Intuitive Astrology: Leo Season 2019 ~ July 19, 2019

By Tanaaz

Welcome to Leo Season!

The Sun moves into the fiery sign of Leo on July 22nd until August 23, 2019. During this period, the Universe will be inviting us to find our inner power and strength through relaxing and having fun!

What makes you feel powerful? What helps you tune into the inner lion or lioness within?

While hardships and struggles can make us stronger, we feel true power when we are happy.

When we are in a relaxed and happy state, we feel confident, loving, open, and ready to take on whatever the world brings our way.

In that moment when we are laughing or experiencing real joy, all our worries melt away and no pain can touch us.

Under the energy of Leo Season, the Universe is reminding us that there is a strength and power in joy that can lift us up, inspire us, motivate us, and heal us. 

So many of us feel disheartened about what we see in the world. So many of us get caught up in the struggle of day to day living. While we all have to deal with the heavy realities of life, we have to be mindful of not allowing them to beat us down.

Leo Season beckons us to take a break from our pain and suffering and to instead, go out into the world and find joy again, find our motivation again, find our heart and soul again.

While the Leo Sun in July 2019 will be helping us to heal from the Eclipses, the Leo Sun in August 2019 is much brighter and our chance to lighten the loads on our backs and on our hearts.

August Leo Season is a time to relax and find the fun and romance! Take a vacation or weekend getaway, start a new class, go on a romantic date, or do something you have always talked about doing.

Inspire yourself. Invite love and relaxation in. Fall in love with your life again. For when you do, you will feel powerful, strong, and motivated to move through not only the rest of the year, but the rest of your life.

There is a big wide world out there to see and billions of people to meet, to love, and to learn from. While it’s easy to get focused on the tragedies and terrors of what happens in this world, we have to also remember to focus on the beauty that Mother Earth and humanity has to offer.

When we look for it, we will find it, for what we focus on expands, what we think and feel radiates around us. This radiating energy is our vibration, and our vibration shapes how we view our reality.

When we focus on love and joy, our vibration lifts and expands. We become more powerful, we become stronger, we become more confident, and we can find the strength to lead the life of our dreams.

When we focus on destruction, chaos, pain, and suffering, our vibration shrinks and dims and we slowly get beaten down by life. We feel helpless, fearful, and we lose hope that tomorrow can be brighter. 

Venturing into this state is part of the human condition, but if you have been hanging out here too long, and feeling sucked dry by what is going on in the world around you or even inside your home, this Leo Season is your chance to push it to the side, and to give yourself permission to focus on joy. 

Let the joy in. Let the light in. And just like the lion, become the King or Queen of your own domain. 

You are a co-creator on this journey, and what you choose to create all starts with how you choose to see the world. So, focus on what you want, focus on raising your joy levels higher, and watch how things shift. Watch how your being can become a vehicle for peace on Earth. 

The sign of Leo also rules over the heart chakra and by making time to rest and relax, and opening to joy, we can strengthen the energy and aura of our heart. 

With a strong heart, there is very little we can’t achieve. With a strong heart, we can remain tuned in and connected but also present with our lives and the world around us.

Under the Leo Sun, invite joy, confidence, and love into your life through positive action, elevating your thinking, and making time to relax and unwind. 

Keep it simple, keep it light, and use the lion as your spirit animal to guide you through the season. 


2019 is Preparing us for a Wave of Ascension Energy in 2020 ~ May 16, 2019

By Tanaaz

2020 carries some of the most potent cosmic energy we have seen in a long time and this is mainly due to the alignment of Pluto and Saturn, which peaks in January 2020.

The alignment of these two planets is going to set the tone for the entire year and our soul, along with Planet Earth is going to be learning how to harmonize with this ultra potent energy.

There are so many significant alignments and transits happening in 2020, however in this article, I want to focus more on how 2019 is preparing us for this new wave of energy.

What is coming in 2020 feels like a huge opportunity to ascend into higher levels of consciousness. The vibration of the planet is going to be shifting and rising, and as this energy draws closer, our spiritual growth will be accelerated.

This is a huge ascension and awakening process, but like all processes of moving into the light, there has to be some darkness as well.

2020 is not necessarily about wading through the darkness in order to “fix” it, instead it is about rising above it. It is about raising ourselves so high that the darkness has no choice but to fall away.

The darkness is too heavy to carry into this new wave of being, so we have to unpack and let it go, in order to harmonize with the planet and the cosmos. And, the time to begin shedding, assessing, and evaluating is in 2019, for when 2020 rolls around, the time to rise would have already begun.

Now is the time to release, now is the time to unpack, now is the time to think about what you can shed and let go of in order to move into the new, and many of the cosmic alignments in 2019 are pointing to this.

If we take the first five months of 2019 so far, we can see a pattern emerging. From January to May, time has been speeding up as we have experienced a string of potent Full Moons.

In January we had a Blood Moon Eclipse, followed by a trio of Super Moons. We also had two Full Moons falling in the same sign back to back, and a Seasonal Blue Moon.

All of these unusual Full Moons reveal a deeper theme from the Universe. We are being called to release, we are being called to let go, and this process is being accelerated.

While it’s always a good idea to release the things that weigh us down and hold us back, this is not just about releasing your old boyfriend or your negative self-talk. This is deeper and perhaps you have been feeling it as 2019 moves further along.

Under this energy, we are slowly being called to shed and peel back the layers of society and of life as we know it.

This is about allowing everything you know to crumble. This is about surrendering to all that you think you are and all that you have been. This is about letting go of not just your past but also your future.

This is about shedding and releasing everything you have ever believed, desired, dreamed, or wanted. This is about total surrender.

Everything is up for questioning. Everything is up for review. Everything you ever thought or believed in is going to be challenged. Some things will stick, some things will remain the same, but others will have to be shed, released, transformed, and done away with.

Who you thought you were is changing, and the world is changing too.

Whatever is brewing in 2020 is not happening overnight. These changes, these upgrades, these waves of energy have been bubbling in the undercurrent of our lives, and while we may not see the full outcome or direction till 2020, we are being prepped right now.

The most significant months for this preparatory work come in March 2019, September-October 2019, and in December 2019. These are the months to pay close attention and to see where you are being called to change, to release, to awaken, and to step into more of your authentic self.

These are the months where you will be able to get a small taste of what is to come on both a global and personal level.

While we are being called to empty ourselves, so too is Planet Earth. We may see changes in the economy, in government and politics, and the environment. We may also see changes in how we approach love, motivation, fame, and success as a society.

As Saturn and Pluto are the main players in this energy, we may also see issues arise when it comes to power, structure, and order.

While I don’t believe its entirely possible to predict what is exactly going to happen on a political or global level, we can look to the past to help us see what has happened under similar astrological alignments.

2020’s energy is unique, but if we look back through world events, a common thread seems to be an abuse of power, whether this is through wars, recessions, or revolutions.

While an “abuse of power” can manifest in many different ways and can even take on different meanings, this is a classically what we have seen.

While there may be an abuse of power in some capacity or issues relating to an abuse of power, it also means that there is a change of power in the works as well.

When abuse comes into play, it is only a matter of time before something is done to change, correct, or fix the situation, and hopefully, in this case, it can be resolved for the better.

The alignments of 2020 will trickle into 2021, so who knows when we will see the major changes manifest, but the effects of whatever happens is likely to be long-lasting.

While we may see things playing out on the world stage that is of concern, on an energetic level, this is a time where we can really ascend and separate ourselves from the heaviness of the old ways of thinking.

This is a time where we can lift ourselves up, not to be free of darkness necessarily, but so we can enter into a lighter and more authentic state of being.

A channelled message from my heart to yours:

Rise up, rise up. This our time to shine. Your soul was destined to be on this Earth at this time for these waves of ascension. You knew it was coming and you are ready for this. Keep lifting yourself higher, keep accepting and owning yourself, for that is key.

Lifting higher is not about removing all negativity and never making a mistake, it is about being real. It is about owning the human experience in all its many facets.

Own the good stuff and the bad, know that life is just a game to be had. There really is no beginning or end, life is not all there is, but for the short time that we are here, it is our duty to make the best of it, the most of it, and to honor it for all it can do.

Life in all its definitions brings amazing things to this world and to the next, so get living.


Intuitive Astrology: February Super Full Moon 2019 ~ February 14, 209

By Tanaaz

The Full Moon on February 19th falls in the earth sign of Virgo and is the strongest Super Moon of the year.

Super Moons occur when the Moon is closer to Earth, and on February 19th, the Moon will be at its closest point all year.

We will see the Moon shining big and bright in the sky, and we will also feel the energetic effects and pull of the Moon vibrating at the depths of our soul.

This Super Full Moon is also potent as it falls at zero degrees of Virgo. Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities. Zero is the blank canvas of all creation, signaling that this Full Moon is really going to offer infinite potential.

February’s Full Moon is going to help us realize our potential and also the potential around us, it is also going to open us, broaden our horizons, and encourage us to open our minds and hearts to something beyond our current reality.

Since the January Eclipses, things have been shaken for many people. Perhaps your path suddenly changed or perhaps you simply started seeing things in a different light, causing you to change your attitude, beliefs, or life direction.

Life always has a way of pulling us in different directions. These directions may not always be rosy, but somewhere deep inside, we have to trust that whatever we experience is here to lift us higher, to open our hearts, and to help us to grow.

What the human mind may perceive as terrible or annoying, our soul may be rejoicing at the lessons we get to learn, the emotional range we get to experience, and the life changing wisdom we get to acquire.

Looking at the world through our higher mind definitely gives us a new perspective, and allows us to see beyond our own egos.

The light of this Full Moon is going to be so strong, and the pull of its energy is going to be intense that we will have no other choice but to open up.

The contents of our lives will be released and exposed, we will be cut open, and free to see what is really brewing on the inside.

This exposure and release can happen on a mind, body, spirit level or on a combination of all three.

On a mental level, this Full Moon is going to be exposing all that we need to release and let go of. While this is typical for most Full Moons, on this Virgo Moon we are specifically going to be encouraged to let go of repetitive thoughts, over-thinking, worries, and fears of the future.

To help us with this, the Universe may stir some of our core fears, or agitate some of our beliefs in order to help bring awareness and exposure to them.

Most of us have fear lurking in the corner of our minds and hearts and, while this is part of our human experience, the more conscious we can become of our fear, the more it helps us to know when it is driving our decisions or when it is simply in the background as a way to protect us.

Fear can be healthy in reasonable doses, but most of us are over-driven with fear, which keeps us stuck in repetitive patterns and in a lower vibrational state.

On this Full Moon, work on becoming aware of your fears. Acknowledge them. Stand them down. Pierce them with your gaze straight to their core, for doing so will loosen their grip on your life.

Sometimes, all you have to do is become aware of where you are operating with fear and the rest will follow.

The Universe is saying to you- release the fears that hold you back and bond you to these earthly illusions. On the other side of your fear is everything you have ever wanted, everything you have ever dreamed of. Your fears are not to be ignored, but rather they are to be challenged. Rise up to them, for you are strong enough, and the power of this Moon will be helping you.

On a physical level, this Full Moon may also put a spotlight on your health. If you have not been looking after yourself, or if you have been ignoring any lingering symptoms, it is going to be important to take action around this Full Moon.

Self-care is always so important, but on this Full Moon we really have to pay attention and look after our physical bodies as much as possible. A huge part of this is also practicing self-love, and accepting our bodies no matter what, even if we are faced with illness or dis-ease.

Our bodies are the vessel that we have chosen to carry our soul through this earthly journey. The shape of our body, the state of our body is the perfect vessel for the lessons and growth that our soul is here to do. Honor your body, honor any perceived flaws, and know that you are perfect.

Allow the light of the Moon to shine down on your face and soak up the healing vibes it emits. Allow the light of the Moon to beam straight into your core, so it can recharge your energy centers, awaken your soul, and revitalize your body.

On the deepest soul level, this Full Moon is helping to awaken our potential within. This Full Moon is helping to crack us open so we can see beyond our beliefs and into a new reality.

We perceive our reality to be a solid, three-dimensional world, but for those who have expanded their mind and awareness, it is easy to see that there are dimensions beyond this, life beyond this, and realms beyond this.

Life is not only what we see, there is an unseen world too, and if you open to the Moon’s energy, if you allow its light to shine straight through your soul, you will be able to awaken this awareness and see that life can be imagined and lived in far more detail, in far more vivid color, and with far more magic.

Using the energy of the Moon and your own intuition, try out my Full Moon Reading and see what messages the Universe has for you.


Intuitive Astrology Forecast for February 2019 ~ We Can Do Anything ~ January 30, 2019

By Tanaaz

Intuitive Astrology Forecast for February~January was a month of new beginnings. We had two intense Eclipses and a lot of forward moving energy, encouraging us to clear space so we can go after our dreams.

A lot of change and upheaval may have also come our way, and as February begins, we may still feel like we are trying to figure out what direction the year of 2019 is going to lead us in.

The energy from January’s Blood Moon Eclipse will still be felt as we move through the month, however its effects will fade into the background come the end of February.

February is a number 2 month which signifies duality, partnership, and joining forces with others. February is going to carry these themes, and will help us to continue building a solid foundation towards the direction of our higher path.

The month kicks off with a glittering New Moon on the 4th in the sign of Aquarius. This is a gorgeous New Moon that is going to bring some welcome relief, especially since the Blood Moon Eclipse.

This New Moon is one of the best this year, and has so much positivity and abundance attached to it. We are definitely going to feel our spirits lifted and far more hopeful about what the future has in store for us.

The Universe is really going to be supporting us and we are going to feel a sense of lightness move in around us. This is also a highly innovative New Moon, and we may feel encouraged to get out of our comfort zones and into unchartered territory.

The February New Moon holds lots of promise and opportunity, and we should definitely make the most of it by setting intentions, getting clear on what we want, and not being afraid to take that leap.

To help embrace this beautiful energy coursing throughout the month, try my cosmic guided meditation.

One of the most notable events of the year also happens in February on the 18th, with the move of Chiron into Aries. This is a huge cosmic shift that is going to open a new cycle of change and awakening for us all.

On the same day, the Sun shifts into the sign of Pisces, which is the final sign of the zodiac. This means we are going to begin wrapping up the themes and lessons we have been working with since March of 2018.

The next day on February 19th, we have a Super Full Moon in the sign of Virgo. This is a potent Full Moon and will help us to digest and process where we currently stand so we can purge and let go.

This Full Moon may also bring health issues to the surface, so if there is something troubling you or some nagging symptoms, the Full Moon will help to draw the information you need to the surface.

February is a wonderful time to focus on self-love and self-care and the Virgo Full Moon will ensure that we are doing just that.

If you have not been looking after your needs, you may find that this Full Moon brings a wake up call, so be sure to pay attention to the signs and clues of the Universe and to take rest if needed.

Overall, February is an uplifting month where we can continue to forge ahead with confidence. We still have no planets in retrograde, which will be fuelling our momentum and keeping us on track and motivated.

By listening to our inner-wisdom and looking after our bodies, minds, and souls, we can do anything.


Intuitive Astrology, Sagittarius Season 2018 ~ Returning to the Light ~ November 23, 2018

By Tanaaz

The Sun in Sagittarius is a light, happy, and free-flowing placement. It signifies a time of openness, freedom, and expansion.

For the last month, the Sun has been traveling through the water sign of Scorpio. Scorpio has an intense energy to it that helps us to uncover painful truths and the things that make us feel most uncomfortable.

During Scorpio Season, we were challenged to enter into the darkness and make peace with what we found. Now, on the 22nd of November, the Sun leaves Scorpio and enters the 9th sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a fire sign and helps to bring a wave of new energy. The Sun in Sagittarius symbolizes a lighter time and a time where we can enjoy and bask in the glow of our hard work.

While Scorpio Season wanted us to get comfortable in the dark, Sagittarius Season is about returning to the light. We have done the work, we have learned to get comfortable with the uncomfortable, and now we have a new found freedom, and a new found lease on life.

This firey Sagittarius energy helps to ignite our feeling of passion and adventure, and helps us to move through the world with a pep in our step. We have made it through. We have survived all of our darkest days, and now it’s time to celebrate.

Sagittarius Season is about finding the joy and lightness again and seeking new adventures. It is time for us to create a new comfort zone, and to take our newly gained strength and put it to good use.

Under this energy, we are going to be guided to take that leap of faith, to step out the old and onto the road less traveled. We are going to be guided to go after our dreams, goals, and wishes, and to not hold ourselves back from doing the things we want to do.

Sagittarius Season is an adventurous time, a time where we can explore, try something new, and not hold ourselves back. Sagittarius season is a time to expand our horizons and to view our lives from a more open point of view.

Under this energy, we may feel inspired to travel, push ourselves, break down some barriers, and just go after what it is that we desire. We may feel inspired to speak our truth, do what we want, wear what we want, and reveal our true selves to the world without the need for masks.

Sometimes we fall into the trap of worrying too much about what other people think of us. Sometimes we hold ourselves back out of fear of what people will say. Sometimes we play small as we are afraid of allowing ourselves to truly shine.

Under this Sagittarius energy, we are going to be encouraged to let all of that go. We are going to be encouraged to throw our hands up in the air and release all of the things that keep us weighted down and restricted.

There is a book by Mark Manson called, “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck”, and that’s exactly what Sagittarius Season will be helping us to do.

Embrace this energy. Choose what you care about wisely. Trust and allow things to be as they are. Celebrate you and all of your achievements. Be proud of who you are and who you are becoming.

We spend so much time shaming and doubting ourselves. We spend so much time wishing things to be different and feeling defeated when life doesn’t go the way we planned.

But, if we can use this Sagittarius Season energy that is on offer to us, we can clear these beliefs, and find the freedom to just be ourselves.
