Ya Ready? – February 5, 2024


Ok now I’m gonna be looking my best when the #800 numbers and email arrives 🐵😁🤣💖






Judy Byington is the one who originally publishes the Restored Republic. When she publishes her report she has an AI or a computer actually read the salient points. She also puts it out in writing with a little more detail and a little more reference points so that you can look some things up.

All she does is collect information from people who are reporting on the Dinar and RV. If someone is giving out a number that you can call at this point it is NOT the number to use. If they are telling you you need to give them the serial numbers for your bills do not do so! If they tell you that you can join a group at this late date it is doubtful it is going to be an upstanding or honest group!

If you want to be notified via a newsletter of the RV because you might be lacking in belief or doubting who will give you the honest information then join one of the newsletters. Two I can think of are Dinar Recaps and the other one is called Dinar Detectives. If you go to either one of the newsletters look around on their website, one had the sign up to the side, the other one has had it at the bottom before so look before you give up. They send out a newsletter usually twice a day if they have reports being made through out the entire week. These folks are the ones that the people who are working behind the scenes now for the RV have contacted so that they will be able to send emails to the people who get their newsletter in order to get the 800 numbers out. Depending on what your currency is but not the amount, they will ask by the way which currency, you may have to go to a specific center if for instance you have zim. The zim is being treated specially and so only certain places will be able to handle that. If you’re calling the 800 number you should be directed to a bank, or a secure office building, or even onto a military base. The benefit of going to an actual redemption center, so it could be RC as well, is that you will get a contractual amount rather than the street rate. There will be a little bit of an increase for those who go to the redemption centers and they handle zim in certain ones.

At this point I don’t tell anybody about what is going on and only 1 person will know when I travel for my appointment. I don’t speak of what I have to anyone except for family members, I suggest you do the same.

I hope this helps. 💖🌟


Military Event???

Editor’s Note: Super Bowl…🌹



Wolvie is on target bonds and tiers 1&2 are being finished

It has started most of you are dead last Tiers 3 & 4A are huge 10 times the platform as tier 1 & 2.

Ok I’m going to say it again

I have spoken to whales, lawyers and people that have boots on the ground and they are all in the time line.

One whale received his notification from the General paymaster confirming that he will receive his blessing in such date and the same goes with other whales that I spoken to.

D1 has been released and finished

D2 I need to know if that’s been finished as it is huge.

Some whales have received their notifications that some will receive their blessings on Monday and some Tuesday and Wednesday.

Now my contact is in direct contact with the European General paymaster and he will call me once the money hits his friends account so that I can open the champagne bottle and celebrate as for me that it will be the green light as it will proof to me that’s it really happening as these are direct contacts that I know.

Now stop listening to BS from people that want to be rock stars and think they have the inside scoop and wants be seen as heroes as they are nothing but distracters trying to make you crazy.

Just remain calm as this has started and we will soon be basking in glory .

God bless




It is the Bretton Woods 3 Announcement that will call the RV.

© Goldilocks


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