Going Within… – May 26, 2024


As we traverse through these uncharted territories of this Ascension journey, the path gets more narrow into the Higher Realms.

The triggering & turbulence gauntlet from the lower dimensions to the higher is a phase called ‘The Dark Night of the Soul’ — which is meant to lead you into a total destruction of the previous being & to become renewed.

This is similar to an extraction process. A flower or fruit is grind up or destroyed before an alchemizing process — mixed with other elements to extract its Pure Essence or Source. Then it goes into a refining distillation process for the final phase — which is completely different, a refined Source of the original state. We (Humanity) are all going through this alchemy process in this Great Awakening.

The key into the Higher Realms is to open & be in the Heart Space. The Heart is the key to Ascension. Open the Heart Chakra. 🤍🫀🤍



All Gold Errrr’thang! 🍯😁🍯

Goldbacks, Gold-Backed Currency, Gold Coins, Gold Chains, Monatomic Gold — The Golden Age!

Nevada Goldbacks, A Local Currency Made of Gold


If Trump gets a Gold Grill, I’ma get a Maga Gold Grill too! 👇🏽😜

Trump Gold Grill


Gold-Backs are now hitting in Dubai!


REAL GOLDBACK CURRENCY is already here — I just got my hands on some!!!






It is LOTS of activities in the sky! 💥👀💥



Sky Events are LITT right now too! 🛸👽🛸



We’ve actually been witnessing it. 🌈🌏🌈

We may have just witnessed some of the strongest auroras in 500 years




Will Humanity really be ready to see Earth truly flex its magnificence?!?? Ready or not, we’re gonna witness it! ⚡️👀⚡️



Peace & Blissings Light-Warrior Family! The Aether is currently a bit more calmer after this May Flower Full Moon. Are you still feelin’ the symptoms or are you flowing & flying right now?? There is no wrong answer. There is only greater awareness of Self in the Present Moment.

The Higher Energy are bringing new elements for new creations for the collective — a collection of fractal reflective Human Souls who are highly aware, aligned, prepared & ready for activation.

All manifestations in the Omniverse are composed of organized Energy from the Heart Core of the All One Supreme Creator. The core of the Master Creator of Cosmic Consciousness, contains the allotment of the Full Spectrum Essence of the All One Supreme Creator — God.

All of it are connected by the wondrous Heart Core Essence of our Father/Mother/God with the Essence of the Son/Daughter Co-Creator Energy. The Heart Energy are stepped-down refractions of the power & majesty of our God Parents — just as our Father/Mother are a stepped-down refraction of the All One Supreme Creator.

The different sub-universes, densities or dimensions, are layers of fractals & refractions from the Higher Realms. The density increases or becomes denser as it gets lower & lower — all the way down to where Humanity currently exist at, between 3rd, & 4th. In this recent decade, we (Earth & Humanity) are now shifting into a 5th density quantum reality.

This Higher Energy that have been flooding into your physical world does not support the old physical creations anymore. This is why it is inevitable that the old system must crash — similar to how snow, no matter how much is present & brought by Winter, must melt when the season changes to Spring.

However we are not in another seasonal change, we are cruising at high altitudes in uncharted territories of the greatest paradigm shift called The Great Awakening! You may now unfasten your seatbelts… for now. ✨🙏🏽👁🤍✨



The Great Awakening is not just about DUMBS, satanism, pedophilia, traitors, Trump, decodes, military ops, tribunals, etc. It is about discovering dark truths but more importantly how to counter all the ongoing attacks — on every level.

Rooting for Trump & the White Hats to take down the whole cabal is not so great if you’re still smoking cigarettes & drinking GMO beers aside from Bud Light. How many Maga’s & truthers will not make it to see the end of this movie?

Those in niche communities that may not be fully aware of what’s truly going on might fall into other matrix traps. It is a lot to cover. It is a lot of information — too much info if you still want to consume all old programs & distractions. Some will have a hard time giving the old stuff up.

This is the most unconventional war & one must have a clear & full spectrum of awareness, a sovereign mindset, a healthy & charged body-vessel — within a self-sufficient environment, with like-minded folks, learning, practicing & embodying new conscious living. The trees with the deepest roots in the ground survives the storm.

I fasted 3 times this week — twice for 24 hours & once for 22 hours. I worked out, got a massage, walked, grounded, breathe deeply, prayed, meditated & wrote my thoughts down. I distilled gallons of water & made my own milk. I delivered meds to numerous folks. I consulted & held space for others. I had belly-aching laughs with friends. We shared some hilarious dirty jokes. I watched a few podcasts & share info with a few Anons. I spent money with local mom & pop businesses at the farmers market. I cooked all my meals. And I shared content on here. This was my week. Change within & watch the change unfold in the outer world. ✨🙏🏽👁🤍✨



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