Carolyn SERVANT OF YHWH ~ October 12, 2020

Editor’s Note: Again, the power stemming from Union from Beloved Twin Flames is evident in the message below. Closer and closer twins will merge becoming blended into the other signaling the end of Heart Division on Earth!

Rejoice with your Magnificent Heart the opening of Quantum Love within yourself, leaving yourself to be in…

Quantum Joy!


4747 Grail Codes continue permeating the Beloveds. These solar frequencies are amplifying God’s plan of New Earth Families. Your Masculine and Feminine bodies are coming into alignment. You are so close to becoming One Whole! The chakra system is completing all that is needed for being in harmony for full merger.

This is a day of judgements for your Union, for all Unions. These judgements are for the Divine Masculine and Feminine. This is clearing the fears and division, that have been blocking the merging two families, to become one blended family. God is aligning is new Kingdom Families today. This is forcing change today.

Decision-making, leaps of faith, communication, and sudden movement is here, directed by the Most High 1001. Take a deep breath and regroup today, knowing that the battle against the seed point of family division is ending. You are now healing from this. Dharma, harvest, and love offerings are yours through all these changes, final endings, and verdicts over cabal slavery for good.