The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ Receive Our Support ~ June 3, 2018

By Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have continued to offer you the support that you have been requiring, and we are very happy to see how you utilize that support to take you to the next step on your evolutionary journey. You have so much support from all across the galaxy and from every imaginable dimension, but if you do not receive that support, acknowledge it, and do something with it, then you don’t get the full benefit of the support that is being offered.

There is a spectrum on which every single person falls, and that spectrum runs from the extreme of very egoically doing everything yourself so that you can get all of the credit and praise to the being who says ‘I cannot do anything at all, and I need you to do it all for me.’ The reason why we point this out is because we want you to fall somewhere in the middle of those two extremes, where you are openly and actively receiving our help and support, but also relying upon your own initiative.

If you take the support that you are receiving and run with it, you can go much further than if you simply wait for some other being to come along and do everything. This is that integration of Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies that so many are talking about and seeking on planet Earth. You need to receive, and then you also need to act. But you are never doing it all alone, no matter how it might look to you, and no one can do everything for you, no matter how much you plead for that particular outcome.

So we, and so many like us, are here co-creating with you because we like it, and because you are asking for it. We will continue on this path with you, and you will get better at receiving our support. We will also get better at knowing when and how to offer it, as we continue to study you and chat with you whenever we get the opportunity. This dance that we have going together started a very long time ago, and it will never end.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ The Earth You’ve Always Dreamt Of ~ June 2, 2018

By Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the sense that humanity is ready for the influx of energies that are coming your way, and we are excited to see exactly what you are going to do with these energies. You have a creative potential here for massive change on your world. If you can think more as a being in a collective, rather than as an individual, then you can band together, and in your co-creative power, you can make broad and sweeping changes on planet Earth.

You can use the energies that are coming in as part of the solstice to help heal the wars and war-torn countries. You can use the energies to help heal the individuals who are in most need of that healing energy. You can use it to mend the fences that have been broken for so long between nations and people from different religions. You can use these energies to help feed the hungry and free those who are enslaved.

The capacity that you all have for compassion is astounding, and if you can come together with a common goal, a common intention for what you want to create, you can have the harmonious world of peace and prosperity that you all know you are moving towards. But you can have it much sooner. You can have it before any big event, and you can have it before the shift in consciousness is complete.

Now is the time to utilize the abilities that you have for the good of all of humankind. There is no need for you to continue to live on a planet that is polluted by so many toxins. If you band together, even with the plant life and the animals, you will see your powers for manifestation and creation increasing exponentially. Simply intend to pool your creative resources and work with these energies that are coming in. Co-create the world, the planet, the home that you have always dreamt of.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ Breaking Free from Programming ~ April 29, 2018

By Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are breaking free from the chains that you placed upon yourselves before incarnating in this lifetime. You had to have these chains in place until you were ready to bring yourselves to the fifth dimensional frequency range.

You knew that there were certain experiences that you had to have this lifetime to set yourselves up for the full integration of all aspects of who you are and who you have been, and now that you have lived those experiences you have much more freedom than you have ever had in any Earthly lifetime.

The chains are no longer there, but the programming still is. Part of why you knew that you would be able to limit yourselves in the ways that you have has been due to the programming that was in place before you got here and all of the new ways that have been derived to attempt to keep the vast majority of you from knowing your power.

The easiest way for you to release yourselves from the programming is to turn off your TVs, your computers, your phones, and all of your devices, get out into nature, and feel for the truth of the high frequency energies that have been competing with that programming for quite some time. Just as you are free from those chains, you have made yourselves available to these energies, and they have made themselves available to you.

But the lower frequency vibrations of the social programming has been the interference. It has been keeping you divided. It has been telling you that you have reason to be afraid, and it has you striving for a level of success that has nothing to do with becoming more of who you are.

That is why it is so important for you to tune out the programming and tune in to the energies that are available to you in the atmosphere, the energies that are coming up from Mother Earth, and the energies that are projected from your sun. You have access to so much more than you allow yourselves to receive, and it’s time for you to grant yourselves that full access in the here and now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ You Are Significant ~ April 21, 2018

By Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have the power within you to give yourself that which you desire. It is quite simple, really. This power that within each and every one of you gets activated when you give up the sense of insignificance that has been placed upon you by others. You all are Source Energy Beings, but that is not what you emphasize about yourselves. You tend to emphasize where you went to school, what you do for a living, where you live now, and other assorted details about yourselves.

These details have nothing to do with who you really are, but society emphasizes them, and once you buy into that idea, then you have the mindset and the beliefs that tell you that only certain people get to do certain things. Only certain people get to have certain things. Only certain people get to be in beautiful romantic relationships.

Now, the way around this programming that you’ve taken on is not through deconstructing it. It’s not through changing society, or even your beliefs that you picked up from society. The way that you grant yourselves the lives that you want to be living is through the emphasis on your true nature as a Source Energy Being.

You are significant. Even though there are seven billion plus of you on planet Earth alone, you are still significant. You are still unique expressions of that which is Source, infinite, eternal, unconditional love. Therefore, do not let any definition of who you are that has been placed upon you determine your value, your worth, and especially your power.

You are very powerful beings. We suggest that you spend some of your time every day consciously breathing while reminding yourselves of who you really are and feeling it in every cell of your body.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council ~ Your Evolution in Consciousness ~ April 5, 2018

By Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is the perfect time for all of you to consider how you would like to be moving forward in this next phase of your evolution. You are getting to decide how you move forward, in spite of what you might be told from others, others who make it seem as though the next five to ten years are set in stone for all of you. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You are the pioneers here. You are the creators and co-creators, and it is your time to be the deciders, the ones who actualize your own evolution. You can, of course, just wait and see what happens. You can look for new predictions to tell you what’s going to happen next, or you can take the wheel and decide for yourselves what it’s going to take for you as individuals to evolve.

Do you need drama and trauma in your life to be inspired, to feel your emotions? Do you need hardship in order to create? Do you need to see evidence of the rest of humanity lagging behind in order to do something about the evolution of your consciousness? When we talk about the evolution of your consciousness, we want you to know that it is something that happens automatically, but it is also something that you can facilitate.

You can put your foot on the gas pedal and bring yourselves to a heightened sense of awareness. You can choose to love more, to meditate more, to connect more with nature and Mother Earth. You can reach out to other aspects of yourself. You can reach out to higher dimensional beings. You can be an active participant in the evolution of your consciousness, and you can steer the rest of humanity in that direction as well.

You don’t have to sit around and wait for something to happen. You don’t even have to wait for some grand, inspired idea. Just stop what you’re doing from time to time and check in with how you’re feeling, how you’re vibrating. Do some conscious breathing. Meditate if you have to. But just be sure you’re taking care of the evolution of your consciousness.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
