Editor’s Note: Wow…very, very nice! This channeling indicates that in the near future (12:21 anyone?), the Earth will receive galactic light codes (Diamond Grid Christ Energy) which will allow humanity to experience Interdimensionality, or…choosing to BE in the dimension you desire.

Perhaps this idea corresponds to recent information from another spiritualist here which describes the vibrational “choosing” that is to occur.After all is said and done, each human WILL proceed as their inner energy (vibration) dictates. “Welcome Home” to the world (dimension) of your own choosing, where you will be comfortable, and …



Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe, in this channeling our galactic counterparts are talking about the Diamond Grid Christ Energy upgrades that we are about to experience. Here is the channeling that I have received.

Therapeutic magnification of joyous memories of the past bring with it the phenomenal magnitude of equivalent to the three dimensional wavelength of time and space. For within the dimensional framework is the understanding and the experience of that which one wishes to behold.

For in the three dimensional reality you were able to experience that which you have, and as you move through the ages, you move through dimensions and dimensional reality of BEing. For the dimensions are truly your experiences, the experiences that your vehicles of time and space are indeed capable of beholding.

And thus, which of the dimensions that you find yourself in depends on that which your vehicle of time and space is capable of beholding. Interdimensionality which shall link you to the chosen momentum and chosen pathway for your souls journey, allowing you to connect with the divinity of that which you are, and bring force to humanity the light that is so needed to be anchored onto your planet.

And so and thus, in the days, weeks and months to come a thread of the diamond shall indeed be integrated into your vehicles, as has been done in the past, and shall again be repeated in the future.

The next wave of upgrades shall come from the interwoven galactic channels of light which shall begin to transcribe and transform your vehicles in order to hold pure, unconditional, monodynamic and gracious light of the creator, the diamond, Christ, pure energy of love and light. Said interweaving of the direct vehicles to be upgraded to be able to adjust their vibratory systems to a dimension of your choosing.

And so, and thus, and hence, comes the purification phase of the vehicles of time and space, and readjustments of said diamond strand, thread if you will shall begin momentarily and awaken within you the direct interdimensionality of your BEing.

That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.