3:3 Portal :Mid Wives Of The Order of Isis: 3 Strand DNA: 13 to 22: ~ March 4, 2020

A certain piece of information came in a recent channeling session with a client and though I’m not sure how it exactly relates to today 3:3 Portal I’m guided to share it on this Portal day.

The information that came in was that in Ancient Khem , Priestesses of The Order of Isis  were trained as ” mid- wives”  / “Portal Holders ” for the very delicate  Transformational Journey from Spirit into Matter/ Incarnation so that those beings incarnated with a 3 STRAND DNA MODEL. This recquired a great deal of Skill on the part of the MidWives as they chaperoned the Spirit through the Portals into Physical Incarnation so that the Souls came in Whole and with a Firm Foundation to serve a Higher Purpose.

The Primary motive behind this was that with this 3 STRAND DNA MODEL the spirit would retain its memory Banks from the Akashik Fields along with its Gifts and Talents and most importantly this 3 STRAND DNA MODEL PREVENTED the Spirit Incarnate from being blinded by the Veils of Amnesia. In other words it retained its Knowledge of Oneness and Connection with Source.

BUT the MOST intresting revelation that came through the session was that the 3 STRAND DNA MODEL is/ was a PRE- REQUISITE for the Spirit Incarnate to ESCAPE the Loop of Death and Rebirth on the 3D Earth Reality which is a wicked and vicious circle and seemingly impossible to be release off and it keeps a Spirit in Captive Servitude for Eternity!!!

Not surprisingly these ” Mid Wives” of The Order of Isis were hunted down and eliminated and this Order went underground in Ancient Khem and all information with regard to this aspect was distorted to keep Spirit in a perpetual loop of Servitude ( Death / Rebirth cycle)

Another very intresting revelation that came during the session was that the Activations that followed through came from the 13 Dimensions….NOT the 12 as One BUT 13 distinct Dimensions !!! We often speak of our Goal as activating our 12 Strand DNA ( and beyond)….BUT I was clearly Shown that while the 12 Strands merely complete the BALANCE of the Masculine and Feminine…it is THE 13th as a Separate Identity that holds within it the Forward/ Future Outcome Potential!!

I have been working on the connection of The 13 with The 22 ( The Consciousness of 22 via the InterGalactic  Council of 22 Star Nations) and while there are lots of puzzle pieces missing from my awareness/ conscious understanding it IS my knowing that while the Consciousness of 22 recquires an Alignment with 22 ( past the 13) , The 13 Itself Forms the Very Bridge to The 22!!


Also interestingly ,the Date 4:4 ( April 4) has come up in multiple sessions Now and can no longer be ignored. While the sessions are all vastly and uniquely different in terms of intention and channeling and ( clients) individual spiritual growth …many have been given the 4:4 Date as significant in their Individual Journey of Soul Progression!!!

Much Gratitude to my dearly beloved Client/ Soul Sister for giving permission to share the above excerpts from her Session.

Again Not sure how this information is revelant  today 3:3 Portal day…but I’m told it Is so use it as per your Guidance.

Happy 3:3 Portal Day.

Be Light ,InLight ,InJoy

source: https://isischannelings.wordpress.com