St Germain ~ Come Dance with Me ~ February 16, 2019

St. Germain Through Nancy Tate

If we ever go to the place where we are showing our hearts in a wonderful kind of way, it will be as if we have always felt that way, and it is true, we have. We are originally from a place of Love, and when we show that love it is in a grin, a smile, a happy face, a side view of who we are. It is a tremendous way of being who we are being, and showing others that even though we may sometimes feel only to look at them with a stare, or in an upset way, or an unhappy feeling of emptiness, it is always based from Love, or we would not even look at each other. We would not even acknowledge that we are all in the same place and doing the same kind of thing that others have likely done at one time or another, in this lifetime and others.

We would not even see anyone else if we did not know that we are all from the same origin and were each given the opportunity to move forward in any way that we choose. It is the time now for acknowledging that we are on our way back to the realization of who we are and how we are all related. We are all family with each other. As we come to the reality of what that means on a deeper level, then this day of Love with the purity of the heart is what we live more and more as we see each other with a smile on our faces and the feeling of Love in our hearts.

We are all One, and we are living that in the independence of our ability to live our individuality in the way we feel inspired to. So, dear family, go on forth and continue living the way you choose and know that as you do so you are returning to the reality of how we are all expressing ourselves in the ways that we have agreed with each other to do. Based in Love, the more we return to that every moment feeling, the more we will follow and dance with each other in our lives of the day.

Come and dance with me and see the reality come forth and show us the way to keep the expression of Love in every moment. We are blessed with the Love of Creation, which has never left us within, and which we are feeling more and more as we bring ourselves to the oneness that we recognize as our own individuality in motion and stillness at the same time. I am St Germain, and I am dancing with you this moment and every other one in my heart and soul, as so are you dancing with me, and all of reality.

Thank you Dear St. Germain,


Nancy Tate


St. Germain~The Change Is Here ~ November 7, 2018

By James McConnell 

I am your St. Germain.  I come to be with you now in these times that are approaching.

  You hear many times of the changes that are developing, the changes that are happening behind the scene.  Many of you take this upon faith at what we say.  What many have been saying is accurate and is going to happen.

There are those of you that somewhat become disconsolate at times where you wonder why you keep hearing this over and over, and yet the changes do not appear, at least not as you are expecting them to.  And we tell you each and every time be patient.  Changes are here.  They are all around you.  All you need to do is open your eyes, both your physical eyes and your third eye.  You will see everything that is developing.  As always, it is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  You have been seeing.  You have been hearing.

But there are times when you do not trust what you see, and you do not trust what you hear.  Because it is clouded over by the many misconceptions and misconstruings that are put before you by the various operations that are out there, championed by the mass media.  The mass media that you all turned to, to see what is real.  But as many of you have come to understand, what is coming through the mass media now is anything but real.  For the most part, it is a false revealing of the truth.  But those of you know the real truth, know it deep within you.  And whenever you hear it from any source and it resonates within you, you know at that point that is the truth.  You know– you do not even need to ask any one of us or anyone, is this the truth, because you know it.  It resonates within you.

And I tell you now, as St. Germain, that these changes that you have been expecting, that we have been creating this expectation for purposefully.  Because if you have the expectation within you, then you will create the visions that go along with it.  And as you create the visions, you are then creating the reality.  You are bringing into existence into the collective consciousness those very visions that you have been creating.  So create, my dear brothers and sisters, create, create, create.  Do not stop.  For this is the new age, new Golden Age.

In this new Golden Age, your creation process comes your reality so much faster.  You have been used to the buffer zone that you have had within this 3D illusion.  That buffer zone is going to fade away over time.  It will be replaced by instant manifestation.  So get in the habit now of creating.  And knowing that as you are creating with your visions, with your intentions, that you are creating your future every single moment of every single day.  So create what it is that you want, not what it is that you don’t want.  Whether you put the creation out there as a want or as a not want, it will come to fruition.  The universe will provide one way or the other.  Always know this.

Can expect in the very close future now.  You can expect many of those changes to begin to reveal themselves.  Many of those things that have been happening behind the scenes are about to come forward, not only to those of you with the eyes to see, but to all of man, with the collective consciousness of man.  Because the truth cannot be hidden much longer.

Even there are those that try, that continue to do their various manipulations to hold the truth back.  They will not be able to do it much longer.  It is no longer possible for them to be in control.  Except for the control that they still have for the very small operations, very things that they have always done that have always worked for them.  They continue to pound their head against the stone thinking this will continue to work just as it always has.  But they are more and more realizing that what they have always done will no longer work.  What do they have left?  They have only the light to turn to.  But will they turn to the light?  We shall see.  But as of now, they have been given many opportunities, one right after another, to turn to the light.  Many times they have turned away from the light and embraced the darkness once again.  As they embrace the darkness, they cannot hold the light.  Cannot have both.  They are learning that very fast.  With that learning comes a complete turn around.  All of the mistruths that you have heard for your entire lifetime and many lifetimes before this, for the truth shall certainly set you free.

I am St. Germain.  I leave you with the violet fire to cleanse away all that still holds you to this 3D illusion.  Let it go.  Move on.

Peace and love be with all of you.


Saint Germain ~ From Service To Self To Service To All ~ October 31, 2018


Hello St Germain, I’m picking up on a topic you wish to discuss today…

Yes my dear I wanted to expound upon this topic of service to self vs. service to all and how this ties into your incoming global prosperity. This worldwide abundance which is soon to wash upon your shore so to speak is being ushered in with the assistance of the higher realms, with the contingency that this prosperity will be shared with humanity and spread around the globe, especially to the locales where it is needed most.. To the refugee camps, geographical locations where there is no running water or plumbing, and very little food… To populations within each country where the needs are the greatest…to the parts of the ailing earth that are in need of purification….to the animals who are in need of love and compassion…and to all living beings on earth. The global shift that is underway is symbolic of a paradigm shift from service to self (the old paradigm embraced by the powers that were and by the higher echelons of society), to service to all and service to humanity. This is the way of things in the higher dimensions.. We are all focused on the harmony and well-being not only of our individual selves but also on the well-being of the whole or the all or in other words of all living Beings in our Realm. We could translate that, in earth terms, to the well-being and harmony of all living beings on your planet including humans plants and animals as well as the Elementals which are a forgotten realm.. And even of mother earth Gaia herself, for your planet is also a Being… a patient loving and kind being who has made an agreement to carry forth humanity into this Golden Age we are approaching and into the higher dimensions.

Your planet and many of the beings on it is raising into the higher dimensions and this incoming worldwide prosperity and abundance is a part of this transition.. And all who will be benefactors of this prosperity are assisting in this paradigm transition. So in visualizing this global shift happening and in manifesting it into being, be ever mindful of how this financial prosperity will bring global harmony and well-being to all living things, including the planet herself, a planet which was on the verge of dying but has now transcended this and “arisen from the ashes” so to speak. You are the stewards of this planet, and have been entrusted in the care of her surface. We will not go into the subject of the beings who live on the inner earth; these beings are a higher dimensional society descended from Lemuria, a higher dimensional society which became intertwined with Atlantis and suffered its own demise on the surface of the planet, but survived and moved into the interior of the earth and still thrives as a higher dimensional society in the NOW. This is a topic for another day.

Back to the paradigm of service to all vs. service to self: Yes it is important to take care of your individual needs first, turning afterwards to how you can assist in raising the vibration of other living beings (including humans, animals, plants, elementals, and the earth herself), through kindness, generosity, sharing, compassion, and in a general upliftment of all. In restoring the earth to its former pristine condition, in treating all animals with reverence and respect, and in honoring the plants, animals and elementals upon your earth, as well as in sharing your abundance, well-being and prosperity with all other human beings. Service to self underlines separation, destruction of the earth, cruelty to all other living things, and the lower vibrations of inequality, separation, and lack; whereas service to all encompasses not only your own needs and well-being but also the needs and well-being of other living beings and the planet as a whole. It is this service to self which almost destroyed your planet and was the catalyst for a paradigm shift of Great Change.

Many of you and many sovereign nations, will be receiving large inflows of prosperity, and this windfall can do much to benefit the well-being of the Whole, including your entire planet, earth, animals, plants, and human beings. Eventually your planet can become a moneyless society… money is an Earth creation and does not exist in the higher dimensions, as the beings living there have embraced the concept of caring for the well-being of All. Everything is energy and when all beings begin to emanate the higher vibrations of peace, harmony, joy, oneness, unity, love; respect, caring and compassion for other living beings, and all the higher vibrational feelings, then harmony and unity result. Many humanitarian projects and dreams are underway and steps are now being taken to fulfill them.. Let us meditate now upon all the good this wealth can create. Rather than using wealth to control, dominate, separate, enslave and subjugate populations through Service to Self,  what a joy it would be to create peace, well-being, harmony and prosperity on a global level, thus raising the vibration of the entire globe and all of humanity and all living beings. This is the new paradigm for the New Golden Age on Earth. You who are to be the recipients of this financial windfall will soon have the ability to do this, to be the Wayshowers and Pioneers of this new paradigm of cooperation, joy, abundance and harmony for all.

Let your vision be one of contributing to and fostering global well-being and let the extra wealth coming to you be used not for separation but for cooperation, not for division but for harmony. Show the world what sharing looks like, what caring for the well-being of not only self but also for others, of the earth, and of the whole looks like, and in return the harmonious and joyful feelings that will come from making the world a better place will be a feeling that is shared by all, creating a global harmony and well-being that is shared by all, not by the elite few. Let yourselves be lifted up by these higher vibrational feelings of sharing, love, joy, cooperation, harmony, and well-being. To assist another in being well and feeling joy is to assist yourself in feeling joy as two cannot be separated, only in thought… for in reality all beings are one energetic vibration and all are from the same loving energetic source.. All are emanations of a loving Source Creator expressing Itself. This global shift underway is symbolic of a transition from Service to Self towards Service to All…..this includes focusing on your own well-being, self love and self care as well as others’ well-being, loving others, and caring for others…of resources and positive vibrations being shared by all for the good of all which in turn has the effect of creating the highest good for each being.. the positive energetic vibrations then circulate freely amongst all, eliminating strife, and accentuating harmony and joy. And in realizing this, each being acts from the standpoint of this awareness. This is the way of the higher dimensions where we all cooperate for the well-being of the whole, knowing that to affect another is to affect oneself and vice versa. So let us focus upon this vision today and let us be grateful as we all are contributing to manifesting this harmonious and prosperous new reality filled with joy, laughter, harmony, peace, and abundance for all.

Your loving St Germain


St Germain ~ Be Prepared St Germain ~ Be Prepared ~ October 14, 2018

The lovely song is: Brightest and Best by Kathryn Kaye. The images and music do not belong to me and no copyright  infringement is intended

I Am Saint Germain and I bring you a message today that is filled with love and promise. It is time dear heart, it is time to become prosperous and abundant as you step forth to begin your work, your mission that you so intricately planned out before returning to your beloved Mother Earth. Yes it is time, it is time for a changing of the guard you might say, it is time for the old guard to hand over the reins to those who rightfully deserve them, and that is you precious Gaians, as you like to be called and as you will be known once you become a Galactic Society.

For yes, you are Mother Earth and Mother Earth is you. You have all her elements so delicately woven through your being, to create the human form you currently inhabit. Yes you are eager to get to work and anxious to end the old way, the old way of being and doing, but dear one, if you would stop and pause for a minute and reflect on where you have been, you would see that you have already done that, yes there are a few things you still hold on to, but the old way of “thinking” through things has been let go and now you are “feeling” your way through these uncharted waters. Yes dear ones, it has been a bumpy ride and the seas are still to grow as you move through the storm but know that a beautiful tropical paradise lies just on the other side of these stormy waters, for that is what you are, you are navigators, way showers of the ship, this ship being your human form and the seas being your reality.

You are very well equipped to handle whatever comes at you and that is why beloved, you are the ground team, you are the captains of your ships, and yes, as you know a lot of you ARE captains of your own ships, and these ships get closer and closer to the planet each day and each moment for it is that time, the time where all is revealed and the sleep is wiped from the eyes of those that are still unaware.

So be prepared as you have been told, but I mean that now when I say be prepared because it is about to happen, it’s “about to go down” as you say. Enjoy it because it is the storm that will bring everything you have been fighting so hard for into perspective and into full view for all of those to see, those that have been ignorant to the truth. No, this will not be an easy task for those who are unaware, that is why you, the front runners, the marathon stars, that is what you have been preparing for and it is now time to witness the spectacle that is to alter this planet and herald in a new Golden Age. I Am Saint Germain and I say be ready, be prepared and most of all be in love! You are there children of Earth, you are there.

Channeled by Per Staffan




Saint Germain ~ Happening It Is! The New Golden Dawn ~ October 5, 2018

James McConnell

Channeled by James McConnell

I am St. Germain. As always, it is wonderful to be able to be here with you in this way to communicate in this manner, to be able to share and help all those of you to understand just what is happening across the planet, just how this paradigm , this three-dimensional paradigm is fading away, being replaced by the new paradigm, the new understanding, the new Golden Dawn that is fast approaching now. You, each one, are the catalysts for these changes. You are the ones who are anchoring the light, holding the light here, and spreading the light. Because of you, because of all of us working together with you, we are bringing these many changes to come about.

You look for those changes happening outside of yourself. You look for confirmation by going on your internet, by watching your television set, by speaking to other people, you look for confirmation. But what you really need is the confirmation within yourself. For it matters not what is happening outside. It only matters what happens inside. Because as the changes are developing within yourself, that is the catalyst for the changes happening outside of self. So as consciousness changes and increases within your own personal selves, consciousness has been increasing outside of self as well. Just need to continue to allow the process to happen.

Happening it is. Changes are now coming quite rapidly. It is as if you had a pot of water and you placed it on your stove and you turned up the heat, not too much, just enough to begin to warm the water. That water is warming and warming and warming. It will continue to do that. It will continue to stay at that same temperature until you begin to add more heat to it, begin to raise the temperature. That is what is happening now. The temperature is being raised, moving toward the boiling point. Might say that the heat is on now. The temperature is rising everywhere, and at some point it will come to a boiling point. The cabal, as you know it, will be dispersed in many different ways. These changes are in process now, and you are more and more beginning to see the effects of this.

But I tell you now, as Saint Germain, and all of the Company of Heaven that are working with this process, working with this Alliance, I tell you that you haven’t seen anything yet. So many things are in development. Just continue to hold patience. Continue to remain calm as Sananda has said, as this storm continues to approach. But just as President Trump said, he was the storm, you all are the storm. You all are the storm together, working together, bringing this all about.

You want NESARA? You want GESARA? Then make it happen. Make it become so. You want the RV? Make it happen. Don’t sit back and wait for it. Make it happen within your own visualizations, within your consciousness create it. Create it into being. Create the financial changeover. Create The Event coming. You control much more than you believe that you do. Many of you say “what can I myself do?” Well you can do much. Many of you are doing much. If you have not yet felt that you are contributing, know that you are contributing just simply by being a part of these meditations, a part of working together to bring all of this about. This has been said many times. There is no greater part or lesser part in all of this. It is all a part of the whole. Together you all make up the puzzle and, every single puzzle piece, which you each are, is needed to form the full puzzle. For without one, it is not complete.

I am Saint Germain. I leave you now with the violet flame to continue to engulf you, to continue to purge out all the old: the old paradigm, the old programming that is no longer needed within you. The Game is nearly over and it is time to begin the new game.

Peace and love be with all of you.

Channeled by James McConnell

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