The March Event: Gateway of Divine Will ~ March 16, 2018

Ok folks, here we go! Although I slept for 9 1/2 hours last night, throughout all day today, I have been sleepy and kind of “out of it” with a subliminal headache.  So…I will honor my body and now lay down and read, and then…sleep a bit more!

Extremely intense energies are flooding the Earth right now and the best way to deal with this time right NOW is to simply relax and let your body “do” whatever it needs to do. Sandra Walter explains what is happening, and why while providing an excellent run down of what to expect over the next few days of spiritual significance, so please read this article, honor your body, witness the process, and…


Sandra Walter – Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Empaths, Sensitives and Gatekeepers have seen and felt this for months: The Big Thing happening mid-March. Here we glow.

March 15-17 has been on our Gatekeeper radar since last December. This presented as an alignment of Cosmic Stargates, interacting with Solaris (the SUN) and enveloping Gaia in the consciousness-shifting, veil-dissolving frequencies. A complete infusion of high-frequency energies unlike anything that has come before.

While this passage (March 15 – 22) is critical to those on the path of Ascension, it is part of our Divine Service to anchor, amplify and distribute these dramatically different light codes, harmonics, rays and New Earth experiences and Primary Christed Timelines into the collective consciousness.

The message is direct: This Gateway alignment will set off a series of waves, dramatically increasing the flickering, flashing, dimensional-barrier-dissolving, consciousness-expanding light. The intensity and uniqueness of this influx presents in a completely new way, triggering consciousness-shifting energies on both cellular and lightbody levels. Anxiety is common as Unity Consciousness is a collective feeling activity. Your body and lightbody are experiencing a whole new range of DNA activations as these frequencies activate 13th and 14th strand 5D levels, as well as 7D and 9D 144 strand and 244 strand patterning (multidimensional strands.)

Lightbody Changes: Upgrading for the New Light Level

Our recent Lightbody upgrades have enabled us to accommodate this next level of Light. Heart centers, the three levels of crowns, and Solar plexus have been active, since they support the next level of Ascension Embodiment. Your Light signature is also purifying, Divinitizing to enable the New Earth experience as the dominant reality. No more distorted illusion at this level; the purified geometry of the new crystalline structure may present in vision.

The bizarre and strong activations within the crystalline Lightbody over the last few weeks were direct preparation for this influx. We can feel it in our activations as the collective and personal trajectories shift. Some will be transforming to Lightbody level this year, a decision made at OverSoul level. That process is a deep remembering, activated by the release of ancient codes through Gaia herself.

We continue to activate and distribute these ancient codes within Gaia. The codes do not operate like a collective all-on or all-off switch. Information is interpreted differently in every vessel’s DNA, directed by the free will of each unique expression of consciousness. However, global revelation of higher levels of consciousness is on track. We receive the pure photonic light available in this area of space, which un-veils collective and personal darkness – as well as Pure LoveLight.

Related:  The 11:11 Doorway: Heading In & Out

Choose your focus wisely. Remember that focus on darkness keeps it running in the collective consciousness. Time to create the New, or at least your highest vision for HUmanity, rather than marinating in the flotsam of the old paradigm.

Preparation:  We are ready.  Call it Forth.

Many of you received the message to be as calm, rested and focused as possible for this month’s changes. I just returned from four days of restful retreat by the Ocean, which had to be complete by the 12th. Allow yourself to breathe and feel the Divine Will of this wave’s intent. It has a significant effect on crystalline Beingness, accessed through the Heart.

Keep in heart that these frequencies amplify everything. They turn up the volume on every thought, word, emotion and intention. This is when the refinements in global clearing occur, as requested by the awakened collective. Stay in a neutral and pure heart-space, remembering that Unity Consciousness is your safe place. Divine Service is as Divine Service does.

Fears, doubts and emotional instability are amplified, as are Pure Heart Creations of New Earth. Choose wisely, the amplification will get quite intense. You can shift anything in the Now moment. If you find your self swayed into fearful thoughts or emotions, this is your self-empowerment challenge. Step up into your Creator Beingness.

If you have a wide-open Divinitized heart, this amplification is going to be a brilliant, blissful and expansive new experience. Embodiers, this is when we shine. Expect the unexpected, as the global trajectories will shift on behalf of all concerned. To my consciousness, this is a passage of meditation, prayer, cleansing, highest trajectory choices, creativity, and total surrender in the moment.

Staying Aligned with Highest Trajectories

Recent messages and team meetings are indicating the enormity of this event. Even my dreams about this have been lucid and prophetic. We continue to call this forth as a palpable, positive global shift in consciousness for all concerned. At this juncture, we step into our Creator State and move forward with the highest of highs. All focus goes to the LoveLight of highest outcomes. Period.

Related:  10 Major Differences Between 3D, 4D and 5D State of Consciousness

Our Inner Work: Questions to Assist with Focus

  • What is Divine Love asking of you in this Now?
  • How is your unique expression of Source changing? Witness this, feel this. Meditate on it.
  • Light-ground your experience (Write, Create) as we go through this influx. It will assist with collective clarity and calm as this unusual experience unfolds. Many are not able to identify what they are feeling.
  • What are your Higher levels requesting you to do in this Now? Notice the changes in trajectory, rather than repeating the familiar. All is changing to accommodate the Primary Christed Timeline experience.
  • Whatever provides heart-based clarity, joy, balance, calm, healthy energetic and emotional support – do it Now.

It may be helpful to drop extraneous/unnecessary tasks for the rest of the month. Let go of anxieties or worries about how Gaia or HUmans will handle the light, and envision global positive change. Live it, Feel it, Be it. All creations are amplified; use it for the good work.

Forgiveness is a huge part of revelation; it truly reveals your heart coherence. Grant clemency to all of the past, including yourself. We are brand new each moment. Match that vibration. This is New, Pure Light to work with; harmonize with it, co-create with it. Be in that space. Prepare your internal and external temple, clean your home and consciousness. The Christed State sheds material baggage; give away what is no longer needed.

The Experience is the Experience

A large group participated in New Earth timeline work at the Conscious Media Festival. We guided a New Earth Experience, utilizing pure Co-Creation for three timeline outcomes, each progressively more expansive. While this was a strong precursor to the upcoming influx, it also demonstrated how these energies may be experienced by the collective.

Some wept with freedom as pure joy turned on their DNA. Some went direct and unified with their Higher levels, Some had difficulty letting go of doubt, or were shy about feeling themselves as Source. Timeline work takes complete dedication; In the absence of doubt, we are all God.

Regardless of the level of consciousness, the final highest experience was palpable, and sent waves of New HUman creation rippling out through the field. It felt like sealing the deal; a Divine YES to the upcoming influx.

Related:  Beyond the Crossing: Remote Viewing the Planet X Binary and Trinary System

For the Beloved ones going all-in, this is a Divine initiation to a new level of Self-Realization. Let us unify for maximum amplification. We are ready, let us have our accelerated Ascension.

Light Tribe: This is a huge opportunity, let us Unify.

Here is our Higher level overview:

March 15-17: Cosmic Stargate alignment, opening the Solar and Gaia Gateways. Beloveds with skills, please participate. It might feel a bit Epic.
March 17: New Moon 6:14am PT. Gates open. Calling in Highest timelines for all concerned.
March 18 SUNday Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5;11pm Pacific Time. You know what happens in these sessions; start feeling what is possible as this influx enters on the same day as our meditations. Call everyone available to participate; Unity is our Safe Haven, and our strength.
March 18-20: Influx intensifies via the SUN (Solaris) BEFORE EQUINOX. Solar flashing, flickering activity may be witnessed in the etheric as well as the physical; stronger than previous flashing activity we have seen. Do not hide from these light codes. Breathe. Stabilize. All is well.
Tuesday, March 20 at 9:15am PT: Equinox – Wayshower Global anchoring.
March 21 – April 7: Strong Transitional Embodiment phase for those integrating the multidimensional 5D-7D-9D Lightbody through the physical. Keep focused on highest trajectories for all concerned.

May all of creation be Blessed by our Unity

Gratitude to all who are overriding and overwriting the lower realities each moment with your love, dedication and pure Service. We see you, we feel you. We love you, we bless you, we thank you.

May all of Creation be blessed, renewed and purified into Divine Beingness by this Divine Light. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.

In Love, Light and Service,

Written by Sandra Walter and originally published at and Syndicated by Ascension Energies Media

“The Big March Event: Gateway of Divine Will” ~ March 13, 2018

The Big March Event: Gateway of Divine Will by Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Empaths, Sensitives and Gatekeepers have seen and felt this for months: The Big Thing happening mid-March. Here we glow.

March 15-17 has been on our Gatekeeper radar since last December. This presented as an alignment of Cosmic Stargates, interacting with Solaris (the SUN) and enveloping Gaia in the consciousness-shifting, veil-dissolving frequencies. A complete infusion of high-frequency energies unlike anything that has come before.

While this passage (March 15 – 22) is critical to those on the path of Ascension, it is part of our Divine Service to anchor, amplify and distribute these dramatically different light codes, harmonics, rays and New Earth experiences and Primary Christed Timelines into the collective consciousness.

The message is direct: This Gateway alignment will set off a series of waves, dramatically increasing the flickering, flashing, dimensional-barrier-dissolving, consciousness-expanding light. The intensity and uniqueness of this influx presents in a completely new way, triggering consciousness-shifting energies on both cellular and lightbody levels. Anxiety is common as Unity Consciousness is a collective feeling activity. Your body and lightbody are experiencing a whole new range of DNA activations as these frequencies activate 13th and 14th strand 5D levels, as well as 7D and 9D 144 strand and 244 strand patterning (multidimensional strands.)

Lightbody Changes: Upgrading for the New Light Level

Our recent Lightbody upgrades have enabled us to accommodate this next level of Light. Heart centers, the three levels of crowns, and Solar plexus have active, since they support the next level of Ascension Embodiment. Your light signature is also purifying, Divinitizing to enable the New Earth experience as the dominant reality. No more distorted illusion; the purified geometry of the crystalline structure may present in vision.

The bizarre and strong activations to the crystalline Lightbody over the last few weeks were direct preparation for this influx. We can feel it in our activations as the collective and personal trajectories shift. Some will be transforming to Lightbody level this year, a decision made at OverSoul level. That process is a deep remembering, activated by the release of ancient codes through Gaia herself.

While we continue to activate and distribute these ancient codes from Gaia herself, the codes do not operate like a collective on or off switch. Information is interpreted differently in every vessel’s DNA, directed by the free will of each unique expression of consciousness. However, global revelation of higher levels of consciousness is on track. We receive the pure photonic light available in this area of space, which un-veils collective and personal darkness – as well as Pure LoveLight.

Choose your focus wisely. Remember that focus on darkness keeps it running in the collective consciousness. Time to create the New, or at least your highest vision for HUmanity, rather than marinating in the flotsam of the old paradigm.

Preparation:  We are ready.  Call it Forth.

Many of you received the message to be as calm, rested and focused as possible for this month’s changes. I just returned from four days of restful retreat by the Ocean, which had to be complete by the 12th. Allow yourself to breathe and feel the Divine Will of this wave’s intent. It has a significant effect on crystalline Beingness, accessed through the Heart.

Keep in heart that these frequencies amplify everything. They turn up the volume on every thought, word, emotion and intention. This is when the refinements in global clearing occur, as requested by the awakened collective. Stay in a neutral and pure heart-space, remembering that Unity Consciousness is your safe place. Divine Service is as Divine Service does.

Fears, doubts and emotional instability are amplified, as are Pure Heart Creations of New Earth. Choose wisely, the amplification will get quite intense. remember you can shift anything in the Now moment. If you find your self swayed into fearful thoughts or emotions, this is your self-empowerment challenge. Step up into your Creator Beingness.

If you have a wide-open Divinitized heart, this amplification is going to be a brilliant, blissful and expansive new experience. Embodiers, this is when we shine. Expect the unexpected, as the global trajectories will shift on behalf of all concerned. To my consciousness, this is a passage of meditation, prayer, cleansing, highest trajectory choices, creativity, and total surrender in the moment.

Staying Aligned with Highest Trajectories

Recent messages and team meetings are indicating the enormity of this event. Even my dreams about this have been lucid and prophetic. We continue to call this forth as a palpable, positive global shift in consciousness for all concerned. At this juncture, we step into our Creator State and move forward with the highest of highs. All focus goes to the Light of highest outcomes. Period.

Our Inner Work: Questions to Assist with Focus

  • What is Divine Love asking of you in this Now?
  • How is your unique expression of Source changing? Witness this, feel this. Meditate on it.
  • Light-ground your experience (Write, Create) as we go through this influx. It will assist with collective clarity and calm as this unusual experience unfolds. Many are not able to identify what they are feeling.
  • What are your Higher levels requesting you to do in this Now? Notice the changes in trajectory, rather than repeating the familiar. All is changing to accommodate the Primary Christed Timeline experience.
  • Whatever provides heart-based clarity, joy, balance, calm, healthy energetic and emotional support – do it Now.

It may be helpful to drop extraneous/unnecessary tasks for the rest of the month. Let go of anxieties or worries about how Gaia or HUmans will handle the light, and envision global positive change. Live it, Feel it, Be it. All creations are amplified; use it for the good work.

Forgiveness is a huge part of revelation; it truly reveals your heart coherence. Grant clemency to all of the past, including yourself. We are brand new each moment. Match that vibration. This is New, Pure Light to work with; harmonize with it, co-create with it. Be in that space. Prepare your internal and external temple, clean your home and consciousness. The Christed State sheds material baggage; give away what is no longer needed.

The Experience is the Experience

A large group participated in New Earth timeline work at the Conscious Media Festival. We guided a New Earth Experience, utilizing pure Co-Creation for three timeline outcomes, each progressively more expansive. While this was a strong precursor to the upcoming influx, it also demonstrated how these energies may be experienced by the collective.

Some wept with freedom as pure joy turned on their DNA. Some went direct and unified with their Higher levels, Some had difficulty letting go of doubt, or were shy about feeling themselves as Source. Timeline work takes complete dedication; In the absence of doubt, we are all God.

Regardless of the level of consciousness, the final highest experience was palpable, and sent waves of New HUman creation rippling out through the field. It felt like sealing the deal; a Divine YES to the upcoming influx.

For the Beloved ones going all-in, this is a Divine initiation to a new level of Self-Realization. Let us unify for maximum amplification. We are ready, let us have our accelerated Ascension.

Light Tribe: This is a huge opportunity, let us Unify.

Here is our Higher level overview:

March 15-17: Cosmic Stargate alignment, opening the Solar and Gaia Gateways. Beloveds with skills, please participate. It might feel a bit Epic.
March 17: New Moon 6:14am PT. Gates open. Calling in Highest timelines for all concerned.
March 18 SUNday Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5;11pm Pacific Time. You know what happens in these sessions; start feeling what is possible as this influx enters on the same day as our meditations. Call everyone available to participate; Unity is our Safe Haven, and our strength.
March 18-20: Influx intensifies via the SUN (Solaris) BEFORE EQUINOX. Solar flashing, flickering activity may be witnessed in the etheric as well as the physical; stronger than previous flashing activity we have seen. Do not hide from these light codes. Breathe. Calm.
Tuesday, March 20 at 9:15am PT: Equinox, Conscious Wayshower Global anchoring.
March 21-April 7: Strong Transitional Embodiment phase for those upgrading to the multidimensional 5D-7D-9D Lightbody.

May all of creation be Blessed by our Unity

Gratitude to all who are overriding and overwriting the lower realities each moment with your love, dedication and pure Service. We see you, we feel you. We love you, we bless you, we thank you.

May all of Creation be blessed, renewed and purified into Divine Beingness by this Divine Light. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.

In Love, Light and Service,

Your support for this work is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today.

Sandra Walter – March Amplifications: Solar Flashes and the Ascended Lightbody ~ Feb. 28, 2018

 Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

When we activate our Solar Heart Center, our connection to the Solar presence becomes stronger. We witness the increasing pulses and flashing activity coming from the SUN, which has been occurring over the last year.

You may see this flashing activity when meditating with a Solar heart focus. It is very vibrant, unmistakable, and you don’t have to be gazing at the SUN in order to see it. It does come directly from the Solar Beingness, when you intentionally connect with the SUN. Please do not confuse it with flashing activity in your personal fields. This is Solar-connection-specific, and the flickering flashes grow brighter, stronger and more activating.

I AM grateful this kind of Solar activity does not appear on the linear charts – yet. Your heart consciousness is the 5D charts! Remember the pulses/flashing is information; FEEL the Love Light intelligence. It feels exquisite.

We entered the Sacred geometry which holds pure photonic resonance, the consciousness shifting frequencies, during the August eclipse last year. This is why Gatekeepers had visions of the SUN exploding in 2017, and why we continually see the SUN flickering and flashing in a new way. We are in the Galactic Hot Zone; the geometric container for consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting light.

The prophecy of a Solar flash is not a moment to wait for, the precursor events are already in progress.

The Galactics remind us often; Global consciousness–shifting Ascension events are a multidimensional co-creation. As we collectively operate from higher choices, Primary Christed timelines provide the bridge for planetary-wide energetic and dimensional shifts.

It is beautiful to witness Lightworkers waking up from the waiting games and realizing empowerment can only happen in the Now.

Into the Galactic Hot Zone: The Amplifications of March

Many of you have seen or feel what will occur in March and April. This is a series of activations which will transform how we experience Embodiment of our Christed Self. Solaris is aligning with a series of Cosmic Stargates which will upgrade and transform the way our Lightbody interprets information.

The SUN is changing how it interprets information; visibly seen in the physical as the surreal dimmer-yet-more-intense look that SUNlight has right now. Our Lightbodies are reflecting these changes. As above, so below. Our inner light feels more intense, our heart centers flutter, our Ascension columns flicker, and the physical feels mystical as it goes through deep transformation. We are shifting at this moment, preparing us for this next level of embodiment.

As the Hot Zone changes the Solar projector, the SUN crackles and flashes; the very same expansion activity within our heart centers. This has been increasingly palpable for many. Solar activity has long been associated with cardiovascular risks, and we see the near-heart-attacks, palpitations, and anxiety attacks in the collective.

Do you see how strongly your physical heart is connected to the SUN? Your etheric connection to the Solar aspect is clear.

Purer frequencies = Purification.

Higher Light is always accompanied by clearing, releasing, and the revelation of distortion. Understand that the consistent request of HUmanity to reveal the truth, disclosure, and distortions is answered by these frequencies. It is a symbiotic relationship; the frequencies are also what is creating the the desire for revelation.

The revelation of deep secrecy requires intense light. The demand for truth and disclosure is not something directed at a certain group. This is a global event reflected in everyone’s personal journey. Purification is an evolutionary step which continues to intensify and purge the co-created veils.

The New Round of Activations: Gateways Open to New Experiences

The latest round of Ascension activations have felt unlike anything before them. Descriptions fall short of the actual experience. It is challenging to describe a multidimensional shift in beingness. I have heavily light-encoded this message if you choose to feel into what I AM experiencing.

This mystical, effervescent, expansive state of consciousness is overriding and overwriting our lower expressions. The merge sequences of Embodiment, when the Higher Self takes over the awareness, are changing the Lightbody. It can feel like preparation for phasing out of the lower realities completely.

These new activations are pushing us beyond the limits of previous possibilities; the new trajectories are fully engaged. In our Spiritual Maturity, we become comfortable with the unknown, the bizarre, the boundary-dissolving experiences.

Etheric First, Physical Second

The photonic light registers on the lightbody at the etheric level, and with your conscious direction, the form changes to reflect that light.

Much of the recent round of illness, change of trajectory, relocation, and exhaustion are reflections of the intensity of these cellular adjustments. Our Lightbodies are about to change in a dramatic way to an Ascended Lightbody template.

This year will reveal higher possibilities for the expression of HUmanity itself.  As always, our intention is to demonstrate to HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.

The bifurcation of experiences, which has been in progress since 2011, also penetrates the physical realities this year. This honoring of choices is nothing to worry about. You are infinite. We are all one. If this temporary division brings anxiety or concern, the light is showing you what you need to look at; receive the gift of personal revelation.

It is best to let go of any biblical or old paradigm belief systems about physical versus nonphysical, making it or not making it, etc. It is not one big judgmental division, it is an ongoing choice of experience. As it affects our physical realities, much is revealed about the nature of reality itself.

Ascended Lightbody

We are already in a band of light frequencies which are changing the Lightbody structure in a new way. Etheric first, Physical Second. The gap between cause and effect is also becoming simultaneous in our realities. These changes are happening very rapidly now.

Some are having intense and exhausting activations as these larger cosmic energies come into range. Use the days, hours or moments when you feel stabilized to clean, clear, simplify and make room for a brand-new way of beingness. Most of us have been emptying our lives if anything extraneous, making room for something new.

The frequencies will grow stronger beginning the week of March 11. They will step up again just before the  March Equinox, with an even stronger event after the Equinox.

We are collectively utilizing this amplification in the Now as a way to open the floodgates of positive Solar heart-shifting energies. In preparation, our Lightbodies are shifting to a more refined level.

Our torus fields begin to spin at an increased rate with these plasma pulses. Sometimes our fields may jump to a much faster rate for a moment or so, expanding the fields without warning. For some this causes a sudden phasing-out sensation. It can be startling as our activations intensify. The mental, emotional and physical adjustments demand your self-care.

This vibratory stimulation awakens crystalline DNA, the key to shifting dimensional expressions. It allows for embodiment of the Crystalline/Christed Self, which has an expanded Lightbody template, and allows you to feel and experience Unity consciousness in the cellular structure (your body.)

We become beacons, conduits of these pure pulses of light. Not just on behalf of the whole collective, but because we are the whole collective.

While the goal is to begin a domino effect of global activations, it will depend on how the collective consciousness can handle these frequencies. As always, we are the ones deciding how collective realities unfold. Remember that our Galactic teams handed over the keys to these unfoldments in December last year.

There are still many beings who do not appreciate this level of HUman empowerment, and the pushback is bothersome, however it is nothing to worry about. The Higher collective trajectories have been activated. Many are awakened, but they do not have the skill of mastering the realities in this moment. As Wayshowers, we must put all of our focus on co-creating positive, brilliant, beautiful realities for the collective.

The ancient codes and templates stored within Gaia will be open and available to us this year. That in itself is revelation and empowerment. This attunes our consciousness to access not what we were, but what our future selves planted here for our Ascension.

Unity Consciousness is your Safe Haven

Insecurities and anxieties surface during times of change. Remember: Change over habit. Take the time to meditate often, be at peace, visualize the New Earth as often as possible. Speak positive words, they create as strongly as your thoughts and emotions. Patience, gratitude, forgiveness. Resolve your unresolved. Let go of any judgment about leadership figures; current misinterpretations about who is good or bad are extremely distorted. Everything is being done to assist positive outcomes for HUmanity. Unity is your safe haven.

Experience and participate in New Earth Now.

SUNday Unity Meditations are open and available to all. Join us in the field of pure consciousness on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. Meditate in your own way for 33 minutes on Peace, Divine Love and Ascension. Easy. Participate to feel, receive, and become the New Light. Details and guidance are available HERE.

SUNday, March 3, I will be speaking at the Conscious Media Festival in Austin, Texas. Attendees will be meditating live for the second session at 11:11 am PT, at the festival. Unify with us, since it is a very strong group connecting in the physical.

Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers: Unified field infusion for Highest trajectory amplification on Full Moon Thursday, March 1 at 4:52 pm PT.  Use the energies of this Full Moon for the highest Ascension experience for all willing hearts.

Blessings for a beautiful, peaceful week of activation.

In Love, Light and Service,

Your support for this work is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today.

Suggested Donations:
Message to Sandra:


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper in Service to the New Light. As an Interdimensional Liaison, Sandra provides messages, articles, and videos focused on the Shift, and the deeply transformational Ascension Path online training class. Sandra lives in Mount Shasta, California.

Energy Update ~ Higher Trajectories in this Now… Influxes of 2018 ~ Feb. 15, 2018

By Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

These Divine plasma pulses are delivering very unique light codes which activate the ancient holographic templates of Ascension and unity consciousness. In brief, this is a very amplified moment for higher trajectories and embodiment.

We have unique potentials presenting for higher collective trajectories over the next few weeks. These are triggered by light waves, and this is happening right now. With the stargate phase-lock on Saturday February 3 (thank you to those who assisted when I went up to do this work), a flow of frequencies aimed at ancient activations began. This set off the Solar activity and approaching CME of this week, so Gatekeepers/Gridworkers have been busy.

Ancient Codes: Why your activations are changing

Visualize the ancient templates and plasma frequencies as a lock and key. The locks are imprinted deep within Gaia; the ancient codes embedded, dormant, poised for the Ascension. Many of you who travel with Gatework/Gridwork are the ones who planted these within Gaia, or at least are connected to the Star Elders who did. The incoming frequencies, our beloved plasma pulses of light, are the key which unlocks these ancient codes. It is a vibrational match; We open the pathways to these ancient templates, Gaia rises in vibration with all the Lightwork, the stargates phase-lock for the delivery of light, and the incoming plasma activates the codes.

The ancient templates are not ancient structures like sacred sites or buried sites. These are *deeper than inner Earth level*, near the crystalline core of Gaia, where they could not be touched or altered. Because the Primary Christed Timelines of Ascension are available now, these activated codes are beginning to turn on codes in crystalline DNA. That is their purpose; Christed/Crystalline/Unity Consciousness is their purpose.

This is why many of you are merging with aspects of your ancient self. Because of the time collapse, ancient selves and future selves merge with the Now self, completing a trinity circuit of unity consciousness.

This is a powerful experience for starseeds, wanderers and those pursuing an Ascension path. You have the markers in your DNA for Christ consciousness. The Christ Light came to every HUman heart on the 11-11-11. When you choose a heart-based existence, the DNA can ignite with these activations.

Some of these ancient codes stimulate ancient memory, skills, or service work in the Now. This is the *new skills* spoken of last Autumn. This is a different sensation. The intensity goes beyond physical adjustments in the body, although it does require extra sleep to integrate. I AM reminded of last year’s intel that *Some of these light codes can only be integrated in sleep state. So it is.

These code activations feel like a pure shift in consciousness, similar to the Christ activation from 2016. And yet it is different, stronger, more robust and multidimensional due to our Primary Christed timelines.

Even with the recent (very) physicalized end of old timelines (breaking bones, illness, changes in the lifestream, etc.) and the beginning of new trajectories for many, this shift is also happening for every awakened soul. Change over habit is taking the reins. As the bifurcation becomes more physical, so do the timeline shifts. Timelines may even be witnessed in the physical, as shared on last week’s Beyond the Ordinary show.

Again, bifurcation is simply choice of experience which honors free will. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers in Service are doing our best to make the higher experience available for all – Now. Think of it as shedding old realities which no longer serve the collective choice after awakening. We are all one. We are all infinite. Envision everyone choosing a peaceful, harmonious existence on Gaia.

Gatekeeper – Gridworker Connection

We had a online Gatekeeper and Gridworker call last week, as I was guided to connect with those in service for focus right now. We did this because higher potentials are presenting for the collective, and our unification is key to provide this new experience for all willing hearts.

We are looking at a trajectory to bring forth unity consciousness as a palpable experience for all concerned, this year. Some of those key trigger points are happening as we speak. The moment the call was announced, the Solar gate opening presented and the ancient codes began activating. Such is unity consciousness in the Now, set the intention to follow the higher flow and it manifests.

Eclipse and Post-Eclipse

Eclipses are typically strong, however with the frequencies that Solaris delivered just in the last week, it is demonstrating that the guidance for our unification is accurate. Hearts up and open for the eclipse and incoming CME in the next 24 hours. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers, this is our unified focus for higher trajectories.

We have two phases of Ascension amplification in the first half of 2018. There will be a period from just after this Solar eclipse (Thursday, February 15 at 1:06pmPT) through the March equinox when the energies will be focused specifically on physicalizing Unity/Christ/Crystalline consciousness. This is the experience of much higher, purer consciousness in the physical through the merging experience of multidimensional aspects. This assists the anchoring of unity consciousness on a global level; Embodiment in the Wayshowers first, then global activation.

I can feel this happening in my own lifestream already, and it is blissful, intense and trance-like at times, and yet … different from previous activations (and I have experienced many strange activations.) Yes, it is venturing into unknown territory, however concerns about whether we will be able to function as usual are discarded as the experience unfolds.

Typically, we are overwhelmed by these spaces of experience, and it feels like *this is it, we are going fully into this state forever.* And the next day, we have balance and may function again. Like stretching a balloon so it won’t burst. This influx has a different quality; the waves are consistent and grow stronger.

Two Phases of Higher Trajectories

The first phase – happening right now – is focused on physicalizing Unity/Christ/Crystalline consciousness. This activates the Ancient Self into full awareness, unifying with the Future Self that returned in time to live this Ascension, blending into the now. This is also why we have the experience of losing identity. If you attempt to keep these aspects separate with the mind (past self, future self, other selves, internal me, external they, etc.) the frequency of unity consciousness cannot activate the DNA to produce the experience of Universal Source-as-Self Oneness.

The second phase in April through July is aimed at a global experience of unity consciousness. This is the higher trajectory that is on the table right now. This is something we can all bring forth, not just those working on the grids or with Gaia. It is a global request to Lightworkers; Move into the New Earth experience in your own lifestream in order to set the whole of HUmanity onto a higher trajectory.

Again these are potentials, and we are in a free will environment. Those choosing and practicing embodiment, shall receive it. The frequency and intensity of these cosmic rays and plasma pulses are not being stepped down or filtered in any way, any longer.

This allows us a divine opportunity to step fully into our highest service and choices, and demonstrate them moment by moment in thought, word, and deed. The higher timeline already exists; this is an opportunity to raise as many willing souls into the higher experience – in this Now year.

If you choose to participate in this higher timeline choice, please join us in focusing on New Earth dynamics, regardless of what is seen in the external or internal illusions. As always, we do this as an active service to ensure that our brothers and sisters are given every opportunity to step into a brand-new experience of the ascended Gaia and unity consciousness.

Take the time to meditate every day, live as if you’re on the New Earth as often as possible. Monitor your words – they create as strongly as your thoughts and emotions. Speak love, compassion, solutions rather than complaints, creativity, beauty, patience, gratitude, forgiveness. Resolve your unresolved. Be creative about your daily ceremony, and especially for the eclipse/New Moon. Honor Gaia as she will be affected by the embodiment. Create momentum toward that new higher trajectory, in your unique way.

Gatekeepers and Gridworkers

The activations are consistent and the Gateways are wide open for us to interact with every moment. We do have windows when it is requested to unify for stronger focus, when a higher potential is available. Thank you for participating with all the strength and power of your Multidimensional Self in heart.

Perhaps this is the most beautiful gift we can give the collective; stepping fully into our embodiment of this new level of consciousness so it is available for all.

SUNday Unity Meditations are open and available to all. We focus on the Gates and Grids as well as HUmanity during these sessions. Join us in our co-created field of pure consciousness. SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. Meditate in your own way for 33 minutes on Peace, Divine Love and Ascension. Participate to feel, receive, and become the light.

This is a co-creation. We also deeply appreciate your spreading the word about the meditations, shifting your group meditations to anytime SUNday, and creating social media to invite others to join. Here we glow as One!

In Love, Light and Service,


Energy Update ~ Harmonics, Fluid Time and Unity Consciousness ~ Feb. 2, 2018

By Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

This eclipse week is a beautiful initiation into a new way of being in our Ascension process. A major stargate activation occurred just prior to the Eclipse. This is a new experience, and major component of the floodgate activations of 2018. Remember the Logos intel from last week. Connect with Solaris and Gaia to receive & amplify on behalf of all.

Harmonics, Fluid Time and Unity Consciousness

Last week’s lengthy article had much to share on the unfoldments of this passage. I highly recommend visiting the complete text. Here are the major topics:

 – The current influxes are harmonic-based, although they appear as vibrant light in our fields and visions. These incoming frequencies are delivered via plasma pulses, which is the flashing activity we see when we meditate or connect with the SUN.

– 2018 provides consistent flow through the Gateways. Unity in service (SUNday Unity meditations, eclipses, Solstice, Equinox, etc.) are amplified and needed, however with the timeline fluctuations and divisions, there are no Gateway dates as in years past. Our service is consistent.

 – A natural progression in our Ascension is to become a conduit of the plasma frequency pulses and flashing activity. The codes within the DNA, Higher Self, Gaia and New Earth Gateway phase-lock to migrate the consciousness to a new platform. This opens the crystalline Gateways to the New Earth for others to follow.

 – Fluid Time Dynamics: Change over Habit:  One of our strongest lessons this year is our ability to experience time in a fluid non-linear state. We enter a period where change overrides habit. Activated DNA is attuning us a new experience of time, and it serves the Ascension process to apply this lesson of fluid time right now.

 – This is a year to gather, to share our experience of Ascension, and play with our co-creative power. I heard this clarion call and am co-creating both in-person and online events for the Light Tribe. See details below.

 – Neutralization of Timelines, Personal and Collective : Another side-effect of increased change over habit has to do with timelines. The wavering of higher highs and lower lows is the personal and collective timeline fluctuation. Habit wants a familiar experience, change demands a choice. Remember the Primary Christed timelines do not feel like timelines. We are attempting to migrate as many willing hearts to this experience as possible.

 – Losing Identity: The glue-like magnetics which held the structures for our old identity, our way of being in form, break apart in a dimensional shift. Bandwidths of frequency which hold dimensional realities in place are dissolving, revealing other options. The dynamics which held the old identity as a truth, and the illusion of separation, are breaking apart with the codes and light structures flowing through the Stargates.

 – Embodiment of the Logos:  This is a big topic, since it has to do with our SUN, Earth changes and our personal Ascension process. The Logos is a template for pure Source consciousness in form, often expressing as stars. Not all stars are a pure expression of the Logos. Some stars are stepped-down in frequency to provide an experience of evolution from separation to oneness. Solaris, our magnificent SUN, is following this transition from sub-logos to Logos. This provides the experience of Christed evolution, reflected in our current Ascension process as embodiment of the Solar Cosmic Christ. The ascended Gaia is on a trajectory to become a spiritual SUN; a Christed planetary platform which affects the galaxy on multiple dimensional levels. The Solar Cosmic Christ, a stellar-based template for the Logos, can be reflected in HUman form.

Into the New Now Year: Upcoming Events, Connections & Co-Creations

Beyond the Ordinary with John Burgos: Tuesday, February 6, 2018
John and I prerecorded this interview last week, addressing all of the above topics. It was such a vibrant connection, I AM creating a video version that will be released next week.

Gatekeeper Council Unity Call
Wednesday, February 7th from 5pm – 7pm PT via Zoom

This is our sacred time together to share what is unfolding for 2018. Our intention is to amplify our effectiveness and clarity by unifying during this powerful passage.

We ask that you be consciously, actively participating in the New Earth Grid and Gate systems. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers in service are welcome to listen, share and be supported. Registration and details at

Photo: A sketch of the phase-locking occurring with the Trinity Stargates.

SUNday Unity Meditations: Creating Peace. Overriding the old paradigm Sunday programming. Expanding Consciousness. All welcome.

A note on the Light Tribe Gathering with Sandra in Sedona (Saturday, April 14): Please purchase your tickets soon, they are going quickly. I AM excited to be present with this High-Vibe tribe!

More upcoming Events, classes and details here:

Newsletter Cleanse: I recently cut a few thousand subscribers from the Newsletter list; just the folks who have not opened it in the last six months. If you are missing it or desire the weekly unedited updates, free tools, photos, videos, articles and event announcements, sign up here:

The Divine NOW

With these DNA upgrades and frequencies of radically pure Lovelight, our experience of Divinity becomes consistent. There is nothing here but Peace. Fear and distortion are fleeting. Love is Eternal.

Forgiveness and gratitude have always been strong keys to this evolutionary step of embodiment. Now we begin to understand the Solar Cosmic Christ on a much deeper level. Unity and Peace become our norm, activating the templates of Ascension within Gaia.

We are in service to the collective out of Love. We re-integrate the wisdom of Divine Mother, the strength and protection of Divine Father. We are that unified, integrated parent of the Ascension now. In our Spiritual Maturity, we show the way with gentle, open hearts.

May the highest Christed timeline experience be the predominant reality for all willing hearts. So it is.

In Love, Light and Service,
