Move Into the Center of Your Web ~ August 26, 2019

By A Gift From Gaia

Take the time to anchor in these beautiful frequencies.

The neuro pathways are now seeking new directions to align your field to your frequency after a huge influx of magnetism last night, you may have experienced high temperatures from within, as though your veins have fire running through, spine and crown too. Achy muscles are common as the request to move into action begins strengthening up the vessel where it is required, action means muscles, as the soul gushes in we expand, this can also make us a little itchy, also static is normal.

Others will be moving into this space and before you get there it is rather uncomfortable, the physical reality is still breaking down, and if you are looking for some light to assist may I suggest you take a look at the recent videos and the work I have out there in the field that will assist.

Feel free to email so we can establish which light keys will assist

Now is the time, to move into the centre of your web and work from there, in purity, in love within the arms of Source and you will find this space, within, as there is nothing external from you.

Nature is the space we fully connect, back within to the seed crystal of the heart.


And this is where I intend to play….always 

Collectively misunderstandings and assumptions are likely, mirrors are everywhere and all is abundant, all data is available, the question is are you ready to receive?
