Energy Update ~ Final Eclipse and Unity in the Intensity ~ August 9, 2018

By Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

There is Unity in the intensity of this passage. The energies, and our Higher levels, are pushing for deep personal shifts to accommodate our true heart’s path and Ascension. If you allow it, choosing Unity and Love as your Primary focus and Primary timeline choice, the Source codes can activate, shed what does not serve, and migrate your consciousness to a brand new experience. It takes focus and trust to utilize this passage for the highest interests of all, and maintain calm in the cosmic storm.

Activation of Pure Source Codes

Source code activation is the experience of feeling, accepting and existing as Source Presence without the dense separation of Self-and-Source. We experience God as our own, the pure love of Source as our beingness. We begin to feel this unification consistently, right through our conscious awareness. It is pure, blissful and overwhelming. Many have written me in the last few months about this new experience of unification with Source, and the intensity of bliss, visions and sensations of Oneness. It does feel different, and is difficult to describe outside of quantum poetry. It is here, we are anchoring it into the collective, and it is activating the rainbow-crystalline lightbody.

We have lived in separation for so long that Oneness on this intimate level can feel surprising, even for Wayshowers anchoring this into the collective. Nothing else seems to matter as these activations occur, so we take care to integrate and light-ground as best we can. Mostly you will want to meditate, feel it, be with this profound peace, and expand this Divine Presence within.

Simultaneously, the bifurcation effect of both feeling and witnessing the division of timelines presents.

Relationships end, and partnerships dissolve to accommodate the new timeline choices. Often when we ask for change and highest alignments, it shows up in unexpected ways. Remember we are all one, and endings are temporary in the grand scheme of things. Trust the path. Judgment of the self or others is not needed for any part of this journey. The old energy of good-bad, right-wrong is on the hit list with these shifts, and thereby gets amplified to reveal the path of Unconditional Love as an alternative. Discern with the heart, let it guide you with grace to new alliances, projects, or creations which compliment your highest trajectory. Divine Neutrality is key as the veils thin.

Ultimately, this is a passage to choose your true heart’s path, and align with it wholeheartedly in thought, word, and action. Aligning with the New Earth timelines can feel complex in this energy, since so much shedding, releasing, clearing, and higher choices are presenting right here, right now.

If you feel confused or anxious about the changes or the unknown, keep it simple. Find the baseline truth of Love within your own heart, dismiss judgment of the self or the external, and express this in any unique, creative way. Write it out. Get in nature alone. Design and dream awake the New Earth projects. Meditate for balance and calm. Go direct; ask Source for full support of the highest dreams and creations of love you may manifest in this lifestream. Name them, claim your creation. Pay attention during the eclipse on Saturday. Honor it and claim your place on the higher trajectory if that is your desire.

Busy Visions and Gate Adjustments

Meditations and lucid dream/etheric realm activations are opening these crystalline Gateways of the Heart, and many are migrating their timelines to expand into next-level Lightbody. Brilliant (natural) DMT visions have been strong, showing crystalline stargates, crystalline bridges encoded in DNA shining brightly, and more royal crown visions morphing into crystalline temples. Lyrans have been predominant, some with stargates on their crowns, Masters have been making adjustments during the Unity Meditations, multiple cosmic grid systems have been shifting to open the New Earth gateways, and a Bridge guide handed me a Solar chart showing an X-12 flare. That last one is a code, probably not a physical Solar event (although we did have an X-9 last September after the eclipse Gateway.) I feel it has more to do with the new alignment of Solaris, which completes this month. The interdimensional Solar flashing activity has been consistent all year, along with the crystal-clear visions of New Earth.

The sensations of phasing out of density, which is the freeing experience of being multidimensional rather than physically here-or-there, and expansion of Lightbody is quite powerful during this eclipse sandwich passage. Solar eclipses tend to be stronger, and I AM fasting, clearing, preparing this week to be an open conduit for the highest light and experience. We tend to be sleepy anyway during these energies. I feel more balanced and calm when I prepare and go deep; follow your heart guidance accordingly.

Lightworkers in Service, Let us Unify

Kindwhile, the grounded task of assisting Gaia, HUmanity kingdoms and elementals presents. Keep it simple, as the energies may make us feel trancey, spacey, or sleepy. Even in the expanded states of embodiment, we manage to unify in service.

We welcome forth this Divine realignment and the revelation of the Christed organic timelines with ease and grace. Gateways are already open, let us unify for the Partial Solar eclipse with ceremony, prayer, mediation and our pure intent of Ascension. The eclipse peak is on Saturday, August 11 at 2:46am PDT.

We hold this unified focus on restoration of the organic Ascension timelines for all, supporting the Solar shifts, and stability for the collective during this Gateway. The energies may feel scattered for a while before they balance out. Hold the intention of Peace.

Meditation, hydration, integrate in water (natural lakes, streams, river water is best), move the body, connect with the SUN as the codes are very strong in this now, and get off-line often for the clearest experience.

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday

Join us in creating palpable shifts for all willing hearts on SUNday August 12th at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time. Breathe, center yourself and meditate in the stillness of Pure Source Consciousness for 33 minutes. Gratitude for inviting your friends, Tribes and loved ones to participate in this co-creation of peace.

Blessings to everyone for this unique passage. Gratitude, Love and Strength to all beings in Divine Service.

In Love, Light and Service,


Eclipses to Equinox ~ The Ultimate Balancing Act: Anchoring The Accelerated Creation Cycle ~ August 29, 2016

eclipses to equinox

By Lauren C. Gorgo, 08/29/2016

The energies of the new month are already beginning to arrive, heralding the entrance of some superhero (m-f) rebalancing efforts set to take place in our lower body system in preparation for 2017…a year when the planet will need as many people as possible anchored in divine neutrality.

We are moving into a period of grounding, a profound integration of the new accelerated creation cycle which amplified exponentially thru the Lion’s Gate, and becomes fully viable on the September 22nd equinox, directly following the last eclipse of the year.

I know that many are relieved that August is coming to a close but the Leo energy amounted to an absolute inferno of creative fire that was so necessary for this upcoming cycle.  It brought with it many perks, but also many challenges, as we were required to burn off anything still preventing our fully empowered (divine) Self expression.  The upside is that we realized, with the right perspective, that the fires of hell are really just those of transmutation…dogged in their determination to empower us to become the leaders of our own lives.

And from what I am hearing, so many have succeeded in ways that will not only change the course of our entire life’s creation, but the entire course of human history.

During the 8-8 gateway we were also downloaded with the codes to access the blueprint for the whole next year of our creating…enlightened visions/inspirational ideas/creative concepts that will unfold over the course of 2017 and that are intrinsically tied to the (Eden) blueprint for earth. Next month will be spent incorporating this intelligence into our bodies and lives in order to move forward with plans for implementation and production.

As we unzip the files for our next level creations we also begin the process of bringing this year’s creations to completion.  Add to that 1) two more eclipses, 2) the equinox, and the fact that 3) we are in the 9th month of the year, 4) completing a 9-year universal cycle and..well…you are looking at a serious September to remember.

More than the inevitable (and even monumental) endings approaching, we are going to be called to master the application of balance in our lives as we will be at once moving into our new positions, finishing up important details needed to provide us with some necessary (in some cases lifetimes of) closure, while simultaneously resting/recalibrating and retreating inward to receive important new soul directives.

This balancing act, fundamentally between BEing and DOing (but really so much more than that), is showing itself as a real task of dedication, refinement and acuity….ingenuity even…as well as a time to be ultra flexible, open and ready for anything.  We are going to be learning how to be up & down/inward & outward, all at the same time. Productive and yet still.  It may sound impossible, but this is what transcendence offers those who are willing/ready/able to leave the ways of duality behind for good.

All of this is the growing result of our inner m-f merger process, the ‘mystical marriage’ that is currently underway for many, enabling us to experience both our human and divine aspects/desires/intentions as ONE. NOTE: The Mystical Marriage is the merging energies of the (masculine charged) pituitary and (feminine charged) pineal glands, which initiate the birth of our multidimensional consciousness…the union of spirit and matter. Hello vertigo.

Ultimately, we are in the process of learning how to truly parent ourselves…how to live as LOVE, with our hearts open and in first place, while also bringing the newly divine (on earth) masculine energy forward to support and protect the sacred inner feminine with the (higher) mentality and boundaries needed to live fully, openly, vulnerably, and in the world again.  We are learning how to fully rely on the new balanced relationship of our inner divine mother and father to completely orchestrate our lives now.

In the process of masterfully balancing these polarities we are remembering-in-action that to be sovereign is to live in full trust that we will spontaneously receive (command forth) what we need in each moment, AS we need it…that our only j-o-b is to move confidently thru life as the embodiment of LOVE itSelf, allowing for the Force of creation to construct every detail of our every divine request for every new life experience.