The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ This Galaxy is One Gigantic Family ~ March 21, 2018

By Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the opportunity to share something with you now that we have been waiting to share with you. The opportunity has presented itself because of what you have just received energetically. You have just opened yourselves up to the equinox energies in a way that allows you to receive information now that you could not have previously accepted.

The timing is right at this moment for all of you to know that you have been a part of a massive experiment. Now just take that in, and let yourselves get comfortable with that whole idea. You have been told that you were either created by God or that you have mutated from lower forms of life into what you are now. And both are true, but the missing link here is not some yet-to-be discovered bunch of bones. It is the genetic scientists that visited planet Earth a very long time ago and got the experiment started.

Now most people will not like hearing this, so we will soften it a bit by letting you know that you have benefited greatly from being a part of this experiment, and you knew before you incarnated in every lifetime on planet Earth what you were getting yourselves into. Everything happens by agreement.

Now the interesting part of where you are now is that you are becoming aware of your extra-terrestrial friends and what you are made of. Now is the time to take it even further and to see that all of the beings that have been helping you along in your physical, mental, and spiritual evolution, are different aspects of you. Usually it will be another part of your oversoul that comes down on a ship and tinkers with your DNA and genetics.

You are going to discover that this galaxy is one gigantic family, and we mean that quite literally. You are also going to find that once you become the full and conscious creators of your own evolutionary process, you will be quite amazed by what these extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters of yours have been able to accomplish.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Message to Lightworkers – June 2nd, 2017 ~ posted June 4, 2017

Helping hands

By Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones!

We are pleased to have this time to speak with you again today.

And we see many handling what are termed “the higher energies” with varying degrees of openness, joy, resistance, confusion, and simple exhaustion many days.

You may be feeling the effects of your brain chemistry, shifting to accommodate the “onslaught” of these powerful photonic downloads.

Your emotions may feel jangled and upended some days.

And the list of requirements you are creating for your new life seem may seem to be growing longer, while your vision of what you would like to create gets larger by the day.

This is not the end of the process, only the outer effects of it.

And despite the discomfort it can bring, it is to be celebrated.

For when you outgrow a connection to another, or grow past the job or business you have had for a while, or realize that your heart now greatly desires new friends and new adventures—or even a different sort of food to eat—so that your life more fully matches who you are now, it can certainly feel strange and inconvenient.

You may feel as if you are some days walking around in someone else’s skin, looking at life from a new angle, seeing energies flow differently, and wanting very great changes in how you act and react toward daily life.

All of this can be demanding—you are becoming not only new, but whole! And it takes great courage to admit to and to take on this sort of Transformation fully.

Yet be of good cheer, for we see your Light growing beyond what you were taught was possible, in this and any other Earth life you have ever lived, and it is a glorious image—a glorious new tone you have struck.

We see and hear your new and higher vibration, and we rejoice in it.

Understand that you are becoming your higher selves—your greater selves.

The Self Who understands there is no separation between Him or Her and the power that creates Universes.

And that your vision will naturally expand as a result, while your dissatisfaction will naturally grow with certain aspects of your life, as the new processes begin whirring away, aiding you in co-Creating that which you dreamt of even before incarnating.

All we ask, dear ones, is that you exhibit Patience now, on a level you have never before delivered it.

Even on the days when you feel your consciousness (or central nervous system) is getting ready to burst, sit quietly and concentrate purely on your breathing, and know you are never alone on this road you have chosen.

Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth, concentrating solely on that breath as if it were all that exists.

Because most assuredly, you will be challenged with news such as “US Pulling out of Paris Agreement” and other calculated decisions taken in a seemingly authoritative mode, which in fact hold no more water than a bucket of many holes.

You are above these petty games by now; you see through them, and you are able to smile or shrug off the attempts by the old order to discourage, confuse, or dishearten you.

Send those ones Light, for nearly all of them are scrambling now (some toward the Light, some away from it), and this new, out-of-their-control consciousness which many millions around the planet are attaining has made them not only fearful, but envious of you, and that is not a comfortable place to be.

And so send them Light for their journey, and allow it, just as you would allow a loved one’s journey.

This week we have been asked to answer a question by a Lightworker, who has asked:

“What is the difference between our Higher Self and our Oversoul?”

And we will say simply that you chose an aspect of your soul (which oversees and inspires your Earth life, hence the term “oversoul”) which is pure, powerful, and speaks the “human language” of thought and feeling, to speak to you and guide you as much as you are willing to hear and be guided, throughout your Earth journey.

He or she is your soul’s representative and spokesperson for your higher good—those higher aims, life work, path of growth, soul mission, and even the mundane details of your life on the Earth.

And so for those who feel that their soul is not directly in contact with them, or for whom the soul barely exists, the higher self is that representative of the higher realms who is there to remind you every hour (if you will hear them) Who and What you are, in the greater sense, and to constantly guide you more fully into fulfilling your life as an expression of your soul.

Simultaneously, they also assist in guiding you on a path of growth for that soul.

Your higher self is not alone in his or her role and responsibility, but they are irreplaceable to your life path.

The experiences of an Earth life can inform soul purpose and soul growth like no other kind of experience in your Universe.

This is why so many of you have asked to experience Earth living, not once or twice, but hundreds of times.

And now you are perhaps thinking, “Why must I choose the steepest path of growth available? Why wasn’t I happy just growing more slowly, but also more calmly, without all this drama?!”

Why indeed! And we will tell you: For the thrill of the ride, dear ones.

For the adventure, and the irreplaceable feeling of joy and forward movement that comes from having finally reached the summit.

And now comes the greatest of Adventures, which is Ascension—and you are here not only to see it, but to enact it!

To carry the power and beauty of that path of Light into not only your own beautiful planet, but to your entire Universe.

With these powerful higher energies flowing to Earth from Great Central Sun Alcyone, you are not only going through tremendous shifts and upward movement.

You are also anchoring those frequencies into Earth and all life upon Her, so that all naturally vibrate on that increasingly higher frequency, creating a whole higher form of Earth life.

And were you, before incarnating, overcome with joy at the honor of being here at this time? Most assuredly, you were.

And was it possible for your guides in the higher realms to dissuade you from the challenges you decided to take on in this particular Earth life?

For the most part, it was not.

And so you find yourself now in the unheard of position of being an Earth Angel, at Earth’s most difficult and demanding moment, yet which is also Her greatest hour.

And so listen to the Whale Song, for your soul thrills to this particular Angelic form of communication, and somewhere deep within, your Ascending Earth Self remembers it as well.

Namaste, Light Warriors!

You have come so far, and as ever, you are never alone on the journey.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.


The Pleiadian High Council of Seven ~ Mission: Earth ~ March 20, 2017

By Daniel Scranton

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

Before you ever set foot on planet Earth for the very first time, you understood that this was a mission. You understood that Earth had a very special place in the galaxy and that you were embarking upon a very specific mission for all of consciousness.

You all saw this experience as the greatest possible challenge that you could embark upon. And while you knew that there would be some very dark times, quite a bit of pain, and a little too much suffering, you stepped right up to it and decided that this was the only place for you to be.

Now as you began your cycle of lifetimes on planet Earth, you also understood how far you would be able to expand. You understood that the reward for being on planet Earth was like none other in the galaxy. And so you feel that the pain and suffering was worth it. You may not feel it now, from where you stand, but we guarantee you that you feel it on the level of your higher self and your oversoul.

Your next mission on this journey will be to create a brand new Earthly experience for yourselves and for all future generations, and those experiences will not be about challenges. The next mission is about experiencing joy and unbridled, unconditional love. You have come this far in order to feel what it is like to move from the depths of darkness to the heights of ecstasy.

Now when you decide to embark upon the new mission is up to you. It is up to you how much longer you play with the third-dimensional rules and when you fully embrace the fifth-dimensional perspective, the fifth-dimensional frequency, the fifth-dimensional experience of reality. We know that many of you feel ready, and we say to you that you are. It is all just a matter of opening your heart, letting that be your guide, and forgetting everything that you think you have learned up until this point.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”


Creating as the Oversoul – The Hathors ~ November 8, 2014


We all get tired… we all get frustrated…we all want a change for the better in our personal lives! More money, more love, more happiness. Ya’ll know that I constantly tout the Law of Attraction and firmly believe in that we all indeed create every aspect of our own lives…the good, the bad, and the ugly. Well, if we are able to stay in a high state of vibration (love), why aren’t we able to bring on the things that make us happy?

This is a good question and one The Hathors answer in this article. Who are the Hathors? The Hathors say that they are a group of interdimensional, intergalactic beings who were connected ancient Egypt through the Temples of the Goddess Hathor, as well as several other pre-history cultures. They come to us in love and are normally channelled  through Tom Kenyon, although in this case, they are channelled through Daniel Scranton.

This is a pretty interesting message with many good points about the differences, and similarities,  between the human body and it’s higher self (oversoul) that account for why the human body (ego-driven) can’t “produce” things/events that bring happiness. My goodness, what a point…why even bother?

But then…it’s time to step back and understand the spiritual growth that can evolve from every circumstance in life, if you look for growth and let it happen! I’m unemployed, and unemployment benefits end next week. Am I in a lather about this? Not so much now that I realize it’s time for me to put other talents to work such as my spiritual writing capability. At any rate, The Hathors bring some compelling thoughts that may be of benefit, so please read their article, think about it, and…


p.s. I had this very question today…and look what popped up in my email today! Near instant manifestation of an answer! Pretty astounding…someone’s listening!

“From time to time you will find that you cannot possibly create the exact experience that you want to create for yourselves. And this has many of you feeling frustrated and even angry with this business of ‘you create your reality’ and the law of attraction, and so on.

So we want you all to let yourselves off the hook just a bit. You are creators, indeed. You are creating every single moment, and every single detail within that moment, that you experience. But you are doing so from many different levels of your being-ness. So you see, you are aware of yourselves as an ego, as but a small fraction of who and what you are.

And so that portion of you has desires for itself. Most of those desires revolve around comfort and survival and fun and things of that nature. But you are also part of a bigger entity called your oversoul. And your oversoul is more interested in having a variety of experiences. So you want all the good experiences. You want all the pleasurable ones, and your oversoul wants to know all experiences for itself.

And so, in some ways you are living in service to that goal. And that has many of you feeling like you are out of control, that your lives are not your own to live. You may even see your oversoul then as the bad guy or bad girl. We can understand this. We understand how it seems as though this is not you, this is some other being that exists somewhere else, and that you are just a pawn in its game.

But we want to submit to you that you are your oversoul and that you cloud your awareness of this fact by setting yourselves up with certain beliefs and with certain experiences that will give you that very limited perspective that your ego has. And then you will believe in fact that you are your ego. It is a trick, but it is a trick that you are playing on yourselves.

And if you want to release yourself from the trick then you must first acknowledge that everything is your creation. You must also acknowledge that everything serves you in some way. You must be willing to look for the service in everything that you experience. And you must also embrace all experience as being a part of the truth of who you are. Then and only then will you have the perspective of the oversoul.

And when you have the oversoul, you are of the vibration of the oversoul. And when you are of the vibration of the oversoul, then you begin to create the precise reality that you want to experience. And then you may be surprised at what you do select for yourselves. You will find that you choose to experience some of the same challenges that right now you simply feel are being thrust upon you. We think you like challenges, and we think that you would like your life so much more if you accepted those challenges with a grin and a nod and a knowing glance.

We are The Hathors. We thank you. And we wish you a fond good day.”