Transform that old, expensive, pain-in-the-butt, water hogging swimming pool into your suburban farm/garden! ~ Oct. 12, 20142


Found another great article today from Laura Bruno, the Spiritual Gardner, that I thought you might be interested in seeing. I have lived in Phoenix and know exactly how parched that area can be due to a persistent lack of water…only 9 inches a year! There are LOTS of pools, including unused pools, in the Phoenix area that would benefit everyone if they could be converted into growing areas.

How? Please read on and imagine how you could possible transform your living space to be more consistent with natural living! Please read on, imagine, and…


Especially if you live in a place plagued by drought, like these folks do. He imagined his empty Arizona swimming pool with a plastic cover over it, and took it from there. Now his Garden Pool idea has become a movement.

Who says we can’t re-vision our own regenerative future? It’s time we just looked around, paid attention to where we actually do live. Let us take off our conceptual helmets, the ones that keep us entranced in a certain “belief system,” and open to the universe. Let our imaginations loose — to notice the missed, or unnoticed opportunities — and from there, simply begin, one step at a time, the redesign, the reconfiguring of our entire way of life on this precious planet Earth. What’s to lose?

These folks feed their family with a garden in their swimming pool — and you can, too

John Smallman – Release Yourselves From Fear By Embracing Love – 12 October 2014


Jesus, channelled through John Smallman, again returns with a message of LOVE for us to understand. Earth is, indeed, in the onslaught of the Tsunami of Love. As Jesus says “Within the illusion more and more of you are opening to the Tsunami of Love and to the awareness that you are, each and every one of you, on a spiritual path or, if you prefer, a spiritual mission to assist humanity to awaken and dispel the illusion.”

This is the second message I have read today alluding to the fact that Light workers are here to hold the light and assist humanity to awaken to the truth of who we are. Love IS the only answer to any situation! Time is drawing nigh…so please read this post, think about a bit, and…


Waiting is difficult for you.  Here in the spiritual realms, where time is not an issue, we do understand this aspect of the illusion as many of us have had lives as humans.  In the spiritual realms all is always just as it should be, perfect.  Within the illusion more and more of you are opening to the Tsunami of Love and to the awareness that you are, each and every one of you, on a spiritual path or, if you prefer, a spiritual mission to assist humanity to awaken and dispel the illusion.

To do that you have to be human!  And that means that you are, to a certain extent – in fact to a very large extent indeed – unaware of the absolute brilliance with which the divine entity that each of you is shines forth, constantly.  You were created perfect and you remain perfect for all eternity.  But to enter the illusion as humans to assist humans in the awakening process it was essential that you became like them, lost, confused, and seemingly abandoned in a fearfully threatening and unforgiving world.  It is unreal, but it seems wholly real, all that exists, to the vast majority of humans, and death seems like the end, the termination point of a brief, unsatisfying, and pointless life.  An unfair and unreasonable experience that gives you no choices of your own that would allow you to alter it to suit your rightful needs and desires.

The illusion is your conception, your institution, your dream or nightmare depending on how you are experiencing and interpreting it.  For eons it seemed that it was a given that you had to accept and cope with, but in the last hundred years modern psychology has begun to show you that you can change your experience by changing your mind about it.  You can choose to feel overwhelmed by the situations that seemingly envelop you, and collapse under them remaining a crushed and helpless victim of circumstances, or you can choose to accept life as it is presented to you, deal with the situations with which it apparently confronts you, and move forwards.

Life is always about this now moment.  However, you have managed to lose sight of that, and you focus massively on the past in vain attempts to prevent it from recurring in the future, or to ensure that it does recur in the future.  But, there is only the now moment, and everything that affects you, that influences you in any way happens in this now moment.  The other problem for you is that the now moment seems so brief.  Could such a brief, ill-considered thought, word, or momentary motion or activity truly cause such an enormously unexpected outcome?  The answer is a resounding yes!

You do create your own reality by the thoughts, words, and actions with which you engage.  Your problem, as humans, is that in the restricted environment that you appear to inhabit it is very difficult to foresee the possible consequences to which they lead.  You collectively chose to build an environment that was severely restrictive, limiting, and uncertain, because you wanted to experience that uncertainty and the confusion that it produced.  And now, after eons of pain and suffering, you have collectively decided that enough is enough.

Having made that very sensible decision you have then needed to ascertain the way forwards out of your endless suffering and into a state of lasting peace.  “How is peace possible?” you ask one another as you observe the vast number of conflicts, distrusts, and betrayals that you observe all across the world?  Peace is impossible you declare, because of all those unstable and violent ones who would maintain a constant state of war because it gives them power, control, and wealth.  And so you conclude that armies and weapons are an essential form of defense against those misguided onesin order to maintain peace.  That is an insane belief, as you know in your hearts, but fear prevents you from acknowledging that one truth that would set you free.

As all the channels are repeatedly telling you “LOVE is the ONLY answer to all the problems that you experience.”  Yes, if you embrace love, it seems to you that you are laying yourselves open to permanent abuse, pain, and suffering by making yourselves insanely vulnerable.  But, on the other hand, you know deep within yourselves that Love is THE answer.  What the spiritual channels are doing, and what you Light workers, starseeds, and wayshowers are doing is fearlessly embracing the Love field that eternally supports you, and demonstrating by your faith, and by the results that occur in your immediate lives, that this is true.

AND where people are refusing the Love, and refusing to trust, the conflicts, suffering, and betrayals continue, endlessly.  There are now more than enough of you on Earth actively demonstrating Love as a way of life, the only way of life, the Real way of life, to bring lasting peace to your confused and suffering multitudes.  Keep on loving and watch your relationships – personal, societal, business, and international – stabilize, warm, develop, forgive, accept, and become as one.  You know it makes sense, and that nothing else does.

Remember, you are eternally and infinitely supported by your loving Father, and therefore by all sentient life forms that our Father has created.  The only opposition is from a few, a very few, a tiny minority of insane ego-driven souls in human form who can only achieve their aims if you support them.  Just stop supporting them.  Your only reason for doing so is because you are fearful, believing that you are small, insignificant beings in a vast and threatening universe, and you fall for the egoic blusterings of these few insane and utterly misguided ones who would persuade you that Love is weak and that you need their strength – but they have no strength!  And to fall for that line of reasoning is also insane.

You are all divine beings created from Love by God for eternal joy.  That state is available to you right now!  Wake up and embrace your Father, the divine field of Love, the Tsunami of Love that surrounds and supports you in every moment!  Release yourselves from fear by embracing Love, and watch with amazement as those few misguided ones who would control you fade away into the unreality of the dissolving illusion.

Your loving brother, Jesus. / link to original article

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 12 October 2014


Oh my gosh! Manifestations for me are indeed happening at an incredible rate these days, very spooky…yet wonderful! Marlene Swetlishoff comes to us again with a channelled message from Hilarion that is exactly the encouragement I needed…indeed this message is a manifestation for me personally. And then I happened (?) to read this message while Jason Mraz was singing a song he has just released, “Shine”, in the background. When you listen to this song (posted below…please pay attention to the lyrics…they reinforce the message of Hilarion so very well!

Hilarion’s message today focuses on you and me, the light workers who have raised the light quotient of the earth by learning the truth of who we are. Are task now? We are forerunners whose job now is to hold the light (shine on others) while the rest of humanity awakens. The tough times of light workers are over! In the words of Hilarion, “You are becoming the embodiment of your enlightened soul.”

I AM so dazzled by these series of coincidences that I’m not sure I’m making  sense!! Please read Hilarion’s message here, listen to the music and lyrics of Jason Mraz, and…


Beloved Ones,

Going with the flow of energy as it comes through is most helpful in the coming days. Whatever comes to the surface of your consciousness should be met with love, compassion and understanding, patience and tolerance. Your loved ones are also in the process of awakening to their higher light and they need your patient and loving support as they begin to see the world with more clarity than before. You might have to take several deep breaths before responding to the unique ways this awakening within them will unfold. Remember that each person upon the planet is being stretched to the limit of their consciousness and endurance at this time and there is no end in sight for a respite from the increasing intensity of cosmic light coming in waves upon the planet. Everyone must go through the process of assimilation, integration and balancing within the human operating system.

Those of you who read this have already passed through the majority of this process and are in a role of holding the higher vision for the rest of humanity. Many of you have already passed through the fires of initiation and have emerged on the other side, forever changed in a defining way, an empowering way. You now walk the Earth with humble heart, remembering well the testing times and how difficult it was to rise above the chaos to create a higher vision and to hold it high. Those who come after are having an easier time of it than did you and this was by divine intent and design. By your courageous example, you have set the bar on high and those who are in the throes of transformation have a safer path to follow, with many guideposts along the way. You have been diligently pursuing your divine calling and most of you are now or will be soon, in the position to be of great assistance to the seeking ones.

It is the light and the love in your heart that shines so brightly now that it resembles the light of the sun. From our higher perspective it is easily discerned and each of you is easy to locate upon your planet. By your light and by your brilliance your soul signature is known. As the old gives way to the new, trust that the universe is unfolding exactly as it should and that you are in the right place for these times. Sometimes, sacrificing your position on an issue and viewing it from another direction will bring enlightenment. You are all being reborn into a new spiritual consciousness and exploring the alchemical process of transmutation, creating new forms, new bodies that are less dense and more filled with light. You are becoming the embodiment of your enlightened soul.

As you yield to the changes taking place within you, within your life and in the world, you are realizing how liberating the whole process really is. You are finding yourselves leaping into the unknown, trusting that you will emerge renewed and invigorated as the old gives way to the new. You are ready to take your new place in your new world with zest, enthusiasm, passion and confidence. The path before you is cleared for the new to come into manifestation. Continue to shine your light as a beacon for others, that you may help to light their way home. Be in gratitude for the illumination that now resides within your being, that luminous being that is the true light and beauty of your soul.

Feel the joy in the realization that you are enough and that you always have enough – of love, abundance, prosperity, creativity, energy and miracles. You are rich in the gifts of the spirit and have learned how to manifest these into your life and how to share these with others around you. Take time to acknowledge and appreciate all that you have experienced and accomplished, knowing that it helped you move to a higher level of awareness, an awareness that is filled with a new spectrum of unlimited possibilities in your life. Celebrate the moment!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Suzanne Lie – Living Portals Of Light – The Arcturians And Gaia – 10 October 2014


You feel good, spiritually aware and awake, but what are the steps you can take to contact your higher self, or your spiritual guides? Just how the heck do you receive messages from these beings who cannot be heard or seen? Does anyone give instructions on how to do this?

Getting in touch with your higher self requires a still frame of mind. Meditation is the best way to stop the mindless chatter within your head when you are quiet. It quietens the mind and the chatter which tells you who you are and what you can and can’t do and be and takes you straight to the quiet and calm which is your Higher Self. Start meditating by just focusing on your breath. How do focus on your breath? Simply breathe in on a count of 4, immediately followed by breathing out on a count of three. Do this count of breathing in and out repeatedly. By breathing according to  this repeated count, your mind will become focused and still.

Remember…your higher self is inside of you, so…don’t be afraid to talk with yourself. If you can find a secluded spot…have a verbal discussion with yourself as this is great for opening doors within you! You might be surprised by the thoughts that begin to stream into your mind!

Dr. Suzanne Lie also gives some clues regarding “how to” understand the importance of who you are… your higher self, that is, so please read her article here, think about it, and…


Dear Arcturians,

Dear Higher Expression of my SELF, I felt you were telling me something during my meditation. Can you assist me to put your message into words?

Of course Suzille,

We are happy to assist you, for we are YOU. Do you remember your reality as an Arcturian? You have often written as though we are above you in some manner, but we want you to remember that we are WITHIN you. Above and below are third dimensional terms based on space/time.

Our reality is multidimensional and based on the time being NOW and the space being HERE. Therefore, you do not need to go up, down or even in or out. You simple need to BE Aware of your true Multidimensional SELF. When you are aware of your constant connection with “All That Is” you are “HERE and NOW.”

Allow your thoughts to travel within to find your Multidimensional Mind, not above you but within the core of your brain. Allow your emotions to travel within your heart to remember that your emotions are not within your aura, but within your core. When you remember that ALL your thoughts and emotions arise from within your core, you realize that you can only respond to your self.

Your 3D brain puts your thoughts and emotions outside of your core so that they appear as “not you.” Because of this misplacement, our ones wearing earth vessels often feel as though their thoughts and emotions arise as a response to something or someone outside of them. If YOU are the creator of your reality, which indeed you are, how could the tools of your creations (thoughts and emotions) originate from outside of YOU.

Once you take full responsibility for the fact that every thought and emotion that appears to originate from “some one else” is simply a reflection of what is occurring from with in you, you have re-gained Mastery over your energy field. Conversely, as long as you allow your self to “react to” rather than “take ownership of” every thought and emotion you are functioning form your earth vessel rather than from your Multidimensional SELF.

We know what a huge shift in consciousness it requires to take FULL responsibility for every thought and every emotion that is registered by your consciousness. However, once you have remembered that innate knowing, you are well on your return to mastery. We say, “return to mastery,” for all of you are ascended beings who have volunteered to wear an earth vessel to assist Gaia. You may think you have come to assist humanity, which is true.

However, once Gaia ascends beyond Her 3D Matrix, she will be able to offer humanity a reality based completely on light and love. Conversely, the only reason why Gaia has not completed her ascension process is because of humanity. All the other kingdoms of her world, plant, animal, insect, mineral, etc. are cleared and ready for “take off.”

You see humanity’s experiment of separation from the conscious perception of SELF did not go well. Once humanity separated from the conscious connection with their higher expressions of their SELF, many “power over others” beings, mostly the Draconians, slipped into human forms and tainted the experiment.

The experiment of life on a polarized world was to be a training ground to expedite the process of moving through the different expressions of multidimensionality. If one lived in a reality based on the perception that polarities were separate, could they remember that there is always an energy field connecting the polarities?

Once that energy field is common knowledge, you are no longer trapped in the “dark” or far above in the “light.” Instead, the light and the dark are merely states of consciousness that ALL beings experience. And “where” do you feel these experiences? Have you placed them outside of you where you feel safer and where they are NOT you?

Conversely, have you discovered that you are NOT the reactor to your reality but the creator of your reality? If you are the creator of your reality, then your experience of life does not stem from OUTSIDE of your earth vessel. No, if you are the creator of your reality, your experiences must arise from INSIDE of you.

But, which of the myriad versions of even your physical “you” is the source of that inner creation? In other words, which frequency of YOU have you assigned to be the creator of your reality? Did you assign that creation to your 3D, 4D or 5D and beyond expression of SELF?

You are a great multidimensional being who resonates all the way from Source to flow into myriad realities on myriad dimensions. But where is the Source, and where are all these dimensions? Yes, you are beginning to understand us now. They, All In All, are inside of you. YOU are a portal through which the energy fields of multidimensional light and unconditional love flow from Source to Gaia and back again.

Did you ever realize how very important you are? Even when you are standing still, sleeping, driving in traffic, paying your billings, arguing with a loved one, walking in nature, swimming in the ocean, looking up at the sky, YOU are a living portal of light. In fact, every person, place, situation and thing serves as a portal through which the multidimensional light of the ONE can flow in order to experience creation.

Now are you beginning to understand your great importance? Are you able now to realize that your earth vessel is merely a package for the energy field that is YOU? This package was created from the elements of the environment in which you created your body. You have practiced for myriad lives, known to us as missions, on countless frequencies of reality during many timelines to BE a “portal of light.”

You began being a portal on the higher dimensions where there was no resistance. Then, ready or not, Gaia put out here SOS. You came in answer to Gaia’s call during the fall of Atlantis to assist Her from falling off Her axis. Once you entered Earth’s time, you could incarnate in any timeline, even those that appeared to your physical perception to be “before Atlantis.”

When and where did you forget your SELF? In the same manner that one may go back in time to trace their steps in order to find a lost item, we ask you to go back in time to find the NOW in which you forgot your SELF?

You were all born with that memory, but 3D life has a way of forcing you to forget your SELF so that you can survive the rigors of life on a third dimensional planet. First go back into your current incarnation into form to remember what and when you forgot.

You see, our beloved volunteers to assist Gaia, ALL of you came into your current incarnation with the knowing that YOU are a portal of light through which your multidimensional light could flow. ALL of you are multidimensional being who have anchor points all the way up the frequency trail from the physical world to Source.

The fact that you are multidimensional does not make your special, as every human is multidimensional. What makes you so very important is that YOU are remembering that you are a portal. You are becoming aware that you must anchor your portal into the planetary body of Gaia.

YOU are vital to Gaia because you are remembering that your Primary Mission is to open your portal and allow the multidimensional light and unconditional love from Source to flow through your core. As this light and love flows through you, please remember to ground it in the body of Gaia.

If you do not ground this immense energy field it will be too intense for your earth vessel, and you could short-circuit systems that are important for the survival of your physical body. After you have grounded this energy field, it is vital that you open the portals of your chakras to share the light.

Your human vessel is not meant to hold this energy field, but to share it.

If you do not open your chakra portals and share this energy field, you will create a feedback loop within your vessel that will damage it. Remember your vessel is created from the frequency of third/fourth dimensional planet. On the other hand, YOU are created from the Light of Source. This light is not meant to be static, but must infinitely flow within the NOW of the ONE.

It is this “holding in the light” that causes many of humanity illnesses and diseases. Your earth vessel is merely a form of clay and cannot resonate to your true frequency, except for within your core.

Within the core of your spinal cord and brain, your seemingly inactive kundalini/light silently goes about your mission of allowing the multidimensional light and unconditional love:

  • To flow into your pineal gland
  • Through your physical form to be grounded in Gaia
  • And out through your windows of light—your chakras.

If you are receiving this transmission, you have volunteered for this mission. The problem that our wonderful volunteers have faced is the problem of forgetfulness. You see, the third/fourth dimensional brain can only remember energy fields that resonate to the frequencies of the third and fourth dimension.

Furthermore, our volunteers are very busy simply surviving in a reality in which darkness reigns. Within your 3D reality, those who follow the doctrines of “power over others” are often victorious over those who follow the principles of “power within.” This situation began when the Draconians finally lost the Galactic War and many of them migrated to Earth.

Since dinosaurs were amongst the very early inhabitants of Earth, their Draconian descendants saw Earth as “their” planet. Since the power-over-other carnivore, dinosaurs often ruled, they believed that they had the right to rule over your NOW. These Dracs in human clothing have especially dominated your reality during the previous 2,000 years of the Kali Yuga, which recently concluded.

However, your tender, sweet souls suffered greatly during those times, and even now, many of you have forgotten your SELF. Fortunately, more and more of you, our volunteers, are awakening to your SELF every day. Upon your first awakening you are much like an infant who cannot remember that you are a portal of light.

Therefore, we ask all of our awakened ones to:

  • Plug your light portal into the planetary body of Gaia,
  • Connect with the antennae of your Multidimensional SELF,
  • And transmit your light and love out through the portals of your chakras.

Then, we ask that you project your innate multidimensional light and unconditional love out from the chakras of your human vessel and into the chakras of Gaia’s planetary vessel. We suggest that you also share your gift of light and love with Gaia’s earth (planetary body), air (atmosphere), fire (core) and water (oceans, rivers and lakes).

It is through this deep merging of your human chakras and elements with Gaia’s planetary chakras and elements that you provide the deepest and most immediate assistance to Earth. We shall return to share more information about Gaia’s chakra system.

We the Arcturians are grateful for your service, as is Gaia.

In closing, Gaia wishes to share a brief message.

My dear human portals, I am Gaia.

I wish to tell you that I am infinitely grateful for your service. My “primitive” societies instinctively knew that we, person and planet, were ONE being. However, since the corruption and eventually destruction of Atlantis, many of my humans became detached from my life essence and began to perceive me as a “thing,” “a large rock” on which other things grew and/or lived.

Fortunately, many of my early inhabitants managed to survive and still know me as their Mother. Also, those who lovingly work the land or live off the waters know that I am an alive being with intentions and emotions similar to theirs. Unfortunately, many have tried to conquer others so that they could steal my land and own my waters.

Since they had no love within them, they had no love for their Mother Earth. In their grasp for meaningless power-over others, they destroyed untold members of my biosphere, even reaching up into my fourth dimensional worlds. Once their destructive manner invaded my fourth dimensional realities, the Galactic Federation of Light was given permission to directly assist me.

Before that moment, the Federation could not assist me, as I had foolishly chosen to be a “freewill planet.” I had no idea how destructive that freewill would become. Fortunately, humanity is my only inhabitants who “spoil their nest” and damage the very planet that allows them the experience of being a third-dimensional human.

Now, that the Galactics and Celestials are answering my call by making the great sacrifice of wearing a human vessel, I see that there is hope for my survival. My planetary body has faced possible destruction more time than humanity knows. You, the humans who were meant to be my protector, have also been invaded by the darkness.

My beloved humans, I can NOW lovingly tell you that the long, dark night is transmuting into the dawn of a new planetary “day.”

Dear volunteers, who answered my call, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I AM the grateful Mother of the earth vessel you are wearing,

Gaia / link to original article

John Smallman – Saul – You Are Permanently Overshadowed By The Divine Field Of Love – 9 October 2014


Oh, goody! Another article by Saul, through John Smallman that is heavily dosed…as always…with a huge dose of love. Saul repeats the message we have just seen from Aisha North telling us that the time is nigh, “The tipping point, the moment for humanity’s awakening into full consciousness, is approaching very rapidly indeed, even in your experience of time.”

Saul also reminds us again of God’s unceasing and eternal LOVE for humanity and the unfailing, eternal support of each one of us. So…please read this message, feel the joy and love in your heart, and…


The tipping point, the moment for humanity’s awakening into full consciousness, is approaching very rapidly indeed, even in your experience of time.  Keep holding your energy on high, your Light on high, sharing and extending Love to everyone in every moment and in every situation.  Here in the spiritual realms we have your backs, we are providing you with enormous support, and the path you are following has no more exits as it brings you home to your final destination.  Be in joy because failure is impossible and the culmination of your collective efforts is finally bearing fruit, fruit of the most beautiful shape, taste, color, and texture.

You are permanently overshadowed by the divine field of Love, in which all of creation is gently and permanently enfolded.  God’s Will will be done, and you will all enjoy the most magnificent benefits resulting from the doing of His Will.  His Will is always done, it’s just that in your present state of severely limited consciousness the vast majority of you are unable to see that this is so.

You look around you in your illusory world of fear, anxiety, trauma, pain, and suffering and you ask “How could God allow all this?”  Well, of course He does not allow it, and He has never entered your illusory world to play insane games with you.  He gave you the power that is His, all of it, and because Love does not demand, manipulate, enslave, or direct, It allows, you were able to build the illusion, enter into it, and pretend that it was real.  And within it you established a set of horribly unloving rules and regulations, claimed that they were His, and then took it upon yourselves to enforce them most bruisingly on His behalf.  What incredible arrogance that was!

God is Love, PERIOD!  He would no more impose on you or control you than the ocean imposes on its multitudes of aquatic inhabitants.  He created you from pure Love (the only kind there is!) and then He gave you Heaven, He gave you free will, He gave you all of His Wisdom and His Intelligence, and the complete freedom to do as you chose.  You chose to play at being insane, and the evidence of your games is all around you – wars, conflicts, injuries, pain, disease, distrust, and betrayal.

Finally, within the last two or three decades, humanity’s collective will decided it was time to terminate these games.  The results of this decision can also be seen all around you as Love spreads Its influence into the darkest corners, bringing Light which is showing you the way out.  Remember, Light is Love, so the way out is to engage fully with Love in every moment, and more and more of you are doing this daily.  You cannot fail to awaken, because sleep cannot last indefinitely, let alone eternally.  Your awakening is imminent.  Hold that thought in your hearts in every moment, and make it happen NOW!

Yes, it is up to you to awaken, because to do so is a choice that you, because you have total freedom of will, must make.  It cannot be made on your behalf for you, you have to do it yourself.  You are each the directors of your own awakening, but you each have an enormous team of heavenly assistants who will do the heavy work.  You just have to make the decision to do it now – by shedding every aspect of yourselves that is not loving – and then allowing us to pull with you and for you.  You have infinite strength when you make this mindful and perfectly loving choice.  So stop delaying, stop wondering if it will really happen. Sit within, in your most holy inner sanctuary, and intend with all your heart to awaken.  It is very simple, but because of your myriad unhappy experiences within the illusion over the eons it is not easy.  You have to trust God, and in the illusion you have taught yourselves extremely well not to trust anyone, not even your mothers!  You always have doubts, and even the smallest ones can and do unbalance you.

Remind yourselves of what it was like learning to ride a bicycle, you kept looking back to make sure that your mother or father, or your friend, or elder brother or sister was still holding you, and in looking back you lost your balance and fell.  Do not look back, or down, just power ahead knowing that you are divinely supported in every moment, because you are.  If that divine support were not there you would cease to exist, instantly!

The Love enfolding you in each moment of your eternal existence, the Tsunami of Love, is the divine Will, willing you but never forcing or demanding you to awaken.  It is allowing you to choose to align with It, as you most surely will, because the divine Will is your will.  Presently you are just not too good at recognizing this, but recognition is dawning on you.  When someone treats you lovingly, or you see others treated lovingly it warms the cockles of your hearts does it not?  Well, the Tsunami of Love, in Its power and magnificence, will set you on fire with Love – and It does not and cannot burn! – if you will but allow It to.  So allow, and the tipping point will tip, and your awakening into the brilliance of God’s divine Light will rouse you from your deep but unreal sleep into the immeasurable joy of eternal day.

With so very much love, Saul.