Sheldan Nidle: Divine Visions ~ July 26, 2017

Selamat Jalwa! The basic tasks of preparing for delivery appear to be completed. We continue however to be baffled by the apparent lack of any coherent design for a mass delivery and this continues to amaze us. Yet despite the lack of a finished grand plan, we are confident that ultimately the sets of deliveries promised will be given to all. Hence, we remain amazed by the progress that is being accomplished without any apparent plan of action. In other words, despite this chaotic process things are progressing well. It is this unwieldiness that makes us believe that we are moving forward!

The Galactic “plan” continues to be in force. We therefore expect to see a massive degree of specially directed activity. All of the cabal’s remaining ploys are systematically being defeated and signs of success are surely unfolding. These indications mean that soon these deliveries will be ready to go. Something wonderful is about to occur. Therefore be aware that many special circumstances are indeed in effect.

   The oddities that surround this project have become clearly evident. We are convinced as noted earlier that something wonderful is about to happen. This coming time is surely one to be expressed with a feeling of fulfillment and joy. Everything is being readied to be swiftly rolled out. We expect the remaining necessary tasks to be completed and any further hidden stages in this process to be secretly complied with. It is these seemingly contradictory facts that appear both astonishing and yet completely real.

   In this haphazard fashion, this project moves ever forward and the machinations of the cabal remain vastly undone. We reiterate that we continue to be convinced that the deliveries promised are indeed occurring. These facts bring us to a great unwinding prosperity. Thus, miracles combined with divine action are presently underway. Grace brings us the feeling that a number of grand acts are ready to unfold. Hence be ready to receive, and in good time to acquire what you have so long been waiting to manifest before you! Be ever ready for a great series of wonders. Miracles are indeed happening!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters. We have seen a certain reluctance to finish jointly assigned tasks probably due to the sheer magnitude of the procedures still left to be completed. The solution is gradually becoming clearer and is expected to resolve this necessary dilemma and complete the required deliveries in obscurity. The oddities involved have been simply too complex to easily maintain. We fully expect the necessary procedures to be completed in a timely manner.

   In this divine light, the required payouts can be concluded along with the remaining steps needed to allow the new NESARA Republic to quickly manifest. Be ready for the divine payout stages. These, as already noted, are swiftly to allow the new republic to replace the old illegal one! At that point in time, the procedures needed to finish the RV can occur. This can then bring in the NESARA Republic. These events can further spread the prosperity and fulfill many of the basic decrees of Heaven. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   In this most sacred way, the divine decrees asked of us by Heaven can be graciously completed. These divine visions permit as well your humanitarian projects to be carried out. In this Holy Light, the divine plan can be fulfilled. We desire nothing more than for Heaven’s desires to be faithfully done. We can then thank Heaven and those who so wondrously carried out these most sacred wishes. This can only lead to what Heaven so deeply desired for all! Hosanna! Hosanna!

   Today, we continued to note the numerous events taking place around this sacred blue-green orb. Just maintain your grand vision and watch for a few miracles to suddenly appear! Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never ending-supply of Heaven is indeed yours! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be In Joy!)

Sheldan Nidle: The Best Is Yet To Come ~JUNE 27 2017

Selamat Balik! An amazing degree of progress is occurring despite the immense daily requirement of counting prospective distribution funds. As all of this continues, it is evident the current banking system with its limits is causing a slowdown, which is why it’s clear that a new banking system is needed. It is unfortunate that even though we are on the brink of wider prosperity, we are stuck with the very clumsy and inadequate reality of an older and more limiting banking system. Nevertheless, the counting and accompanying realities of the new one are clearly coming to pass!

   This process may have been slowed, but it is not to be stopped. Until all currencies are fully accounted for by the new monies, the process demands that none of these currencies be released. When this process is completed, a new and more adequate banking system is to arise. At that time, you can then interact with a reality that is fully capable of easily meeting your every need. Until then, remain patient and ready to use what you are then to be given. The best is truly yet to come! This process may seem tedious and slow but it is progressively being accomplished!

   What all of this truly means is those who are in charge of the various delivery levels are still stymied by the immensity and complexities of their present tasks. In our opinion, the old realities just need to be dissolved and those with the capabilities to get these tasks done need be permitted to quickly do what is necessary. Our primary purpose for this positive nagging is really two-fold. Our first suggestion is to transfer all available personnel to the task at hand. Our second suggestion is to immediately incarcerate those assigned to be arrested and immediately bring in the NESARA Republic!

   These suggestions are simple and can easily permit our allies to get this job done. In addition, these actions can permit this present, illegal system to rapidly collapse on its own accord and allow new governance to bring in a new global prosperity and help all to achieve their wondrous goals. This, after all, is supposed to be the purpose of what is now destined to be swiftly happening. In this, we just ask all parties involved to get on with it! Let all of Gaia’s humanity reap the success they so divinely deserve!! As a people, you do indeed deserve more, much more than you are now receiving. Hosanna! Hosanna!

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters. We come on this day knowing that a way is to be found that can again move these funds toward their fated destination. We realize just how truly unique this amazing process is. We thank and bless everyone. We are grateful that a means was discovered to permit these vast amounts of funds to be readied for delivery to the appropriate individuals. As this divine act is completed, much can indeed be cheered. Let it all be true! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

 We have the means to dissolve the problems of this current reality. Let us pool our good visions together and see this whole wondrous set of events through to the end. In doing so, we can create an energy that will allow everything to achieve its promised reality! In keeping this magnificent vision, we are supporting those who are now preparing to accomplish those goals needed to put us on the very verge of delivery! We Masters are proud of what your energies are achieving. We therefore ask you to join with us and provide the means to keep everything moving forward.

   It is vital not to give up during these last stages of our success. Use your growing abilities to allow your long-promised miracles to bloom and to divinely grace you with the prosperity given to you by Heaven. This process is really the crux of this matter and it is moving daily to where you can shortly see it manifest before you. Hence, you require a set of inner beliefs that cannot be easily frustrated. Remain constant in your vision and just know that some amazing events are nearly ready to unfold. Hence, dear Ones, be always ready to receive your Heavenly riches!

   Today, we continued our weekly report about what is occurring around this very complex orb. As usual, there is the very interesting and complicated story of how this land is preparing for its overwhelming prosperity and the concurrent rise of the NESARA/GESARA governance. Included in this is how this land is to end its worldwide UFO cover-up and welcome the arrival of its Spiritual and space families. Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)

Saint Germain: Close To The Crescendo ~ June 24, 2017


I AM St. Germain. And as always it is wonderful to be with you, to be able to share with you, to be able to experience with you, for many of you are dear to me, many more than you can know at this point. We have had lifetimes together, we have had experiences together. Those of you as I am speaking now know who I am speaking to. We have shared wine together, various social gatherings together.

I have always been a very social sort, always enjoyed a party here and there wherever it could be. As you have heard many times we are preparing a party, a celebration, beyond any celebration that you could even imagine yet at this point. Take the best party that you ever went to and multiply that hundreds of times over and you will have a beginning understanding of what it will be when you first connect with those of your loved ones that you long ago left or that they left you. You will have a reunion, a reuniting that will bring the energy up within you like you cannot imagine at this point. But it will happen. It is happening.

Many of you will experience the kundalini energy. You will experience the rising of this kundalini energy. It will happen at times that you are not even, will not even be prepared for. Yet it will happen. And when it does allow it to be. Let it move forth. Let it complete. This is the process, this is the ascension process that will bring this kundalini energy up within you and all will be as it needs to be in that moment.

I spoke to James earlier. I used the word ‘urgent’. He did not understand at that time why that word was used for it has not been used before. Normally it is a message from Sananda, a message from St. Germain, a message from Archangel Michael. But this time an urgent message; an urgent and timely message. And what is it that is so urgent, you might ask and I will tell you.

As you know everything is in flux now; everything is shifting. The cabal is coming down to their knees. All that was prepared, all that was planned for when those of us, what you call your forefathers, gathered in that day and signed that great paper, that Proclamation of Freedom. At that time we all knew what was at stake. We all knew what could be the result — both positive and negative — but we forged forth, we moved ahead. Some were afraid but they overcame it just as you your selves now must overcome those things which are in the process of happening. Not to be afraid but to move forth, to continue on.

For a shift is in the works now, a shift that has been spoken of many times. And this shift is going to change much. I speak now of those things which are just before and just after what is being called the event or the changeover. We prefer the term changeover because you are changing over from one paradigm into another. And this new paradigm is what was planned for that day back in 1776.

This was that time. This is that time now again.

No, there will not be a new signing of a document. There will be a proclamation or an announcement of a major shift in consciousness, in understanding and we are all now at that verge of what was begun long ago is now coming to fruition. It will now move everyone forward to a new understanding, a new level of consciousness and vibration that will take even the most cynical, the most questioning individuals and bring them forward also. No one will be immune to these changes. Everyone will be a part of it in some way within their own way but you are all going to be a part of it and already are part of it. Because as of this shift that I speak of now, you are already in the middle of that shift.

Many of you are feeling the energies, you are feeling the changes come over you. You are feeling your chakras coming alive. If you do not know it’s the chakras, it is. They’re coming alive again. Some of you are doing specific exercises to make this happen. But I tell you that it is already happening within all of you. Within your sleep state you are finding your selves on ships, you are finding yourself down in Inner Earth even if you are not yet remembering. That time is also coming where you will begin fully to remember those experiences as some of you already are.

This is a time and this was why the word ‘timely’, because you are right on the cusp. You are coming close to what Sananda calls the crescendo of all that you have been building toward. The full crescendo will be when the event, when the changeover fully develops. But up until that point you are working toward it and you are preparing to be the mentors to all those others that come after you.

You will receive mentors, yes, but you are becoming the mentors as well. You will be the learned ones you will be the ones that those coming after in the later waves of ascension will be looking toward. You will be the ones as Sananda speaks of to sit at those council tables if you are ready. This group is especially being prepared for this as well as others.

This is a special time, a special place, a special moment just prior to some major shifts in consciousness that are coming.

You hear of arrests. You hear of the cabal coming down to their knees and yes that is so. But we would never condone the extermination, the killing of your brothers and sisters even though they have done much and they would at a moment’s notice do harm to you. But you are not at their consciousness level. They must come up to your consciousness level just as you are rising to our consciousness to our vibration. I realize this has been long but it is necessary.

One more thing I speak of that is a continuation of what was started back in that day of signing of the Declaration: the reestablishment and the announcement of what you know of as NESARA and all that comes with it. But know that as you have read about NESARA or heard of it, it has shifted some as well. Some of the things have been taken out of it and others added to it and it will not quite resemble those things earlier that you read but it is a portion of that, a very strong portion of that. And it is an understanding that will bring this world, this planet to be ready to be received and receive those from above and below. It is a necessary part of this. But first this must be enacted. And it will be.

I appreciate your time, your efforts, your love, and your sense of oneness as you continue to remember who you are in the totality of you as the Creator Source within you.

I AM St. Germain. May the Violet light be always shining within you as you shine it out, outward as well.

All of my peace and love be with all of you.

Channeled: James McConnell

Source: Era of Light

Sheldan Nidle Update – June 20, 2017

Dratzo! Everything continues to move forward in its own fashion. Those in charge of the secure counting and proper delivery of currency are confident that it is to be completed in a timely manner. The only delays are being caused by the methods chosen to finish complicated assigned tasks. We are assured that a number of procedures are being processed efficiently. Just remain patient and ready to receive prosperity funds at the right moment. Those who are managing the abundance program are committed not only to completing the RV and the GCR but as well to setting up the American NESARA Republic.

   The major mass arrests are awaiting the formal declaration of the NESARA Republic. Until then, each potential arrestee is being carefully watched and readied for this grand deed. The only thing left to do is to actually finish the back-end of delivery and permit this wondrous process to conclude as planned. We are simply assisting all who are now given these hefty tasks. We expect completion within the heavenly time schedule assigned. So all that is truly left is for you to help these energies and be patient with this immense process! Hosanna! Hosanna!

   As this complex process moves forward, we are faced with a simple problem. It deals with the sheer vastness of delivering the amount of funds to everyone involved. Those in charge are immediately confronted with how the old, outdated banking systems were set up. To move these amounts of funds requires that the older SWIFT system be abandoned and that banks change the way they normally operate. There is nothing in place yet to meet the current needs that are now required.

   As you can see, there is now a new, developing financial system that is quite capable of handling problems accrued due to the new, more prosperous reality occurring worldwide. These new requirements need this new system to be birthed and utilized as we count and deliver this prosperity to all who have had the due diligence to bring this new system to its fullest potential. This is why we know that what lies ahead is destined to be spectacular and immensely satisfying to you. Welcome to your new reality!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! What we are to talk about is the dubious fate of the illuminoids and their friends. These scalawags know how Heaven culled them from Earth’s humanity. Their fate is slowly to descend upon them. It is, as they say, not one to write home about. As we stated earlier, the rise of the Republic and your prosperity are assured. What is taking so long are the odd limits and similar accoutrements of the old order’s Neanderthal banking reality.

   Despite all the difficulties encountered, remain calm, and divinely understand that you are heavenly blessed and, therefore, are to eventually receive your sacred blessings. Those now winding their way through this morass know that you feel deep in your hearts that you are to indeed be paid the financial immensities promised you. Be well aware of this and know that the old order is finished and awaiting its ginormous fate. Do not believe otherwise. The new, wondrous reality of yours is assured its God-like reality!

   We have watched for millennia as this old order ran roughshod over you. Those times are finished, and as we have continually emphasized, an inglorious fate awaits them. So, concern yourselves not with this scandalous lot. Rather, just be wise and positively await the immense funds and new governance promised you. Do not get caught up in the special drama of these unholy roughs. Be more concerned with the freedom of your new reality and how we are gently delivering these blessings to you

   Today we have continued to report to you what is happening around this precious orb. Be ever aware of what lies ahead for you and therefore aid all by holding your most wondrous energies in place! Realize that a most precious gift is to be shortly given you. Know dear Ones, that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gejun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be In Joy!)

Ashtar ~ Have Courage to Keep Going Through Any Darkness! ~ June 18, 2017

By Susan Leland

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference

“Well!  Greetings, Beloved Family!  There certainly is a lot of shaking going on right now, is there not?  And this is how it needs to be!  It is necessary – imperative for everyone who is at all awake – and, if they’re not, they need to wake up!  I’m not talking about you, Beloved Ones.  You’re awake!  But it is that you can -perhaps, by sending out your Love Light, or even doing something more of an activist activity – you can help others to wake up.

“It is not necessary to hear all of the details of what’s going on – although we certainly do want to present those here on our conference calls, because we know that you can add your Light to whatever the scenario is, and that, of course, is the way to accomplish the changes that are in progress now.  You heard it!

“The progress is absolutely, exponentially moving forward! And there is no longer any free will at all available to the dark hats because they have betrayed the trust – if you want to call it trust, it was what you would call ‘blind trust,’ ‘sound asleep trust’ – in their leadership and in their, we’ll say control of Planet Earth and beyond – and so it is that it’s over, canceled, finished, and so on!!!

“And we are standing with you in moving even further.  Yet we do understand, first of all, that you’ve got some impatience.  Why isn’t it getting done?  Why hasn’t it gotten done by now?  Well??? That’s up to Humanity!  We’re here to move as fast as Humanity invites us to move!!!

“You will recall there is this thing called the ‘Prime Directive’ which does not allow us to intervene except in case of a genocidal holocaust and total destruction of the entire Planet. However, because you have stepped up, we now have more empowerment, or authority, if you will, so long as you continue to partner with us!

“And indeed these are glorious times, as the Master* has said, but also they can be very frightening, even to Lightworkers when you are feeling the darkness around you, when you feel as though it’s closing in, suffocating, even.  And this is how it is sometimes before the dawn, the dawning of the great Light!

“Now we have told you in times past that, as the Planet ascends into Higher Dimensional Reality, it will be a temperate climate everywhere – except upon the tallest of mountain tops – and these temperatures will be in the very comfortable 70-degree range everywhere.  The deserts can flourish, the forests can be in their absolutely, most majestic states of health and offer unlimited amounts of energies of healing and Peace and welcome to all the Kingdoms!

” ‘The lion shall lie down with the lamb’ is another kind of a picture for you to hold in your Hearts.  And, of course, if you want to take that one step further, who among humans represent the lions and who represent the lambs on Planet Earth?  Well, the truth of it is that sometimes there have been people who have behaved, not as lions – except in the sense that they’re powerful – and they have abused their power!

“Lions in the forest do not abuse their power if left alone.  Lions have been used as symbols of power and authority, and often times by those who have abused that power.  And who might the lambs be compared to except the innocent victims?  Except wait a minute – everybody has cooperated through the ages in this scenario!!!   And so it is that everybody needs to cooperate in some way or another in rising up and out of it.  And believe me, all of the other Kingdoms of Mother Gaia are doing just that!  It is the Kingdom of Humanity that is a little bit dragging its feet, shall we say.

“However, that is changing!  The more who wake up, the more who catch sight of the Light – even if it’s only a glimpse – the more energy there is for the movement to the levels where there is only Light and, where of course, the Love it is.

“Now, for some of you, we know that there is a tendency to freeze when you are making progress on your Path, and then you encounter something that is huge in the way of some kind of a blockage, or a diversion, or a stumbling block.  We will remind you that you are powerful enough to go around it, go over it, walk right on through it, even though you may not know it! 

“I’m going to give you an example – this is more of Sekhmet’s domain, but I’m going to give it anyway. There was an initiation in the crocodile pool.  That’s right!  The crocodile pool rule was that anybody who wanted to pass this particular test, and go on to become a priest or priestess, had to go through this initiation.And the method of it was simply to dive into the pool at one end. And they were told to dive down deep and only come up when they saw the brightest Light.  And they knew there were crocodiles somewhere.

“Some of the initiates were scared, and they saw a light coming in and they said, ‘Oh, that’s got to be it!’  Well, it was a false light. It wasn’t at the true end of the pool.  They went right up to where the crocodiles were and, of course, they did not pass the test.  The ones who passed were the ones who had the Courage in their Hearts to dive deeper ESARAinions in every, what you call, ‘walk of life,’ on Planet Earth.  And the lid is about to be blown off of the pot because there are those in places of influence who, if they haven’t already spoken up – perhaps they whispered a bit -they’re about to stand up, and with One Voice they are about to start telling the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!  And, of course, this will absolutely necessitate NESARA’s announcement!!!

“So people are rising up out of their fears, out of the darkness. Whistleblowers who risk their lives and Truthtellers who are already, and will continue, to risk their lives – people who leak documents which are telling the Truth about things that have been going on – people who stand before an audience and tell it like it is – people who have a cup of tea with their neighbor and perhaps shock them with a Truth or two and then, because they are awake and aware, they can explain so that it is all starting to make sense, much more sense than the crazy lies, propaganda and untruths which have been the predominant story Worldwide!

“Most of all, people are taking in enough of the Light to open their Hearts to understand that there is a Higher way of life, of living, and that with it comes a lot of High Vibe gifts, including each one’s own Ascension!  And also, living in a Higher Dimensional Reality where, first of all, there are technologies and then ultimately there are the inner – I’ll say ‘inner technologies’ – built into everyone here, every member of Humanity which, as they are activated, move beyond the need for machinery, electronics, and so on of any kind, and they simply unite all people everywhere with all the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and beyond Planet Earth. And Love and all that Love creates is the absolute, Highest empowerment, and the only empowerment for the Lifestyles of everyone here!!!

“And I can assure you this can happen very quickly.  But it is to go deeper.  If you start shaking inside, if you start feeling any kind of fear, go deeper and have the Courage to do so to get past the fear-based messages that are still being broadcast by those who are still some kind of a presence here on Planet Earth, and whose only real goal is to perpetuate all that people on the Ascension Path are leaving behind!!!

“Send them Love; send them Compassion; send them Gratitude for showing what there is that is needing to be changed or, shall we say, transmuted into Higher energies.  And above all else, forgive them!!!  And while you’re at it, forgive yourselves for buying into it all these eons of time, and let’s move up together.  And let’s enjoy that which you so deserve – that wondrous Peace, that wondrous Bliss, that wondrous High Dimensional Love and the Lifestyles that it brings to you, and from which you, in turn, proceed along your wondrous, magical, marvelous Pathways!  And so it is.  Salut!”

*  Rama, in Tara and Rama’s Report – audio link for 6-13 call:

Transcription by Marta.

Given through Susan Leland, June 13, 2017.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2017. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
