Be The Divine Truth ~ May 31, 2019

By Gift of Gaia

I am through listening to the voices of ego. I am through feeling the distortions in words, I am through listening to the claims of perfection, and I am through watching the spiritual bypassing.

I want to hear Truth, real Truth, Divine Truth

And when I don’t, when I feel your distortions I will question, without judgement, the disharmony within your field.


To align my field and to offer an opportunity for all connected to the reality to expand, together as One.

The times we guide those in lack and hear the words “I know” well there is something quite distorted with those who know and yet do not do.

The times we hear “I am” and the reality shows you are not

The times we hear “I will” and they loop, return and say “I didn’t”

Impeccable truth, integrity, complete honesty in frequency, accountability, responsibility and respect is the only field that creates harmony within the spectrum of your tribe. 
Only achievable once you have realised the enabling program within, released the love and light fluffy nonsense and chosen to become authentic to your truth within.

And through this Promise to Self, you will notice your world begins to change into a state only comparable to heaven as the peace and tranquility swirls around your newly established Sacred Field. 
Gone are the days of avoiding people simply because you can’t “handle” them, gone are the days of the chaotic reality because you chose to align to Divine Truth instead of accepting a free for all, a mash up of frequencies within your Field, creating those tiresome drains.

And when every single vessel fills with the words NO MORE the world becomes accountable, responsible & respectful we give no room for the ego out there to move, it then must dissolve to BE-COME One with the All.

We cannot make a change if we proclaim to BE the change when deep down within you hold lack, we cannot state we are of light when we sit behind our phones, computers triggering emotionally and creating distortions through reactions, likewise we cannot change if we avoid the reaction bubbling up from within. 
We cannot be Divine whilst we enable and stroke the ego of another.

There is only conscious or unconscious and whilst we are all aware that the All is moving towards a conscious world then ask yourself how is it going to shift whilst we proclaim a frequency not yet stable within. How can we expand if we state we are already expanded.

We must begin at the beginning….the very beginning.

So I ask, for today that we All give the conscious New (not new) Earth frequencies an opening into our heart and experience what it is like to choose Divine Truth, to be impeccable, to hold a Sacred Field so clean and crisp and deliver our harmonising tones to all who distort through their ego, let’s gift the opportunity of change, real change that actually makes a difference in these complex grids, webs, we weave.

Because let me shed some light, if one correction is made by just one of you, it effects the entire light grid of every human being on this planet, one frequency shift, one awakening moment raises the frequency here on Earth giving All the next foothold on the ladder we climb.

It may feel like a drop in the ocean but remember the drop is the ocean within a drop, we exist in fractals,we exist in patterns only what we were never told is we get to choose the colours and the shapes of the patterning.


Speak today from The ultimate truth you are as opposed to the desired truth you chase 
