November Ascension Energies ~ Separation and Unity ~ October 27, 2019

By: Jayme Price


As we move into the final quarter of 2019, the focus on Transcending Duality comes to the forefront. Here, we anchor the freedom (the over-arching energy of 2019 according to Areon) within that resides in that neutral point between two opposites.

October presented an opportunity to enhance our creativity with Life as we find the strength and compassion to expand into our true power—Love. Perhaps you felt the pull toward inner clarity of boundaries, outer clarity of focus and the need for independence and healthy interdependence.

October was a fast-paced energy, which ultimately Areon says will be the speed of it. When it feels like things are moving fast, it is ever more important to relax into the flow rather than trying to force it. As the spiraling speeds towards the center, relaxing into the flow helps you move through it better.


For November’s path of Transcending Duality, I was shown the energy of moving from Separation to Unity. Separation is how our physical senses create this experience. We are in separate bodies having separate perspectives. Yet, it’s only part of the story.

We are also connected, of course—from our DNA in family to the family of humanity to Earth family. In order to truly have Unity, it begins within. It is an empowered state of being within that creates interactions (connecting) from mutual respect rather than deception, greed and overpowering.

Separation is merely subtle information of self that distorts or disharmonizes the flow of information within, which can create an experience of confusion, fear or pain to name a few. It never truly disconnects, full/absolute separation does not occur. The work then is to reconnect the aspects of self that have “separated” because of fear and denial.

I was shown that separation has become an addiction, something that many are not in control of choices around because the denial of the unconscious is strong and the power of our subtle bridge is misunderstood. As we learn to work with the rules of the subtle realm, in addition to rules of the physical realm—where we are most practiced because of our physical senses.

As we lean into our natural multidimensionality, we begin to balance both the physical and non-physical (most directly our thoughts and emotions) into the full flow of creation, which is the engine of duality. However, when we utilize both we don’t polarize from one or the other, we neutralize into connection of both creating new form. Like the subatomic model.


November will ask us to look within and heal separation so that our unified field has its full power of flow. Your resonance, a subtle realm rule, will lead your experience into more creative Love. When the loving ones are empowered, the interactions will have a deep intent of Love. It is the natural evolution, all leads back to Love, the energy of connection.

As you look inward through November, and continue finding more unconditional Love within, you are (re)discovering your innate divinity and strengthening your sacred flow into this world. Rather than separating from empowerment, November, the month of 11.11, calls you to unify the self into your mastery.

As you observe separation, seek a thought or feeling (your subtle bridge) that creates connection within you. As you observe unity, seek a thought or feeling that amplifies connection within you. Take your power, which your inner realm focus. This propels the October energy of Creative Love into your experience.

Happy November & 11/11!


Archangel Michael ~ The Frequency is Gold, New Earth Energies Dec 2018-Jan 2019 ~ December 17, 2018

A Channelled Message From Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn


Solar Wings

Beloved Family of Light, in this month of December 2018 and into January 2019, your Earth is making major shifts and adjustments in Frequency as it begins to anchor the Frequency of the Gold Ray.

The Sun has been assisting with this frequency shift, and the intense Solar activity of the last six months has been assisting in recalibrating the frequency of the Earth and allowing this new frequency to settle and anchor.

Now, in this month of December, you are completing the work of 2018 and beginning a new path of Manifestation and Abundance. In this message we will discuss first the shift from 2018 to 2019, and the powerful energy of the 12/12 and the Solstice, and then we will look at the incoming energies of 2019 and the role of the Crystal Children who are becoming young adults.

2018 : The Year of Transcending Duality

In December of 2017, the Earth began her New Cycle of Time as the “New Earth”, and now in December of 2018 you will be given the opportunity to enter into your Mastery of Light by transcending duality in your life and anchoring the Gold Ray of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

This has been why it has been such a difficult year for so many of you. At every level and at every moment you have been asked to make choices in your lives. Will you react in the old ways of duality, or will you transcend this and choose to find a path of reconciliation, compassion and love.

For many of you, this new path has been difficult, for the path of love often starts with self love and with learning to say “no” when necessary. So many of you have had to learn to make space for yourselves and to say “no” to things that no longer work for you or perhaps never really worked for you.

This has been uncomfortable as you have slowly learned to transcend duality and conflict and rise into the frequency of integration and complementarity.

You have had to learn to make choices and to be responsible for those choices as true Warriors of the Light.

But, the rewards have also been great. As you have reached into yourselves, into your hearts and souls, and into love, you have also transcended pain and suffering and moved into Joy and Peace.

The long journey of many lifetimes is nearing its end as you begin to adjust and settle into the Frequency of Gold and the Christ Consciousness. This is a place of Harmony, Unity and Peace, a place of Abundance and Joy.

It is the frequency of knowing that anything is possible and probable, and that you are empowered to create the life you desire.

The Golden Wave 12/12 and 21/12

The final “shift” into the Golden Frequency is being powered by a Wave of Golden Light. This commences with the 12/12 portal and will culminate on the 21/12 at the December Solstice.

In these ten days, the Light will continue to rise and you will certainly feel the effects on all levels of your being.

You may feel filled with Joy and Light. But, you may also feel awkward and uncomfortable in your body. Your cells are vibrating at an accelerated frequency, and you may again find yourself experiencing “ascension symptoms” that make you feel physically and emotionally uncomfortable.

This process will culminate or peak on the 21st of December at the Solstice, when the energies of Renewal and Rebirth will be strongest. The Earth will align with the Galactic Center and a strong wave of Diamond Light will also assist to lift the Frequency of the Planet.

Then, from the 21st to the 31st December, the Earth will be integrating the new frequencies. This may also be a volatile time as the New Energies and the Gold Frequency is anchored in the Earth Grids.

Then, finally, on the 1/1/2019, the process will be completed.

The Incoming Energies of 2019 and the Role of the Crystal Children

In 2019, the Earth will be anchored in the Fifth Dimension and will be vibrating at the frequency of the Gold Ray of the Christ Consciousness.

This frequency of the Christ Consciousness will initiate a powerful surge of awakening on the Earth. People will be awakening at a very rapid rate, and you will have much work to guide and assist them in this process if that is your mission.

But, you will also find that those who cannot raise their frequencies to the Gold Frequency will fall into stress and anxiety and despair, and will only be able to see the chaos and disintegration of the old energy grid.

But, Beloved Family, you will have powerful helpers in this year, not only in the Angelic Realms, but also in the Crystal Children who came to the Earth with the express mission of anchoring the Christ Consciousness on the Planet.

The first Crystal Children began arriving on the Earth in the early 1990s, and these beings are now moving into their early twenties. They came with their Light Bodies fully “wired” and ready to accept the Christ Consciousness energy and the Gold Frequency. In 2019, they will be “switching on” and helping to raise the frequency and anchor the Gold Ray on the Earth.

These Crystal Beings are powerful Warriors of the Heart, and they were born for this moment! They are young men and women who are ready to step forward and let their Light shine on the Earth.

And so, Beloved Family of Light, 2019 will be the year in which the Gold Frequency is anchored on the Earth, the Diamond Light is received and the Crystal Awakening occurs. These are indeed exciting times for all of you!

We wish you much Joy and Light in these shining times of Light!
