NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | On My Way To A Better Place – March 22, 2024


“People do not listen to understand. They listen to reply. The collective monologue is everyone talking and no one listening.” – Stephen R. Covey

Even by Irish standards Neil Keenan has done a lot of talking. Yet, it seems that no one is listening. For almost 15 years he has not only spoken with his mouth, but through his actions and evidence brought forward to show you, and the world alike that there is something very wrong. 

Yet, relatively few are listening to the words, the tone and the message.

People wanted to support Neil and his heroic endeavors, yet few stepped forward. People wanted to participate in assisting Neil, yet the offer was at best hollow and not practical to anything that needed doing. 

People wanted to profit, and still stand there with a wish list of a pile of projects that they wish funded, yet have not offered any material support in any fashion to make these come to life.

People want to be entertained. Many simply plug into a post the same way they choose and settle into their other forms of entertainment. Glad to know you have been entertained. 

While you are not listening, you are not suffering the slings, arrows, poisonings, physical attacks, theft of funds and oppression meant to silence that Neil has personally gone through with both the Deep State of several governments and the Cabal.

It is evident that all the world wants to be entertained. The appetite is never satiated. So what comes next will free up more time for you to find new endeavors. 

Neil is leaving, his bags are packed and the final journey has begun. Do not take it personally, because the people that have mattered will be going along on this final portion of the journey with him. If you are reading this, and are not sure if this means you… then rest assured it does.

At some point in the news, possibly through his websites, details of long accomplished changes will be released. Long after the tasks and achievements have been completed. 

All of you had many chances to see, live, breathe and participate in seeing the news being made. Now you only get to read about it.

To those that have actively participated in assisting Neil through this journey in so very many ways – thank you. It takes a team as no man is an island unto himself. I am sure there is not enough time for Neil to thank you all individually.

Bon Voyage Neil. It is time to change the world.

The Amanah Mr. Keenan has funding awaiting him in Indonesia, but he needs this financing in order to get to Indonesia.

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