11:11 Solar eclipse (time sensitive) ~ August 7, 2018

Big bold beginnings are coming your way!

We’re on the precipice of a truly spectacular event.

On Saturday, (August 11th at 5:58am EST) we’re graced with a glorious Solar Eclipse in Leo. The heavenly lineup of planets and numbers in this synchronistic event almost takes my breath away.

That sounds dramatic, but Leo is that kind of sign, so ROAR!


Leo is giving you the gift of courage!

In astrology, Leo is governed by the Sun and is associated with the heart. For you to truly live your soul’s purpose, you must have the courage to express your true self, and allow yourself to shine.

This Supermoon eclipse is teaching you to let go of anything getting in the way of you expressing your authentic nature, so you can fully step into your power!

It’s happening on the 11th day this month, in an 11 Universal Year (2+0+1+8 = 11).

11 is the number of Illumination

This season of eclipses has brought you many revelations, making you fully aware that you deserve better!

You’ve been receiving many divine downloads about what you can no longer tolerate, and what you need to do to change your life.

Summon up the courage of the lion to believe in yourself so you can make the changes you need to manifest your heart’s desires.