Easter ~ The Resurrection, YOUR Divine Ascension Easter ~ The Resurrection, YOUR Divine Ascension ~ April 2, 2018

By L’Aura Pleiadian

The Resurrection, Easter, Sunday April 1st, 2018. A powerful NEW beginning. Focusing NOW on the message powerfully given to me.

Whether you call it the Resurrection or Ascension. It is the YOU ~ embodying your Divine YOU in form. Your form transforming, to its eternal State of Being. Where no death of the body needs to occur.

This is more than possible for everyone. When the Union is complete WITHIN.

The Light Body exists Now. Your Soul Star Matrix exists Now. You exist now in an eternal State of Being.

In the Halls of Amenti…the form on MU ~ is NOW recharging itself so to speak, as the PLAN (fool-proof) unfolds.

What better so-called time to focus on your ASCENSION, than Easter. The rising of the Sun. The Christ Light. The New Birth, the Spring. You and Your resurrected form. In this life time or the next.

Shining as the Divine Ascended Being.

All will take this Journey. Some appearing first.

Yet even now as I write. There are Beings with me, that have taken this journey and completed it. They can come and go at will, into form, out of form.

So it WILL BE for YOU as your Divine Heritage.

Children of the LIGHT ~ hear this call and awakening NOW.

YOUR ETERNAL Light body is READY to merge in frequency with your form. YOUR complete transfiguration is what is taking place.

The process from the minds perspective may seem….connected to a result. YET the beauty is in the journey and ALL IS PRECIOUS.

EVEN if you do not realize this yet.

Celebrating your Ascension. Your Full realization. Your Resurrection, as LIGHT. The Christed Light.

The Golden Age. The Age of Aquarius…EASTER ~ Now.

In LOVE and Divine Glory! Forever, Now.

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