Energy Shift Update by Tiffany Stiles – April 11, 2016


SOLAR MINIMUM, INTERRUPTED: The sun’s headlong plunge into solar minimum has been interrupted by the surprise emergence of a big sunspot. AR2529 doubled in size over the weekend, and the behemoth spot is now being photographed by amateur astronomers around the world. On Saturday, Jean-Pierre Brahic of Uzès, France, took this picture of the swirling maelstrom of magnetic fields at the sunspot’s dark core. The inset image of Earth shows, the sunspot’s core is wide enough to swallow our planet–twice. Fortunately we are 93 million miles away.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) is keeping a close eye on this active region. Magnetic fields near the sunspot’s core are crackling with minor C-class solar flares. None of these flares are very strong, but the ensemble of explosions is doing a good job heating the sun’s atmosphere above the sunspot.

Despite its large size and state of unrest, AR2529 has not yet launched a significant solar storm. C-class flares are considered to be small. Stronger flares may be in the offing, however, if the sunspot continues to grow in the days ahead. Stay tuned for Solar flare alerts.

AURORA’S THIS WEEK? NOAA forecasters say there is a 50% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on April 13th when a negative-polarity solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

You may experience the following physical symptoms in the coming days due to GEOMAGNETIC polar shifts and Solar activity ramping up!

*Lathargy as the pineal gland and melatonin production becomes over stimulated during shifts.

* High pitched ear ringing

* Leg and foot cramping

* Headaches

* Back, shoulder and neck aches

* Dizziness, vertigo

* Dry, blurry eyes as the 3rd Eye Chakra activates and expands.

* Heart chakra activation with Heart palpitations, and a feeling of all encompassing love. (Use rose quartz to assist in expanding the heart chakra, deep breathing and be in nature.)

* Angelic visitations and inter-dimensional awareness

* Time line jumping and loosing track of time.

* Crown chakra activation with headaches, itchy head, pressure on the head, rashes. (Massage the head, meditate, use Lavender essential oils and Amethyst crystal to relieve headaches and pressure.)

* Extreme thirst and weird food cravings as the body increases in vibrational frequency. (Listen to what your body needs.)

* Metaphysical gifts expanding concerning energy. (Begin using)

* Vivid dreams and visions (journal). Many people will experience channeling sessions during energetic shifts as the Crown expands connecting you to Divine Source and all that is.

* Depression as the pineal gland is overstimulated in producing or reducing the flow of Serotonin, (the feel good hormone).

Key Words: This too shall pass.
Go with the flow.
Keep riding the wave.
Stay heart centered and balanced.
Feel the love- share the love. 💖✴💖
Embrace what the energy brings to you to purge, shift, release, heal.

Be sure to stay grounded beautiful souls! Feel the love, share the love! 😇✨💖
Love, light and blessings- I love you!

Let The Fears Subside and Follow Your Heart ~ Feb. 15, 2016

I could not echo the title of this piece by Zen Gardner any more LOUDLY than I can…this is the crux of the current matter. Do what you feel is right for you! All the time, and time! Now, once you get that into your system, it’s time to read this article, BE yourself, and…


By Zen Gardner, 02/15/2016

To say we’re living in perilous times is an understatement. The plethora of denigrating, dehumanizing and physically degrading influences being intentionally poured into the already toxic social and physical soup of humanity is not just appalling, it’s outright insanely genocidal.

When we stand back and look honestly at what is assailing our species it’s mind and heart boggling. Poisoned air, poisoned water, poisoned food, poisoned medicine…with the one-two punch of poison news, poison education, poison entertainment and all the rest.

This is actually understood by many people, to various degrees but people get it, yet they keep living within it and keep imbibing this sewage as if they’re immune now.

That’s what amazes, perplexes and dumbfounds me…never mind raises my hackles. Why don’t they respond accordingly?

Get Drastic

Make some serious decisions in your life if you’re really sincere about all of this. Don’t just be an observer. So you’ve discovered chemtrails are real, what is your response? You know that the financial system is a hoax and you’re deeply vested in it for whatever reason, what are you going to do? You’re eating adulterated food, what’s your conscious reaction?

You now know the information being pumped at you is intricately designed with a specific intent in mind. What is your response? Are you just observing? Are you just waiting?

And for what?

Therein lies the problem. Too many years of conditionally dumbed down responses and excuses waiting in the wings perhaps. Everyone wants to get off the accountability train. Hence our whirled today. Sleeple following orders.

It’s totally inexcusable. Universe is alive and responsive, and so are we. Why keep repressing it? Where’s the simple guts of conviction that once ruled our race and planet and daily lives?


We each have the magnificence of the divine – in being, in choice, in action. The stirring that is awakening so many hearts begs a response, a conscious and aware response. And no longer delayed.

We know who we truly are and we will act accordingly.

Let the fears subside and follow your heart. Our magnificence and that which we represent is now being manifested. Let it out – boldly, bravely, and with full on conviction that we, us, our true selves, are indeed the answer we’ve longed for and have been falsely externally waiting for.

It’s here. And now.

Do it. And ride the wave with audacity!

Love always and all ways, Zen