More 2 of 32 Solar Eclipse Mass Meditation – ALL HANDS ON DECK! ~ August 20, 2017

Oh No! Another meditation video?

Yep…because the complete solar meditation is such an auspicious occasion! Given the current state of affairs in your life, your country, and your world; all these point to a need for positive change!

How do WE bring about that positive change? It’s pretty simple…”enough” of humanity (normally thought to be 144,000 “true requests”)have/need to ask for it, preferably at the same time! It’s just that simple/hard to do.

So…complete instructions for joining humanity at 11:11 PDT (see below for the exact time in your time zone) have been put out there by the Prepare For Change group (these folks follow Cobra quite closely). Please read this article, decide if you will participate with Love and Joy, and…


Can you FEEL IT?!
….massive mobilization of Light forces on all the planes & octaves of creation over the past few weeks  … as we prepare for the Meditation of all Meditations on the Solar Eclipse.
Cobra, Corey Goode, Ben Fulford, David Wilcock,  Justin Deschamps, Kauilepele, Golden Age of Gaia all call for a mass meditation….
….to choose which REALITY we want to create for ourselves and the planet!
TomorrowMONDAY….AUGUST 21st, 2017 at 11:11 Pacific Daylight Time!!!
Check for your local time here:
If you’re not used to meditating regularly, here’s a guided audio in 15 languages (including a music only version so you can go at your own pace):
This series of guided audio meditations is synchronized in 15 different languages worldwide and was created according to the special instructions of the dragon families as a technique to help us send out a very strong laser focused and coherent signal to our star brothers and sisters of the galactic confederation!
Please help us spread this meditation far and wide!
Your participation is needed!
Your vote counts!
Here is a downloadable version of this meditation (English Language)
Then you will not need the Internet to participate!
Gaia needs you now more than ever!
Ask the boss for Monday off if you have to…or take your break…..make any excuse you have to.
Let’s be absolutely certain we reach 144,000 meditators this time!
  1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
  2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony and unity for planet Earth and its inhabitants.
  3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System, through the eclipsed Sun and the Moon and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
  4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire.

Solar Eclipse Portal ~ Your Bio-Field is Expanding with The Higher Frequencies ~ August 17, 2017

By Meg Benedicte, 08/17/2017

We are currently moving thru the intense eclipse corridor towards the dynamic Solar Eclipse portal this Monday, August 21st. This is a power-packed month with 2 Leo new moons, 2 eclipses on North/South Nodes, 8-8 Lions Gate, and 5 planets in retrograde from the 12th to the 25th. The following retrograde phase is the perfect time for review:
Mercury Retro (August 12 – September 5, 2017), Saturn Retro (April 6 – August 25, 2017), Uranus Retro (August 3, 2017 to January 2, 2018), Neptune Retro (June 16 to November 22, 2017) and Pluto Retro (April 20 to September 28, 2017).

Saturn contacting the galactic center in Sagittarius is illuminating the Ascension path home to source. There is heightened electricity in the ether, creating a plasma field of abundant electrons. Yesterday I felt pulled to look up into the sun and saw Solar Rainbow Rays radiating around the sun.

Your bio-field is expanding with the higher frequencies streaming from the galactic vortex. You may be experiencing physical symptoms from the surge of Light consciousness including fatigue, body tension, pressure in head, high-pitch ringing in ears, strange dreams, detoxing and purging. Take time in nature and ground to the light grid to alleviate any electrical overstimulation.

As the Solar Eclipse approaches, you are being prepared for a game-changing Reset. Approach it as a ‘wiping the slate clean’ moment, when everything goes to zero point. These don’t come often in life, so take advantage of the moment. Grab the opportunity to set a new direction in your life. Forgive the past and set it free! Whatever you intend, visualize and focus on will be set in motion for years to come.

As millions of Americans pause on Monday, August 21st and look into the sky during the blackout – nature loses color, stars shine in the sky, animals become anxious, temperatures drop, and the sun’s corona is visible. We are being blessed with a very rare event that will define our future lives.

Tensions are rising, especially in America as the solar eclipse pinnacle arrives in a few days. With 5 planets in review, past wounds are being revealed for healing. The American history of racism, slavery and white supremacy is up for debate…our future depends on it. The intense galactic Light infusion transforms shadow and illuminates the path of enlightenment.

Step into the Great American Solar Eclipse portal on Monday, August 21st at 12 Pacific for powerful Ascension Activations. We will be joining other mass meditations around the world united as we co-create our future 5D Earth. Register at:

Lovingly, Meg

Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
