God’s Currency of Love ~ June 21, 2019

By: Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia

Recognizing where we are now in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension may seem in many ways like seeing a mirage with our eyes and minds. Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional world is not now, nor will it be, experienced as an instantaneous moment of change but rather as an act of spiritual entropy.  

Humanity continues to experience a 3rd dimensional illusion that is sustained by old belief systems as demonstrated by our world’s many weaknesses and dramas.  The 3rd dimensional world is shifting from a seemingly ordered state to a state of disorder and chaos.  For now, the world’s financial system remains based upon a fiat money, rather than God’s Currency – the Currency of Love. There are persistent rumors of war and international disputes.  Daily acts of violence are “normalized”.   

Humanity’s role upon Mother Earth is now shifting and preparing us for our new role within the Universal Community of Sun-Stars – that of experiencing a Universal Self.   We can all understand how the experiences of our 3rd and 4th dimensional world are vibrationally maintained, but will we be capable of comprehending beyond those old beliefs? 

The time to begin our Reorganization beyond the disorder is now upon us.  We all have a comfort zone that must be consciously expanded in order to create a New Fifth Dimensional Comfort Zone and release the full content of our Hearts and Souls.  Third and Fourth Dimensional experiences of duality and separation were designed by the personality to allow us the freedom to express our chosen preferences freely.

Intuitively we know this to be true: A physical system is not going to gain more organization unless energy is put into it.  We realize that things will decay over time unless we actively maintain them. Spiritual entropy says that no matter how hard we try and cling to the old standards and ways  – religious, social norms, political philosophies, etc. – we cannot grow spiritually as closed systems. 

Mother Earth has already entered into a New Reality.  She is now evolving towards a new experience.  She has a new perspective for the Universe’s Fifth Dimension.  Humanity’s focus through the lenses of past 3rd and 4th dimensional experience must shift to a higher frequency – that of 5th Dimensional attributes.

Mother Earth is leading us towards a process of discovering our newly awakened gifts and talents for our entry into a New Reality!   It is all happening with or without us – the world is changing and aligning with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension!  Our world’s current state of disorder will not change until we get involved.  It may be as simple as expressing Love and compassionate understanding towards a stranger, or a gesture of  “Good morning.” to someone. The simpler the act, the more natural we will all become in the process.

Those choosing to remain in the 3rd and 4th dimensional illusions will be just as content with where they are now.  They will continue allowing the world’s current leadership to fix and remedy the world with their own corresponding beliefs. 

The world’s current state of disorder is the physical entropic outcome of humanity’s 3rd and 4th dimensional experiences of living out of Harmony with Mother Earth and each other.  Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension is a long awaited opportunity for humanity’s “do over”.  Our “do over” is an opportunity to remove our old comfort zone and co-create our new Fifth Dimensional Comfort Zone encompassing and integrating God’s Currency, the Currency of Love.  We are leading – and being led by and towards – Universal Unity in all that we think, do, and say!  

Humanity’s move Beyond The Illusion is producing the Fifth Dimensional Reality that exists beyond the entropic reality we now experience.  We hold the key within our Hearts and Souls – the key of integrating God’s Currency of Love in all that we think, do, and say!  Mother Earth is now establishing an Energy Wave to accommodate our shift Beyond The Illusion. 

From September 7, 2019 through February 20, 2020, all physical change needed to manifest the Fifth Dimensional Reality on Earth will be initiated by humanity through Mother Earth and Her Solar System’s interactions within the Universe’s Grid of Fifth Dimensional Sun-Stars.  Thus, we co-create our Society of Light

Yes, things will get worse before they get better.  A state of entropy will be upon us – and the entire Cosmos – until mankind moves Beyond The Illusion of the old ways!

Peace and blessings – in Love and Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared in co-creation – Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.


Touch The Heart In All You Say And Do ~ May 19, 2019

Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.

Humanity’s shared role with Mother Earth is manifested through our Soul’s ability to Co-Create our entire experience.  There are no Universal rules or laws to approve – or disapprove – of what we want to Co-Create during our experiences of physicality on Earth.  

Humanity now enters the precipice of a New Paradigm of Achievement – an era of surmounting the collective dilemmas of our Lives.  What is a “paradigm” and what does “achievement” have to do with it? 

Wikipedia defines ‘paradigm” as a pattern – or model of thought – used in our conceptual processing of the world.  To experience a paradigm shift is to experience a profound change in a fundamental belief, model, or perception of events.  In other words, “the world ain’t what we thought it was” and we must come to terms with this realization.  It rocks our world.  It Shifts our individual and collective consciousness and opens our energy to new ideas and ways of being in the world.

This process is ‘hit or miss’ as we – in our desire to resolve our issues – allow a new paradigm to be born.  Sometimes we achieve a great outcome for a single moment.  Other times we achieve even more.

Our current world is shifting and changing into an entirely New Reality.  Is everyone ready to release our past sense of achievement?  What did we “achieve and by whose standards?”  Did we achieve Joy and Happiness and Peace and Harmony? 

If we are truly aligned with our Heart and Soul’s Purpose, we will no longer be experiencing the pressing issues and dilemmas of the old reality in our manifesting New Reality.  Fewer choices will be made strictly with our minds.  In the New Reality, we are naturally attuned and in alignment with the entire Universe.  Choices and decisions are served by our Hearts and Souls.  When we do what comes naturally, we fulfill our Heart and Soul’s Purpose!

By shifting consciousness to fulfill the content of our Hearts and Souls, we promote our Soul’s Joy and Happiness and we transform our Self for a New Reality – a New Paradigm of Achievement.   Those humans satisfied with the status quo will have little need to change and transform.  There are many in this now moment letting their minds choose for them.  They know no other way.

An increasing segment of humanity IS becoming aware of a New Reality manifesting through Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension.  These humans are experiencing a sense of peace, relaxation, and Unity that comes through the achievement of the new paradigm of the Heart and Soul’s Presence!  This shift in frequency that humanity is now experiencing, was never about redistributing wealth, or replacing leadership, or forming a world government.   

This is a Shift of Consciousness that the Whole of the Cosmos is now experiencing.  For humans it is entirely about expanding our Conscious Awareness from our minds to our Hearts and Souls’ Presence!  Humanity’s entire evolution with Mother Earth is being completely supported and orchestrated by Universal Energies – predominantly the major and minor Sun-Stars that we see in our skies.  The Sun-Stars do not function in isolation.  The Sun-Stars work in tandem to support All Life. 

Humanity’s unique role is to Re-Create our Ancient Home upon Mother Earth.  Such a goal is grand and not beyond our current capabilities.  We are entering into an entirely New Reality where we are required to shift and expand our Conscious Awareness from our minds to our Heart and Soul’s Presence!

From May 2 through June 4, 2019, humanity transitions from a learning phase to an application process with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension.  This learning phase serves to increase our ability to adapt and acclimate with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimensional frequency.  

The application process of our adaptation with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will occur from June 4, 2019 through December 27, 2020.  Humanity, thus, produces an experience of relying more upon our Hearts and Souls – rather than our minds. 

What will the experience of relying upon our Hearts and Souls be like?  Will we know the difference between our minds and our Hearts and Souls?  

Here’s a hint …
Simply look for the experience of touching your Heart in all that you say and do.  Realize that you are touching the entire Cosmos through your own Heart and Soul’s Presence!

Peace and blessings in Oneness.  Namaste.

Received and written, edited and shared, in co-creation – Alexandar Kosmos & Brenda Garcia.
