Twin Flame 11~11 Energy Report ~ Incoming Tsunami of Compassion for Divine Masculine ~ Nov.7, 2017

By Matahariji

Dear ones,

We come forward now with a long awaited message for many of you, and this is to do with the significance of the 11:11 twin flame master portal date that is fast approaching. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you all that time as such does not exist, as all timelines run concurrently in the present moment of now. However within the eternally spinning wheel of the perpetual now moment certain agreements are made by all souls with regards to collectively “choosing” to place significance on important cosmic dates and a perfect example of this is the 11:11. twin flame portal date.

Dear ones we wish to inform you that this upcoming date of 11:11:17 holds an enormous potency with regards to the collective consciousness aligning with the biggest wave of twin flame reunion and recognition that the 3-D earth has ever experienced. We are now upon an extremely potent twin flame gateway dear ones and the momentum of this portal for the front line Ascension group is extremely fortuitous.

So much energetic dross and debris was cleared at the Samhain ceremony with regards to addressing and bringing to light the most darkest and dirtiest of all ancestral templates, these were cleared on the blueprint etheric level, and has created a huge space for the new refreshed templates to anchor now unhindered for all.

Please know that the Samhain transmission is still available to receive and I will post the link below if you would like to join.

Dearest ones the pure intention of this ceremony has proven to be the most exceptional and nourishing fertiliser that the garden of your unified twin flame collective heart could have possibly received and as such this garden is now fully prepared and ready to receive the holy seed of true twin flame recognition and Reunion.

For the astute among you you will know that there is a very powerful call coming from the divine masculine currently, they are calling for deep forgiveness from the Divine feminine for forgetting about who they are and in turn forgetting about the soul promise they made to you to unite in this lifetime. The divine masculine feels very guilty for not knowing any better and is currently deeply missing the higher angelic presence of his beloved twin flame.

Divine feminine, up until now for the most part you have been the spiritually awakened of your divine partnership, but now please be assured that in many many cases your divine masculine twin flame is going through an extremely intense awakening/enlightenment gateway, and is being very much assisted by his higher self at this time.

Intense shifts are occurring now on the spiritual level for many divine masculine twin flames, and Divine feminine you must trust in this, and if these words resonate for you then they are for you if they do not, then this message is not for you.

Dear ones please come forward and join your energy for this potent 11:11 twin flame portal whereby we are being guided to activate a reset within the vibrational attunement of each twins masculine and feminine energy. This will be overseen by Yeshua  and Magdalene.

We will be unifying with the divine masculine collective consciousness, and will be sending out a very important message of support and empowerment for these times, and we will be aligning with the master codes that bring you into vibrational alignment with your twin flame union on all planes of consciousness.

I will bring forth more information regarding the 11:11 portal in due course as my guides are very very overjoyed and excited about the significance of this date for genuine twin flames.

In this gateway many of you will also realize that the one whom you have believed to be you’re genuine twin was in fact your catalyst twin. And throughout this gateway many of these soul contracts will exit the stage of your life, and very very swiftly your true genuine twin flame who has been waiting very patiently in the wings will step forward. This is all in Mother Father God’s hands so dear ones we urge you to choose to relax into the knowing that your safety lies in each moment, in each breath, and that the presence of our creator is available to subsume you in every moment of existence.

All is well dear ones. Louise Hay sends her love to all and says she will bring through a channelled message through I matahari ji in perfect divine timing she is smiling and humming “all is well.”

keep her in your heart. Auntie Loulou loves you and she is available to serve all light workers during these times, please know she has a vast team/ network who work diligently with her to implement miracle upon miracle upon remembrance upon remembrance to all those whom she walks beside.

In love and light and eternal service

Matahariji and the white wolf tribe

Om Namah shivaya
