The Arcturians ~ The Mirror of Truth ~ April 3, 2020

Channeled By: Natalie Glasson


Greetings and love from the Arcturians, we wish to open our energy up to you, so you may receive and embody our light, wisdom and sacred tools. In a time of multiple ascension shifts taking place on the Earth we believe our sacred tools to be extremely valuable. Therefore, we gift all that we are and our expression of the Creator to you, inviting you to open your mind and heart to new possibilities. To experience our gifts, in meditation simply state:

‘Dear Arcturians, I open my mind and heart to your energy to receive the light, wisdom and sacred tools from your civilisation which are most appropriate to aid my ascension on the Earth now. Please assist me in accessing and understanding all you wish to share with me, putting it in action in my life. You may deliver through me sacred tools to be anchored into the Earth to aid the ascension of humanity and Mother Earth. In peace I thank you.’

In meditation, imagine you expand your heart energy and then your mind energy to receive our gifts.

The Revelation of Oneness

The ascension shifts of the Earth are multidimensional, meaning there is so much to explore, understand and embody. Never has so many ascension transformations, awakenings, and changes taken place for the Earth at one time. This is confirmation to humanity and light workers on the inner planes that humanity is now ready to begin conscious ascension as a collective. For some time now individuals on the Earth have been focusing on their spiritual mastery and awakening, radiating their light to those around them. The work of light workers on the Earth to date has paid off as no longer will spiritual ascension be isolating, solitary or even personal. The ascension taking place from now on will be as and on behalf of the collective. You will still experience your ascension as personal and unique to you, however, much of your healing, enlightenment and inner exploration will impact and serve humanity and the whole greatly.

Humanity is being invited to seek within themselves to recreate and reseed the world, their realities and their way of being in the world. Thus, each person will reconnect with the light and vibration of oneness and unity of the Creator. With the vibration of unity reactivated within their energy frequency so humanity will begin to create from a space of balance, truth, compassion, and unison. Resulting in creations, experiences and situations vibrating in harmony with each other, and a greater connection to fulfilment for all. In order to experience peace on the Earth so humanity must unite in the frequency of oneness, accessing this frequency from within their beings, so it returns to becoming a part of each person’s essence.

Exploring your connection to each person on the Earth by seeking within your being is an integral focus for you to embody during the current ascension shift. When fear is released so you will be able to see, sense and acknowledge with greater clarity the unity which binds all beings as one and allows the life force of the Creator to flow. This will be a revelation, impacting all you are and create. It is why fear is now surfacing to be released so each person may recognise the purity of their oneness with all upon the Earth, including Mother Earth.

The Mirror of Truth Ascension Shift

As the impact of Covid- 19 spreads across the world with fear and anxiety creating an even greater impression than the virus, something miraculous is taking place. An invisible mirror is being held up to humanity, inviting all to gaze into its presence. The mirror encourages you to gaze into your own being and reality with an expanded and enlightened awareness. The mirror is inviting you to recognise what has always been present within your being; your essence and expression of the Creator. You are an active creative energy force of the Creator, life on the Earth and in fact all 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe is created through you and all other expressions of the Creator.

The Mirror of Truth invites you to observe, contemplate and consider what you have created in your reality and the world so far.

What have you created born from your true essence, intention and intuition?

What have you created born from habit or the beliefs of others?

What have you created born from chaos, negativity, and wounds within your being?

Then the Mirror of Truth invites you to recognise what is already in motion in your life and whether this is truly aligned with your inner truth and reality of fulfilment which is always available to you. The Mirror of Truth encourages you to really acknowledge whether the creations in motion in your reality will truly create the fulfilment your entire being yearns to embody once more. Fulfilment is a constant energy within your being, it simply requires your conscious alignment and embodiment in order to manifest in your reality.

Are the creations and intentions currently being put into motion or in motion for you and your life, aligned with what you truly wish to experience?

With these questions which we, the Arcturians, are sharing, we hope to enable your connection with the Mirror of Truth and encourage you to begin to view beyond fear, chaos, negativity, and separation. The Mirror of Truth invites you to make shifts, changes, and alterations to your life, actions, reactions, creations and energies you are seeding to bring about what you truly wish to experience on the Earth. The Mirror urges you to seek a reality that is impacted by your truth, soul, essence and the Creator, rather than by limitations, doubts, disillusion and lack of power. It is time to recognise that some of your creations in motion in your life are born because of your belief in your lack of power and distrust in your ability to be fulfilled. It is time to let these go and create from a space of empowerment and trust, therefore creating a reality of loving power for yourself.

Take time to evaluate which beliefs, creations, actions, reactions and experiences are born from your trust in your lack of power and distrust in your ability to be fulfilled.

With each connection and communication with the Mirror of Truth you will reveal to yourself the love, peace, clarity, and truth already seeded and in manifestation within your being. Thus, you will be creating a New World, for yourself and others. As the virus dissolves through the release of fear so you and humanity will be able to emerge, almost akin to a butterfly, a new, expressing a higher vibration, deeper clarity and greater embodiment of the truth of the Creator.

The final initiation of the Mirror of Truth is to realise what you do wish to create in your reality and to trust in your ability to be fulfilled completely and absolutely.
‘I trust in my ability to be fulfilled completely and absolutely.’

As you recite this statement, feeling the energy and vibration of its words and meaning pulsating throughout your being so you will begin to embody the initiation of the Mirror of Truth. From a space of trust, you will find it easy to discover what you wish to create in your reality and how to manifest it fully for your experience. Thus, a new way of living and being is born for you and all of humanity.

With illuminating and supportive light,


Archangel Metatron ~ The Great Fear Magnification ~ March 21, 2020

By Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love to all beings connecting into my energy now. I Am Archangel Metatron; it is an honour to be in your presence. I come in response to your call for help personally and for the world. A great shift is taking place within the consciousness of humanity, many from the inner planes are supporting the Earth, sharing their truth to empower and inspire humanity. Please know that many light beings from the inner planes are stepping forth to be of assistance and in response to your request, there is simply a need for you and all beings to hold the intention of being open to receive this assistance.

‘I gratefully receive all the assistance and support I need and require from the inner planes and the Creator.’

The Blaze of Light and the Fear Magnification

I, Archangel Metatron, wish to speak simply and plainly. Clarity is required by many now to bring forth peace, trust, and truth. In 2020, the Creator delivered a blaze of light into the entire Universe of the Creator, including the Earth. This was known as the 2020 Blaze of Light. Its purpose was to magnify the light within all beings, creations, and situations to bring forth a greater connection with the Creator and deeper experiences of fulfilment. The 2020 Blaze of Light continues to flow with power and consistency into the Earth and all beings, magnifying the light. This will continue for the foreseeable future. The 2020 Blaze of Light is available for any being to connect with and receive. You will discover the healing, inspiration, and wisdom you seek within the 2020 Blaze of Light, as it will continue to hold for humanity everything they need to navigate this stage of ascension on the Earth.Advertisements

When light is present it is challenging for negativity to also remain present, therefore much is coming to the surface to be healed and released in order to make space for the light to expand. Fear is one of the greatest controllers of humanity. Fear lowers vibrations and creates the appearance of separation with the Creator. Fear has been empowered and magnified so much that it may feel as if it is a natural part of your existence and reality on the Earth. However, fear was not intended to control or paralyze you, offer wisdom and guidance on how to live your life. The presence of fear was intended to alert you to danger and ensure you care for yourself while remaining in a space of centring your focus and trust within.

Currently, on the Earth, a magnification of fear is taking place, thus many people are experiencing greater fear than they have previously experienced. The magnification of fear is being caused by fear born from previous and present generations rising to the surface to be released. The energy of fear as a source is being wielded by others upon the Earth to create control, separation, and distrust in self and everyone around you. The Fear Magnification is an activation and empowerment of fear taking place upon the Earth in order to encourage separation with the Creator. This activation has already been created by some people within humanity. Remember the energising and anchoring of fear can assist in the creation of anything on the Earth, including illness, chaos, panic and much more. It is how you respond to the activation which is the key. Do you choose to use the Fear Magnification of this time to create more fear and suppression for yourself and other? Or do you choose to create liberation, a reconnection with your truth and a balancing of fear and light?

The Fear Magnification can be seen as a release or surfacing of fear, an activation of fear to manifest separation with the Creator, and yet it is also an opportunity for humanity to awaken into a new consciousness and dimension of truth. It is important to realise as the energy of fear is magnified it gives people the opportunity to understand, explore and investigate fear within their beings, creations, those around them and reality. Anxieties, worries, concerns, apprehensions, panic, dread and so much more, loses its power and hold over you as you see, sense and acknowledge the truth that has always been available to you. The Fear Magnification offers an opportunity to master the energy of fear, raising your vibration to embody the truth of the Creator.

Reassess What You Value

As you begin to recognise fear within your situations, creations and even within your being, so you begin to reassess what holds the greatest value in your reality and existence on the Earth. Gazing within your being, contemplating your beliefs, dreams, and aspirations allows you to move away from the confusion created by fear to a space of clarity and self-understanding. You will be invited to reassess the way you live your life, your creations, the way you treat yourself and others, as well as what holds the most value to you. From this space of clarity and new understanding, you will be able to create a reality for yourself and with others that are aligned with your soul and truth, offering a greater experience of fulfilment. It is only when you look into the presence of fear, recognising the control and impact fear creates that you move through the smokescreen into a space of deeper connection with the Creator.

Realign to a New Dimension

The release and activation of fear is encouraging many to raise their vibration, to accept more light, creating peace and contentment. As the controlling nature of fear loosens its grip upon humanity so a new dimension of light/ the Universe of Creator dawns and is accessed within the consciousness of each person. This new dimension is of a higher frequency with a greater Creator radiance. It offers an experience of liberation, fulfilment , and clarity. It is the dimension of light magnification, the dimension where the 2020 Blaze of Light resides. Humanity is being invited to realign their focus and vibration from a dimension where fear is magnified to a dimension where light is magnified. This is a vibrational and awareness shift which will impact and change the way your mind, body, and emotions operate. You will know when you are releasing the control of fear and aligning with the new dimension of light magnification that is being made available to all because you will experience a continuous downpour of light flooding your being. You may feel as if you have shed the heaviness of the world and are able to recognise the presence of the Creator within everything around and within you.

The Call to Return Home

Some souls are choosing this period of the Earth’s evolution as an appropriate time to leave their physical bodies and transition onto the inner planes within the Universe of the Creator. This is not a choice made by the personality, it is instead a contract made by the soul. Many souls are leaving the Earth to return home as their spiritual skills are needed on the inner planes to be of service to the divine plan unfolding for the Earth and the Universe of the Creator. It is important to honour the souls choosing to return to the inner planes as they are accepting a role in service to the ascension of all. The call to return home is also projected to humanity as a request to go within and reconnect with the presence of the Creator within, thus emanating the Creator vibrations and wisdom into the world.

Transition of Refocusing
As you receive the light of the Creator flowing through your being, align with the New Dimension of Light Magnification so you will discover a transition process taking place within you. For a few moments or even days, you may feel that you do not know yourself as you did. A refocusing is taking place. You embody and express all that is the Creator. This means there is a wealth of energy, wisdom, light, and skills for you to access and bring into your awareness. You can refocus your attention onto new and different aspects of your being, thus discovering yourself anew. You may discover that new interests, skills, talents, abilities, understandings or aspirations arise. Your attention is transitioning to realign with your truth, light, and soul.

What will you choose to create and where will you choose to allow your focus to rest?


In times of tremendous shifts, transformations and transitions, I, Archangel Metatron, wish to offer to you a list of beings who you may call upon to assist in any form of healing you wish for your self personally or for the world.

The Map Healing Team – Light and Star Beings who travel through the Universe of the Creator offering healing.
The Universal Medical Healing Team – Beings from the Universal Level of the Creator’s Universe especially focused on supporting radiant health in the physical and energetic bodies.
The Multi – Dimensional Violet Flame of Transmutation – A Violet Flame of Light which dissolves negativity on all levels of your being.
The Solar Level Soul Grounding and Magnification Team – Operated by Helios and Vesta the Solar Level Logos, this team supports a deepening in connection with your soul, thus allowing the perfection of your soul to download into your being.
The Fear Removal Program – Overseen by the Second Ray of Light this program uses light to remove stagnant fear within all bodies of your being.
The Light Rods of Illumination and Clarity – Offered by the Elohims of Truth.
Until we speak again,

My love is eternally yours,

Archangel Metatron


Lord Maitreya~ Supporting Souls in The Era of Love ~ December 20, 2019

By Natalie Glasson,

– Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Blessings of the Christ I, Lord Maitreya, bestow upon you and activate from within your being, let the Christ active energy of love weave its way through your being and reality penetrating every aspect of yourself with the pure love of the Creator.

I wish to bless your heart chakra with the Christ consciousness light to boost its purpose. Your heart chakra is working tremendously hard in this present time shifting and releasing so many unneeded energies, it is currently a centre of activity but most importantly a centre of change, truth, acknowledgement and divine shifts. Allow me to work with your heart chakra to strengthen the love present as the heart is bringing to the surface all that is no longer needed, it is throwing out all negative patterning of the past to bring freedom to your being, while assisting you in moving the vibrations of your being to be aligned with a new dimensional vibration of light. Such a tremendous clearing led by the heart chakra can cause pain and suffering of the past to return for acknowledgement or to reactivate, in this state of evolution acknowledgement and compassion is important while attachment and identification with the energies will only cause more suffering. Beloved ones let me work with your heart chakra supporting their great process of upheaval as I pour the Christ consciousness light deep into your heart chakra, I am here to be of service to you, eternally.

You may wish to say;
Lord Maitreya, I call forth your luminous golden energy to be present with me now. Please anchor the Christ consciousness light deep into my heart chakra, letting your light carry throughout my entire being. Please continue to increase the volume of Christ consciousness penetrating my being and heart chakra in order to strengthen the love and healing vibration of my heart chakra. As my heart chakra brings all unneeded energies, habits and patterns to the forefront to aid my necessary ascension shifts I ask for the loving support of Lord Maitreya and the Christ consciousness to clear the energies with ease and perfection. Let the love of my heart magnify with such intensity that all unneeded energies instantly dissolve in the presence of my heart chakra. It is my understanding and belief that I move through necessary shifts of my ascension with a beautiful and joyous ease. Thank you.

Simply allow yourself to feel a golden glow building within your heart chakra. You can remind yourself of this and my support in times of shifts or if any pain arises to be healed and acknowledged.

While your heart chakra is experiencing and is guiding a deep cleansing, it is true that your entire being is evolving therefore moving through tremendous shifts, activation and healing processes. You may recognise this more vividly within your reality and also within your emotional body. The love that is growing upon the Earth and more importantly within your beings is causing a tremendously strong and intense purification, where everything you have not yet noticed within yourself will come to the surface as if a light is shone upon your entire being and gradually you must sort through all your energies to understand what you wish to release and what you wish to retain within your being. It may also be that energies in the past you believed you had healed may re-emerge for further healing. As more and more love manifests and activates within your being it is as if the light shone upon you widens or penetrates deeper demonstrating to you more of yourself. Sometimes energies can be so embedded within your being they require many levels of healing before they are uprooted completely from your being. While energies are rising to be healed so are your emotions and mental states, these are so familiar to you, akin to old friends that sometimes you can link back into them without realising. The purpose of the old emotions and mental states emerging is to strengthen your state of love and inner peace. The old emotions and mental states ask you if you can recognise them and not be tempted by their presence, but instead enter into a deeper state of peace and love where you lovingly disregard the old emotional and mental states.

I am aware that many of you already understand this deep purification which is a-rising and may continue becoming less in the years ahead but I ask you to think with compassion and awareness of those who may not have a similar understanding. There are many people upon the Earth who have not yet awoken fully to be conscious of the shifts and healing processes occurring in this year and the next coming years. They have no idea why they are being bombarded with negative situations in their reality or negative states of mind and emotions which seem to arise with no reason. Many people naturally find their way through, releasing and healing often without realising, especially because they have not realised how much they have evolved over the years. There are some people who cannot help but dive into the old negative emotional and mental states, projecting these into their reality which is causing them pain and suffering as they become entangled unable to break free. For those of you who move through the clearing of old energies you understand how difficult it can be, so to move through without spiritual tools, guides and a conscious awareness can be a challenging and seemingly endless process.

The era of love will penetrate into your being with such depth that there will be nothing remaining within your being and energies, only love. In the beginning the love purification process may seem difficult but as more love activates within your being you will place more and more trust in love until you are so immersed and focused in love that the purification process will become tremendously tranquil because you will be eternally dancing in love.

Knowing we are all one, we can recognise each and every person as a part of our own being. You can recognise those of similar mind states as a part of your being, but there is also a need to recognise those not yet conscious of their ascension as an aspect of your being. You may realise that within your being there are areas not yet activated or submerged in love. The more you focus upon activating love and truth within your being the more souls will awaken on the Earth. It is also important to realise that you can assist many people who may be experiencing what seems like to them a hell upon the Earth as so many negative energies emerge and they are unsure how to heal them, it is to hold these souls in your heart with tremendous compassion and love. Not because you are following your ascension pathway and are therefore more evolved but because you have the awareness to do so, the awareness to make a difference.

The Christ consciousness has a purpose in this present moment of holding all beings who are struggling with the love purification process in the deep healing, nourishing and supportive energies of the Christ consciousness. I wish to ask you to assist in this process of healing and freeing many from their negative emotional and mental states of the past. It is a simple process that will assist you in supporting a world healing and shift process as well as activating the greater presence of love within your being.

I ask you when you feel guided to enter into a state of meditation and to breathe deeply,

Imagine a golden glow of light in your heart space and let it expand to create a powerful ball and cocoon of love and Christ consciousness within your heart space.

Call upon myself, Lord Maitreya, to create a golden cocoon of support around your entire being offering to you love and protection you can draw upon.

If there are any people who are suffering in your reality you can call them to be healed, cleansed and released from the torment of their old energies, if they so wish.

Imagine them existing within your cocoon of Christ consciousness in your heart space and let them be healed.

Then release them from your heart space and ask me, Lord Maitreya, to cleanse and heal your heart space.

This practice can be achieved asking for all of humanity who is suffering to enter into your heart space in the same way, know your love is never-ending and eternally expansive. This is such a beautiful practice which will support many, including yourself.

I finally wish to share with you a short invocation to assist you in being of service at this time;

Beloved Lord Maitreya, Christed Beings and the Christ Consciousness, I call upon your loving and active vibration of love to penetrate the Earth and each love adding all of us to move through the love purification process with tremendous ease, happiness and perfection. Let us all remain in states of love as we release all that is no longer needed and no longer serves us. Please especially surround in love those who are finding it difficult to free themselves from pain and suffering, help all to embrace love on a deeper level. Thank you.

With Christed blessings,

Lord Maitreya


The 144 Healing System ~ December 2, 2019

Editor’s Note: Expansion, ascension, spiritual growth…whatever your definition for your soul growth is actually…just beginning! Once the 5th dimension has been reached, the path of personal fulfillment continues on, and on, and on ad infinitum until ONENESS has been reached with SOURCE, ALL THAT IS, PRIME CREATOR (your choice).

This message gives an indication of measures for continued soul growth and how they can be achieved. Please read this with an open mind, know that information of this type will become more and more important as your soul expands allowing you to BE…



Channeled through Natalie Glasson  ~ Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, we are the Council of 144, as a collective, we represent every member of the Universe of the Creator. We exist at the cosmic level and yet are often recognized as the Council of 12 (the 12 core energies that are first expressed from the Creator, of which each of you passes through and are an expression of.) As the Council of 144, our purpose is to maintain the energy, frequency, and vibration of creation as born from the Creator. The frequency we emanate as the 144 synthesizes into many dimensions and even civilizations upon the Earth. During major ascension shifts, the 144 frequency is present to support the necessary manifestations. When the 144 frequency is present in whichever form it manifests, you can be sure a powerful shift and transformation is presenting itself for all to experience. The frequency of 144 at a cosmic level is the vibration of manifestation and creation of the purest nature. It is with this vibration we greet you, activating the same within you. As we connect with each other and through each other, so we recognize the purest vibration of the Creator.

Our purpose in coming forth to you today is to share an insight from the Universe of the Creator and our conscious awareness. We wish to share with you a vibration and frequency known as the 144 Healing System. This is the healing frequency present within our vibration, known as the 144 frequency, born from the cosmic level. Our frequency represents the wholeness, completeness, and oneness of the Creator. Therefore, our healing frequency represents and promotes the same. It is labeled the 144 Healing System because calling upon this energy and attunement begins a cycle of attuning your entire being on all levels to the wholeness, completeness, and oneness of the Creator. The result is that gradually, although, at an accelerated rate, you shift your energy vibration to exist in harmony with the 144 frequency with special focus upon healing and transforming that which separates and withdraws your energy from the Creator. Your harmonization with the 144 frequency will support a process of discovering your inner truth, dissolving inner wounds, rediscovering the Creator within you and accepting liberation throughout your entire being. Energies that seem to be stagnating will have the opportunity to blossom into the beautiful and blissful energy of the Creator. The 144 Healing System supports your own special journey of rejoicing with the Creator while allowing you to remain in your power, at the forefront of your internal healing and awakening process. The journey is different for each soul that connects with the 144 Healing System, making it difficult to describe the full presence and purpose of this powerful vibration.

The 144 Healing System holds 144 stands of healing energy, each stand or energy wave was created by the Council of 12. When each strand of healing energy is combined it creates a complete and the ultimate healing shift which impacts all levels of your being. Calling on just some of these healing stands of light could support the healing you desire in your life, reality and being now. However, when you anchor the 144 stands of healing energy you create a vow with yourself and the Creator of seeking unity with the Creator, beyond the current experiences of your existence on the Earth. A unity that sings to every aspect of your being and re-establishes your intimate relationship with the Creator. Within the 144 Healing System are codes and divine imprints that represent and emanate the purest vibration of the Creator and the Universe of the Creator. Each code and divine imprint promote oneness and harmonization with the Creator, supporting you in bringing the same into creation within your reality upon the Earth and the inner planes.

Souls throughout the Universe of the Creator, such as Star Beings and Ascended Masters, download and emanate the 144 Healing System, recognizing it as a transformational pathway to the remembrance of the Creator on all levels of their being. This is not new energy, it is a frequency at the very core of your own being and at the foundation of the entire universe of the Creator, as well as the Earth.

Within the Ascended Master Schools on the inner planes, there is an opportunity to access and reactivate the 144 Healing System at which every dimension you are vibrating. Many choose to decipher and express teachings and healing techniques from the 144 Healing System and yet at a cosmic level it is simply light that shifts your being into complete harmonization with the Creator.

We, the Council of 144 wished to make you aware of the 144 Healing System now so you may be conscious of this energy within your being, thus beginning a unique healing journey for yourself in co-creation with the Creator. It is essential now due to the Blaze of Light anchoring in 2020 from the Creator with the purpose of creating more light and the magnification of light. If the frequency and energy of the 144 Healing System is recognized within your being and activated, then it will be magnified and further distributed throughout your being by the Blaze of Light.

It is important to recognize that the 144 Healing System manifests the completeness, wholeness and oneness of the Creator for all aspects of your being, reality, creations and existence on the Earth and the inner planes. Take a moment to connect with and embody this understanding:

Imagine the presence of wholeness within your being and reality that the 144 Healing System creates.

Imagine the transformations the presence of wholeness on all levels of your being would create within you and for your reality.

Contemplate your presence and existence in the world with the vibration of wholeness.

Reactivating the 144 Healing System

‘I call forth the frequency and vibration of the Council of 144 to be present with me and ground into my being. I invite the 144 frequency to penetrate my being with the purpose of activating the energy and presence of the 144 Healing System within me. Let the frequency of the 144 Healing System blossom into my entire being, transforming all that I am and create. Support me in accessing and emanating the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. Let this activation begin now. Thank you.’

The activation will create whatever is needed and appropriate within your being now, thus encouraging your intimate relationship with the Creator.

Magnifying the 144 Healing System with the Light Blaze of 2020

This activation can be achieved now or at any time during 2020.

‘I call forth the frequency and vibration of the Council of 144 to be present with me and ground into my being. I invite the 144 frequency to penetrate my being with the purpose of activating the energy and presence of the 144 Healing System within me.

I open my entire being to receive the appropriate vibrations of the 2020 Light Blaze to magnify all that is the light of the Creator. I invite the 2020 Light Blaze to touch every cell of my being, my energy vibration and reality, bathing me in the most supreme light.

I invite a synthesis and reconnection to take place within my being. May the Creator’s 2020 Light Blaze ignite, amplify and reactivate the presence of the 144 Healing System within my being now. I allow the presence, sacred codes, divine influence, and guidance of the 144 Healing System to radiate from the core of my being. I am an embodiment of the 144 frequency and healing vibration; the presence of the wholeness, completeness and oneness of the Creator. I open my mind and heart to recognize truth and purely how the 144 frequency will serve me now in my life and journey of expressing the Creator. Thank you.’

Allow and hold the intention of a synthesis taking place within your being, rest and enjoy the presence of the energy.

Infinite love,

Council of 144


Ascended Masters ~ November 25, 2019

Editor’s Note: (Thanks E!) Are you growing spiritually? Are yous seeking to expand your knowledge of spiritual hierarchy? I Am no master of spiritual knowledge, and remain convinced that your own personal heart is the most important spiritual facet for you to know and understand, however…it is a very good idea to know and realize who is “on your side” in the time of spiritual awakening!

Please read more about “Ascended Masters” and learn of their importance for you. An example would be finding an Ascended Master which reflects your profession, or your deep interests in this lifetime, or a Master who has traits you would like to develop within yourself.

So…please view the list below, research the Master of your choice (or ask to be guided to one), investigate further, feel their Love for you, and BE…



An Ascended Masters is a soul who has existed on the Earth in human form and yet through discipline, mastery and awareness they have balanced their emotional and mental bodies to exist in harmony and peace with the Creator. With realisation of  himself/herself as their truth and an aspect of the Creator they are able to shift to resonate with the Creator accepting enlightenment and seeing through the illusions of the Earthly reality.

In the past once ascension was achieved by an individual they would leave their physical body to return to the inner planes to be of service. In our current stage of ascension many people are achieving a level of mastery which brings forth self realisation and enlightenment however they are choosing to remain on the Earth in their human bodies to continue to distribute the light and support the ascension of others.

The Ascended Masters currently existing on the inner planes are equal to us upon the Earth, we are all playing a vital role in supporting all of humanity in remembering their divinity. These beings hold a great volume of knowledge and are acting as guides to us all from the spiritual levels and inner planes. They are wonderful guides as they have existed on the Earth understanding the challenges of reality and the initiations of ascension and healing which we are all moving through now.

Click on any of the names below to take you to the index of messages for that Ascended Master,

Ascended Masters Channeled Messages Through Natalie Glasson