The Arrival of the Pleiadian Mother Ship: The Ultimate Consciousness Shift! – December 3, 2023



5 thoughts on “The Arrival of the Pleiadian Mother Ship: The Ultimate Consciousness Shift! – December 3, 2023

  1. While I’m all for something like this happening….
    According to remote viewings that Courtney Brown has done in his projects, this is still a prison planet, and they are still operating underground, there has been none of them removed yet, because our stupid gooberment, who decided for humanity made a deal with the bad darkie ETs and complete secrecy of their programs. He says that all the ships they record with infrared cameras at 120fps are the bad ETs who until humanity decides to get rid of the darkies, as enough of us who actually acknowledge they exist as well as no longer giving permission to be a captured race and want the good ETs to help humanity be free of the bad ones here….they will not leave and neither can we.
    Courtney tells how they could be blocked from looking at some programs and events from the darkies, but that they have help from the good ETs to help them get past their blocks and see the real events and goings on of our gooberment and this planet.
    The sooner humanity wakes up to the fact we are in a prison planet system and these darkie ets are the ones in charge, and we want them gone, the sooner humanity can be freed of them.

    1. @Muse
      From what I read from Cobra, it will the aliens who do the rescuing, not this ‘WE are the ones we have been waiting for!” hippie CRAP. Joe Average and Plain Jane will NOT wake up, nor will you see everyone ‘UNITE!’. I’ve seen and heard people….be it liberal vs conservative, gay vs Christian, poor vs rich, Jew vs Muslim, etc….say along the lines of how they’d rather DIE than join forces.

      And humans can’t fight alien tech and weapons…..look what happened to Hawaii.

      1. I know Neil, it’s frustrating because humanity has been divided and conquered, dumbed down and enslaved. They can’t even see past their own prison of their dogmas so I tend to agree with you on that one. But….and that’s a big but, I think once there is a energy/light that comes thru and wakes up those that are able to, not all that’s for sure, then humanity can work together. Since we’ve been lied to about everything for so long…not sure how much of humanity can handle it. My daughter being one of them, when I was listening to Courtney Brown telling her about these ETs that are helping them with remote viewing sessions, she just scoffs at it as if that isn’t real because of course we don’t see them and it’s always been kept a secret according to their contracts with our gooberment. She would not even listen to it. So now, I’m the crazy one here, and must be careful because this is the sort of thing that most will want you back into the program and keep it going. I think she is like most people in this regard, as soon as you bring up ETs or any sort of controversial subject, they shut down and won’t listen. I have to say it is not a safe feeling when you are called the crazy one, and others just won’t listen and since I have no actual physical proof which many will not believe unless you do….doesn’t seem like full disclosure is gonna happen very quickly, of course like everything, they will drag it out. I’m frustrated and impatient with it all. I just want it all to come out and people can start to live their lives free from the programs and lies.
        So if Courtney Brown is right….they have not done what they claim they are doing. Not that I believed they were so much, maybe some, but I know we are watching a good vs evil battle with two sides of the same coin, and not the good guys. It’s their ‘movie’ script and just am weary of the whole charade. It’s hard to trust ANYTHING anymore.

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