By Crystal & Indigo Guide to the Galaxy

DECEMBER 17 2019


These days that lead up to the winter solstice are sacred.
This is a sacred week.
Many feel tired and others are going through health issues as the Light that has arrived, is so clear and pure, that the body has difficulty processing it and initiates deep cleansing mechanisms.

The big energetic wave that took eventually all of us on its back,
starting last May, is now placing us down
to a new ground, in front of a glorious portal!!!

Our True Self took us by the hand and led us sweetly and safely through the necessary steps to surf this wave.
We took a big journey. We were transported.
Here are some of the main steps humanity took collectively:

-Closing of old doors, death process, separations, shocks, new seeds were planted around May and then during the summer solstice in June, we started riding the big energetic wave and we took all humanity along with us! We started journeying towards True Life through time and space, inside our DNA.
-Changes, breakdowns, realizations, emotional cleansing, new possibilities and close examination of different scenarios opened during the summer.
The important 8/8 gate which brought the Golden 6D pillars of Light. Still were riding the wave! The peak of the wave!
-And then, conclusions and decisions were taken
before the fall equinox! It was then that
we gradually started descending the wave while
clearing all contracts with the underworld,
taking back from the hands of lords of the underworld,
the free will of humanity.
-Now!! At the winter solstice, we are stepping down from the wave, at a new ground, finding ourselves in front of a great portal!!!
Our first journey to True Life is over.
We have arrived safe and sound.
The old self is gone forever.
Now another process starts.
Now we are stepping in our
True potentiality, free from baggage ready for our new experience in True life!

2019 was one amazing year!
All the above steps were processed through the free will and initiative of our True Self.

For most people who are busy by the outside world,
this was an unconscious process but they totally went through it!
Things happened in their lives that are connected to these steps of ascension whether they know it or not.
Most, probably thought that these were just some of the usual changes,
but they were not!
This is ascension!
Together with these changes the old self died too.
This is ascension and we are all in this together.

Those who are attuned,
have been following step by step all processes and are going through this, consciously.
They are working hand in hand with their True Self,
as they have accepted and understood that is the True Self that is leading the way.
These people rode the wave consciously!

Everyone will eventually come to the understanding that their True Self is leading the way and that the personality is sitting at the back seat
and when this happens collectively,
then the human power of manifestation and synchronicity will be unthinkable!

We are now put down to a new ground.
We are now standing in front a glorious portal.

The winter solstice 2019 is the new door that everyone will walk through by their own free will. The door will remain open for a while so that everyone can be ready.
No one will do it for them. No one will carry no one anymore.
Each will walk through it only if they want to and only if the are ready
which means total self responsibility and sovereignty .
No more complains and no more avoidance.
This is the time of maturity for all souls in this plane of existence.
This is the time for taking the True Position.
The pressure for awakening will be extreme by the True Self.

Up until now, the light workers, way showers, time travelers, starseeds that were guiding and opening the way to
True Life, have been carrying the weight of effort and responsibility of ascension for all humanity as one Christ consciousness.
This is now changing.
Light workers are breaking free of that weight which means they will be released by their previous duties and will be flying away for new adventures!
They will be taking on their new Golden Missions and
will be able from now on, to express and enjoy fully
all the gifts and charisma that they have been keeping and nurturing inside of them!
They will be birthing their new Self!
They will be relocating, repositioning in order to manifest
the new reality of Love and Light.

We have done so much work and now is time to enjoy!
Wishing everyone every success in birthing
their new glorious Self!

The new Golden Missions concern mainly the Twin Flames. Twin Flames are taking over the next step of evolution of humanity!
They will be receiving the Sacred Flame of union and will be the Pillars of the Holy Light as One Union!
They are the Golden Co-Creators and they are taking over!
They are not many yet, but more are preparing and will be ready to follow through soon!

Tune in with us for this glorious winter solstice global meditation
on Saturday the 21st at 12:21pm Athens timezone.
Twin Flames from 5D-6D-7D are going to guide us all.
Those ready will receive the Flame of Union and will become the new Pillars of Light as Divine Couples.

Everyone can receive during this meditation according to where they are in their awakening and
everyone is loved and honored!

Wishes for True Love to you all!

