May 25, 2024 Energy Forecast: Restorative Rooting – May 25, 2024


I sense primordial energies swirling through your energetic field on May 25, 2024. The love of the cosmos engulfs you and blesses you with the opportunity for restoration. Together, we will discover how to center and balance our energies by channeling the eternal wisdom of trees. Prepare yourself for a welcome wave of release, dear one.

Have you been feeling untethered and unsettled?Do you feel caught in the tumultuous winds of painful emotion? Is your soul struggling to feel grounded and connected to the energetic source from whence it came?

Today, we welcome the wisdom of trees and embark on a journey towards sacred rooting in order to ground the self and transmute any heavy energy which has plagued our psyches. Find a comfortable position and take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Plant your feet firmly on the floor if you are able to do so comfortably. Otherwise, notice the sensation of your seat as your weight presses into it.

Imagine you are standing in a dense, lush wood. Listen for the sounds around you – do you hear the rush of water from a nearby stream? Do you hear the coo of the birds from the sky above you? What do the leaves rustling in the wind which stirs the forest sound like?

As you ground yourself in this space, imagine the clouds have parted in the sky above you. A great beam of warm light cascades down from the heavens and shines into your third eye. This light runs through your energetic body, down your forehead, past your chin, down your throat, past your shoulders, all the way to your hands, your knees, and then your feet. You are filled with ease as it moves through you.

The light pools at your feet and then extends into the earth beneath you. Energetic roots ground you as they grow and grow all the way to the core at the planet’s center. This light collects all heaviness from your soul body and emotional body and sends it down your root system. All the pain travels to the center of the Earth, and when it arrives, it is transmuted into new energy and released back into the universe.

As you move through your day, feel supported by these deep roots which remain connected to you. Welcome release and a sense of ease into your experience. Be steady in the comfort of knowing that you can return here whenever you feel the need to, and you are always supported by these magical and powerful roots which you have created today.



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