with all of the text in the meditation, the team of people I am working with is asking all personalities and bloggers to view things from a higher perspective and support this given the importance of shared consciousness for humanity. The change of each season in an astronomical sense is important regarding the overall consciousness of our species – these moments have profound impacts on future developments.

If enough people participate willingly, we can accomplish amazing things for the future of our planet. In fact, if you’re willing to assist, I can do my best to promote future meditation efforts which may be near and dear to the hearts of each of you individually.

Out of respect of privacy, I’ve sent this Bcc to everyone. But I will do my best to faithfully and honorably answer any and all replies over the next few days.

Your cooperation and assistance at this time is most appreciated. May we all soon experience the future that is meant for our planet!


Nova Biscotti

Click this link for video instructions in languages besides English


for Wednesday, December 21st


It is time again for us to take action! On this coming Winter Solstice, we will join together to activate the grid of light for the planet – anchoring the energies of Ascension while stabilizing the consciousness of humanity to such an extent that the surface population is ready for the EVENT.

We will be doing this meditation collectively on the moment of the Winter Solstice at 10:44 UTC on December 21, 2016 (Note – this is equivalent to 10:44 AM GMT on the same date).  Click on the following link to convert this to your particular time zone:

A guided audio version of the meditation is posted on the Prepare For Change Community Connector (COEO) meditation page, and it is set to start playing automatically at the exact time of the meditation:

You can also find guided audio versions of the meditation (in different languages) on YouTube if you are unable to login to the Prepare For Change meditation page or if you prefer to listen in a different language.


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to trigger the Event.

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white light coming from Source, through the Galactic Central Sun, and then through your soul star chakra and into your body, connecting to the center of Gaia, as you sing the mantra OM three times. Now visualize another pillar of brilliant white light rising from the center of Gaia through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Connect to the soul star chakras of every lightworker on the planet – calling to the higher selves of the 144,000 members of the Order of the Star to activate and awaken to their respective missions.

5. Connect to the soul star chakras of all the beings of light in our solar system and galaxy, including the Agarthans, the Ashtar Command, and the Galactic Confederation, who are all sending us so much light, so much guidance, and so much energetic support.

6. See this collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth’s Light Grid, anchoring itself into the Heart of Gaia, and connecting to the permanent light emanating from the core of the Earth. See this light spreading out along the energy grid on the surface of the Earth, and then see it continue to expand throughout the entire Solar System.

7. Visualize this light dissolving all negative emotions and behaviors, bringing justice, truthfulness, and loving interactions between all the people living on the surface of the Earth.

8. Visualize the Goddess Do Mou descending through this pillar of light, bringing peace to humanity.

9. Visualize Full Disclosure and full information releases about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth through the mass media. Visualize the creation of the new fair financial system for everybody. Visualize First Contact with benevolent ET races. Visualize the Event taking place, finally liberating planet Earth. Visualize every human being having contact once again with their spiritual families and guides.

Victory of the Light!

Mary Magdalene ~ The End of The Third Dimension ~ October 15, 2016


Received by Mercedes Kirkel
In a Group Channeling Occasion

Question: In this time of turmoil and negative energy, fighting, killing, and what have you in the world, many times people feel anger or hate even, as a response to what’s going on. When you are affected directly or indirectly, that brings all kinds of emotions. What does Mary have to say about that and how can we deal with that?

Mary Magdalene: Thank you for this question because it is a very important one.

These events that are happening can be seen in many different ways. In one way, they are like a cleansing or a purification to bring out things, so that humans have an opportunity to make a different response. These things have always been going on, or for such a very long time that it may seem like always in your world. It is not new that these things are happening. It is new that they are being reported on a global level and you are hearing about things that you might not have heard about in the past. Because of technology and technological abilities that are available now, they are at times happening on a larger scale, and at times also happening across global borders. So this seems to be affecting you in a new way.

But truly these are things that have been going on for a great deal of the history of humanity in the third dimension. It is a history of power struggles, using power, misusing power, threatening people, indeed going beyond threatening people to harming people, as a way of acquiring power and achieving certain ends.

This is the beginning of the end of this kind of thing. It is the beginning of the end of the third dimension altogether. You could say that this beginning has been going on for quite a while. Yet in terms of the scale of history, it is still quite recent. Even that there are those who can imagine something different happening—this is still quite recent.

In fact, the movement is growing of those who are committed to an end of this way of interacting, this way of determining who has power and who claims the right and the power to have their way, this way of taking away power and rights from others.

Some of the unrest that is happening is a very good thing. It is a sign that there is a growing movement of people who are not accepting this, who are saying “no,” who do not want this. Those who are still trying to use those methods, especially those who have had power and are trying to hold on to their power, many are quite aware that this way is coming to an end. In some ways they are accelerating the use of this kind of force and the misuse of power, because on some level they are aware that they have already lost. So they have nothing to lose. In some ways they are trying to regain their power by upsetting people, disturbing people, and inciting people to have a reaction that causes them to join into the old ways, the old models, the old mind sets of violence, so they can claim whatever goal is desired.

For those who are on the path of light, the path of ascension and change and growing into the higher dimensions, the higher reaches of human evolution, it is up to you to not take the bait, to not be drawn into this fray. Maintain your connection to light and to love, and do not give these people the power to draw you out of that. You still may choose to take certain actions, but be very conscious of what those actions are. If your actions are simply a reaction drawing you into the same kind of violence and destruction of life, then those who initiated have won.

This is a hard-learned lesson for humanity, but it is the sign of the transformation that is going on. You are growing out of this old form, like a moth who has entered the chrysalis and is in the process of becoming a butterfly. You must understand that the ascension process is underway and cannot be stopped at this point. It is simply a question of who will be part of it.

There are those who do not choose to participate, and who do not wish others to know there is any such thing going on. They are doing everything in their power to reinforce the old ways, to distract people, and to attract people into their model. It is like a parting of the Red Sea in a certain way. It is the parting of those who are choosing the ascension path and those who are not yet ready. Those who are not yet ready have their own destiny. They will be served and attended to in the way that befits them and supports them in their process. They, too, are ascending at their own timing.

There are always multiple realities happening simultaneously. The reality being reported by your media, your news, is simply one reality. Oftentimes the media has a very specific agenda that they are promoting. That agenda has everything to do with moving people into fear.

Do what you need to do to maintain yourself in light and love. The more you do this the more your reality will be one of light and love, even as other realities are going on simultaneously. This is not to say that you lose compassion, that you lose your heart-openness and connection to people and what their reality is. Yet it is not necessary for you to assume another’s reality to have compassion and to have a heart connection to them. It is much better to maintain your own reality and allow them to be attracted into that, if that is truly a higher one of light and love.

Is there more about this you wish to understand?

Questioner: No. Thank you.

Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.

For those who are affected by violence, you can always send them your blessings and your love, your light. You can always ask your angels to bless them through their angels.

Also know that on some level they have agreed to participate in this way as part of the transformation that is underway, and that they are being helped in whatever way is for their highest good.

Thank you for your caring.

Questioner: Thank you.

©2016 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (
