Are you an Energy-Sensitive Empath or a Common-Sense Materialist ? ~ Nov. 10, 2016

  • Have you tried meditation, energy healing, chakra balancing, birth chart reading or other related practices but still seem to be missing how it all fits into our quantum reality?   higher-consciousness-brain
  • Do you have an inner urge to understand what human aura, channeling, spiritual           science, higher levels of consciousness, higher self and other related phenomena are all about?
  • Would you like to get  clear practical answers to the questions that you have accumulated while exploring the vast field of consciousness and end your struggle to fit into the hectic world of informational paradigm ?
  • Did at least one of the questions resonate with you?

Life Script Doctor website is about insights and tools for your mind that can teach you how to keep your energy in balance. When you hold the knowledge of how energy-informational field works, you can quickly identify true causes and find solutions to problems on the energy level. When your energy flow is in harmony with the field, you are living a healthy and fulfilling life of purpose, which inevitably leads to success in personal as well as professional life.

The world of the XXI century is changing every minute and the worldview that ensures ecological interaction with the levels of higher consciousness and the field is becoming more vital than ever. It is no longer enough to just act without attracting bad karma. In order to stay healthy and be successful in what you do, you now need to make sure your energy, intentions and thoughts are intact with the laws of the energy-informational field. Your worldview or the way of thinking is the key to a harmonious and happy life!

What you think you become.” Buddha

Each one of us is a unique universe and you hold responsibility to realize your own full potential. The time of gurus is over – you have your own guru inside. The energy-informational field is open and you can learn anything you feel passionate about. I have had my own journey of self-discovery (see about Life Script Doctor) and after many years of learning, researching and practicing different energy healing modalities, self-help courses and consciousness awakening techniques the time has come to share the knowledge with you.

A big part of the information that you will find on this website is based on the spiritual science Infosomatics (that I have been studying and practicing since 2008). It offers a map to the higher levels of consciousness, energy-informational methods of analysis as well as powerful visualization techniques.  This new field has been developed by the work of the International Institute of Social Ecology.  Since 1991, the work of the Institute has led to many discoveries and helped many people recover their health, find fulfilling relationships and excel in doing business.

Spiritual science has no doctrine or scripture. It is the study of all religions and belief systems, taking from them the best that each has to offer.

Spiritual Science 3

Levels of Higher Consciousness Explained

Infosomatic visual model of the energy field unites science and spirituality. There are also powerful meditation/manifestation/visualization techniques that have proven to be very effective in practice. They can help you connect with your higher self and quickly balance your energy flow when needed.

It has nothing to do with popular New Age schools or movements. This exclusive self discovery knowledge shows you life as it is. It does not go against any religion or spiritual school. It explains the physics behind Nature’s phenomena and how to reach balance in order to live your life by following your own unique Nature.

If your life gets off-balance you need to know how to get it back on track. The tools that you will find on this website will allow you to pinpoint energy-informational seeds behind problems in your life and offer practical ways  to resolve them. In other words, the true cause and solution to the problems that you might be experiencing (sickness, issues with business or personal life) lie on the higher levels of consciousness or on the energy level.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it“.
– Albert Einstein.

Practical knowledge offered on Life Script Doctor website is aimed to help you acquire flexible worldview that can lead to successful realization of your full potential in the XXI century. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you can give or take, what really matters is the level of awareness you can reach in order to share it with others. The only way to see if suggested worldview and techniques can benefit your life is to test them yourself. Above all –

“Practice is the sole criterion for testing the truth”

You are welcome to browse articles, use visualization techniquessubscribe to get access to more materials and watch webinars (there is more than 6 hours of video materials generously posted on the website for free). For advanced in-depth knowledge of energy-informational world, powerful techniques and guidance on how you can improve the quality of your “lifescript”, you can consider seminars on video as well as personal consultation (see services page).

Here is an introduction video with the link to a two hour FREE webinar, so you can learn more on how the energy field works and how Life Script Doctor can help on your road towards living a fulfilling life of purpose: