Daily Astrology~December 15th, 2018: A Test of Faith ~ December 15, 2018

By Nadia Gilchrist

  • First Quarter Square between the Pisces Moon and Sagittarius Sun (23 deg)
  • Ceres in Scorpio square Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius (14 deg)

The First Quarter Square can raise difficult issues as belief clashes with faith and disillusionment undermines trust. The Sag Sun is about striving for the future where there’s hope but the Pisces Moon can trigger loss of momentum or questions about what’s real/true.

And yet, the crisis of this square demands action- you have to move forward while altering your course based on the questions that come up.

Adding to the tension, Ceres/Lilith pits the Great Mother against the Witch/Outsider. Ceres in Scorpio’s deep nurturing clashes with BML in Aquarius’ disruption and detachment. Ceres is the intensely nurturing (and controlling) embrace while Black Moon Lilith looks out for herself and her freedom. You may be confronting this dynamic in your life as you consider the limits of how you can nurture/control versus liberation. Or, perhaps you need to come in from the cold and look at what/who needs your care.

As this takes place during the First Quarter Square, you know you’ll have to do something – use the crisis as motivation to make the necessary changes. This is your test of faith.
