Pure Heart Connection… ~ June 14, 2019

Editor’s Note: The short statement below contains all there is that needs to be known about Awakening, Ascension, and Self-Awareness. Everything is tied to BEing at a higher state of vibration. Energy is All That Is…you and me, my friends!

Please read, think about this, and be…



Via: Awakening To Remembering

Pure Heart connection is felt and very obvious when present (or not). The disconnect is with the ego thinking mind (heart closed/protection mode). Moving back to higher states means opening completely up to Feel fully, then learning how to discern/tell what is pure/highest aligned (vibrationally) and what’s of the old unconscious ways… in order to learn to consciously shift and tune everything within (and out) to a much higher vibration than before. Learning to maintain/sustain this expanded state is part the process as well. Observing when you contract will show you what’s going on/not currently aligned…. so that you can consciously choose to shift that which you called “reality” to a completely different one. ♥
