Awakening the Inner Essence: Recognizing the 5th Dimensional State – April 29, 2024


We often find ourselves on the quest for more – more material possessions, more experiences, more relationships, more knowledge. This constant wanting and desiring, however, separates us from our true essence, our inner luminosity.

But this luminosity is not something to be obtained or possessed; it is what we are, our very being, our 5th-dimensional state.

The 5th dimensional state is not an external achievement to be desired and pursued but an internal reality to be recognized and lived. It is your very center of being, your core. It is as innate to you as breathing. You are born with it. It is not a state to ascend to; it is a state to acknowledge, to become aware of, to embody.

Our focus on the external world and material possessions obscures our consciousness of this 5th-dimensional state. We become so entangled in the web of desires and ambitions that we forget our core, our essence, our inner luminosity. We are looking outward when we should be looking inward.

Wanting and desiring everything else takes you away from your being. It is like a mirror reflecting everything else but itself. To become aware of your 5th-dimensional state, you must turn the mirror inward towards your very self. You must shift your consciousness from the external to the internal, from the material to the spiritual, from the ephemeral to the eternal.

The journey to the 5th-dimensional state is not a journey at all. It is a shift in perspective, a change in focus. It is a realization of your true nature, your inner luminosity. So let go of your desires and ambitions, quiet your mind, and turn your gaze inward. Your 5th-dimensional state is waiting for you to discover it.

The entire science of meditation revolves around directing your consciousness inward towards your 5D state. This inward journey is not a voyage into some foreign land but rather a homecoming. It’s about familiarizing yourself with your own spiritual essence, your true self.

As you delve into meditation, you begin to peel back the layers of your being, revealing the radiant 5D existence that lies within. This presence, this essence, is always there, patiently waiting for you to turn your attention inward.

The more you meditate, the more you come to know yourself in this deepest sense. You start to live from this place of pure awareness, bringing a new depth of understanding and tranquility to your everyday life.

It’s a beautiful paradox that our indifference towards ascension is what allows it to occur. The moment it becomes a fixation, a desire, the very essence of ascension is lost. Ascension isn’t something that can be chased or longed for, because it’s fundamentally rooted in desirelessness.

When we cease to yearn, when we let go of our attachments and our need to control, that’s when ascension can truly take place. It’s a process that unfolds naturally, effortlessly, when we’re able to exist in a state of acceptance and surrender.

To ascend is to transcend desire, and this is why your indifference, your lack of concern for ascension, is actually the most conducive state for its occurrence.

In times of growth and change, one might find themselves yearning for that shift into a higher state of consciousness, a 5D reality. But what if, instead of longing for ascension, we choose to simply be blissful in the present?

The essence of blissfulness is not just about attainment but about immersing oneself fully in each fleeting moment. There will come a moment — a moment that’s not predetermined or universal but unique to each individual — when ascension might occur!

It could take place in a state of complete relaxation, post-dance euphoria, or in the midst of a soul-stirring melody. Ascension has been known to occur in the most unexpected scenarios, underlining the importance of cherishing each moment and embracing the journey rather than fixating on the destination.

It’s a reminder to appreciate every moment and not just focus on where you’re headed. Instead, enjoy the journey and all its surprises along the way!

Weaving together our body, mind, and innermost consciousness is key to living a rich and fulfilling life. By aligning these aspects of ourselves, we open the door to a deeper sense of completeness and connection with the world around us.

So, let’s embrace each day with gratitude and curiosity, knowing that within every moment lies the potential for profound transformation and enlightenment. Let’s journey forward with open hearts and minds, ready to dance in harmony with the rhythm of existence!

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


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