Rudolph Giuliani – Please read and share ~ Dec. 20, 2016

kuailapeleI found an article from Kuailapele from which many of the links were already broken due to the extreme sensitivity of this post. It seems that many, many things are coming out of the woodwork at this point in time. Could this be due to the massive waves of energy that were recorded as sweeping over the Earth by Dutchsince last night? Please see his video below:

Now…onto the title of this article. It seems that Rudoph Giuliani has some things to say (perhaps his conscious is weighing him down?), and what he has to say is fairly shocking. I wouldn’t be surprised if he were silenced somehow or the other fairly quickly, but since we are not to judge, but merely observe, let’s see what unfolds from this supposed “Tweet” from Rudolph Guiliani. So…please read his statement below, ignore the MSM right now, and…


Click the link to view the supposed Giuliani document jpeg, which I downloaded.