Guidance Through The Storm ~ October 4, 2020

By: Judith Dagley


Yes, it is us– it is the celestial team!

The fizzing of energy we feel among You now has engaged our frequencies in a most positive and infectious way!

Ah, we know the word “infectious” arouses fear among You in this moment of your “time.” But we wanted You to see that “infectious” can also describe a most wonder-full process, which is how rapidly and effortlessly Love/Light can be spread from one to another!

We feel it important to pause here, before proceeding with our message, to clarify that the words used in your third dimensional realm cannot, and were not created to, express meanings that are multi-dimensional in nature. Thus, we choose words that, in the context of our communications, might elicit the flavor, or frequency, of our meaning (such as “infectious,” for example!)

We amuse ourselves now, for we realize that we ask that You be poets in order to understand our messages! And yet, that is as it should be. The multi-dimensional poet is there within each one of You, and is fast awakening.

To the point of our communication:

A new wave of expansive energy has “hit” your planet. Although it can certainly amplify a sense of chaos for those who are already chaotically engaged, it can also provide much fuel for those of You who are INTENT on expanding your awareness of who You are!

IF YOU HOLD THE INTENTION to expand your frequency into Love/Light rather than contract into fear, you will increasingly begin to feel yourSelves as the Divine energetic beings that You truly are. You will begin to know in every cell that You are far vaster than your physical bodies; that You have actually projected the experience of having a physical body on planet Earth– and that this body is contained within the vastness of YOU, and not the other way around!

IF YOU HOLD THE INTENTION to expand your frequency into Love/Light, You will have flashes of insight in the coming weeks that will bring an expanded sense of your identity ALIVE in You, and will begin to align You with the truth You have forgotten–-

— that YOU have created this projection in order to do the interactive work that YOU are on the planet to do, on behalf of all beings in your universe.

And You’ve all felt small for so long! You have NO IDEA how small You are NOT!! (laughter and frequencies of glee come through)

We will continue to bring our messages to infuse You with the power of Love/Light as You navigate yourSelf through the storm and into your full and dazzling mastery. We will try to keep many of them brief, focusing a few words on particular challenges and skills, so as not to make the reading tiresome. We hope You will welcome our messages, and find them useful.

We “wind up” our present communication with a few broad strokes of the brush — as a poet might metaphorically say (more gleeful laughter)–

* Your main purpose here is integration. You are here to integrate illusions of duality. There is only ONE.
* You are all here to serve in that purpose, yet not to “work!” Your service will spring from your joy within.
* The source of your joy will be the very integration of the all You are serving.
* Your most powerful tool by far is LOVE. You are learning to maintain the frequency of LOVE from within You.
* Maintaining your balance in your own highest frequency is an important focus now. It will keep You from being tossed into dis-equilibrium by your own pre-programmed thoughts or the actions of others.
* Actions of others only trigger that which is within You, and the only place of healing is within You.
* In your expanded state, You will no longer take “personally” the programs of duality that You came to integrate on behalf of all.

Always remember– In your mission, you have already “done it all,” played both sides of every polarity throughout your many lifetimes. You have been all, to heal all.

DO YOU HEAR US? We sense the need to repeat this more strongly: 

YOU have already heroically involved yourself in both sides of every duality in order to understand, release judgment of, find compassion for, and integrate ALL of them.

Therefore, do not avoid facing, and do not judge yourSelf or anyone else for, any of it! Forgive, understand, integrate. This is no longer about “you,” for YOU are far more than that “you” You thought You were. YOU are doing this for ALL.

Let that awareness lighten your load. Trust yourSelves again. Enjoy your mastery now! This, actually, can be the best part, and the most fun, once You “get the hang of it.”

Our greatest wish is that you begin to see yourselves through our eyes, as the expanded, glorious, energetic beings You are. Truly, You are the hope of the universe. As such, You have awakened hope in the universe itself.

Therefore, do not doubt for a moment the continual outpouring of support and care that inundates You at every moment!

We leave you now to “digest” all of this deeply into your beings. Our love, appreciation, and support, however, begins anew in the pulse of every moment, and is without end.


October’s Creative Love Energy As The Heart Breaks Open ~ October 14, 2019

By Jamye Price


The energies of the fourth quarter will be supporting us to Transcend Duality. This is not about avoiding or obliterating duality, it is about integration. Just like two opposite sides are one coin, or the opposite energy of positive and negative charges are one atom.

For you to Transcend Duality, you are integrating the opposites (or separation) within you. What you resist, or what seems opposite is an opportunity for you to grow and create a new wholeness. This creates a powerful creative flow, less separation, more connective Love.


The energy of October was shown to me as Creative Love. I was shown a vision of a heart breaking open, and mending into a stronger structure. When the ego leads, the first reaction to “strengthen” the heart is to build barriers of protection. This can be helpful in the beginning to protect as healing and transformation is occurring—like a cast prohibits movement and access to a broken ankle bone that is mending.

Eventually, you must take the cast off, or instead of helping the healing as it did in the beginning, the cast is now inhibiting the healing. First you may need crutches to support your healing, but you must put a little pressure on it (not too much yet) so it strengthens. Then eventually you need to stop using the crutches altogether in order to best heal.

It’s time to let go of the heart crutches. :o) Love boldly. Love yourself enough to hold healthy boundaries that support your strengthening. Love Life unconditionally within (seek internal forgiveness, which is your internal freedom), even as you honor healthy boundaries in the conditional physical realm.

Honoring the conditions of the physical is the wisdom of “being in the world.” Establishing the unconditionality (freedom) of your inner realm is the wisdom of being “not of” the world.

This interplay is the duality that we experience in the physical realm. Your neutrality is your bridge to connect that duality into the higher layer of Truth that connects those opposites. As you utilize your Creative Love, you are balancing your inner realm with the external experience. Life responds.

I’m seeing energies from September building and supporting, of course. The progression. Asking the question: “Am I loving myself unconditionally in this moment” is helpful to keep nurturing your resonance into a greater flow of Love. When I was filming the monthly video, I saw a deer walk into my backyard, signaling that support of gentleness.

As Areon reminds me often, relax into your flow. Be gentle with the self. Use Love to shift rather than so much effort and you will receive the support that is flow to your more readily. And your effort will feel more inspired, for it is then coming from your infinite wellspring of Love. That’s what you are.

Happy October!


Message to Lightworkers ~ October 12, 2018

By Carolina Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

You are, without question, measuring every day, every moment now in the sort of Higher Love that probably you remembered very clearly when you were coming into this Earth life.

And so you came in as these brilliant Lights, just as little ones coming into the Earth now are coming in as these powerful, intergalactic presences, remembering Light language, remembering the Star Nation language of their origin, remembering the higher realms, and how they could create with a mere smile or command, a thought or a feeling.

You come in this way. And all of you, of course, you have suffered various forms of disempowerment, and seen much difficulty and pain and had your moments of wondering, “What was I thinking?”

It’s extremely natural to come in as a human being, as this beautiful expression of Higher Love, and then realize, “Yes, but I don’t have my full Soul power here.”

Or, “I’ve come in as an Earth person. I haven’t come in as my Higher Self!”

The interesting moment comes as you realize that you yourselves are anchoring upon the Earth the very energies that are empowering you to become your Higher Selves once again, this time in while in human form.

And so you have these beautiful moments where you begin to realize what our writer and her interviewee were speaking of earlier today on the radio—that people used to just sort of just smile at the notion of Angels or faery folk or the elven kingdom, or dragons, and all sorts of beings and spirits—some more Light-filled than others. 

And you’ve all met up with these, just as you’ve all met up with various ET races, since you were in the womb.

You’ve spoken to them when you were in your etheric state.

You’ve all had various—some joyful, some terrifying—Earth lives where you’ve all run into all of these phenomena, and have realized that they are not “mythic.”

Likewise, something that human beings tend to do, is that they look at a situation such as NESARA or Full Disclosure, and they say, “It’s a nice idea. But it’s just another pretty picture. It’s just something that is nice to think about, but we know it won’t really happen.”

Or, as many would say, “I think it will happen, but not during my lifetime.” That is understandable.

Now, we’re going to remind you that there have been many people who have said, “I think a woman will run for president, but not make it in my lifetime.”

Or, “I think that probably another African-American will run for US president, but probably not be elected—not for another 30 or 40 years.”

Or, “Yes, there might be a secret space program, but we’ll never hear about it!”

Now, all of these issues and many, many more than we could possibly have time to name this evening—all of them have been displayed right in front of your eyes! You’ve seen it all happen.

So understand that the notion of Time—the whole concept, the whole phenomenon of Time on your planet, is sort of disappearing. It’s speeding up, to the point where waiting and words like “soon” and “maybe” and “later” almost don’t apply anymore.

And, of course, you know that “soon” still means that it hasn’t happened quite yet, but it’s going to. And yet, it doesn’t mean what it used to.

It used to be this sort of indefinite, “putting it off into the future” sort of thing.

And what all of you beautiful, brilliant examples of Divine Love have been doing on this planet, is working with Time—the essence and the constitution, the elements of Time as it’s known by human beings, and as it’s marked on this planet.

You’ve not only been working with it, to move it up to a level where it doesn’t constrain or constrict you anymore, but you’ve also made it more elastic.

You’ve made it sort of compressed. You’ve sped it up, in fact, and you’ve also made it increasingly irrelevant.

So all of you have been anchoring not only the presence of Divinity, the presence of beloved and caring and compassionate Galactic family members, the presence of the Angelic realms and certainly of the positive members of the faery and elven kingdoms—you’ve not only been anchoring that as a reality, pulling it out of the storybooks and making it real.

You’ve been exemplifying, demonstrating, and assisting in the roles which all of these ones are busy leading, busy living out. You’re right there with them.

And some of you may find you awaken in the morning, and you feel as if you’ve just in that moment arrived back in your body, or that you were traveling to some other part of the planet. Or that you weren’t even on the planet.

You may have dreams which are actually not dreams. They’re indications to your conscious mind that you were traveling, and that you are absolutely working with beautiful members of your Galactic family.

You may, in these dreams that are not just dreams, see ships very clearly. You may see a ship approaching yours, preparing to dock near you, or to connect with your craft.

You may see yourself in front of a range of controls at a console.

You may be seeing Beings who are much taller, and perhaps a slightly different color than what you’re used to seeing from people on Earth. You may be seeing different forms of animals and plant life that you don’t see on Earth.

But increasingly, these are not going to shock you, as you see them on Earth, because you’ve been practicing getting used to them in the travels you go on in your sleep state.

And the joining of those beautiful, etheric experiences that you’re having as you travel etherically in your sleep state, while your body rests back home—the strength, the power of that, the reality of it, is being integrated into your conscious mind.

So that increasingly now, if you feel an ET presence in the room, it’s not such a shock, and it’s not a point of fear. It’s not a point of nervousness.

Many of you are seeing maybe a hand or a foot or a slight movement of a leg, or what have you, in the corner of your eye.

You turn to look, and you don’t see anyone there. The peripheral vision, as you know, is not ruled by the conscious mind, which has come under much programming since you were tiny.

The peripheral vision is still quite free to see what it sees. It isn’t ruled by, “Don’t be silly! That sort of thing doesn’t exist!” kind of programming.

And so you yourselves are a demonstration of all of those beautiful miracles people have spent thousands of years dreaming of, saying, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could exercise our god/goddess powers, or see a god or a goddess, or connect with those whom we know are nearby in their ships, or connect with those who  are Nature spirits, and water spirits?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful?”

And tales are told of unusual encounters with these rarely seen beings and, of course, they become the stuff of myth, as we were saying.

But you are now living in the era of this beautiful integration of these beautiful dreams that humankind has held onto for so long, fed by the power of their souls, which has escaped the matrix.

And you’re coming to a point of integration—of combining those images, those prayers, those unspoken beliefs and driven-underground mystery schools, with outer reality.

And what an incredible honor it is, and an honor for all of us, dear ones, to welcome you into this beautiful, new era!

And so, yes—this is the “Season of Love”! Yes, it is a Season of Enlightenment!

And we welcome you! And it may some days feel still ephemeral and far away. And yet you know that it can’t be far away, if you yourselves are here upon the Earth!

And that is the beautiful part.

And so we send all of our Love and our Light and all of our support, because you are the ones ushering in this beautiful moment.

And, as always, we are honored to assist you on your paths.

Namaste, dear ones!”


SOULstice Gateway ~ As MORE BEcomes Visible, What DO you DO ~ June 27, 2018

By Lisa Brown

Aloha Beautiful Soul Star Family and Beautiful Multi-Dimensional Light BEings,

YOU will SEE NEW Earth from within you first…. you will KNOW NEW Earth is REAL… now it’s up to YOU to totally CREATE it, by bringing it forth… from within you… through the INTEGRATION OF PURE SOURCE LIGHT…. in every CELL of your BODY (LightBody) and transmitting this OUT into “the world”.

CREATION CREATION CREATION…. no where in the word CREATION do you vibrationally find “keep trying to hold onto the old distorted illusions” or “bring the old unconscious forth” or keep regurgitating limited beliefs…..

CREATION is y/our own Re-Birthing process…. birthing new realities, anchoring them in the physical, MAKING all NEW REALITIES….

ALL NEW means “nothing like the old”…. All NEW means just that….

ALL NEW means brighter, kinder, simpler…. it means that your every experience will be a-new… it means that your every belief will be transformed, through your REALIZATIONS, through your NEW AWARENESSES and through your inner-seeing…. what supports ALL OF HUmanities highest purposes and what was “created” to “not”.

As we each start to IDENTIFY, the DIMENSION that all reflects back, the DIMENSIONAL VIBRATION of REALity… then REALity becomes a vibrational choice…. a belief…. a “thing” that materializes in RESPONSE to what each continues to TRANSMIT OUT… to REVERBERATE BACK…. to RETURN…

THAT’S WHAT REALITY IS…. a RETURN…. Vibrationally in physical matter form…..

It’s been an immense time of CLEARING, identifying and choosing …. what REALity each CHOOSES to continue to allow, chooses to continue to create, chooses to continue to experience, chooses to continue to support, chooses to ANCHOR in their own physical… AS REALity…..

This is a huge UPSHIFT Gateway… as each identifies and CHOOSES…. and HOLDS the highest vibrational reality as their NEW REALITY…. instead of believing the “old” and allowing that to continue to BE-come “real”ity…. again…..

Two days ago, we started shifting…. and everything started to open back up again. We are still shifting and this shall be a BEYOND Powerful Gateway…. as WE ALL ANCHOR in these much higher consciousness timelines and hold them here….

Use your IMAGINATION to see… the one that can DREAM and the one that is DEDICATED to LIVING and SHARING this beautiful NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE with each other as LOVE…. these beautiful opportunities available as each CHOOSES….

This journey takes immense COURAGE… which comes through y/our deep deep deep inner-connection and stepping AS LOVE as we walk, maneuver and co-exist…. and identifying everything, so that you can REALIZE …. that which you continue to allow and support, becomes your own reality that you actually experience.

NEW EARTH is the experiences you’ve created as LOVE….. through your own UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and how you utilize this in your own reality world…..

NEW EARTH emanates through your breath, your thoughts, your actions/behavior and by LIVING YOUR TRUTH from the deepest place of PURITY within you… without the ego/separation distortions anymore…..

NEW EARTH BECOMES your every-moment-experience, where you, on a multi-dimensional level observe your own programming as it clears your body on a cellular level for you, as your body “works” to integrate the immensity of your own Light, mega/ultra-high Universal and Cosmic Frequencies, where you LEARN to function in all new ways, where you “apply” LIGHT to your every exchange, where you beam light out and you touch all as the LOVE THAT YOU (AND THEY) ARE…..

Anywhere we still hold “old earth” (unconscious karmic programming from an old outdated akash), this will emerge, become visible, even play out (if you believe and allow it to), for you/each to SEE and IDENTIFY as an old Program, an obsolete one that was only allowed to continue before, because you were unaware that it was there….. and now you have the POWER to choose….. and anchor a WHOLE NEW REALITY into your own physical…

The heavy lifting of the veils returns your POWER to you… because you now have new AWARENESS…. which means… it’s now all up to you!

InJOY your NEW POWER, your NEW AWARENESS and your NEW EARTH EXPERIENCES TOO! Recognize what your entire physical reality REPRESENTS…. and then shift, shift, shift, tune, tune, tune, re-tune, re-calibrate, recode, realign…. to all new parameters…. by APPLYING your new KNOWLEDGE (Light Intelligence) to HOW you allow all to PLAY OUT for you!

I’ll be sharing more as my own schedule allows. It’s been an immense month of clearing, shifting, holding and Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper duties continue to increase, along with all of the physical realities we maintain too.

I love you and am including the replay/podcast link of my interview Kimberly Thalken of Inspired Living (OM Times Radio), for you to listen to, if you feel called to do so, in order to receive the light encodements transmitted for you and all! ♥

Keep shining and sharing and living your excitement! Keep identifying the old so that you can shift instantly too! ♥ Remember… you have to CHOOSE your REALIty and anchor it here, from within you… through your own conscious creations, conscious action, conscious existence and conscious contributions…. ♥
Magical blessings from our beLOVED LeMUria Kauai,
♥ Lisa ♥


Crystallia ~ BEing Love is Letting Go of Control ~ Sept. 20, 2017

Posted by SpiritLibrary, 09/20/2017

By Shelly Dressel

This channel is two weeks after the total solar eclipse that cut through the earth clearing energy from a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. The collective consciousness is that part of the world filled with both conscious and unconscious experiences of all the people on earth. Some of those emotions and experiences are what has kept people stuck in old energy or the lower vibrations. The solar eclipse cut through that old energy releasing it and allowing new crystalline energy to move in. This raises the vibration and is based in love.

The more that we express ourselves as love, the higher our vibration will be. Many times it’s easier to feel love for others rather than for ourselves. As you consider that, it’s the representation of society. We were taught to put others first, to listen to what others say or to even not love yourself. Society is shifting from thinking that self-love or good self-esteem rather than a negative thing is actually the foundation for a healthy life. 

It’s not enough to look for love in others; it’s about being love in all that you do. If this is your focus, your life will change considerably. 

Crystalia is one of the Universal Light Beings that I channel. She represents the omniverse and the crystalline vibration that coming into earth. She spoke at length about the new vibration and how the crystalline energy is in alignment with love. There will be more and more available thereby making it easier to be love! 


Nama sika Venia benya, Nama sika Venia benya

I greet you beloved family.  I reach out to each one of you inviting you to come and be present with me at this now moment.  The transformation has taken place, now is the time for integration!

There have been so many physical changes upon the earth that sometimes people are struggling to keep up with; what is your reality, what is your focus, where are you going to go and what are you going to do?  Some of these physical changes and some of this physical reality is going to begin to shift in very subtle or unconscious ways. 

When there is a transformation like what took place with the Total Eclipse it cleared out energies from the collective consciousness.  Therefore all of that unconscious energy that everybody gets caught up within is now going to shift into something that is of a higher, lighter vibration.  So when people speak about a change taking place upon the earth that will bring in more and more of the heart center this is one of the ways in which it is going to come about. 

Not everybody needs to be open.  Not everybody needs to be following their spiritual path.  It is truly about where your focus is within your life as you continue to basically live and have your life experience.  For some of you it may be that you will notice changes and that things may come to your awareness that will cause you to either question; question yourself, question the people around you, question your beliefs. 

If you’re in that space then the number one thing that I suggest for people is to learn first and foremost that alignment between you as the human and you as your divinity.  Your divinity also known as your I AM presence, also known as your God Source, is that part of you that lives on lifetime after lifetime, after lifetime.  Therefore it is your biggest resource for anything that is happening within your life.  It is your leap you might say or your platform that takes you to other spaces, or other time space realities. 

As you allow for that open flow to become a part of you, you will feel it in many ways.  If you are feeling an emptiness inside it will be filled with your divinity.  If you’re feeling confusion the answers are within your divinity.  If you are wondering what your purpose is in life the answer is in your divinity. 

Not everybody has the same purpose.  Not everybody has to be on a spiritual journey.  It is about you being the authentic person that you can be and you living your life from your heart, from a space of joy and from a space of love.  Yes! Those are the keys to living a rich fulfilled life upon the earth. 

Now for this journey I invite you to take a moment and just breathe down and one more time breathing into your heart, but this time send the energy down into the Earth.  As you send your focus and your consciousness into the Earth you breathe down through your energy bodies and that beam of light moves into the Earth.  As it stretches out in two different directions you are anchoring yourself within Gaia. 

Already you can feel that rich support and flow from the energy of Earth as it moves up within you.  From there you allow your consciousness to come back up it goes out through the top of your head and it just naturally finds its space within your Higher Self. 

Your Higher Self is that place that is the blend of your divinity and your human.  It is that place where you can let your consciousness go and it expands, because there is more there for you.  It gives you that overview of your life.  If there are old projects so to speak, or old things that you were seeking, they have become cluttered, ~whew~, clear it out.  Clear it out and allow yourself to create a new beginning.

From there you allow your consciousness to stream even further.  It moves up into the space of the Soul Plane.  It just follows that thread of energy that is your link from you as the human into your divinity.  As you find yourself merging within this space you are automatically blending with in your divinity. You may see it a particular way, feel it, sense it, and know it.  Howsoever you allow yourself to open to this alignment this is that part of you that I was speaking about a few minutes ago.  This is something that the more you connect with it the more you follow that stream-of-consciousness.  The more you will know who you are and the more it expands that flow of light that comes from here all the way down into your human reality.

I the Goddess walk in and amongst each one of you.  As I do so I reach out to embrace you as the person you are in this lifetime, but as the immense person you are as your divinity.  As our energies merge that blend allows us to transition into the space of the All That Is.  The All that Is is a vibration of pure love consciousness.  The All That Is is a place that is separated from the Earth because it is a higher dimension, but it is also a place where many of you come in a very unconscious manner.

Look around.  Perhaps your group is here waiting for you.  By your group I mean your Angels, your Light Beings.  Feel what this presence is for you.  As you find this space I invite you to settle in because I wish to speak of love.  Within the All that Is, love is the foundation.  It is the intrinsic vibration.  Within you your divinity love is also the foundation and while you have had lifetimes in which love was not the focus, it may have been anger, fear, controlling.   It is a place where you might have had experiences that are accepted through the space of love. 

May I ask a question?  How much a part of your life is love?  As I’m listening to your answer I’m hearing quite a variety of things.  From; everything I do is from my heart; love is what I strive to have; love is one of the most important things in my life.  I am also hearing I wish for more love in my life.  If love were the focus of my life how would I be different, or would I be different.  This is a significant transformation. 

Consider what direction your life might lead if everything you looked at was through the eyes of love.  So let’s start by inviting you to perhaps bring up some of those things that are of key importance to you right now.  For some it is many things, but pull up that that is most important to you that you would like to transition.  Now as you look at it how does that make you feel: frustrated, sad, angry, excited, happy, joyful.  You emotions are the trigger for how your mind and your belief system will react.  This is the way that a large number of people interpret things. 

There are another group of people that may look at a situation, and rather than feeling and emotion about it that drives their mental body, they actually go into analysis or they have an analytical reaction, which then triggers the emotions or there may not be any emotions at all.  There is no right or wrong.  There is only that which your emotions, your thoughts or beliefs impact your life and they do so by creating the vibration that in turn manifests what you seek to have. 

Take this moment, opening up your heart and feel the love of the All that is.  Feel the love of I the Goddess and God.  Feel the love of your own Divinity; let it just wash over you filling up everything within you.  As you do so let it tweak those old thoughts or beliefs.  Let it tweak those emotions that might hold you back.  Simply BE love.

And as you are experiencing that, have the intention that I am working with your consciousness that you can be love in all situations, and I am also sending it to your unconsciousness and it will then trickle into your physical reality.

Take a moment and look around once more.  How do you see those things in your life? Do you have that exact same reaction that you just had?  When you are loved, or love is the primary filter through which you live your life, it tempers everything.  It fills you with compassion, for yourself first and foremost, and then moves out to everything else.  It fills you with a sense of acceptance for those things that you just cannot change.  When you move into a space of acceptance you can then shift and find another way to deal with it.  Feel all of what this is. 

Are there certain things that are coming up for you, that even with that integration of love, continue to remain in a place of resistance?  If so allow that to come into this moment as if you were holding it in front of you in your hand.  Look at it.  Understand what it is that is causing it to be resistance at this level.  As you do so that love and that compassion begins to transform, first on an unconscious level, and then it just very subtly or very gently works through your emotions, works through your thoughts and your beliefs, so that you can then look at that same situation with an open heart and a new perspective; whatever that perspective maybe. 

As you can feel these energies moving through you I invite you to take a moment and look essentially in front of you, but I invite you to open up to the awareness of Crystallia.  She is a universal light being who works with Shelly and she represents the Omniverse or the crystalline vibration that continues to integrate into the Earth.  She would like to speak with you as we begin this new phase of life upon the Earth. 

Crystallia Speaks:

Greetings, welcome and I thank you for choosing to come and share this time with me.  I am known as Crystallia and yes I derived my name from the crystalline vibration.  Many of you are already aware of what that is and how that affects you in your life.  But whether this is your first time meeting me or we have met many times before this is an opportunity for you to open to the higher vibrations as they come into the Earth.

You have heard about the universe in which you live and in the Omniverse is the representation of other universes that live distant to the one in which you are familiar.  Within the universe you have galaxies.  Within galaxies you have planets and stars.  This is true and repeated in various forms throughout the Omniverse.  The reason for the differences are species not all people, not always people, but species and people enjoy the experience of different lifetimes and living in whatever way it may be. 

So let us speak about what is happening upon the Earth at this time. I know that Shelly always gets very emotional when we speak about the most recent transformation and in part of it is because she is aware of the many, many times that this has been attempted throughout your history.  There is a difference right now. 

There are what you might call Eon’s that have come together.  It’s like a layering effect that have all completed within the last 15 years.  Seems crazy doesn’t it?  Those who work with the planet upon which you live, and those who work with the universe, specifically brought together this transformation within a certain period of time so as to have this opportunity. 

What does it mean that Avalon has returned?  What does it mean that with the complete Solar Eclipse it cut through the energy of the Earth?  It means that old ties, old pathways, old energy has been well and truly disconnected.  With the Solar Eclipse it was an immediate release.  Those that were of the deepest, lowest, or how so ever you want to think about it, vibrations of negativity were cut.  There will be another planet upon which it will manifest; perhaps within your Universe perhaps within another. 

As that was cut there was as an immediate influx of vibration through the crystalline energies.  I was there.  I was part of it and so were you.  Those of you who have an interest in this, whether it is at the exact time as taking place or sometime in the future, it is now all the now moment.  It is all here because we have all chosen to come together to create this truly amazing transformation.

Your Earth is going through adjustments.  The weather patterns will be shifting.  There will be earthquakes.  There will be hot and cold that transforms.  But allow me to say to you that the best response to any of these things is to embrace love.  If you see something or if you are in the midst of something and you experience it as fear stop, take a deep breath, and embrace love.  When these things happen it gives everyone the opportunity to communicate and support and love one another; whether monetary, physically, there are many different means in which you may open up to this.  One person opening to love creates a potential for 50 to open to love.  

I cannot say enough the Importance and the strength of what love can do, not only on your personal life but upon the Earth.  Love begins within you and love is not about judging yourself, or questioning, or thinking I have to change this, or I need to fix that.  Love is being.  You just are love and if you are hard on yourself then let it go. 

You’re human experience is about your reactions to things that happen in your life.  You are not controlled by any one thing upon the Earth.  Instead, you are constantly choosing reaction, upon reaction, upon reaction.  Be love. 

With the transition and the Solar Eclipse, there is already a much greater amount of the crystalline vibration that is flowing within and around you.  The crystalline vibration is what will raise the vibration of the Earth and as it’s doing so it’s going to create potentials and you may flow up and down within those potentials at any given time.  Feel how that is for you.  It’s exciting. 

A key portion to allowing yourself to be love is letting go of control.  Control has been the foundation for people’s lives for eon upon eon and control may be something huge, as if you’re trying to control every aspect of your life, your family’s life, your work life and everything else so that it all comes into something that you can understand.  Control may be someone somebody else saying, “This is what you have to do.  This is how you have to do it.  This is what has to be done.”  So it can be outside of you or it can be within you.  Sometimes it’s very helpful to understand the source of control, but you need not.  In the new energies let your focus simply be upon love.  Let the natural vibration of love transform everything.  

I Crystallia have not had much opportunity to be in alignment with the Earth.  I am therefore learning from you as you will be learning from me.  It is a lovely thing! 

Take a moment and feel who you are here in the All That Is.  Look at who you are the immensity of all of you and know that through the illumination of the crystalline vibration.  Everything in life will become clearer for you.  That clarity may come in the form of needing to make a decision.  It may come in the form of acceptance of realities.  It may come in the form of Aha I get that now.  Allow yourself just to feel that transition for all that it is.  Become a part of the crystalline vibration by allowing love to be a part of you.  I will be present more and more fully and I am inviting each one of you to reach out to me if you so choose.   


I the Goddess return.  Crystallia is such a beautiful energy and light.  She is from someplace else, but she also is a representation of what is going to become more and more available to you upon the Earth. 

You can shift your vibration as we’ve been speaking about through your thoughts and your emotions.  You can shift your vibration through the foods that you eat; working with your body to have it in an optimum working conditions through the minerals, through the energy that you consume.  As you do so open up and listen.  Your intuition will have those answers for you for what is right for you.  It doesn’t mean everybody has to be vegetarian.  It doesn’t mean everybody has to have a particular type of diet or lifestyle.  It simply means that each one of you has your own unique way in which to nurture yourself.  Open up and experience that for what it is.  

I invite everyone to return coming back together as a group.  As we do so look around, feel the love that is here, see the transformation that is already taking place and even just for this evening what is available right here.  As we come together as a group with their focus of love and the crystalline vibration from Crystallia we see a hologram of the Earth coming up.  As this hologram comes up within all of you each one of you infused the energy and the light of what it is to be love into this Earth.

As it becomes infused you release it.  You have a sense of it seeing it as it flows through.  An aspect of it goes out into the Universe finding the balance of the planets, and the other energies of the Universe thrust down into the Earth.  As it does so it moves through the collective consciousness.  See the difference from what it has been.  Feel it as this hologram goes through. It moves with greater ease and even so it just clears out anything that is no longer serves.  It goes down into the center of the Earth mixing with the crystals and the gases and the rocks, and then Gaia sends it outwards. 

Each one of you bring up within you all that you did and the transformation in the All That Is.  You are bringing up what it feels like to be loved and I invite you to let go through your physical body going into every cell within you.  It moves through your mental, your emotional, your spiritual bodies and even into your light body allowing everything to find its balance within you.  It also comes up through the water, the trees, the rocks, the grass, the flowers, so that it perfuses everything upon the Earth. 

As you take this time to anchor consciously send your thoughts back up to the All that Is and gather up more of your transformation. You can leave behind anything that no longer serves you.  You tap into your consciousness bringing it back into your divinity.  You bring it back through your Higher Self and you bring it back into your heart center and you allow for all of your consciousness to come back into you sending it down into the Earth.  Take a moment just breathe, feeling the balance, feeling who you are in this now moment.

Alright beloved so as this evening draws to a close I give you a mission that you may experience for the next day, week, hours, whatsoever it may be.  That mission being that you, as many times a day as it comes to your awareness, you step into the place of your heart.  You pause and take a deep breath breathing into your heart with the energy of love.  Not to direct it.  Not to use it.  Not to put any sort of restraints upon it but simply breath in love and as you do so with that open-ended energy it will move through you in all levels and in all consciousness.

Beloved family, know that I am always with you and I am within you.


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved. You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and Shelly please see our website:
