Message to Lightworkers, April 24th 2020 ~ Engaging in Higher Communications ~ April 26, 2020

By Caroline Oceana Ryan

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

We see many of you working very hard at times to readjust your energies as higher Light pours in.

Much Angelic and extraterrestrial assistance is likewise pouring in, in answer to millions of people’s requests for assistance for the planet and humanity.

We wish to assure you that these requests and appeals are always answered.

We are, as they say, “busier than usual,” not in the sense of “not enough time in the day,” but in the sense of the intensity and focus being applied now to assist the human condition, and all you travel through currently.

You yourselves have opened a special portal through which higher energies can arrive to Earth and all of humanity, and particularly those who are experiencing more than usual amounts of hunger, loss, poverty, and illness.

For one, you have requested such, and for another, the immensity of your etheric efforts, in requesting and requiring our assistance at this crucial time, is more powerful than you could know.

Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

Likewise your own actions, as you work in the etheric in your sleep state each night, have opened the doorway wide for much to flow through that is of higher vibrational purpose and intent.

Now would be the time to ask yourselves, “Am I holding a higher vibration and intent in my waking hours? Or am I just trying to get through every day without undue stress and anxiety?”

We speak of stress over health matters, or about a job or business, or bills to pay, or friends or family members who are struggling now, even if you are not.

Understandably, much that was business as usual a month or two ago is no longer such.

And yet, we see occurring all around and within you now the shifts you have long clamored for; they have simply arrived in a different way than you would have preferred.

There is also the matter of what you call “the rollout” of new technologies that many find harmful to living beings.

We are assisting you in this also, assisting in moving your vibration (as you also endeavor to raise it) to where you are above the effects of those technologies, and able to assist others in doing so as well.

And there is the increasing amount of new Light data flowing to you, increasing your cells’ ability to hold Light, as you engage in new and higher forms of communication with your soul and soul family, increasing your inner abilities, including what you call telepathy.

So that even though many dire messages are being extended to you now via the media, while disruptive technologies are being sent around Earth’s atmosphere, these do not outrun your own increasing empowerment.

Nor do they block out the fact that your own perceptions are growing to where you see and accept the much, much bigger picture.

We would say, that many of you have helped draw up the designs for much of what is occurring now—beyond the astrological alignments which you have chosen to take full advantage of—as new gateways open over the next two and a half years or more that make forms of inner realization and recognition of one’s higher path far, far easier to achieve than ever before.

They are also the doorways to many new forms of the New Earth which you have envisioned over many lifetimes.

You are safely, happily, though in some ways, shakily leaving the third dimension fully behind, though yes, there is a contingent that would prefer you not realize that now or ever.

We would say, there is no hiding it from you now, even if it were to be hidden from you in some ways—it could never escape your growing awareness of the energies flowing to you now, and what they portend.

And so though this appears to be a time of difficulty for many, know that most people at this time of great shift and new beginnings have badly needed to step off the daily treadmill and to view their lives with fresh eyes—many, for the first time.

And that nearly all who leave the planet now have chosen to do so on a higher level.

They will continue their Earth missions from a far more elevated vibration than was possible while in physical body.

Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

They will return to you when the time is right.

Nor do you ever fully “lose” a loved one—those whom you have known outside of all time-space, on a soul level. 

Their love for you, and your love for them, remains intact, without invasion of each other’s energies, or demands regarding when they arrive upon the Earth, or when they choose to leave.

Can this be changed at all, this choosing of the hour, date, and place of one’s leaving?

Most assuredly—if you prefer to Ascend and remain on the Earth rather than move out of the physical body and leave it behind, that is your decision to make.

We would say, be aware that much purification and strengthening of the mental and emotional bodies will be needed, and the physical body also cleansed and strengthened, in order to make the transition to crystalline Light body as smooth as possible.

And so, a very clean diet, full of pure water, fresh vegetables and fruits, and the kind of exercise that gives you not only muscle strength but endurance, would be called for, in addition to much meditation and time in Nature.

The heartfelt desire to serve others, to serve Lady Gaia in Her recovery from eons of harm, and the desire to live as your higher self, are also required.

There is much we could write on that subject, but we will simply say for now that this “pause” as it is wisely being called, is part of the path of Ascension that reveals to you much of your inner life—what requires healing now, what must be released, and what must be developed.

We do not say “attained,” for you are complete, dear ones.

You have within you all that is needed—yes, to move beyond this time of being socially isolated from one another, beyond the news reports and the “scare tactics,” beyond the feelings of unsureness that the ego-mind will exert.

And beyond the personality identifications that the Earth self has declared necessary for so long.

All is Well, even if you feel your checkbook does not always reflect such.

If you are still healthy, or basically so, give thanks and know that an even greater health desires to come to you now.

If you have any food, shelter, or money at all, give thanks and know that an even greater outer Abundance desires to come to you.

If you have any job or business to which you can return when the time is right, again—give Thanks, and know that your presence is invaluable to all whom you see each day.

Photo Sheila Fitzgerald

You may have your times of wondering which news report to believe, which video to trust, which channeling to take seriously, and we understand this.

You have been trained to live in the left brain, more than in your heart.

And so only that which makes sense to the left-brain reasoning rings True some days, when in fact, a far greater Truth stands quietly within you.

And so now, a new caveat: When encountering any new information, ask your higher self, “Is this my higher truth? Is this something that is true for my path? Is it relevant for me?”—meaning, “Is it for my higher good?” before expending thought, emotion, and energy on it.

Then return to that calm inner place which you invest in above all else—that sense of Beingness that is the perfect reflection of the Universal flow of energy that knows only the present moment, and is at Peace with it.

Put them down, both the sword and the shield, dear ones. You have no enemies.

Accept your sovereignty, your inner strength, your true self.

Now is the time.

Namaste, dear ones—look up! 

We are with you, always.


Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

Thank you.


There Will Be Much to Intrigue and Delight You in 2016 ~ Dec. 30, 2015

dove of peace

Now that I consider myself “fully awake” due to an increased personal awareness of my need, my ability, to Love Myself, I can understand the channellings of John Smallman and his devotion to Love that much better.

By, and through, loving myself…I now routinely reach those “higher vibrations” that we are taught about. Want to get a glimpse of how this works? Think of the time, the moment, when you felt the most love about something, or someone! Now…turn that very excited wonderful feeling around and turn it into your inner self.

Yep…that’s all there is to it…except you want to feel that elation and joy about you ALL THE TIME! There is nothing wrong with you…or me! We have ALL been taught from an early age about how we should act, how we should want, and how we should BE that is so very far from the truth.

Humanity has been groomed, en mass, to merely be a series of  producers AND consumers, warriors AND victims, all aimed at making the most money possible for dark forces which have controlled this planet for a v.e.r.y. l.o.n.g. t.i.m.e. And how does humanity defeat these dark forces? By using the weapon they fear the most…LOVE!

So…humanity has not been taught much about love, hardly anything about love…but PLENTY about sex. As a result, humanity has a whole bag of mixed, and wrong, ideas about this most important creative act. Most of us feel that we should enter into relationships not for Love, but for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with love. “I don’t want to live alone”, or “I want to get out of the housee”, or “He/She has lot’s of money”, or “Great body must equal great sex”.

Now it is time for humanity to learn about Love, first for an individual self, and then for others with the recognition that everyone is just like me!

So…please read this post by John Smallman, who channells Jesus, be in Love with you, and…


Do not be alarmed as a number of unexpected events unfold quite early in 2016. Much has been going on at deeper levels of the human collective as you prepare yourselves collectively and individually for your awakening, and the effects of those preparations will start to become apparent in various areas of human endeavor. There will be much to intrigue and delight you in 2016 in spite of the ongoing disagreements and conflicts occurring across the world, which the mainstream media tends to use to further develop their fear-driven agendas which would encourage you to believe that things will only get worse!

To awaken is to become free. Free of all the emotional and psychological baggage that drains your energy fields and undermines your enthusiasm for life, leaving you depressed and unmotivated as you struggle with your daily round of worldly commitments. Commitments that seem only to increase in number no matter how many you resolve and leave behind. The illusory world, in which humans appear to interact as separate individuals, with each one seemingly in an almost constant battle for survival while seeking desperately for love and acceptance, is a very demanding and exhausting environment. But every one of you chose to be here at this time to undergo and grow from the lessons that you set upon your path before you incarnated, and to assist humanity in general to awaken.

You do each have an essential purpose on Earth in every moment, but uncovering that purpose and allowing it to emerge and change your lives is not that easy, although it is simple. Simple? Yes, it is simply to be Love in action!

However, the world in which you experience life as humans seems so real and dangerous that to just live seems to demand almost all of your personal energy and resources, leaving little time or motivation for your essential spiritual task. When you feel threatened and fearful you erect defenses and conceal yourselves behind masks that disguise your true identity. You have been doing this for so long that you have forgotten that your true identity is as one with each other and with God. Instead you fear one another, even in the most intimate of relationships, because betrayal of trust has become endemic.

The only way out of this quagmire of fear is to let it go and allow Love to direct you in every moment. But, because your unreal and threatening environment appears so real to you, that seems to be an insane course of action, one that is bound to end in disaster. Over the eons wise ones have come among you frequently to demonstrate this way of living, and while for the most part acknowledging the wisdom of the lessons they have taught and demonstrated, you have convinced yourselves that they are somehow “special,” and that what they did and how they lived is impossible for “normal” people.

Now, with the power of the Tsunami of Love flowing freely across the planet, more and more of you are feeling its effects and are reassessing your lives and the way you are living them. You are recognizing that life is intended to be a far more uplifting and satisfying experience than a purely materialistic life style can ever provide, and so you are turning inwards to engage with meditative and contemplative practices. These practices are enabling you to find within you a sense of peace and resilience that confirms for you that your true nature is indeed spiritual, while giving you the strength to remove your masks and operate daily from that place of inner strength by engaging with Love instead of with fear.

You are, as most of you well know, spiritual beings of great power and creativity having a temporary limited experience as humans within the illusory world that you built when you made the decision to be separate and to accumulate the strange but utterly unreal knowledge that life separated from your Source would allow you to investigate. You knew that separation was impossible because there is only All That Is which is Oneness, extant in an infinite creative field where Love is the power that makes all that is possible possible.

By entering the illusion, the unreal and temporary environment that you had constructed for some temporary and seemingly promising diversions from your natural state of limitless creative ability, you lost sight of and then totally forgot Who You were. That was Your intention, it was to be part of the game, but God, understanding how lost, frightened, and confused You would become, instantly provided the means for you to retrieve Your memory, awaken from the dream, and return to Your divine Home, even though You had never left.

Yes, what You constructed in order to play with the sense of separation was and is very convincing once You engage with it and seemingly find Yourself within it. Split into innumerable myriad individual entities each of whom felt alone, abandoned, insignificant, and of little if any value in the apparently vast universe in which you found yourselves, fear arose. Fear is utterly unreal, and therefore You had never experienced it. But, within the illusion, it arose because You were now apparently a tiny and insignificant individual desperately attempting to survive in a very hostile environment in which others, just like you, were dealing with the same issues in myriad different ways. The experience was, and remains, overwhelming.

In order to survive you chose to limit your awareness so that the illusion’s vastness and your insignificance would be hidden from you. This limited the amount of fear or terror that you might experience. However, in the last few centuries, your scientists have begun to realize how vast the illusion is, and that shocking realization has led you to seek an escape from your seemingly complete insignificance in the larger scheme of things.

Throughout the ages of the illusion there has always been what has come to be called The Perennial Philosophy, after a recent book of the same name, whereby it is seen that all the world’s major religions have always offered the same basic spiritual message, a message of unconditional Love. However, as these religions became established and mainstream the message became corrupted because the first followers of these loving beings – the founders of these religions – on whose beliefs and ways of life these various religions claimed to be based, almost invariably sought to attain personal power and influence through their connection to the holy one. Consequently most religious organizations, instead of showing Love in action, built power bases from which their leaders could draw enormous material benefits while subjugating the masses of separated souls, who were desperately seeking salvation, by convincing them to surrender their sovereignty and instead support the hierarchy that then used that support for its own nefarious purposes.

Now awareness of this corruption has become so widespread that the elite bloodlines who have enjoyed, engaged in, and used these corrupt practices for eons, can no longer control humanity. Humanity has, as we have remarked before, made the collective decision to awaken into their true heritage as unseparated divine beings at one with God. And that decision is irreversible. You will awaken, because it is your and God’s Will that you do so, and because you are already awakening.

Your main, indeed your only task is to be loving in every moment. You know that Love is always the answer, regardless of any question that might be asked, because with Love there are no “ifs” “ands” or “buts.” So, Walk Your Talk! That is how the world changes, by people, just like you, walking their talk. It does not change through rhetoric, discussion, or argument, let alone through war and conflict, it changes one person at a time, and now is the time when all persons are changing together.

The will to change exists, because it is the divine Will. So does the intention, because you have all had enough pain, suffering, and war. Therefore be sure to go within daily and hold God’s Light on high by intending to be a conduit or channel through which the divine field of Love, the Tsunami of Love flows freely and abundantly in every moment to all on the planet. The results will astound you.

Your loving brother, Jesus.