Frugals call upon the Higher Aware, and are rebuked ~ June 6, 2020

Editor’s Note: Once again, we receive a message form our spiritual friends at Erieport, giving us a message confirming for those aware, entry into a NEW time and space. Of course, the feminine energies of those at Eireport send a confirmatory message of whatour Magnificent Selves already perceive and know…entry into that beautiful space of Love within ourselves through the portals within, and without (Gaia).

Please read this message, consider what it says for you, and then BE in…

Quantum Joy!


Frugals call upon the Higher Aware, and are rebuked.

Gaia Portals open fully with the Marches of Time.

Stores of Illumination open.

Spores of Illumination enter.

Heavens are viewed within.