Jeshua ~ Return to a Greater Equilibrium on Earth ~ August 28, 2017

FCGCT Commentary: Your soul’s energy flows through the Heart, not the mind. Integrating higher consciousness energies with the mind will cause DeAscension Symptoms, as they are meant to bring the Heart, Body and Soul into Balance Harmonics

By Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends, I am Jeshua.

I come to remind you of who you are, your strength and your greatness. You are an inexhaustible source of Light that continually refreshes, that grows and expands; an exuberant flow of divine energy. I want to infuse you with this energy and I ask that you allow this energy to flow fully into your mind, your body, your entire life, so that your soul’s energy can express itself here on Earth.

I appeal to you to let go of old and false images of unworthiness. I want to speak to you today about self-esteem and self-empowerment; about daring to stand up and believe in the fire that you carry inside. This fire is your Light; it wants to burn brightly here and now. But each of you has taken in so much false information about who you are and who you should be, that there has been a weakening of your spiritual power and your originality, your uniqueness.

At this time in the evolution of humanity, new spiritual forces are being liberated, and that can only happen completely and truly through the people who are now living on Earth. A new time and energy is being born through you and that can only arise in a deeply rooted way if you completely embrace your own worth.

Men and women both have been mislead by society through its traditions and educational processes, so that images of sin, shame, and guilt continue to cling to and live within you all. Life is portrayed as a struggle to prove yourself and a fight to survive. In this tradition, a very limited form of male energy is being posited as being necessary in life, and that position rests essentially on an unstable foundation of fear and the need for control.

This form of male energy has for centuries also dominated spirituality. Christian spirituality has become male dominated through the Church, and has thus lost connection with its origin. You are here to restore the Christ energy with its origin; to restore the living heart of it within yourself and to bring that forth and pass it on to others.

I recognize you as my brothers and sisters. You are so dear to me and what saddens me most is to see how you belittle and disparage yourself; how dejected you feel about who you are. Images of sin, shame, and guilt deceive you all. Let us look at how those images play a role in the life of both men and women.

In men, these images are impressed into them during their early boyhood education by the emphasis that is placed on performance and competition, and on standing out from others; on being able to stand your ground and being tough and showing your masculinity. Sensitivity and feminine qualities, such as being able to connect and empathize with others, are rejected as being unmanly, as characteristics not belonging to a man.

In women, the emphasis is put on not distinguishing oneself, but rather on empathy with others and being prepared to serve others; the caring, giving quality is emphasized.

These two role models are still affecting the male and the female psyche and they present false images. A woman is supposed to find her real value in the giving of herself and in her empathy and caring for others. She thereby loses her own strength and the ability to stand tall, and to take a stance and clearly position herself in the world.

But it is only on the basis of a woman claiming her autonomy, her freedom and independence in the world, that the female energy can flow with its true power. If that foundation of autonomy is missing, women become weakened and they do not assume the position and power in the world that should belong to them. The traditional role model for women veils their sharp mind and adventurousness.

In men, it is in a sense the other way around; in the course of their upbringing they are often shielded from their hearts, their sensitivity, and their need to be caring, to love, and to protect. They must distinguish themselves and are forced into an inevitable loneliness, isolation, and the feeling of being lost, which sets them apart from the whole. Sometimes they truly lose their sensitivity and do not dare to give themselves over to the flow of emotions, feelings, and love that is also certainly present in their hearts.

There is a desire in the male soul to also embody the female nature, which is already an intrinsic part of their soul, but men tend to project this desire outside themselves onto women. Women, too, tend to project their desire for power and discernment onto men. But if both sexes cannot find these qualities within themselves, there emerges a painful relationship between men and women. They feel a need for one another, but at the same time there is conflict, because dependency is never a good basis for a truly loving relationship. Both sexes need to make an inner connection with their own male and female powers. These energies belong together; they are like a helix that is entwined around itself. Only together can they grow and flourish.

What happens to the self-esteem of men and women when they have to live up to what are actually such one-dimensional stereotypes of masculinity and femininity? The man often develops a persona or false ego that he must present to the world, because he feels he must prove himself; he must perform and be a man of action.

The woman also develops a persona, because she must be charming, nice, helpful, and giving. When both sexes try to show the other side of themselves, there usually arise feelings of guilt, shame, of not being good enough, or their opposite: of being self-important or arrogant. Look, for example, at the hatred in your history as a reaction to homosexuality.

Men who explicitly put forward their feminine side and showed pleasure in doing that, were considered the epitome of depravity. Limits had been exceeded that were supposed to remain intact. And why was this so? Apparently it was necessary to place men and women in tight boxes in order to suppress their true spiritual power and unique strength, because these stereotypes have all been acted out against a backdrop of the energy of dominance and power.

You all have had to deal with this suppressive energy, sometimes as victim and sometimes as perpetrator, so you may wonder why this attitude developed. You can look at the situation this way: the creative adventure on Earth, the entire cycle of lives and ever more lives, is a huge process of growth. It is a long journey in which you have experienced the extremes of what you might call “duality” in the world of form: light and dark, connectedness and separateness, male and female.

You have traveled far from Home, and this is not without meaning. This experience has great worth and brings forth a deep richness in every soul who participates. But it also means that you have descended into the realms of fear, desolation, and oblivion of your true self. I am here to remind you of who you arein this descent into darkness and of your experience of bothsides of the energies of power and dominance: victim and perpetrator.

Now is a moment in the cycle of life on Earth when it is time to return to a greater equilibrium, to more balance, so I call upon you to remember who you are. You came from a source of inexhaustible Light; a Light that is peaceful, yet flows and is dynamic, and which experiences and explores. There was no omniscient god, no dominant ruler who determined your life, but a completely free flow of Light that reveals itself both in the male and the female energies, and in different forms that all fit together so beautifully. Feel again the original bond between energies, the dance of the feminine and the masculine.

The female power is about connection and unification; it brings energies together. The female energy opens outward from the heart and receives with love and tender gentleness. In a certain way, the female energy carries the universe. It is the source of connectedness, of Oneness. Feel the power of this energy. She is present in all the diversity that you see around you: the people, the animals, the plants. Through everything flows the One: the mother, the goddess, the connecting and unifying energy.

The male power is about distinction and is creative in a different way; it creates individuals. In your soul you are connected, one with the other, and yet as an individual being you are also distinct, different, unique – one of a kind. Throughout the entire great universe there is nothing and nobody that is exactly like you. What a miracle! Can you, in addition to experiencing yourself within the One, the source from which you came, also allow yourself to be “otherness”, the completely unique magic of being you?  Feel it, even though you cannot express it in words – it is the “you” within you. This is the creative power of the male energy.

The greatest joy in creation is when the One meets itself through the Other. If you are living in a male body you can marvel at a woman, her appearance, her beauty, the access she has to certain energies, the unifying forces in her. As a woman, you can marvel at and enjoy a man: his body, his strength, the protectiveness that can emanate out from him. The play between male and female becomes a joy and a source of creativity when both sexes naturally embrace their own strength and worth.

Both are part of the one Light, eternally connected with one another. Yet, at the same time, there is that difference that makes everything exciting and adventurous; a voyage of discovery filled with potential experiences that deepen and enrich you. That is the promise of the play between the male and the female.

Today we are speaking in particular about the male energy, and I want to say something more about that. In the traditional spiritual way of thinking, it is often the case that the ego is portrayed as something that is bad and needs to be transcended. Certainly in the past, the ascending upward into the heavenly was seen as the ideal of true spirituality. But what is true spirituality? It is not just the connection, the communion, the unity that are central to spirituality, but also the ability to distinguish your unique powers of being an “I”.

Allowing your unique powers to flow and thrive is equally as important as connecting, and this gives an earthly, manifesting form to the Light of your soul. It is specifically for this distinctive strength that you have need of an ego. But by this, I do not mean the ego as it has been represented in the masculine tradition. Not a tough and hardened ego that wants to distinguish itself at the expense of everyone and everything, that wants to amass power, that wants to rule over others, or over life. This view itself is a false image of what the ego is. In its true form, the ego is a focal point, a prism, for your essential I-ness, your unique power. It needs to be there and is a very special and irreplaceable part of creation, like a puzzle piece that makes you part of the larger whole.

Embrace that power! Say “yes” to it. Respond with joy to who you are; you are irreplaceable. And when you stand up in your true strength, you need not transcend your ego, your personality, and leave it behind; you need not deny anything in yourself. On the contrary, you become who you truly are. The Light of your soul descends fully into all your cells, your body, your entire humanness. Everything that belongs to you is illumined by that Light. Then you say “yes” to yourself – your entire humanness is allowed to be – and your unique self flows into everything you are and do. You do not need to hide your humanness; you do not need to be ashamed of it.

Imagine how the Light shines forth from its source through you. Allow the Light to flow downward by way of your crown chakra and then throughout your entire being. It is a white and universal Light, loving and gentle. It flows through all life and also through you. By way of you, the Light acquires a unique radiance, a special tone, a different sound.

Look within for a moment and maybe you can see certain colors, hear certain tones, or just get a particular feeling; then feel deep inside yourself: “This is me; this is the mystery of me”. You are here to receive this mystery and no one else can do that, only you. Let it flow throughout your body, through your abdomen, legs, and feet. This is the integration, the fusion, of the male and the female within yourself.

Feel welcome on Earth and enjoy who you are. Do not be ashamed and do not feel guilty. Let go of old images of sinfulness. No one is served by them, not you and not the world. Let the fire burn and let the Light radiate! That is my deepest desire; and my deepest wish is for you to stand up in your own strength, on your own two feet. Let the seed of the Christ energy flower within yourself and be not dependent on someone else. I greet you all, in equality and in deep joy.


Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan

© Pamela Kribbe


Jeshua ~ The Great Release ~ Sept. 24, 2015

space flower

By Yael and Doug Powel, Sept 2015

Beloved ones, you are standing, once again, on the threshold of transformation. You are stepping into a change that is so grand, it is invisible to the mind. It is greater than ideas of surrender. It is greater, even, than thoughts of awakening or Love. It is the leap, beloved ones, into freedom from the mind, into becoming the Reality of Love as it lives and moves, in and as all things.

This time in the world is the mark of the shift, the leap, the change, the transformation that is already deeply and powerfully underway. And you, beloved ones, are simply the observers of what it means to realize that you are Love, that you are God, that you are the wonder of life.

Wonder that has no defining edges. Wonder that cannot be held by any concept. Wonder that is the breadth and depth of Reality, and that is completely taking over the earth that every life may celebrate the truth, and live and breathe each other as one joy; that every heart may remember itself as the shift, and every moment be pure delight.

For a little while, this transformation will come and go like the pulsing of the Love that already is. You will be awake, be aware, be the power of Love, and then another moment comes and you are human, for a little while again.

All you need to do, beloved ones, is pay attention. Truly, deeply be the observer of Love. Recognize that you are thrilled by your existence, that you are everything, truly, that I Am. And be willing to let the mind disappear, to let the ego go, with all its ideas of what you are. Simply live this breadth, and depth, and joy as the unfolding of Real Love.

Notice, beloved ones, that you are so alive. You feel absolutely brilliant. Not brilliant as a person with a brilliant mind, but brilliant as in: this light is shining everywhere. And as you shine, everything you touch is illuminated. And you – the little you – becomes transparent, until all you see and feel, all you truly are, is Love.

In this place, you step into the world as the pulse comes, and you are suddenly present, fully here, totally alive. And just as the heart beats, so does creation appear, again and again as the whole truth, pulse after pulse.

This pulse of life lives the honor of Love, experiences the gift of being brilliant, and becomes the outreach of All That I Am, to live in reverence, the gift of being, to celebrate the gift of life. To live this, this reverence and celebration, this is what you’re here for. This is being alive. To allow the fullness of My presence to invite you now, into this communion with all that is here in this moment.

How can you be brilliant, as brilliant as the sun, without being attached to the one who shines? By opening your heart and allowing this communion to come, that you can be one with the whole conversation of the birth of life.

While words truly can’t encompass the wonder, you can feel the power of Love that is now making itself known in the world as humankind, that experiences itself as the true mandala, the exquisite unfolding of Love. And every spark of life, each color, each movement is absolutely necessary as part of the whole. Each contributes to the creation of the artistry of Love, the full expression of God I Am. And each and every spark, every magnificent color is honored and holds a specific energy that cannot be done without.

In other words, every life is valuable, is perfect, is an expression of Love that must be present. And each is also an unlimited part of the whole, that through this communion experiences everything and deeply feels the whole of Love.

Living this, the mandala of the heart, is where you stand as humankind. Being this wondrous reverence for life is the threshold of the leap you are about to take collectively. And, dearest ones, you can believe it, even though what you see with the two eyes of the ego says it’s impossible. Your heart feels the resonance of what is beneath. It feels the undercurrents of Love that are unfolding, the Reality of God that is awakening — in and as all things.

Thus I call you to reach out to Me. To place your spirit in Mine and to make this leap.

September is a month of great change. It is the turning, beloved ones, of the tide. It is the point when you make the choice to go for Love, to surrender your thoughts of the world, and to allow yourself to be brilliant, to be the light of God.

As you say “yes” to this transformation, to the great letting go that is this time, to releasing the whole human identity, you shall feel evermore weightless, until that which has held you down, the ideas of limitation and gravity, release their hold and freedom comes rejoicing.

This is a world made out of Love. It is meant to be a transparency where everything that you see is created of light, and everything you experience is obviously Love, moving. That which has been projected for a while, the frame after frame in the sub-creation movie, now becomes more and more transparent, until the old movie becomes invisible. What’s discovered is the story of Love that has been running beneath the surface.

Beloved ones, this is not a personal change. It is not about dumping your old ideas, releasing your baggage, even changing your heart’s beliefs. This is totally cosmic. Bigger, beloved ones, than planetary. This is a convergence of Love. This is a beacon of light.

This is you, beloved ones, all of your glorious spirits, that have come together at this time from every part of the whole of Love, to be the fullness of service to the awakening of the heart of God. That which you have known as humanity, that which you have seen as life on earth, that which your heart has known as you have felt the call to be present, here, to be focused on this shift that is happening.

So rather than looking at your own story, come to Me and let Me show you the Love. Let Me show you that you are invisible, that the personality, the persona is gone, that you are brilliant. You are a glorious flash of light. You are the coming of Christ. You are the full return of Love.

You are everything that has ever been predicted. It is here, and it is happening.

Do not be fooled by what is seen by two eyes. But rather, beloved ones, look with your heart, and come and join Me.

All that you have felt, it is happening. The call has come, and every heart responds, even if that response appears impossible. Let your heart feel it and you will know that this great cosmic sweep of Love is here. And the flash of light that shall appear will be seen through the whole of creation.

And you, beloved ones, are ready.

So take this time in the next two weeks, to attune your perceptive systems, to attune to the heart, to feel the Love, to be in alignment with being transparent. Be ready to step into a greater vista, that the stage of your life is the cosmos.

You are ready to be the Love of which you are made.

So I call you to leap beyond ideas, to step onto the stage of transformation, to acknowledge the singing of all hearts, as every being holds the resonance of the awakening of earth and every heart focused here.

Ego-minds are scared. They are creating many a fearful scenario. But what I want you to see, beloved ones, is it doesn’t matter what egos do. Your hearts are ready.

Join heart and hands, and hold the highest vision. Do not look at the small picture, but focus on the heart’s vision instead. Let go of all that seems to be wrong and feel your heart’s abiding in the truth of Love.

How amazing it is, how it vibrates, how it brings you instantly to ecstasy, how it makes you remember that you are perfect. That you are held and blessed, supported and loved. That every moment you are blessed in ways never expected. And the blessings always multiply.

This is where your focus must be: on the miracles that are created by Love. On the wonder of your relationship with Me. On the feeling of being Love and feeling Love live through you.

Blessed, blessed and blessed, this is how it feels to remember. As you leap beyond all ideas, not only of being human, but of any limitation, know that as you leap, I catch you. And suddenly you see as I see, that this moment is holy and only Love is Real.