The Season of Abundance ~ June 2017 ~ June 7, 2017

By Emmanuel Dagher

My friend, 

Over the next few weeks, many of us will notice an increasing influx of Light, as uplifting energies awaken both within and all around us. 

This Light comes directly from the Great Central Sun of the Universe, which resides at the core of all living things. 

For many, this Light that will be pouring in over the next few weeks feels long overdue, especially since the past few months have felt quite challenging for so many empaths. 

As empaths, it’s important for us to get into a space of connectedness. 

Feeling connected to the Earth and our most authentic selves will ensure that we more easily ride the waves of Light about to enter our physical, etheric, and mental bodies over the coming weeks ahead. 

There are some simple ways to feel more connected, so that we are prepared to anchor greater amounts of Light, such as: 

• Choosing to make our joy a priority
• Making time to nurture and pamper ourselves daily
• Playing daily through dance, the arts, or any other form of creative expression!
• Sharing our Light, gifts, and talents openly
• Letting go of the need to identify with the mind’s attachments to specifics, including people, places, and experiences
• Expressing gratitude and appreciation as often as we can
• Spending time observing our lives, rather than reacting to our experiences (such as via meditation)
• Eating foods that are life-enhancing and nourishing to our body and mind
• Spending time in nature, and with gentle animals (pets)
• Creating time to have a good laugh daily
• Taking long, deep breaths several times throughout the day

There are so many more things we can do to feel connected with our Spirit.

The key is to choose something that brings us into a state of flow, so that we easily integrate the downloads of Light pouring into our dimension and reality.

The Solstice of Abundance

The Light downloads soon to be entering our body, mind, and energy will support us by anchoring the gifts that always come with powerful energy doorways.

This month brings the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere (occurring at 12:24 am Eastern Time on June 21, 2017).

A solstice represents a time of completion and a fresh start. If there is anything that we are ready to resolve and let go of, the solstice is the time to do it.

We can then enter the next phase of our journey feeling refreshed, in our power, and ready to create the life we most desire.

The main theme for this particular solstice is abundance.

What does abundance truly mean? How has your relationship with the energy of abundance been over the years?
Are you living abundantly, in a way that feels expansive to you? Or has it felt otherwise?

Asking these kinds of questions will help us make the best use of the solstice energies, as the answers will reveal themselves in a supportive way.

We can then use the feedback we receive to refine, heal, or strengthen our relationship with abundance in a way that feels aligned with our most authentic selves.

What are you ready to create more of, in order to experience more abundance?

What are you willing to put aside, so that you can create more room for your desired reality?

These are also valuable questions that can help us anchor real abundance.

The energies around a solstice have the ability to bring to light our truest and most authentic desires.

This is because millions of spiritually aware people around the world are now working with these energies, to help create a unified field of Love that can be tapped into purely by the simple intention to do so.

By tapping into this unified field of Love, it becomes much easier to enter a state of flow, which is when we are at our most powerful, in terms of deliberate creation and manifestation.

To connect with the unified field of Love, I invite you to spend a few moments daily, beginning around June 15, where you close your eyes, focus on deep and relaxed breathing, and simply affirm to yourself that you are choosing to love yourself, others, and the world around you abundantly.

Then visualize a blanket of luminous pink or rose-colored Light, gently covering the entire planet. See yourself also being embraced and covered by this beautiful blanket of glowing pink Light.

See yourself dancing in and around this pink Light that is flowing all through and around you.

This will activate your high heart, where the greatest Love and wisdom come into your consciousness from your Spirit Self. This Love and wisdom will guide you to create the reality that is most aligned with the highest vision you have for your life.

Wondrous Times Again!

When empaths move through intense energy cycles, such as the back-to-back ones we’ve been experiencing since late last year, many of us tend to hide ourselves from the world.

This happens because the mind creates a defense mechanism for itself so it can handle all the feelings that come up under the pressure of these higher energies coming in.

I liken it to when a caterpillar builds its cocoon, to create a safe haven for itself as it turns into a butterfly.

When we create a defensive cocoon, things can feel isolating and lonely. As a result, it feels harder to be happy and feel connected to our Light self.

Although it may not feel very comfortable, being in the cocoon can help us learn more about ourselves in a much more intimate way.

It gives us the opportunity to reflect on what we are ready to shed and release, so that we can lighten our load and fly higher than ever before.

It’s time for us now to remove all of the distractions that have kept us in our cocoon much longer than necessary. This includes turning off the news or any other form of media, as well as the people and habits, that drain our energy.

This is the time for us to fly!

The wonder of the Universe has always been available to us.

This wonder and magic is the essence of who and what we are, at our core.

Healing with the Violet Flame

In addition to cocooning itself, when downloads of Light begin to enter our space again, the mind often resorts to fear patterns in order to keep itself feeling safe.

The mind isn’t the biggest fan of change, because it thinks something will be taken away from it as a result.

However, often during these times the mind is being expanded. So that rather than losing something, it’s actually gaining a great deal!

From this awareness, we can see that fear is actually an indicator that expansion and breakthroughs are about to happen.

So really, there is nothing to fear—not even fear itself!

I’d like to offer a powerful yet simple healing technique that will help to purify the mind and emotions quickly from anything that has been holding us back from living our greatest lives.

To use this healing technique, it’s important to have a little background on the Violet Flame.

The Violet Flame is one of the greatest yet least-known spiritual tools on the planet. It is a tremendous gift from the Universe.

The Violet Flame is an aspect of Universal Light that science has demonstrated to be the highest frequency on the color chart spectrum, and is the point of transition to the next octave of Light vibration.

The Violet Flame has the power to transmute density into Light, creating a sense of Love, peace, joy, healing, flow, and ease for whoever uses it.

The Violet Flame is a tool that helps us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, when called upon through mantras and visualization.

This spiritual fire restores the flow of Light and energy in the body, mind, and soul.

Its high vibration penetrates our nervous system, our heart, and our entire physical body and psyche, going straight to the root core of any imbalance we may be experiencing.

It dissolves everything that is not aligned with Divine Love.

The Violet Flame Healing Technique:

1. For about 1 to 3 minutes, visualize yourself sitting inside of a ball of Violet Light.

2. While visualizing this Light flowing all around and through you, keep repeating the following statement:

“I am a being of Violet Fire. I am the purity of Divine Love’s Desire.”

3. Express gratitude for the opportunity to connect with the Violet Flame.

And that’s it!

Try this for the next 21 days, and notice the shifts that begin to enter your life.

It’s a simple yet effective process that I fully trust will empower and expand you!

If you know anyone who is going through a challenging time right now, please offer them this process as your gift to them!

I would love to hear about your experiences with using this technique!

Until next time,

Miraculously yours,

