The Spell of Democracy by The War Drummer ~ October 10, 2018

Editor’s Note: This is a very good video by War Drummer which elucidates how the world came to be in the state of such turmoil. This happened due to, well…watch the video below. Great plan by evil, but indeed…love has won, my friends with an impending great and positive change on the horizon! Please watch, understand, and…


The Killing of the King Part 1, Part 2 | The JFK Story Like You’ve Never Heard It | War Drummer [video] ~ October 9, 2018

Masonic Sorcerers

I have never before heard this level of history or research about the assassination of JFK, Texas,  Dallas, Houston, or the rest. It’s mind-blowing.

Anyone who doubted sorcery or the Masonic occult connections to what transpires on our planet will surely abandon or at the very least, question the validity of those doubts. It’s all about spells involving word magic, locations, evil, repetition, and occult meanings.

Thank you, War Drummer. Outstanding job .  ~ BP