October, November & December 2018: Year-end Run for the Triple Crowns ~ November 13, 2018

“Have you clairvoyantly Seen and/or dreamed of seeing an ornate Crown or triple Crowns recently? I have, and it (a single Crown) was the most ornate brilliant white diamonds and pearls creation I’ve ever seen. No wonder our heads have hurt so severely this year! It’s now time to put on our NEW Light Crown(s) and Consciously Create accordingly.”

That quote was from my October 28, 2018 article, Accelerated Incoming Higher Energies. I had seen this single diamond and pearl etheric energy Crown in a dream around the middle of October 2018, and was stunned by its opulence and how much Light it radiated. I knew it was mine, my first Embodiment Process energy Crown in a series of three, if I was capable of reaching each of them, and that each successive Crown would be a much higher frequency.

My second energy Crown arrived on 11-11-11, November 11, 2018, almost exactly one month after I received the October 2018 one but this time I was awake. I had just settled myself to intentionally connect with the global 11-11-11 meditation focus and higher Conscious Creating when a series of three mind’s eye images instantly manifested. (I did my best to reproduce these three images I Saw on November 11, 2018, but of course nothing compares to the real thing.) As usual there was instantaneous knowing about each of these three images so it’s a case of visual image along with instant higher knowing about what all each image means and represents etc.

The first image looked like this and were these colors. I knew that these triple 11’s represented November 11, 2018, but at this point I did wonder why they were slightly curved and not on a straight horizontal line like how we’d normally write or type them.

  The second image looked like this and I knew that these lower triple 11’s represented November 11, 2011. Again I wondered why both the first and second mind’s eye images were slightly curved like this; one set of triple 11’s arched up and the second set of triple 11’s arched down.

  The third image looked like this and was more of an overhead view than the first two and I finally knew why the first two images were positioned the ways they were. This third unified and connected image of double sets of triple 11’s indicated that those people who have lived the ongoing Ascension and Embodiment Process up to November 11, 2011 and through November 11, 2018 have united and Embodied those energies and ascension years and high primary ascension timeline within themselves, allowing those individuals to pass through this November 11, 2018 circular Crown portal of 11’s and access another higher frequency etheric Embodiment Crown. This third image was both a portal and a Crown—one in the same thing actually—but at a NEW much higher level than we had been able to energetically reach and Embody until November 11, 2018.

The next thing I realized after Seeing and Knowing these three (three is a common representation of Unity frequencies) images was that December 2018 will bring another even higher level of this process for the Embodiers, and in turn the rest of humanity, external reality and the Separation of Worlds. At some point within the month of December 2018, those of us that are Embodying first and Wayshowing that will be dealing with Embodying our personal third triple Crown coronations. I keep Seeing lots of brilliant colored etheric gold Light but we’ll see once we enter January 2019, what exactly our personal third etheric Embodiment Crowns look like. I’ve also been Seeing, when my physical eyes are closed, bright iridescent pastel colored patterns which I sense are both more of our NEW crystalline Christ frequency DNA connecting, and the NEW Angelic realm codes arriving this month and beyond.

The more you/me/we Embody and “ascend” vibrationally, energetically, the more we all help everything else quickly evolve, “ascend” higher and higher too. This latest evolutionary energetic leap that happened on November 11, 2018 was bigger and more reality-changing than most of us have realized yet. November 11th was only two days ago and yet I can hardly perceive of things before two days ago! That in itself is a huge clue as to just how large this latest elevation shift actual was. We stepped through a double set of triple 11’s portal Crown and nothing will be the same because of it. And the December 2018 Triple Crown awaits us.

Know that if you didn’t See or dream or have any remembered awareness of Crowns or anything else related to these 11-11-11 portals, know that that does NOT mean you didn’t experience these things in your own ways and that you didn’t receive your first or second or possible third etheric Embodiment Process Crown. You did, you just may not have gotten to see or See your ongoing Embodiment coronations but I know you’ve felt huge positive changes since November 11, 2018. Wear you latest Crown well fellow Light-bearers and NEW Earth world drivers, we’ve still got December 2018 to live, Embody and receive our third etheric Crowns which is going to create even greater positive ascension changes for All. Very well done everyone, very well done indeed.

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November 13, 2018

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