Inflammation – April 30, 2024


Its always a good idea to know how to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is your body healing itself from damaging elements. While doing so, it activates your immune response and a chain of quite a few bodily activities. Generally  this should stop when all is better and  the health threat is gone. What becomes a problem is when the inflammation continues even after there is no illness and this  can lead to diseases from many conditions  including  cancer and arthritis. If you are leading a busy and stressful lifestyle this  can cause chronic inflammation. So best get on top of any adverse condition early.

How To Reduce Inflammation;

Following  an Anti-Inflammatory Diet.

Anti-inflammatory foods are powerful in preventing chronic inflammation as well as healing your body from it.

Eat fresh, organically grown fruits and vegetables. Have at least 3 servings of fruit daily.

Eat plenty of nutseeds, and natural milks.

Include fibre-rich foods in your diet, like oats.

Enjoy the goodness of whole grains and add anti-inflammatory spices, like turmeric, cinnamon, garlic, and ginger.

Eat Omega-3 rich foods like quality olive oil and avocados.

Have probiotics like yogurt and kombucha and Sauerkraut.

On the other hand, stay away from food that is alcoholic, processed, stale, and artificially flavoured. Refined products like white sugar and table salt are also best avoided.

Sleep is the healer.

Get Proper Sleep. 

The  lack of proper sleep contributes to chronic inflammation. When you don’t sleep early and at regular timings, your stress levels are likely to skyrocket. This easily triggers the body’s inflammatory response and you  face the consequences. This can eventually increases the risk of conditions like asthma, arthritis, heart disease, and even cancer. If you find it hard to sleep give these steps a go.

Get out into the fresh air and sunshine and Lead An Active Lifestyle.

Plenty of studies have linked a sedentary lifestyle with inflammation. Most of us spend long hours in front of the computer or TV and not enough time outdoors. At work, take frequent breaks to stretch your body. At home go on long walks, preferably in nature. For at least 30 minutes a day, do a physical activity like dancing, swimming, jogging, and so on.

Herbs and spices are packed with medicinal substances that heal the body and bring it in tune with its natural state of being.

Suffering  from chronic inflammation, use some of the following herbs such as:





Black pepper





One of the most important answers to how to reduce inflammation in the body is, “mange stress.” Stress can serve as the root cause of countless conditions, including chronic inflammation.

Take the time to nurture yourself.

Many blessings Hans the Herbalist 💕


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