Tremendous 2017 Light Expansions ~ April 23, 2017

By Denise Le Fay

Embodying more certainly has felt like exactly that this year; getting even larger than you were before the February, March and especially April’s Inner Expansions! I can barely put to words how strange yet wonderful these early months of 2017 have been for me. I AM not the same person I was in January of this year, and, we’re just getting started with this level and phase of the ongoing Embodiment Process in 2017.

This has been intense and ongoing in this NEW, higher level way since February, but it’s been all of April that’s seriously pushed the evolutionary envelope for me, and no doubt many of you reading this. I find some of this level and phase of the ongoing Embodiment Process more difficult (for me) to express in words because it is so beyond words much of the time anymore.

Sometimes linear words are not enough for me and I long for higher 5D and above total telepathic freedom, ease, instant and accurate communications coupled with matching emotional energies and Higher Awareness that goes with 5D and higher communication exchanges. I’ve consciously remembered this more natural form of communication my whole life, so it’s been a real learning, make that an UN-learning experience for me to figure out how to communicate in linear written form like this, and while being mildly Dyslexic. Good news is that we’re rapidly evolving back to this higher level of instant telepathic and/or even better yet, direct and instant knowing communications with like-others. Ascending Individuals becoming increasingly able to intentionally communicate with other Individuals of the same frequency range, which is creating a larger Group of 5D and higher people able to communicate with each other without any physical, linear spoken or written words involved. More of HOME in each of us brings more of HOME to our NEW HOME here, now.

When I get feeling too limited by words—written or otherwise—I spend more time with visuals and emotions because there’s so much more in them. There’s the image, the emotions it causes in the viewer, the colors, shapes, angles, textures etc. I’ve needed more visuals and emotions than words in April which is why I’ve been MIA much of the month. Now by visuals I mean both physical images and nonphysical ones. We’re increasingly more consciously aware of our multi-dimensionality, which means we’re needing more than just linear words or physical images etc. We’re expanding beyond them, meaning many Forerunners (and when I use the term Forerunner I mean Grid-workers/Grid-holders, Gate-workers/Gate-keepers, Master Transmuters, Wayshowers, Embodiers etc.) are needing greater, larger, more creative ways to express ourselves, communicate with each other, live and be and continue Embodying and so on. Said another way, we’re all in a very NEW and different place, space, level and phase throughout 2017, and many Forerunners are doing our best to acclimate to these hour-by-hour changes we’re constantly going through and know a bit more during each step.

For me, every time there’s an extra intense Light Energy immersion happening, I have that rather unpleasant sensation of having suddenly gotten really HUGE throughout my entire physical body from the inside out. I suddenly feel like I’ve gotten massively HUGE on the physical level, and in some ways I do actually increase in physical size during these Stair-step phases, but this is caused from my Embodying more Light and Love Energies, Source, Divine Cosmic Mother/Mommy, my Higher Selves etc. into my physical body. And from that perspective it often feels rather uncomfortable for a while due to more internal expansiveness taking place because more higher frequency stuff just came on-board permanently. Out with more old lower and in with more NEW higher in other words and this Embodiment Process literally redecorates your insides from an energetic level, the cellular, expands the DNA some more, and obviously re-configures the entire physical body. Because of all this, especially now that we’re coming out the Other Side of this 26,000-yearlong Galactic Alignment and multiple other related cycles, sometimes words just don’t do IT justice and we go quiet for a while to stare in amazement at Divinity working on our insides and outsides, our higher sides and lower sides and marvel and wonder over IT all.

No one ever told us that taking on increasing amounts of glorious Divinity would occasionally cause you to puff up like a blow fish, so much so that taking a deep breath is sometimes impossible. And while I’m at it, no one also ever told us that taking on increasing amounts of glorious Divinity would, at times, make you feel sick, wildly horny, irritable, homesick, frustrated, confused, not human, powerful, filled with Light and Love to the point that it feels like ones little physical body will explode from the greatness of IT all. Hence why this business is delivered in incremental Stair-steps such as what we’ve gone through since the 1980s, and much more so since 1999.

Let’s be entertained and educated by our own astonishing Individual evolutionary Embodiment Ascension Processes. 

“The “weight” has been shifted and now our bodies shift with this density shift too. Some will put on weight for those cellular programs to emerge, others will drop weight when lighter, others get bigger as they lighten, yet have more space inside…. bodies expanding and contracting, cells expanding and contracting, changing the physical form to match the current hologram and match the density of the current physical plane. Our physical form constantly adapting to the phase we are currently in. Each phase has a different physical density, each dimensional plane does too…”  Lisa Transcendence Brown — April 2017

I’ve experienced all the things in the quote above by Lisa T. Brown. Getting larger because I’ve taken on more Light, and to do that more internal space needed to be created first so, out with more of the old lower. I’ve also gained plenty of physical weight since all this started, lost some, gained some back, lost some again etc. but no matter what else was going on, I’ve felt increasingly larger in all ways the more I Embody. To be expected as the physical “meat suit” is repeatedly Alchemically transformed by the very Process itself.

 April 18, 2017, I had a Higher Awareness vision and Saw a HUGE (about the size of our Sun), transparent, speed-of-light approaching round ball-shaped Energy headed towards Earth/Humanity. I’m not saying this transparent Energy ball is only for Earth and Humanity, that it’s coming straight towards us and nothing else because that’s not the case. It’s hitting, activating plenty of other systems and stars long before it reaches us and Earth. It is very positive and simply another of many different types of further evolutionary inducing, species propelling forms of very high level Energies streaking through the Milky Way galaxy, jump-starting all sorts of wonderful things, beings and possibilities.

When I Saw this transparent Energy ball-shaped thing, I perceived that it would be within range of influencing us and Earth starting now, the last week of April, and peaking in intensity in mid-May 2017, but lasting long past that date. Like I said, this is just one more of many different types of much higher frequency Light Energies now constantly coming in to further lift us up into the NEW higher even more. There’s many more of these sorts of evolutionary pushes coming so don’t misunderstand me and think that this one is the one and only and therefore fixate on it because it’s not.

It seems, at this moment at least, rather ridiculous to repeat the many strange side effects of all this that the Forerunners have been, are and will be going through. You know what they are for you now, and that’s all that is really important at this point. Just give yourself some credit where credit is due for being able and willing to be repeatedly turned inside out and back again, and each time with greater NEW gifts added. Some of what we’re going through now in 2017 is pretty mind-blowing stuff so don’t forget that while becoming something NEW and different.   We’re in NEW territory which means much of what we’re experiencing is very new and NEW too. There’s times when I can’t really tell if I’m here or not here. Dead or alive. Individual or Divine, or more accurately, rapidly becoming both in an amazing Alchemical evolutionary Process that I Volunteered to come here to do, live, be and anchor. That’s all that matters at this point, that you are doing what you came here to do now. Be at peace with that. Be proud of that. Be that and the rest will naturally make more sense as you/me/we each continue living the nearly indescribable. Thank You for your part in all for All. 


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.
