The Ascension Is A Choice To Step Up, As Trump Has ~ December 25, 2018

The Ascension Is A Choice To Step Up, And Trump Has


It seems to me that what Humanity needs to be focused on at this point is showing our worthiness to ascend. We are NOT being told to sit tight, meditate and sing Kumbaya because it is time for the separation of both evil from the good, but also for those who are ready to ascend and move on to the higher dimensions to do that, while those who are not ready, to go their separate ways—at least, that is what many have suggested. I don’t see how we can all go to the same level when we are so different in vibration or frequency.

We have to show how ready we are. If we care about what happens on this planet and to this planet, and to those who reside here, we are inspired to work toward fixing it in whatever ways we can. Sometimes it’s a matter of supporting those who are actively helping. Those who aren’t assisting are making their own choices. We all have choices.

At some point, however, it seems the choice will be made for us to make the break and we will be free. It will be out of our hands.

This process is where our galactic families have come in. The Star Nations are facilitating this “inorganic” or orchestrated ascension because it doesn’t only affect Earth, but far beyond. It was impossible for us to ascend the way other free Beings of the Universe normally do because of our circumstances, so they are helping us. We were unable to help ourselves due to the despicable treatment at the hands of the marauding races, and most of Humanity is still sound asleep.

On the surface of the planet we have to do what we can to remove the evil, castrate the devils, restore honesty, love, transparency, and clean up the mess as best we can within the confines of what we are capable of doing.

We don’t know how long that will take, or when The Event will unfold, but we can’t just sit on our hands. We have to be the best we can be, and do the most we can do. Many of us are doing what we feel called to do.

There are multiple groups here helping in ways as they see fit. Some of those efforts are to atone for the negligence or intentional damage done to Humanity and our planet over the years. They present history in their own ways, provide disclosure to those who are open to it as they see fit, put their own spin on things, and in so doing they are hoping to escape retribution, or to at least lessen the punishment.

Even though our escape is imminent, since Humanity is here to advance spiritually we don’t get to pass Go and move directly to Heaven. We have to play the game, move around the board, take our lumps, do what we can to correct the problems, and see how many spiritual points we can amass before Ascension. This is my take on it.

President Trump is facilitating the cleanup to a great degree. First you expose the dirt; then you can sweep it up. Everything is unfolding as it must to get this job done, both on, above and beneath us.

The activities of the Resistance are evident in Cobra’s posts at the 2012 Portal of late. Cobra has been tight-lipped as many critical operations are unfolding, and Jim makes mention of this in his update below.

Despite how little we know, it’s clear the future will be fascinating.  ~ BP

