“We ARE Present NOW On Earth” ~ January 27, 2020

L’Aura Pleiadian

We are PRESENT now on Earth as the transformational powers of the eternal DIVINE have awakened into the NOW moment and are deeply anchored into the heart of Earth’s awareness. That is ~ the world of human form with all of its Holographic players, LIGHTING the way through the heart.

AS this the Milky Way galaxy continues to undergo its monumental shift as part of the UNIVERSE itself and its transformation ~ SO TOO ~ ALL those on Earth will be shaken to the core of their own existence.

The magnetic fields continue to SHIFT. The anchor of what was memory/experience is dissolving rapidly, NOW.

This translates into the pure of heart ~ BEING the embodiment of the true LOVE, crowned in glory, awakening others to this frequency of the void of the ORIGIN.

On Venus we prepared the fully developed heart of LOVE ~ as the incarnated PRESENCE that would rapidly shift this holographic experience, into being that of LOVE.

With Sanut Kumara we are present with the DIVINE Council of Overseers, with all of the illuminated beings who have undergone this transformation into the heart of their being. OUR PRESENCE sanctioned through GLORY is awakening all to LOVE and the embodiment that leads to true freedom.

Enter the heart and the void, through which all emerges as the GLORY of all the ILLUMINATED BEINGS, through love. We activate you NOW.

In love!

source: https://thenewdivinehumanity.com/2020/01/26/we-are-present-now-on-earth

The Activation and Shift From The 4th Dimension to 5th Dimension ~ Feb. 7, 2018

By L’Aura Pleiadian

The Shift. From the Head to the Heart. From 4th Dimensional thought patterns, energetic responses of the OLD ways.

This is a monumental shift ~ alignment ~ activation ~from the head to the Heart.

Living through the portal of LOVE within AS the eternal awareness that already exists.

These are not just words. You see them as words. This is an energetic WAVE of intense frequency and LIGHT aligning you NOW.

This does not exist in time.

No past no future ALL existing NOW in awareness, through the Heart.

This is the SHIFT ~ feel this now.

YOUR entire thought structures will change.

You thoughts give way to the Love and Bliss within.

The Heart will be the governing pattern through which you function in 5th dimensional consciousness and beyond. Cosmic consciousness.

The YOU that functions through the portal of Love and GRACE to a world unknown to those in the 4th Dimension.

YOU live here through this and the here shifts and changes, ALIGNING and matching your frequency with the Divine Eternal YOU. Now.

This exists through the eternal now moment.

You align.

You are activated.

YOUR world changes. You observe how you now function differently.

Life on Earth began with this awareness as the WAY, this state of consciousness on MU.

It is what all the wisdom schools and ancient mystery schools have taught throughout the ages.

Alignment through the Heart with the eternal moment and Divine God Self.

YOU now have full access as you open your heart, surrender the suffering.

Surrender the old way and enter consciously NOW DEEP into these frequencies that are being activated NOW.

Receive Beloved Children of Light.

The Angels stepping forward on Earth.

The Pleiadian…The Elohim, Present ~ all now.

The Syrians, The Galactic Councils. The Pleiadian Councils…The Lyrans. All present NOW.

Other Universes…. present NOW.

Through the Central Sun, receive NOW. In love.

And so it WAS on Earth ~ so it is NOW.

In love and NOW as it has always Been.

In the Glory of the All That is.

With The Blue Avians…The Divine Council of Overseers..we ARE here now. In love.

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