Message to Lightworkers – June 23, 2017 ~ June 26, 2017

By Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week, the Collective received a question from a Lightworker that millions around the world are grappling with.

I offer their answer here, and below that, another excerpt from their new book, Connections: The Collective Speak on Romance and Friendship.

[QUESTION] In regards to the chaos happening during this Ascension, I know that we are told to just be happy and allow others to have their experience, and that there are no victims.

At the same time, there are things happening, particularly in politics, that are so far from the norm.

I’m wondering what the balance is between acknowledging the chaos and fighting for what’s right, and simply tuning that out and focusing on our own happiness, as a way to raise the vibration and help everyone through our own joy.

I feel like it’s as if I’m looking down at my phone, and I’m going to look up and the world is going to be burned down around me. And I’m going to wish I had done something more?

[The Collective] Greetings! We are happy to speak with you today, dear ones. This is a powerful and important point, and well worth answering.

We would say, that each has her or his own path, and that the intuitive following of that path, as your higher self guides and directs you, is one of the greater forms of soul expression you will ever experience as a human being, particularly at this point on the current timeline.

So that while one person’s path might be to jump up and work for a nonprofit that serves Syrian refugees, another person’s might be to paint or write of a great vision of Peace.

Another’s might be to speak with persons of differing cultural viewpoints, to help them find a common ground they never knew could exist.

Another’s path might be to send waves of higher Light and Love to all who are struggling now, whether with inner or outer turmoil or both, so that they do not lose heart, and know that on a higher level, all is well.

That all is occurring according to plan, in the sense of Earth’s Ascension into higher dimensional life.

And so, there can never be one answer, just as there can never be one Ascension path.

What is there for you to do, that will aid a planet in turmoil? Only you can answer this, dear one.

We say to each of you, Where is your passion? What most intrigues and pulls you toward it, whatever it may be?

You will hear many say, “Theatre doesn’t help anyone!” Or “You may be a doctor, but you’re not the right kind.”

Allow No One to judge the path you are walking. It is only for you to discover and fulfill, and not for another (including your left-brain, logical aspect) to judge as adequate or inadequate.

You are here to fulfill that vision you had before incarnating.

And so, sit quietly with your team of Guides, Angels, and Higher Self each morning, and present this conundrum to them.

Say to them, “What did I come here for? You knew how the Earth would be struggling, at this point — the planet, and Her people. What did I specifically come here to do?”

Give them permission to send you their higher thoughts and solutions, which will pop up in your mind as if they originate from within your own heart-mind.

They will be filled with a special Light, and a feeling of rightness that other thoughts and ideas do not hold.

Also be aware of outer signs and symbols. Do not brush them aside.

When you hear or read a phrase that jumps out at you, that feels to be speaking to you, heed this as a higher wisdom reaching you.

Say, “Yes, I am listening. I am actively following the higher wisdom I am given. This is easy for me to do. And what follows is a sense of Peace of heart and mind, even in these trying days.”

And so dear ones, we send with this Message an energetic boost to aid you in your quest to remember with increasing clarity Who you are and Why you came, and to have the courage, even the Joy, to fulfill this.

Yes, these energies are enervating. And yet, they also open many portals and pathways for you to recall past lives, life in other dimensions and on other planets, and your true identity and soul mission.

Be of good cheer! These wheels you see turning are quickly aiding the presence and dominance of Divine Light in the Universe (on all planets, and not only your own).

They do not signal chaos, despite appearances, so much as a new Beginning.

The old must crack and crumble and give way before the new can be instated.

Allow this, as you allow the release of all in your that is no longer for your higher good.

And so — Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone.”

An excerpt from the Collective’s new book: Connections: The Collective Speak on Romance and Friendship

Go Here for info on how to receive the free Connections Preorder Giveaway gifts

From Chapter 7 – “On True and Authentic Partnerships”

[Question] My thirty-eight year relationship came to an end after deception and dishonesty. Even after that length of time committed to a relationship, I feel the separation was for my highest good.

When you speak of twin flames, does that mean your true, authentic partnership?

I am feeling through my spiritual growth that this relationship will become apparent to me very soon. A relationship of trust, support, and understanding, at a level I have never experienced before.

[The Collective] We would say, that the length of time you are with someone is not germane to whether or not you should remain with them. You may be with someone for only a few weeks or months, for example, and realize then that they are not for your higher good.

Or you may be with someone for nearly forty years, as you have been, and realize they are no longer for your higher good. That your paths are no longer on the same trajectory, and that now you must both move on in life.

This is not a matter of loss or “failure” or any other form of density. It is a matter of growth, of realizing what is good for you at this part of your path, and what is not. There need not be a sense of blame or betrayal or loss. You have chosen, on a higher level, to release your partner.

That would have come about in any event, from some situation contrived on a higher level to separate you, if not from your own inner decision.

Bless your partner and the situation, and the path that is leading you away from them. This is part of why you have come to this moment. You are here to experience the forward movement, the growth engendered from release, including (if you can) forgiveness of your former partner.

You are also here to know the joy of moving forward on your own, developing areas of your outer life and inner realization, and even your basic identity, including likes and dislikes that you were suppressing so as to keep things on an even keel with your former partner.

What you are asking for is a heart connection that originates consciously on a soul level.

Regarding your connection to your twin flame, what you share with them is a connection like no other. This is the truest and most authentic partnership you can know.

Though your connection with Creator God/Goddess or Source Energy is greater, your twin flame takes part in that connection with you. They are an aspect of Who you already are, and not the “Other” that so many Earth partnerships represent.

This is part of why you have released your long-term Earth relationship. It can no longer fulfill what you are asking for, which is a heart connection that originates consciously on a soul level.

But understand that your connection with your twin flame is already in place. There is no need to create it.

What is happening now is that you are becoming increasingly aware of that connection, which has existed for as long as your soul has existed.

One twin is the Feminine essence of the soul, the other the Masculine essence, and together they form a beautiful and unified Whole.

That wholeness is what you seek now—the even balance, the perfect integration. A symbiotic knowing and understanding of your twin, without one of you keeping any quiet corners hidden in shadow from the other.

We do not call it a “relationship,” for you do indeed relate to your twin flame, when you travel etherically to be with them in your sleep state each night, and on a higher level, all of the time.

But this is not the sort of “relating” you learned in third dimensional life. For one, your communication with them is telepathic and intuitive.

It is beyond words and their constricted meanings.

For another, you know each other to the point where explanations and expectations are not necessary.

You may be thinking, “In that case, why can’t I just speak to them telepathically in my waking hours?” and the answer is, you can! We encourage this in every Lightworker. In the channeling sessions our writer offers, we rarely need to request that a person’s twin flame come in to speak with them.

They are usually quietly present, in the background. At the mere mention of the twin flame, he or she immediately steps forward, more than happy to connect in a conscious way, and ready with a comment, reassurance, or an explanation their beloved has been looking for.

Most people do not realize that they can go into a meditation at any time and speak with their twin flame, without any special assistance, though that can be helpful at first.

The mind is not always able to grasp the reality of the twin flame existence, even if the heart feels it intuitively. Most think of a twin flame as an abstract idea.

That slows communication, because so many feel they are merely speaking to the air. You are not.

They hear you, and are with you at every moment.

So are all of us in the Collective, but your twin flame is with you in special ways that no one else can mimic.

When you speak of having a connection built on a level of trust, support, and understanding that you have never experienced before—this is indeed all part of your connection to your beloved twin. But these occur on a very different level than what you have been taught.

For one, “trust” is not a matter only of, “I trust you to keep my private comments confidential,” or “I trust you not to be intimate with anyone but me.”

It goes far deeper than that.

It is the sort of trust that means that if your very soul essence is challenged in some way, you will both throw every resource needed into aligning your soul with those higher forces in the Universe that will ensure whatever form of protection, wisdom, or inspiration is needed.

It means, “I trust you to provide me with complete honesty in all matters, and yet, complete kindness. I trust you to be my higher aspect, reflected back to me.

“I trust you to allow my creativity and self-expression their full, free rein, and to be joyful at the perfection you see in me. And I trust myself to give all of the same to you.”

True “support” is also far different from what you have been taught. You need no “support” from anyone, in the sense that you are weak or troubled or “have bad days.”

No such thing exists. Every single day on Earth is a miracle, no matter what it may hold. And your soul is more powerful than you can know at present, constantly in a state of becoming increasingly One with the higher Light frequencies of this Universe.

It is increasingly capable of experiencing, projecting, and of being Love itself.

You are never in need of support in the sense that you need someone else to be strong for you. That day will never come.

The support you seek is simply affirmation that the above is true—that you are “powerful beyond measure,” as the beautiful words from one dear Lightworker [Marianne Williamson] has noted.

And that your only real job is to glory in that, and to live it out as fully as possible, led by Love and its many demonstrations on your own unique path.

The “understanding” you seek is not a matter of, “Yes, I know what you mean.”

It goes well beyond what the mind is able to grasp in its limited way. It is a heart integration of all that you and your beloved have experienced, all that you both are, and all that you both are able to evolve into, while at each other’s side.

It is a shared experience that extends beyond inner knowing, into a sort of sensory connection with what your partner is experiencing, as well as what they know and feel.

Every romantic relationship you have on this Earth with anyone other than your twin flame is never quite what you are looking for.

And so the connection you seek is indeed well beyond any you have ever known with any other. That makes it not only invaluable, but utterly unique. You cannot duplicate it.

This is why every romantic relationship you have on this Earth with anyone other than your twin flame is not quite what you are looking for. And so now you will ask, “Then how do I meet my twin flame?”

As we have noted elsewhere, they exist on a higher frequency than you currently resonate with. Most people’s twin flames exist on a higher plane, and are not currently incarnate upon the Earth.

If you were on their frequency now, you would be able to see them in the room with you.

Yet they never leave your side . . .

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan
