Matrix and Simulation – The New Matrix ~ August 26, 2019

Editor’s Note: Nice vibe to this article which tells us of a truth many will not know how to handle. Study of spiritual issues have mentioned the Ascension of Earth to be “game changing” for the Universe, most of us are aware of the theory that we live in a holographic environment, and was the movie “The Matrix” really that far from the truth of our existence?

Those who are spiritually inclined have also heard the theory for a “splitting of worlds” which follows the Biblical theme of “some go there, and others go here”. Now the author really wants us to stretch our minds by inferring the “true” simulation may indeed be the current 3D reality we are living! This means our DNA and consciousness would be extremely limited (which it is) calling for a whole new way of thinking/feeling/knowing for us to consider.

Personally, I rather like the inference made by this author as it just seems to hold true for me on a personal level. What do you think? Please read this article, consider the alternatives, and more than ever, BE…



Matrix and Simulation

Matrix and Simulation. By Teri Wade.

The Matrix we live in is a grid system that provides the light required to have a physical representation of consciousness in the form of a human body.

The Matrix on Earth was hijacked and dominated by those controllers who control us thru frequency.


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The New Matrix is allowing us to ascend in consciousness in a physical body. It’s never been done before…

Again, we are the Grand Experiment!

Those who have been on the Ascension path are gradually tuning into this new grid.

It’s hard for many to wrap their head around that none of this is real, this Matrix we live in is nothing but a holographic reality that we have been programmed to live in.

The only real is the presence of Self.

The environment we live in is composed of props, it’s all illusion.

We live in a simulation, a holographic projection controlled by an incredibly powerful supercomputer, shall we say, that has controlled our consciousness for eons thru frequency.

Think about it… if all we know is within this simulated physical realm that we are participating in, which may be the entire 3-D physical Universe, you would have to think that the true reality would not even remotely resemble this world.

Matrix and Simulation - The New Matrix

The New Matrix

Matrix and Simulation

There is a splitting of two worlds and we are right at the cusp of that so it would only make sense that this non-physical, multi dimensional world would be completely unfathomable to our third dimensional human minds.

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This physical 3-D reality we live in is completely restrictive and incredibly limiting. So, what’s happening is the frequency we are existing in now is being tweaked and when you tweak that frequency just a little bit it sends out monumental, planetary change throughout all creation.

If you think about it really what we have done is incarnated on this planet in the form of a physical human body while still existing in those higher realms.

We’ve just been cut off through DNA manipulation from those higher planes of existence.

But, now through these higher frequencies our Higher Self, your soul can now return.

That would be an amazing world, unlike this one.

What we need to do and we’ll get there is to maintain that connection and communication to those higher realms while in this physical body.

I’m going to mess with your head right now… Maybe, the physical being that’s been separated from the higher states of awareness thru the incarnation process is the true simulation?

Message from the Mothers ~ Tremendous Transmutations ~ April 6, 2018

By galaxygirl

We Mothers of love and inspiration, wish to speak tonight to humanity, the changing ones. For all is unfolding at an unprecedented rate of light, of love and of great velocity of change and of new beginnings. For the light is all around you, penetrating in every cavern and remembered pain. Allow the Christed light of unending love to permeate you, and heal you, children. Accept this heaven’s gift with great joy and open hearts and allow it deep within the most painful and forgotten places of you, and accept your healing. For it is your birthright.

Mother Mary

Greetings children, it is I, your Mother Mary and I surround each of you with honey love and pink roses of bliss and delight and of the deepest comforting embrace. For you have carried your pain for far too long – long enough, don’t you think? Shall we release it together and set it at the feet of the master and move ahead, onward and upward into your great unfolding? This is ascension. The small steps and acknowledgments and releasing into love that which so needs it.

Relax and lean into love. And love will not disappoint. I am your Mother Mary and I surround you with lullabies of love now.

Mother Gaia

Hello dear children, it is I, your Mother Gaia. I’m here today to say thank you for all of the tremendous transmuting work you all have done for me lately. My kingdoms feel it and I feel it most in my core, my heart, and I want to let you know, children, that it is working and to please keep up the stellar work! For we are all in this together. This is a grand adventure of light, of love, and of new beginnings as one.

We are inextricably linked, you and I, and all is unfolding. I wish to ascend more rapidly as do you and the wave is approaching children. Can you feel it in your hearts and on the back of your arms as your little hairs raise up in eager anticipation and excitement? Yes, it is happening. We are happening! We are ascending as one as the prophets and stars long foretold. All is well. All is well! I love you all so much. Be at peace children and rest in me. I am your Mother Gaia.

Universal Mother

I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things; the goddess energy that permeates all. I am here for you all Humanity in your quest for self discovery and self mastery. I am the passion and the creative force of the universe. And as I am in all things of course so I am within you. You are no small thing. This is a great lie. You are powerful light warriors here for the grand experiment and to lend you light and power to bring about glorious great change from darkness into light and to test your mettle! May I lovingly remind you, that you are masters and able to do this great thing in effortless ease. For you have trained for this for thousands of years and lifetimes and it is your time to rise.

It is your time for victory. Rise up and claim your crown, claim your prize and claim your mastery. For it is your right. I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things. I have been everywhere because I am in all things. It is your time and chance to create Nova Gaia as one massive human collective – free of programming. Let us create a beautiful paradise of oneness and total healing together. I am the Mother, the Universal Mother of all things.

We are the Mothers serving humanity with great love in our hearts. Be at peace. All is well. We embrace you with the Christed light of longings remembered, of the eternal Christed light of Home.

~ galaxygirl
