The Portal of TRANSFIGURATION ~ New Year 2019, New Life ~ New YOU ~ January 3, 2019

The Portal of Transfiguration is the initiation and baptism of Divine GLORY, that transforms your body and your consciousness, to that of your God Self, living your Divinity in form, as Heaven on Earth.

Only when you are ready you will go through this Portal.

When you do, you will forever be changed.

On the mundane plane of existence, we are manifesting all we see as life, through our perceptions based on all of our beliefs and memories.

When a high enough percentage of those beliefs and memories lose their power over our waking consciousness, we then go through the Portal of Transfiguration.

Preparing as most are doing on the mundane level here on Earth for this Transfiguration. We focus on our inner awareness, feelings, beliefs and thoughts, that have occupied a place of power over us unconsciously,  that we now consciously,  desire to release, let go of and change forever.

Allow then, the hierarchy of your thought processes, to be that only of which, are in the Union with the Transfiguration of You. You will know when you are doing this, as the edification of your Divine Presence, will make its Glory known to you.  The compass revealed is straightforward, master your thought processes, linking all of the feeling glimpses of your Divinity, as YOUR Highest Priority, into your new hierarchy of thought processes.

Once you have completed these steps, there is no going back.  Even now, to herald in this Transfiguration as you read this, call upon your Heart to bring to your attention your old thought processes and emotions THAT no longer serve your Transfiguration.  As this will beckon your Divine Glory and Presence to flow through you. From THIS moment forward. 

These steps are the building blocks, to land your awareness, into that of the  GLORY of You, that for many, takes many lifetimes of preparation.

Succumbing to the lower vibrational pull of 3D Mass consciousness ~ thinking, is easy to do. To consciously BE a MASTER of Form, we enter the realm of the Heroes in the Kingdom of God, of all Existence, and we enter our being as our Divine Presence. Simple, but not easy, to let loose of the chains that once bound us, through our thoughts and feelings.

This is the year of manifestation of the Glory of God on Earth. The Glory of The Divine.

There is no time at the levels of transfiguration, they will appear as sacred moments with great understanding, for those that will go through this Portal of Transfiguration.

To Ascend is to go Through this Portal.

Forever changed, the brave at HEART, lead the way as they have done the preparation and have examined themselves.

So this year and NOW as you prepare for your Glorification on Earth, as eternal Divine Beings, transformed into a new being through love.

The lists that you make, let them not be superficial.

May you list, the areas of your consciousness, that held under the light of transfiguration, will no longer exist.

This is the seeding ground, for the ultimate levels of your transformation.

As this portal is ready for many, who will be the glorified ones, in form.

Letting go of all else, you become free and the representatives of the Glory of the Godhead. The Divine Beings, leading the way, for others too, to be ready to step through this initiation of Transfiguration of Glory. Baptized in the FULL Glory of the Glorious Ones.

Orchestrating all frequencies as the preparations are clear.

We stand with you and stand at this entranceway to this Portal.

The once long-awaited, Glorification, expands anew, opening its doors, to the Glorified Ones.

Be still and know, as you prepare, the doors are wide open.

In the Divine Love and Glory, of the Glorified Ones, we stamp and seal the energies of existence with The opening of The Portal of Transfiguration ~ your 2019 Year, the Moment of the Transfiguration of You.
