Blossom Goodchild – Channeling The Federation of Light – January 5, 2019 ~ January 6, 2019

And … a new year is upon us! Welcome my friends! Perhaps it would be appropriate to ask what you see lying ahead for us in the following 12 months?

We bring, encoded in this message, an Energy of Upliftment and Fortitude.

There is so much excitement for that which is to come and we are aware too, that you have ‘heard this all before’!

Yet, we would suggest that you walk boldly forward with open arms … embracing ALL THE LOVE that is gently flowing into your Planet throughout these coming months.

You were aware of upheaval within yourselves and indeed, perhaps your very nature. The force in which the Higher Energies filtered through was the bringer of such ‘confusion’ … and NOW it is settling down into position and apart from occasional ‘planned’ surges/bursts of necessary Energy, at given and premeditated ‘times’ … you will find that the flow ‘entering’ is of a much more compatible software!

Indeed, as always … that which is being presented on the outside is very different from that which is actually going on (On the inside).

What do you mean by ‘On the inside’?

In that … outwardly the farce will be ‘seen’ to continue and indeed, present itself as almost impossible to comprehend at times. Yet, KNOW that on the inside … i.e. that which is taking place on a more structural foundation of Truth within … is building now into such strength of KNOWING … that the very core of your Beings will notice a vast contrast to the way one used to ‘feel’ … as opposed to the way one NOW feels.

Your Energy took a ‘shift’ upwards over the ending of the last year and allowed a transition into the New Year to present an inner dialogue of self-awareness to arise from within.

One will find over this period of time that the ‘self’ will no longer tolerate misgivings of old. There will be a fresher approach to the understanding of purpose. A clearer clarification of reasoning of Being upon the Planet.

So many are wallowing in the ‘what isn’t happening’ … and yet, so many more now, will de-Lightfully indulge in their KNOWING of self purpose.

The BAND OF LIGHT surrounding your Planet is encouraging you to merge with it … allowing you to feel the core Energy of Light streaming from it … and becoming in sync with its Vibrational pull ‘up’!

We ask each one to … let go/drop … concerns of what may be happening on global scales. Does this mean this? Does that mean that? We speak here on both a political scale and a generic one.

Many unexplained phenomena … are/will be … presented in your skies, under your Earth and upon your Earth. We use the term unexplained … for there shall be much that is to be left that way.

I’d like to intervene here if I may? Why is it that much has to be left unexplained?

Because it is of a Nature that is unexplainable!

You see, Dearest Blossom … Everyone feels the need to have an answer for everything that is taking place. They feel the need to know, so they can prepare perhaps … or do something to change it … or think differently about it. Whereas … sometimes … as ‘out there’ as it sounds … things ‘just happen’. It may be caused by electricity surges … it may be caused by underlying developments that very few know about … a million and one explanations for a million and one possibilities … that in all honesty … just ‘Are’.

We ask that you accept within yourselves that the very best steps forward in these exciting and changing times is to concentrate solely/souly on THE WAY YOU FEEL INSIDE.

Concentrate on your immediate surroundings. Focus on those close at hand. Give attention to that which makes you FEEL GOOD. Ranging from Self Love … to the expansion of LOVE from YOUR BEING reaching out and touching EVERYTHING THAT IS.

From within you … BE THAT WHICH YOU ARE.

We state with all sincerity, that if one was to concentrate on that which … as you would say, Blossom … ‘Blows your blouse up’ …

Oh, how that expression makes me laugh! Nice work guys!

Thank you! Then YOUR VIBRATION extends out to CHANGE not just your immediate surroundings, yet, EVERYTHING THAT IS.


You consider yourselves to be ‘part’ of it. A ‘part’ of everything that is. Yet, we ask you to consider now that … YOU … ARE … IT ALL.

In that way too … consider that how you choose to feel about ANYTHING … is affecting THE WHOLE because THE WHOLE … IS YOU!

Therefore, we suggest vigilance … as we have done many times … regarding the way you think … the way you behave … the way you act … because YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF THE WHOLE.



If you were to visualize the perfect world … for you … we imagine it to include a perfect world for all?

We do not really know how to put into these words that you use … just how extravagantly this understanding would/could/will CHANGE ALL THAT IS.

You ask us what this year brings, Blossom. May we put to you … that this year will bring exactly that which you ask it to! Different of course to/for each … and yet, the underlying desire for Peace and Love and Prosperity and Equality and Joy and Laughter and Fun and Ease and Happiness … need we go on? … … is there within Each One.

The desire to BRING YOUR PLANET INTO ALIGNMENT WITH ITS TRUE LIGHT POSITION lies within each of you … so, therefore … THIS is what lies ahead.

Your POWER to manifest has magnified greatly … to the point of ‘almost’ instant … depending on one’s knowing of such. Use this power to manifest your New World.

Keep in mind, Dearest Souls … that from the Triple Energy flowing through … that which you do not want, can manifest also … should you give it too much of your attention!

What is YOUR INTENTION right now in this moment?

Feel, breathe and have a thought of it … right now. Close your eyes … and if a fairy Godmother arrived and asked you of your wish … what would it be?

Your wish would be something that makes you Happy. Making YOU Happy … makes the world Happy. If each one manifested that which makes them Happy … the job is done.

Not wishing to dampen this flow … not everyone’s wish is for that. Those of lesser Light do not want to see everyone happy. In fact far from it. Someone asked if they are playing a role just as we are?

Of course. Everything/Everyone on your Planet is ‘part of The Game’. Roles are chosen by self. Not one is ‘forced’ into their role. We have spoken before, so many times … on the lines of ‘All is not as it seems’. That which YOU THINK is one way … is probably another!

The Game Plan is following orders! The transition into the next fragment is certainly and securely underway.

Sometimes it all goes over my head and I have learned it is always best to go back to the simple and most Gratifying Knowing of LOVING. The rest sort of takes care of itself.

Dearest Blossom … do you realize what a profound statement that is?


And again …


And once more …


IF … IF … IF only one adhered to that within every breath inhaled … you would see … you would WITNESS … NOW … The transformation of Energy upon/within your Planet.

THAT then, Dearest Souls … is what we see lying ahead for you in your next 12 months.

Over and out!

Ha-ha! Like your style … and I know exactly where you are coming from. When we really understand what you are saying … what you REALLY mean … there is nothing more to be said. I get it … I Truly do, my friends. I know your position is to offer that which you can to assist us in BECOMING ourselves. As much as so many want to hear other explanations of this and that from you and other messengers … deep in my heart … I KNOW YOU are correct in sticking to the PLAN. I LOVE YOU … As do all who read your words and are thankful for them!

In Gratitude, in Loving Service for this first communication of 2019 … I AM.

Galactic Federation Of Light Comment On Our Last Days In This Dimension


Ah, I LOVE SaLuSa! This Being from Sirius consistently sends us information coded in messages of love. SaLuSa is on humanity’s side as we make the evolutionary leap from the 3rd to the 5th dimension constantly reaffirming our value and worth…even if we don’t “make” the leap to a higher dimension personally in this cycle! I plan on reaching a new dimension…and I hope you make that leap as

Please take a look at SaLuSa’s latest message. I AM so thrilled to learn that this game on our planet is almost over! Literally only days remain until a wave of peace is maintained on our earth…I cannot wait! SaLuSa’s message is here, please read it, rejoice in the message, and…



SaLuSa, August 22, 2014

Many of you have accepted that time is passing by quicker than ever, and it will continue to do so as it takes you into the higher vibrations. It is all part of the unavoidable changes that are taking place, that are necessary to bring the New Age into being. With it comes a welcome change for the population of Earth, who are being affected in such a way that they are moving into a new level where there is less negativity. This will continue until the lower vibrations can no longer exist, and peace will have settled upon Earth. There is no way that the onward progress can be halted by the dark Ones, as it has been decreed by the higher forces that control your destiny. Whilst you have freewill there are also dictates that shape your future in accordance with the Plan for Man.

Whatever impression you get as to what is taking place, bear in mind that your future has already been mapped out. Absolutely nothing can change your destiny to move out of the lower vibrations and enjoy the levels of Light that are free from them. A glorious future awaits you when you will meet your true family, and return to your Higher Self. This will take time but your perception of it is already changing as you experience the speeding up of time. It is not in fact constant which is already known by you and eventually you will enter the future where everything exists in the Now. Even now when you return to the higher levels following your transition after the “death” of your physical body, you will experience many such changes. It is a step nearer to the true reality that you have existed in between lives for millennia of time, and serves to remind you of your higher state of being.

Your earthly existence is a harsh test of your ability to overcome the lower vibrations, whilst at the same time continuing to evolve. It is a level where souls can incarnate to make spiritual progress much faster than in the higher ones. The lessons can be played out so as to fit in with your level of vibration, and the higher it is the quicker you can progress. No one is pushing you to experience other than at the speed you feel comfortable with. It is why so many souls are at quite different stages of evolution. It may sound extremely hard to progress in such circumstances, yet it is the ideal situation where so many opportunities can be taken. We would reiterate once again, that every soul has Guides and Teachers accompanying them. They help you along with their guidance whilst ensuring that they do not interfere with your freewill.

Dear Ones, you can feel safe and cared for as you play out the last days of your time in the lower dimension. Your Guides and Mentors wish you success, and will do everything that is permissible to help you providing it does not impose upon your freewill. Whenever you have doubts and worry about the negative energies, you attract them to you which increases your vulnerability. You can cause the very thing to happen that you do not want so think positive at all times, and keep your focus upon your goal. Be assured that this period in your lives is extremely important, as if you fail to achieve the higher vibrations you are destined to remain in the lower dimensions. You will of course have an opportunity to achieve your aims in another cycle, but having come so far it is wise to put the effort in to succeed this time round.

We continue to protect you from outside interference as other civilisations are interested in your progress. The experience you are undertaking attracts the interest of many of them, because of the multitude of different beings that are taking part in it. Souls have come from all over the Universe to observe or participate in the end times, and indeed it is worth pointing out that in reality you are all Space Beings. Your home is not on Earth and many of you have volunteered to help others to rise up out of the lower vibrations. With your experience and higher vibrations you have the confidence that you can avoid being pulled down by them. We of course closely monitor your progress and are always on hand to guide you. We admire your tenacity and determination to fulfil your mission, and the souls you are helping will be forever grateful. Indeed, everyone gains in such a situation as no experience is without its value.

Every soul associated with the Earth gains knowledge through their experiences, and it is as you might say a fast track experience that many others desire. However, the lower vibrations are such that they can pull you down, and you can forget your true mission. That is where your Guides are working closely with you to try and get you back on your agreed path. Much of the contact with them happens when you are in your sleep and out of the body. Much good work is done at such times, and when you have sorted out your problems you will find that you wake up feeling at ease and refreshed. That is good reason to follow your intuition when you are seeking answers to them. You are never abandoned or left alone, although there are times when you feel unwanted or ill at ease. As we have often stated, you can call upon us at any time and we will respond as best we can without affecting your life plan.

You have a saying about “the calm before the storm” and we can tell you that the “storm” has peaked and very soon a period of calmness will commence. You can contribute to it by living as a good example of one who is aware and spreading the Love and Light far and wide. Peace is coming and great times lay ahead and already many Lightworkers are laying down the foundations of a New Age. We assure you yet again and again, that nothing will stop progress into the New Age, and you already have both feet on the path to it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to be able to contact you with news of the progress that is being made. In some ways it is slow by your way of measuring time, yet from our vantage point matters are quickly being sorted out. We are members of the Galactic Federation of Light and committed to your wellbeing and successful future. We are One and when you ascend we shall come together as we continue our work for the Light.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light