I Never Thought I’d Be Talking About This… – May 26, 2023


Editor’s Note: Well…I never thought I’d be presenting this post..,a sure-fire conversation-starter! Actually, the physical orientation of our Earth is a distraction tool for keeping our minds away from understanding ourselves!

So… please watch this video, make up your own mind about how your Earth is comprised, and then BE in…

Quantum Joy!


463 thoughts on “I Never Thought I’d Be Talking About This… – May 26, 2023

  1. Rob, based upon your background, would you say that the flat earth disclosure
    could be the MOAB?

  2. LOL…it’s still a theory, no matter how much you wanna talk about it. A psyop to distract us and divide us. It’s funny how much time people invest in this theory.

    1. I think the time to distract and divide is over. We will soon find out…and soon.
      This flat earth perspective is second nature to me because I taught it as
      part of a larger paradigm (Hindu,Buddhist,Chinese,etc maps included). It matters a whole lot on life on the New Earth going forward. Pretty exciting !
      I think the archons built the ice wall to prevent humans from expanding
      and prospering. They are greedy and want control of all the natural
      resources beyond the walls. Well,that is my take on it.We haven’t yet
      explored the “planets!” What are they actually ? We will get there.

      1. It’s all good…but still a theory…until all is revealed and this whole divide and conquer crap is done. They still try it, but in the scheme of things arguing over the flat earth or globe stuff is just that, not so important to take our focus off the important things and after all is revealed, and hopefully for good and not a bunch of more arguing about ridiculous theories or opinions….it’s gonna be great. Whether it’s flat or a globe makes no difference in my daily life, if there’s an ice wall…well…we’ll climb it when humanity is allowed to go freely about this lovely planet.

      2. Well…I’ve gained new “insight” on the Quantum nature of life…it will all BE as you desire…no exceptions! The “tools” are readying themselves even NOW (No Other Way)! 😊🌹💕

      1. There is a huuuuge difference then and now ! Our future is tied to the
        lands “beyond the ice walls:” past and future. The realm is endless (unexplored
        for now). Do we not at least want to think beyond Ancient Egypt, Ancient
        Mesopotamia, Ancient Greeks for our roots? Why was the great Library of Alexandria destroyed? Our ancient written records have been erased by the Archon hordes who
        edited every sacred texts, from the Vedas to the “untouchable Holy Bible (s). Have your considered inquiring into the oral traditions of the indigenous people? I am not saying that you are mistaken
        in your personal views; we are, after all, what we see (“mirroring). Turn
        every stone. Ego demands that we do not welcome being mistaken all our lives lives. Do not rely on secondary sources. Gnosis will get one there, not laways
        gnosticism. We are spirit/ether and must reconnect with it at some point in
        in our lives here.

      2. Yes, there are places humanity has not been allowed to go. The why is much more revealing in that the ET agenda and their technology is horded by these beings who see us as product, much like cattle.
        The secrets are being revealed, the truth of it all is coming out. As soon as this ridiculous movie ends…. ‘soon’.

      3. Yes, yes, yes the distracting “bones” we are thrown are emerging into “BE ONE”, get it?! 😊🌹💕

      4. We are connected NOW (No Other Way), and always have been. The moment is here to re-member ourselves as An infinite variety of ONE!! 😊🌹💕🎉

      5. Beyond the Ice Walls: we are INTERCONNECTED AND ENTANGLED. So, this is where Thoth resides. He puts writings on my bedroom wall faithfully every morning for a few second only. Love Thoth…cannot read nor understand it
        all,but I do know what “I love you,” and “Thank You” means ! Thoth to me is the WORD, THOUGHT, HEAVENLY WISDOM.

      6. Yes…fascinating, wondering when this scientist will wake up?
        Dr. Sallas was only one of very few who had the ‘clearance’ as in DNA allowed to go and they showed him this giant.
        He’s supposedly one of the Annunaki scientists in stasis till …who knows when, but then they figured out that from the name of this scientist that it was Thoth, so very fascinating…is he gonna wake up and help humanity?
        I think he needs to wait cuz humanity is so stupid

      7. Thank U. One has to know this experientially via “WISDOM.” Otherwise it
        remains another 3D isms. Right? I know what I am required to know for the MOMENT
        ONLY. Sorta like living the life of Winnie the Pooh, wouldn’t u say? I
        know Thoth, Yeshua through this space continuum that u describe. YES
        WE ARE ALL CONNECTED AND ENTANGLED. Weird stuff to those who
        have not experienced this. Personally, I think that the authentic human
        souls are beyond manipulation by now. Ohers will “see” one day but I have left this baggage. I just say what I know/gnosis/esoteric, not Ascenstion 101.
        I have grown up so much by just being HERE in this present moment with
        you all. Thanking u always. Consider the book on Amazon called Terra
        Infinitiva. I just found this a couple days ago. For me,this is “sync” not a
        coincidence. It may not be for every reader here.

      8. Utterly fascinating…explains so much for me! This is our “known” Universe! So much to explore! Whee!💕🌹😊

      9. Cynthia, I think you offer a fresh platform toward the desperately wished for free expression by your readers, all of us. We wish to know so much more than what has been presented and monopolized in the past. Being able to air our deepest thoughts
        without the imposing threat of censorship is indeed refreshing: we can now begin
        to breathe freely again !

      10. Yes…Cindy is so appreciated in this platform as in holding this space for us to have healthy debate, to get it out and discern for ourselves, in this space of no judgement and truth and information.

      11. Thanks again! Nice to share a space where we can BE our own fractal selves from our own perspective! Welcome all! Share! 😊🌹💕🎉

    2. I am from Lemuria, the Mother ancestral land, beyond the ice walls. It has to become
      experiential, otherwise, just as “theory.”

      1. It’s ok Judith, it’s not a judgement, it’s entertaining the theory without accepting it and most say ancient Lumeria was here, and remnants of it is Hawaii and parts of California, but who knows for sure. The ice walls and all that, once if it is true becomes fact, or that we are allowed to go there, and not rely on theory or at least some sort of story…I have fun entertaining it and enjoy ‘the story’ just like hollow earth, and I do think those places exist, especially since they don’t allow people to go to these areas so much deception and lies…so as I don’t really think the world is ‘flat’ but I enjoy entertaining it with you, it’s all in my imagination, just like all the other theories or things I haven’t actually experienced at least in this lifetime or any memories of it.
        Eventually the truth will come out if this is all true. Either way, my only problem is with those that get angry and start calling names because I don’t accept it as truth until or when this is exposed as truth or just another psyop. Which is why I looked into the guy who started the whole flat earth society website, and he is suspect in his history or that he just shows up out of no where and has some huge following of people who go nutty when you won’t join them in the theory…this is also how the CIA does social engineering and bringing people out of nowhere, fake histories and a divide and conquer strategy to distract us so I guess it’s just a waiting game now.
        The truth will eventually come out.
        Big hugs Judith, and how did the book go? Have you finished it yet?
        Have a great weekend…Big hugs! <3

    1. Right. Illegimate. I think the congressmen now on leave may never return.
      They deserve no rights as they are deemed as “illegimate government.”Maybe
      we can send them all the Guam.BYE.

      1. How about we just fire the whole gooberment jerks, all the alphbet soup agencies, and Let’s just govern ourselves, put out big girl and boy pants on and get busy restoring this place.
        I’d love to hear Trump say to them all ‘You’re fired’

      2. If and when these criminals are sent to Gitmo or wherever, what can we
        say about their constituents who voted them into office? Tocqueville
        in his travels to America in the early 1800 (?) remarked that this
        new American experiment could easily become “a tyranny of the majority.”
        We are approaching the quantum realm now, so disputes among our
        human population might be reached from a higher level of consciousness.

  3. JUAN O SAVIN explained the origins of Flat Earth. Who is/ was behind the creation of this FARCE… why and how it was spread to the community. I have NOT enjoyed ‘seeing’ educated folks so easily fooled. But will be funny when the TRUTH of this is revealed. And it will be revealed … for all to ‘FACE’… unlike ‘ISSUES’ that may never be fully explained to humanity.

    1. Flat earth’s main purpose, I feel, is to try to make folks (the STUPID, superstitious, uneducated, not to mention RELIGIOUS folks) really feel there ARE no aliens, that WE are the only intelligent life in existence, and many hardcore, Pat Robertson Christians WANT that, for SOME reason. Flat earth gives them a sense of hope in that….95% of flat earthers I had the misfortune of knowing, after a long discussion, where I point out why it is rubbish, in a very polite manner, I might add (which now would be impossible, due to my patience with these stupid monkeys that are the masses), they would drop everything and shout “ACCENT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR lord and savior, or burn in HELL!!!!!”.

      And seeing how easily it’s gone about and given steam over the last decade, it’s a deliberate PSY OP, along the lines of bullshit like karma, the speed of light being THE speed limit of the universe, or the second law of thermodynamics being absolute, and purposeful suffering. And it’s also why some celebrities support it.

      And considering what the church did to people who said the world was round, it ADDS to the notion that flat earth is RUBBISH. Flat earth was THE mentality of the DARK AGES, folks.

      1. Our poor hearts/minds/intellects are soooo overloaded! 😊🌹💕It’s very hard to decipher, sooo I have decided to quit trying to decide. This matrix can be very fun! 😊🌹💕

      2. Neil -You are one of the most informed I have seen post anywhere. We do not always agree, but I, very much, enjoy hearing what you have to say. The Church was always or has become the enemy of the people. No doubt of that.

      3. Simple, Lightseeker.

        Earth is ROUND, a SPHERE. The number of planets in the galaxy along is enormous, and they, too, are spheres.

        Flat earth = Hope porn for the Jesus Freaks to wank off to.

      4. A DIVIDE and CONQUER agenda is in full force. The damage IT has done is immeasurable. DISINFORMATION… is an agenda. Produced in masse by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. BOTS that Elon revealed formed the majority of comments posted on twitter. The FAKE channeling of Archangel Michael and so many others, is equally divisive and has resulted in the FRAGMENTATION of the TRUTHERS… in such a manner as to THREATEN to separate us into various factions. Pitting one against the other.

      5. I agree Neil, they work hard to prove that the Bible supports the flat earth theory…and since that is supposedly the word of God, well, how can you say different?
        See it has us wasting time discussing it as if it’s gonna make any difference in our lives if we accept that theory, and the religious folk when I was growing up most definitely would say that there were no aliens, just demons but I guess some have changed their tune…but I don’t care.
        I agree with you Neil, it is a psyop, so we all fight over it, and the flat earthers, at least most of them get so upset if they can’t hook you and reel you into their belief as if it’s fact.
        So someone spends 3 hours in a video trying to convince us of this theory to be fact….I saw that guy in a debate with someone who stated they debunked him but he would not hear it…so I’m not wasting 3 hours of my life listening to the guy, as soon as I realized it was the flat earther that spends all this time trying to convince everyone of the flat earth, stating it’s a disk in space….LOL That literally came out of his mouth in the beginning…I turned it off.

      6. Trump is firing all the “globalists ! ” Or send them to the gallows.

      7. @Lightseeker

        ‘Sometimes a person’s live depends on a mere scrap of information’ – Don Miguel Rojo

        And considering folks that support flat earth include Shaquille O’Neil, an overrated basketball player, and someone who said his kids are NOT inheriting his fortune, wanting his kids to tough it out, aka ‘build character’ as the hard nose conservatives say, and thus looking like a total hypocrite (ANY 7 foot giant can do well in basket ball, and he can’t even aim a free throw ball to save his life) is NOT what I’d call the bearer of knowledge. Just a dumb ass who’s really tall.

        And Cindy, I really don’t care about inspiring people. My idealistic, 16 year old self MIGHT have, but that person’s long dead, thanks to this so-called life the archon’s ‘gifted’ to me. The masses can go hang themselves, or, paraphrasing Scrooge:

        Scrooge: “If I could work my will, every idiot who goes about with ‘Merry Christmas’ on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!” <— This applies to the new agers, the smelly hippies, the Tibetan monks, and the 'love and light!' folks, also. Replace "Merry Christmas" with pretty much whatever the masses spout, which INCLUDES the so-called 'awakened' and the so-called 'patriots', which includes flat earth, karma, purposeful suffering, and the so-called "LGBT AGENDA" (I'm looking at YOU, Matt Walsh, in terms of that last one, you evil Wesley Crusher clone).

    2. Just who in Juan anyway, President Trump has this to say when asked directly if he believed in flat earth: “…..I have never seen a spinning ball.” No matter to me. You know if you know. This is the essence of gnosis. Hello again, Tothe, Pitatia,
      Seth, Atlantis, Lemuria. I never lost contact with you ! This is called the universal consciousness entanglement…spooky to some. Pretty normal for me.
      Get aetherized. Go Quantum. Akasha awaits.

      1. Was it Trump who said that… or was it his clone? Have you noticed there are two versions of Trump… that we see in the media? One is much heavier than the other. So… when Trump says something… perhaps its reasonable to take note of which Trump is speaking.

      2. You are so correct… there are multiples for many of the bad…and the good! However, “whoever” makes announcements for either side are “ right on point”. Thus IS all a show with pre-determined outcome… thanks Freemasons!
        However, the “1000 years of peace” IS being transformed into the human civilization actually progress via expanded Human Consciousness (Quantum Awareness) into becoming Galactic BEings! Quite exciting hot humanity to “break out of the loop”, and …DO IT! 😊🌹💕🎉💝💓

      3. Break out of the loop….yes, but the freemasons? Um, that is a faction of the matrix and a secret society which not so much of the good guys here.
        The G that is on their aprons doesn’t stand for God like they tell people.
        It’s the 8th generative principle in natural law, The process of the Sacred Oil, and the halo or chakras, energy type of advancement we see in photos, the halo, the 33 vertibraes in the spine, and the christos crucificion of the degree after the 33rd…they kept all this a secret, and the sacred secretion that is the ‘lamp light’ of enlightenment.
        Mark Passio tells about the 8 principles, this is natural law and hemetics, but that the freemasons lied about what the G stands for as in the 8th principle.
        And this process we can do once a month I had posted a video about how this works, the generative principle, and sacred christos oil that our bodies process every month on your sign in the moon. The intentional moving of the seed, the substance that is alchemized thru our chakra centers, over a 7 day process, sits at the base of the skull for 3 days (crucificion) and goes to the pineal, sacred oil, lighting the lamp of the crown, aka halo, the generative principle.

    3. Not wise to rely on Juan OS or any secondary source. All the world is
      a stage.

      1. Cindy – Was my opinion honored… or was I basically told not to believe what Juan says? Please answer that specific question…instead of smoothing it over. Your reply to me … seemed to indicate… that my reply… did not respect her opinion. What actually happened??? What you said matters. What she said matters. Directing a remark at me… making a statement that I should not believe someone… that I obviously do believe… is not respectful…. and you know it.

      2. I honor your opinion, but I don’t think Cindy was dishonoring your opinion but that we should question everything that anyone says, this includes Juan who has admitted that they must give out disinformation sometimes to trick the cabal.
        In my opinion, I don’t like being lied to or mislead to believe something that is gonna happen and then find out it was just disinformation. On top of that, he goes into biblical stories, which were mostly allegory, and this whole ‘it’s gonna be biblical’ narrative that he will always go by.
        I no longer listen to him, nor to SGAnon, nor any of the previous truthers because they are given disinformation, and they admit it…Charlie Ward had to admit it when he gave dates, and I don’t like being told a narrative as an end to a means to build up hope and then comes crashing down when you realize it’s not true…no one can know what is going on, we don’t know the plan, we are told to TRUST it.
        I personally don’t trust anyone who is gonna purposely disinform me or lie to me ‘for a good reason’, pretty lies, white lies, whatever you want to call it.
        I seek the truth, and that is what I want to hear and see…it all to be exposed, and real news and information about what is going on that effects our lives all over the world.
        So we wait, not believing or seeing or listening to any of them. I do listen to Kerry once in a while, she’s alittle more level headed and not so ‘biblical’ as 107 but kinda giddy over him cuz she thinks he’s JFKjr, and they saw him in Las Vegas, she was convinced there were two Juans…the original guy and JFKjr., so it wouldn’t surprise me persay if he used many disguises.
        This movie is like they are pushing a Blockbuster Biblical Ending…and I’m all out of popcorn, haven’t enjoyed this movie for a very long time, going on 3 years now.

      3. “The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears.” Dan Stevens

      4. Thank you, Muse. I try and post a representative portion of everything which will appeal to many. Then… we are ALL experiencing those accelerated Schumann energies! 😊🌹💕😳

      5. Wow! Thanks for letting me know of your distress. I believe Juan is wordy…my opinion. He gives valuable info, yet…I get lost listening to him, and…I Am so very glad you do not! That is the very reason why I post his video’s! While I don’t get him.. you do!
        Gosh…thanks for your comment which helps me understand the value of what I blog…and the comments I make! Love ya!

      6. Thank you Judith,
        This makes total sense to me because I was just thinking about this ‘born again’ thing as in you must be ‘baptised’ in water aka spirit, but also that being born from a human womb and the ‘waters’ that you were immersed in and come out of taking your first breath, maybe those that are actually born from a human, and the Soul or Sol being created, it’s so very interesting.
        As in Lunar souls or dark souls…now I’m confusing myself…LOL
        Connecting the dots…..you are awesome Judith! Thanks for that, I was pondering the whole baptism ritual, in that I felt it was more of a bathing in spirit (water) in symbolism and the whole dogma of ‘saving’ you from hell.

      7. SPOT ON, GIRL!!!! GO FOR THE GOLD. I am a history major from the College of Liberal Arts with over 100 grad. credits. I know what you are
        We came to Terra not only to redeem earths’ humanity, but ourselves as
        THANK U FOR THE RIDE. The book Terra Infinita arrived.Will share more.
        I am NOT THE SAME PERSON I WAS AT 40. Did you know that the #40
        represents “New Life:” the NEO LIFE. TOTALLY. I LOVE YOU, MUSE. WISH WE COULD MEET SOMEDAY !

      8. Thank You Judith,
        I know you are gonna be busy reading this book and embodying it so I understand alot of what you are saying.
        I understand how religion and dogma has hijacked our process of creating our new life in the quantum field…a road less traveled eh?
        I too wished I could visit you and we could have a fire side pow wow chat and it would be awesome….I just know it.
        so putting that out there…in to the ETHER Aether, and so it is!
        We will await some more insights from you dearest Judith!!!

      9. Home Learn Glossary T Twice-born


        Published in Glossary: T

        Derived from the Sanskrit word Dvija (द्विजा), literally “twice-born.”

        Exoterically, in common usage it refers to three of the four castes in Indian society, or is used by various religions to denote those who “believe” in their dogma. Sadly, the term “Twice-born” has been twisted into a multiplicity of justifications for the crimes of humanity, such as caste discrimination, racial hatred, religious dogmas and fanaticisms, etc. But the real meaning has never been known by the public.

        Jesus: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” —John 3

        Esoterically, a Twice-born person is someone who has created the soul, and is therefore a solar human being, as opposed to the more common lunar intellectual animal.

        “Hindu Brahmins symbolize the Second Birth sexually. In their liturgy, a large golden cow is constructed and the candidate for the Second Birth has to pass through the hollow body of the cow three times, by dragging himself, exiting through the vulva, and thus he becomes consecrated as a true Brahman-Dvija, or Twice-born: once of his mother and second by the cow. It is in this manner that the Brahmins symbolically explain the Second Birth taught by Jesus to Nicodemus… The Brahmins are not Twice-born, but symbolically they are. The Master Mason is not truly a Master, but symbolically he is. The interesting thing is to reach the Second Birth, and this problem is one hundred percent sexual.” – Samael Aun Weor, Practical Astrology

        “The solar race, the Twice-born, have solar bodies. Yet ordinary people, humanity in general, belong to a lunar race and only have lunar bodies (bodies of a lunar type).”- Samael Aun Weor, Practical Astrology

        “Once the body of conscious will [causal body, Tiphereth] is built, one becomes a Twice-born.” – Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah


      10. Which has to do with the Alchemical process by fire, purifying the seed, crucifiction and alchemical process of embodying the higher self, the halo or crown chakra…
        Hey Judith, do you have a halo? I imagine in my mind you do. You know, the chakras being alchemically processed and the seed, sacred oil christos in our bodies once a month.

      11. A halo? ? I have auras popping all over..predominately violet, yellow,
        pink sometimes. I can see auras. One day I said to a student that she
        has a beautiful green aura around her head. The next day, the parent
        came to school and removed her from my class. Another thought that
        I was a witch because a group wanted to set up an altar in commemoration of the Day of the Dead. All in all, my teachings years are fantastic in watching how the students used their critical thinking skills. Fun. Not always fun with other teachers, parents.

      12. Yeah, I can imagine it was challenging, and a green aura means her heart center is open and a healer as well.
        Most of my aura is indigo, with sparks of fushia in the crown and base chakra, and some yellow outside, and alittle green in the middle.
        The halo is the crown, when the crown chakra is open and connected to the higher ones, aka dimensions, the you in the higher vibrating dimensions, higher self…etc.
        so perhaps yours has expanded more and past the crown now….halo.

      13. I heard that when you glance at the morning sun/second son you will
        be able to see the olors of your aura at any given time. The rays are
        so close to the earth’s surface now almost to the housetops. Is this
        what they call the Pentecost ? Amazing times. I am so elated
        with your Good News !!! Melts my Heart, Muse. Te amo.

      14. Back at ya Judith…yes, sun gazing is something I have done alittle of, and want to continue doing…and important to be barefoot grounding in the morning dew…which where I am at this time, alittle more possible for me and that is a work in progress to get my arse up and out there at that time, I’ve mostly done sun gazing with the setting sun., so here in my situation I’m working on doing this at Dawn but the walls on this property are so high, and the sprinklers come on at 6am…LOL, trying to figure out the best time to do this, while life distracts me in my daily time, raising my granddaughter and processing all the crap that has happened just a year ago with my family and homelessness.
        Working out the survival mode and trama process…I feel safer and I know I’ll get there. I’m not so much analyzing things for me but am a big picture person, and pulling it all together is part of my mission because everything has been so compartmentalized and fractured. Pulling all the pieces of me, the whole process, it’s daunting for sure.

      15. GOD= Galactic Operating Device…
        the matrix loves to use acronyms.
        Yes, It’s all within…source/creator and many in one.

      16. Wish you had been my teacher! I had a Kirilean (sp?) photo taken showing a gold/green aura around my head! 😊🌹💕

      17. Wow…that is interesting Cindy…Gold and green…abundant energy.

      18. Dear Readers, the source I am referring is on Rumble! It is titled
        TERRA INFINITA. I am sorry I do not how to post the video here.

      19. That Kerry Cassidy says Juan is a leader… a member of the Resistance… is good enough for me. All information … that is not directly from SOURCE is secondary. So… a reference to a book, or a video… is a secondary source. Do you offer secondary sources for us to contemplate? How is that different than my offering Juan’s statement per Flat Earth?

      20. Cindy

        Perhaps what is needed is a more independent opinion of the incident below.

        Whose opinion was disrespected first? Was my reply, a direct of an insult to her, as what she projected at me?

        I expect… as I was basically told not to believe Juan… that most will determine her post was meant to disparage me… and the person I was using as a source.

        You followed that by criticizing Juan further. True or not… what you said was less that supportive of my opinion being disrespected.

        Perhaps I should have responded with *** Why Judith… is your opinion more important …and more correct than mine… and that of Juan?

        Who you are to state that… I should not trust/ believe what he says???

        I would never say to you… on a public venue … that someone you believe… a real person you have come to respect the opinion of… should not be believed.  You obviously would… and did.

        Shame on you Judith.

        And shame on you Cindy… for suggesting I was the one who disrespected her.

        It would seem… that you violated your own ethics… when you failed to call out her disrespectful statement… and decided to critique Juan instead.

        Thus both of you owe me an apology.

        I will pass this information/ experience around the blogs and see what they have to say.

        I never expected to be treated like this from you.

      21. Secure…my blog is my opinion leaving others to agree, or disagree, to my thoughts as they prefer. I accept full responsibility for any response I make on my blog. Please send this where you will, for whatever purpose pleases you. I will continue maintaining an open forum for all, as long as I prefer…
        Thank you for joining us! 😊🌹💕

      22. Secure Endeavor,
        You may not have seen it but Cindy did apologize. We all have our own opinions and this place we can freely and openly express it. Cindy posts many Juan’s interviews here.
        You might realize that you are continuing this outrage of your interpretation of Cindy and Judith’s comments on here and it’s people’s opinions and if you only wish to go on to sites that agree with you then this isn’t the place for you.
        There should be no shame in expressing opinions here, and neither Judith or Cindy were trying to offend anyone.
        We can critically think for ourselves, we welcome all opinions here.
        And we can agree to disagree, and by your own shaming here as if you are judge and jury of all opinions and interpretations of what people say on this blog, it seems you will stir up a made up controversy and perhaps that is a good thing….
        More will come and read this blog…..everyone is welcome. Not everyone believes in 107….in my opinion, anyone that lies to me, even if it’s ‘for the greater good’ I do not ‘trust’ or listen to. And still Juan sits there with us staring at his boots while he talks, as if no one has seen his face.
        I know I don’t care to listen to anymore of it.
        When a person is offended, this is a trigger for you to look at it. Why were you so offended? Does it matter that Cindy or Judith believe or listen to Juan? Why does it matter to you so much?
        This is just trivial fighting and virtue blaming/shaming outrage stirring the pot of discord, if no one here can express an opinion without being shamed.
        So take a deep breath, let’s create a great discord and wonderful place to be where intelligent and thoughtful insights all gather here and are able to entertain a thought without accepting it and being offended and demanding apologies and shaming.

      23. Muse… I was said and done. I had wanted to see what type of folks post on this site. I got a good look, The only one worth my time is you. The rest being… some that might benefit from your insights. I am very aware of the new age concepts you rely on to define reality for you. Probably before you were born. Leave me be and I will not post here again. Do you realize that within a day, Judith posted exactly what Juan says is the TRUTH of flat earth??? So she did not even know what Juan had to say…. when claiming his info was unwise. Smoke on that for some real insight. And Cindy’s reaction to my disapproval of Judith’s post… was to write a negative post to me. To defend Judith. How about you analyze that… instead of ‘looking’ however deeply… at what is easy for you. I care about the TRUTH. Most on this site do not connect to that… you being the exception.

      24. My purpose was not to get you to stop posting, it was only to help you understand this group of quantum thinking and not to shame or belittle anyone, including you in which you have every right to express here.
        Anything that divides us in our opinions and distracts us from the truth which I strive for most of my life, is how they keep us from discord and getting to the truth.
        I appologise if my comments offended you or made you feel unwelcome. That was no my intent. I don’t necessarily align with new age thought, if you wish to label it that, it’s fine…the new age is also another divide and conquer thing put out there to distract us.
        I hope you continue to post here and we are happy to share our thoughts and opinions but not be offended by it and to create controversy at all, so please don’t be offended, and you can be free to express your opinions and insights here if you want. You can agree to disagree, and still be ok with us. I am glad you came and wanted to have a discord about it.
        You are sacred, you are loved…can you observe it and honor that because we do you!

      25. Thanks for your posts here, Light! The interaction we have all had together have introduced new ideas and opportunities for all of us as we envelop Quantum Awareness! How splendid…we love you and your presence here! Please feel free to visit, and post, often! You are loved…😊💕🌹🎉

      26. Thank you, Muse! Some things circle round to where they originate! Hopefully Secure is “secure” enough in him/her self to be comfortable without imagining “triggers”! There ARE a lot of triggering energies out there right now…😊🌹💕

      27. I know that earth and the lands are flat becuz I came from there.

    4. Not that I listen to 107 anymore, and with that, we’ll wait for the whole ‘theory’ and the hours of psychobabble from flatearthers, the above one being 3 hours, and 107’s biblical jabbering, I prefer to wait till all of this comes out.
      If anyone wants to think the flat earth theory might just be a CIA psyop, like me, all you gotta do is research the guy who started it. But like usual with all information, you gotta just sit with it and see how you feel about it.
      So either way at the end of the day, it don’t matter….it’s not all that important for humanity to focus on this because it’s a division tactic just like all the other duality scenarios going on so we never unite, agree to disagree and work on governing ourselves…just have us running around thru all those rabbit holes and distracted by it.

      1. I have requested that some of my sources be posted here. This is not to prove anyone is right or wrong, but be willing to read and view alternate sources
        on any issue of such great importance to us.

      2. The Organic Gateway: it is quite simple but the journey is agonzing. The only “god” you need is the “individuation” of god which is yourSelf, WITHIN. When u realize
        that, the answers will arrive . I am always curious, but now I try to remain in my
        own dimension and see how much fun that can be. I live by “Sync” which to me represents “god’s grace” or diamonds from the heavenly Me. We are also
        observors which is always educational and interesting ! Like BEING HERE on this blog. Kinda like the biological family: we bicker at one another,but
        the love is there !!

      3. LOL Judith…yes, your quantum self, what ever ya wanna call it, that is the now high vibrating you.
        I too, ask the question and sit with it, and then the answers come…intuitive that is what presented that resonates with me.
        I’m a big picture person, there’s so many layers to peel.
        Is that what we do is ‘bicker’? LOL, haven’t heard that term since my grandma was around. She use to come and visit me in my dreams. I miss her. I went to visit her once after to ask why she quit coming…she was sitting in an alcove on the second floor of a house staring out the window. She was happy to see me but not much she would say.
        Anyway….I call it critical thinking, debate if you will, and it’s ok if you don’t agree…I don’t get angry or invest energy into whether you are changing your mind to my POV. I’m kinda onry though, perhaps the protagonist, or just like for people to critically think…entaining a thought without accepting it. I will research it and always try to connect the dots on it all.
        I know we’ve been lied to about everything.
        Still not resonating with the ‘flat earth and ice wall’ but I do want to read this lady’s story you posted about who came from that place as she says.
        It’s not too far fetched cuz I believe there is a hollow earth civilization that Billy Woodard came from with his sister.
        I look at it all….throw it up and see where it lands.
        Let’s bicker then….LOL

      4. https://youtu.be/Gli0ZpmTIYs
        I am submitting this again: this to me is the ORGANIC GATEWAY: the Great
        sacrifice of the natural ego life (ie Jesus), its death, and the Final Grand Resurrected
        Immortal Life. Hear these words: “…and you will be with me forever…that is your spirit.”
        We are in essence, The Triple Goddess birthing the ONE.

      5. Do nice to see individual thought and critical reasoning with loving, compassionate kindness!! Thank You. Roserambles Readers!
        ALL comments welcome! Let us learn together!! Yippee!! 😊🌹💕🎉💓

    5. Has anyone considered that the flat earth controversy might be a “sting operation?” To troll and weed out?
      Nothing is to be dismissed here on the “quantum field.” There is new grass on the field!

      1. For Muse: please look into “ether”/ Tesla since your approach is a
        scientific one. He will lead you the Quantum Fields…

      2. I’ve studied what has been available in terms of Tesla, the quantum mechanics and how frequency aka our thoughts create what we observe.
        It is fascinating stuff, because science is ‘magic’, or what was magic is ‘science.

      3. From my own experience, one cannot understand the Quantum Realm without
        being in at least 5D. The “ether” will get one into the “spiritual realm” and
        it is boundless after that. One has to really pursue the Spiritual/Esoteric
        Life…and then, things do fall into place “with your own wisdom and understanding.” I sorta skipped over 4D, but each soul enters at a different
        level and origins.

      4. Yes, but one cannot go so high in the ether without innerstanding that all is unlimited and boundless, thought, frequency in the open etherium, as opposed to the matrix materium, in the mindscape of our reality, as in this is energy in motion, or pluroma in the oneness and the focus of division and individuation in the matrix, and the programs that we fuel with our life force of our focus of this illusion in what we observe.
        While religion struggles to interpret and label in this duality, as well as Gnosticism and the archons (dark essense A.I.) which is the contruct of the mind, the demiurge, which was stolen from the Library of Alexandria by the vatican, while truth is in part of all religions, it causes damage in the minds of seekers and the revealing of truth…and that is all we are going for here, is the truth…this illusion, the mind trap, this game of becoming, in experiences of the one infinite being that fractured when it asked “who am I’?
        This guy Morgue does a good talk about this in his video about the CIA missing page on the Gateway experience which is quantum mechanics, but page 25 was missing on the truth about God The projection of itself, observing itself.

      5. Track package
        TERRA-INFINITA, Extraterrestrial Worlds and Their Civilizations: The Story told by the Woman Who Was Born in the Lands Behind the Ice Walls
        Nocelli, Claudio
        Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
        Condition: New

      6. I was trying to explain how I feel about “free will” (however others
        define it): I am in a place now where my HigherSelf (god) is me !So what iss the point of arguing with mySelf when we are ONE. I try to ACT on my Intuition
        right away. Don’t want to let is slip away because it is “drop” that connects
        to my golden chain of Life. It is the one thing in my Life now that is meaningful.
        I used to consider different perspectives, but now I do that in agreement with
        mySelf. Does that make sense? Thatkis why I say that SELF-SOVEREINGTY

      7. Yes…it is. Keep the light on…humanity will catch up!

    6. How interesting to witness the amazing intellect and belief systems for all still learning! (Including ME!) 😊🌹💕🎉💝

      1. 19 Comments
        4 Tags

        Play “Far From Any Road”
        on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad)

        From the dusty mesa
        Her looming shadow grows
        Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote
        She twines her spines up slowly
        Towards the boiling sun
        And when I touched her skin
        My fingers ran with blood

        In the hushing dusk under a swollen silver moon
        I came walking with the wind to watch the cactus bloom
        And strange hands halted me, the looming shadows danced
        I fell down to the thorny brush and felt the trembling hands

        When the last light warms the rocks
        And the rattlesnakes unfold
        Mountain cats will come to drag away your bones

        And rise with me forever
        Across the silent sand
        And the stars will be your eyes
        And the wind will be my hands

        Stages of Transfiguration: One Triple Goddess View. We play a key role here.
        Under the Cross
        On the Cross
        Off the Cross

      2. Muse, the Inner Understanding is the Gift of the Ether..ether is the
        conduit/ the Light Force that connects us with each other and the
        whole universe(s) as well. We are not “consciousness” of that until
        we abandon the lower dimensions. Give it ALL UP for Quantum. I
        took that leap 43 yrs. ago..without knowing anything about ascension.
        I just wanted a NEW LIFE,CLEAN SLATE. I wanted what Christ
        offered without any theologies prodding me. This is the magic
        of it all. Who ever imagined that I would be amongst u all HERE
        today. The Answer to Life in Unconditional Love, and the Spirit
        always reveals whom I am showing this Love to. All this comes
        from “learned wisdom,” not studying perspectives for me
        although they have been and still are valuable. I taught the
        critical thinking skills approach in teaching world history. What
        a ride: Napoleon is quoted often in saying: “All of history (written
        records) are a lie.” So, that got my students “inquiring.” We are
        exactly where we ought to BE. Cindy often reminds us of that.
        BE where you are and flourish there !

    7. Juan O Savin, to me, remains a “secondary source,” who is not a primary source
      (Holy Spirit Revalation.” Just my way of testing Truth.

      1. Yeah, I USE to listen to him right up until he told everyone that Biden was gonna be president for a ‘while’…after he led everyone to believe that Trump would be walking into inauguration and arrest Biden…but then after that he goes to Las Vegas, and meets with the ‘truthers’ including Kerry Cassidy, who wanted them to disclose the ET agenda and that ET’s are already here working with the gooberment, and he stormed off the stage and let her know agressively that they were NOT gonna do that, and they were going to let them pull off their fake alien invasion even though it meant about a million people would die, just collateral damage though, so it don’t matter right? Then after his face was exposed and his never ending Biblical crap he spews as in Biblical blockbuster ending and bible thumping, he still does his interviews with us looking at his expensive boots…I don’t trust someone who comes onto an interview supposedly telling you ‘secrets’ or intel but you can’t see his face…
        on top of that, he also told Kerry that they don’t plan to roll out the Free energy for the people…nope, they can use it, but not the people…it goes against everything he says…and he admits he gives out disinfo, cuz of course they like us to think they are fooling the cabal…LOL what a crock of crap…no way they are fooling the cabal, it’s ridiculous to ‘leran the comms’ cuz that was their ‘comms’ and they know everything that is being said just like the cabal does…it’s two sides of the same coin.
        Kerry however is so gaga over 107 that she can’t seem to see this whole psyop for what it is…and drama keeps going, it’s a FACTION war between the dragon families and the Black sun faction, and the HERO program and SAVIOR program.
        The minute we unite and stand up and say NO…their gig is up.

      2. Muse you indeed dig deep !! I did not know all the stuff you told us about Juan !
        Yet another affirmation and from you! Thank you!!!

  4. The strife and division will end when the Archon controllers leave. They, too, have their controlled opposition, and I am not one of their tools. My
    studies far exceed those of the Pat Robertsons. Regardless, all these
    discussions are healthy toward discernment.

    1. Yes…healthy debate is great, but the whole ‘flat earth’ theory is subject to scrutiny, as you can tell…if you go research the guy who started it.
      It’s social engineering at best, and us spinning our wheels on theories and ideas…but healthy debate is great if you can state facts and not opinion, and keep it civil….and you do Judith, certainly not like the others who freak out when you try to have a debate. Their energy is so harsh, they cannot even accept they might be wrong or that this is just a theory until it all comes out and we can have truth of all things.
      This is a holographic universe….all contained in one, and one in all.

      1. I would prefer to use hypothesis rather than theory unless u have already
        decided it is not true.

      2. lol, Ok Judith, what ever works for you. I’d like to use the word theory because on a scientific level, it has not been proven to be true. It’s much like germ theory and all the germaphobes….germ theory has been debunked in the past, our immunity is suppose to be constantly exposed as it builds on it’s memory of invaders of our bodies and builds upon the antibodies it creates once it has done so. Then the whole lie of convid and masks and science went out the door. There is no virus, you can’t catch a virus, they’ve never isolated a virus. Our immunity creates a spike protein that fights off various bacteria or parasites but if our immunity is low, then we get sick. Most of the flu is either food poisoning or your body detoxing which is part of the process, and why mini fasts are so helpful.
        How did they get all those people to wear masks, and try to force others to wear them? The mass hysteria of the last plandemic was like the twilight zone…I had to run, entering from the exit, and didn’t go stand in line at the entrance of the store, being chased by some silly employee trying to tell me I needed to wear a mask. The whole qtip up the nose on the olfactory nerve, getting that ‘tech’ into the brain thru the cribaform bones that are there. My Mom was an RN and she even couldn’t understand why they were sticking that thing way up people’s noses, and yet we watched while people lined up to be tested even though they weren’t sick. And the PCR test that the inventor said was never suppose to be used for diagnosis of infections or disease….then he dies less than a year later after he said that because he was talking about the AIDs virus and how the diagnose with the pcr test for that…depending on the amount of rotations, you can find rna for anything you are looking for. then there is the ‘watch the water’ and how they were putting synthetic venom peptides in the water, testing sewage to predict outbreaks…it’s like so orwellian so they can shut down the world over a lie.
        Then there’s the HYDRA…so crazy and surreal that they will put this stuff into people but they at least admitted it was ‘EXPERIMENTAL’ so there you go.
        Dr. Buttar tried to warn everyone about this at the beginning…masks lower your immunity, not to mention all the other things that happen to you from wearing them, psycologicly and physically. Bacterial lung infections, hypoxia, and simply ridiculous and stupid and the schools, government and all of them went along with it. I knew two weeks in this was all a scam.
        So with ANY theory, or hypothesis, there needs to be some rational critical thinking, some science, some higher learning…and the TRUTH.

      3. It’s been FUN and quite a ride. I love being here with you all more than anywhere else. This place is my paradise now ! Thanks, y’all..

      4. You will love James Carse’s personal commentaries on the differences between
        the finite thinkers and the infinite players in his video. It resonates
        in the light of what has been exhibited on this blog by various contributors.
        Infinite players “live on the horizon.” Thanks for your much needed comment.
        We thrive to move the threshold forward. No boundaries !

    2. Well, according to Elena, and the Intergalactic Confederation of worlds, all the malevolent Et’s have been removed from this galaxy. They have now stopped interveneing and have passed the baton so to speak to the Earth Alliance but they do sit on guard.
      It is now up to the Earth alliance to finish the job, clean up the remnants of those minions that have been doing the bidding of the Orion/draco/grey controllers.
      These minions/factions are still fighting for control even though they are no longer being allowed to communicate with their controllers, that is why we keep seeing the same ole’ same ole’ because the plans had been laid out for them but as they haven’t succeeded, the continue to do the same things hoping it will work.
      The Bible is their script, this is how they control the ‘narrative’ cuz they want their Biblical blockbuster ending and the dark want their total destruction of humanity, for their prophecy to play out on the world stage, which all got delayed when Trump won.
      It’s up to humanity to change the script here….write a different ‘narrative’ of empowerment and taking our power back being responsible for ourselves, and governing ourselves. Many will try to say this is selfish, there’s gotta be a sacrifice, a boogeyman, a story to be told, a mind trap.
      Humanity will ‘wake up’ and live to our full potential taking our place in the multiverse which has been held back for so long, but they can’t stop it, they know it. But they still gonna try. It’s the last breath of their rule. Bye Bye, take care…we’re outta here! 😉

      1. Elena said that Dominion (Headquarters, the Archon Head) has already been taken down; I do not remember which constellation (Orion maybe?). I think there
        was a successful (Sirius B comes to mind).

      2. OOPS: “There was a successful coup on Sirius B (by humans, I would guess).

        Dear Ones,

        I am Sananda, and I am grateful to speak to my Brothers and Sisters, who volunteered to rescue Earth from Darkness.
        I am overlooking the Ascension process from New Jerusalem mothership, which now has been stationary for months around your planet. We mentioned in our messages through this channel awhile ago, that the old plans have been replaced with new ones. Some Alliance’s members failed to fulfill their responsibilities in a timely manner and also jeopardized the secrecy on numerous occasions. Most of the information has been disclosed only to a small number of the Alliance.
        The old facts are still floating about the transformation, which are completely false. Please, follow Divine energies, this false reality doesn’t matter anymore. Your surroundings are just a distraction from being in harmony and peace. Part of humankind is still indoctrinated and manipulated by Darkness. Stay focused on connecting to high frequencies through meditations. Whole setting on Earth represents a holographic image made by Darkness. If you leave Matrix, you are going to end in nothingness—-Indian in the Machine

      4. Elena does speak some about channels, that they are the greys they are channeling so you gotta take it as such, some truths mixed in with lies.
        Of course, outside the matrix would be a void, or is it? How would we even know, but maybe outside this matrix is the box within the box, within the box….the higher the frequency, the less material or physical you become.
        I think I will stay somewhere within the box because being in the void would be boring…LOL,
        I think I’d be some trouble in heaven…LOL

      5. I think that there could very well be a “new script here !” How about
        the Motherships . I think you have to be at a certain frequency level;
        they know where we are, so I have heard. All children go ! Get off the
        woo woo New Age Program. Finish your own labyrinth !!!

      6. Elena, Archons, Inner Earth are all such fun to consider in this Matrix of illusion. “They” R US! 😊🌹💕🎉

      7. Yeah and do not be preoccupied with flat earth unless you find yourself
        wondering about it !!! It will all fall into place.

      8. LOL, believe me, I don’t lose any sleep or hair or moment over flat earth…LOL I could care less obviously, it’s just a divide and conquer thing.

    3. Well, CIA is the command center…I do not spend much time in matrix
      related stuff. In the higher dimensions beyond the third and the fourth,
      I do not dwell much, if at all, unless I am being led by my Intuition which
      is Love. This is a critical time for those in 4D: that is where the chaos and’
      confusion is being catapulted at those who are seeking to be “lightworkers” or
      truthseekers. But this, too, is part of the Enochian War one’s soul HAS TO FIGHT WITHIN in order to triumph over A.I. machinations. The battle is
      “inside us.” The “Intellectualized Mind” is the ego mind. The inner war is between the “human mind” and the alchemized HEART CENTER. May
      I recommend Manley Hall,NOT A PROFANE MASON,BTW !!!

      1. I agree with you judith, it’s a inside job…
        and I’ve also studied Manly P Hall and Rudolph Steiner.

      2. I think anything we read has to RESONATE. For me, it means that at
        some time in my own life, I have experienced it myself perhaps by
        re-membering it! Syncs are so critical because there is massive
        disinformation, play acting and who knows what else. I have never done
        social media! Madness.

      3. So very many ways for us to realize “reality” and the variety of ways function follows form…😊🌹💕

  5. The Void is nothing and it is also Everything, but I fully understand what you
    are saying in the present moment.

  6. Ah…it’s all a matter of individual perspective. Ever watch SG1? The Earth avoided destruction by becoming shifted in the space-time continuum. Whatever can BE any way You desire! 😊🌹💕

    1. That would occur in flat earth …makes more sense to me . When the earth
      is destroyed and it has been in the past, we all go wherever our frequency puts us! Inside the ice walls or our ice walls, we are Quantum and interconnected.
      Hello,Nibiru, we see ya ! NASA-CIA WILL GO AWAY ALONG WITH THE GLOBALISTS !!!

    2. I think some of us know where we are going after we leave Terra.
      Going Home ! I am not from here but beyond.

      1. I belong in Lemuria. The Aloha frequency means everything to me ! Very early
        in life, I observed that this earth is inhabited by some mean spirited, insincere people.

      2. Very true! I had the same observation early on. “Why can’t I tell someone who asks how I really feel? 😊🌹💕

      3. I plan to leave planet gulag first chance I get with the aliens landing.

      4. Umm…”what if” the aliens respect honesty and truth as expressed through gender-at-birth? Just sayin their world may not BE as you think? 🌹😊💕

      5. @Cindy
        IF the aliens are as advanced and loving as said, they would not care, and wish to HELP me. And living in this WRONG body, Cindy is NOT honesty, the Archons MADE me this way, YOU want ME to live a LIE, eh? I’m sooooo sure the aforementioned Bailey jay would be sooooo much happier if she got rid of her boobs, took male hormones, got rid her her skirts, high heels, and crop tops, as well as wear only flannel, jeans and work boots, and started watching football and grew a beard like that cry baby, Matt Walsh….I’m SOOOOO sure she’d be MUCH happier……….BULLSHIT, Cindy.

        So, how about you trying to stop me from getting what I need. I am NOT you, and I am NOT everyone else. Walk a mile in my iron boots, Cindy. *stuffs said boots with sand, broken glass and dry corn for good measure* I’m getting my gender corrected, and my true genetics restored…..so, STOP trying to stop me, Cindy.

      6. Neil, you can only perceive this as a victim, and I get it….but Cindy never said anything to the point of stopping you from what you want to do. She pointed out that in your perception of your gender you live it as you ‘feel’ it in honesty from birth and the aliens world is not like here. They have no time, they have their technology. There were many aliens that used humanity as food, usurped our energy, a giant experiment, and yes, a prison.
        It would be helpful, if you have memories of your previous life, who you were, name, where you are from, how you ended up here as in what you think the ‘archons’ are, and if you were part of the battle ‘in the heavens’ and captured…what team were you on? Were you fighting with the ‘archons’? What memories do you have as to any of your presence here as a human male, and perhaps instead of being a victim, you are a survivor….
        In your anger and ‘woe is me’ attitude twoards all humans, because some were cruel to you…is not a true representation of humanity as a whole. All Aliens are not good, and all are not bad….just like humans. You baser hatred for humanity keeps you stuck, and since you are in a human body now, you have access to the power of your mind that humanity was given. The aliens use technology, and have usurped our power thru fear, manipulation and used their technology posing as Gods, and turned this planet into a prison camp animal farm. Do I hate all Aliens because of it? No, I innerstand that this is not all aliens….and the fact that we didn’t even originate from here which makes us aliens as well.
        Take the power you have within you, and don’t blame humans for your pain or trying to stop you because no one is trying to stop you here.
        Elena has explained that the ‘aliens’ have removed all the draco, grey Orion faction that was using this planet as a prison animal farm. Enki had to resolve the karma he did by altering our DNA at the time, and then Enlil’s interferance of our DNA.
        The Archons is dark essense Artificial Intelligence, that is a whole different ball game. They are behind the transhumanist agenda. They want to take over humanity, alter our dna, disconnect us from ‘source’ and merging humanity into machines…taking away our ability to think for ourselves, a hive mind, because we are like the batteries for A.I., like The matrix movie was a documentary, if they can use our bodies and disconnect us from source, they can create their reality timeline of humanity now connected to the borg.
        None of us here want to stop you from being who you so desire, perhaps you can focus and make contact with any of those ‘aliens’ that might still be here in our galaxy/universe. We know many incarnated here to help humanity get ourselves free from this mind trap.
        So…Neil, how much of your memories do you have…where are you from?
        How did you get captured by the Archons? The Archons, according to the Nag Hammadi were created as an afterbirth because she Sophia created this without the male Aeon, a big no no in the Aeon realm… This is a binary dualtiy or polarity…a natrix of the mind.
        I’d love to hear what you remember….what did the archons look like? What did your ship look like, what’s your home planet look like?
        What memories do you have and please share with us?

      7. Thanks Cindy, I think we can help Neil with this if we can get him to stop feeding the Archon programs they put him here for. Then come the ‘miracles’.

      8. I get it, Neil, and as I have said before, I will say again…your BEing here is NO accident. Thus, IMHO, it would behoove you to accept your “humanness” and learn to deal with where you are! None of us have any KNOWing of where/when aliens will present themselves. Yet…they are are likely to BE of a higher dimension…and so should you! 😊🌹💕

      9. @Muse
        No, I was fighting AGAINST the Archons. And SPARE me the pointing fingers at me and shouting “VICTIM!” You could say war veterans are victims, and they are. And I’ll take my chances going with the aliens, if I find myself face to face with any of the bad ones, they will either be dead, or if they get me, they will be sent home with a humongous medical bill. I plan to get OFF this planet, and become restored, or DIE in the attempt, like those poor sods in East Germany when they tried to get over that stupid ass wall.

        Does not matter if we have alien origins. We’re genetically raped, I wanna be something far, far more greater than a damned MONKEY.

        As for my wanting to get AWAY from humans, after being bullied, as well as betrayed by them, both during childhood and into adulthood, especially when I still gave a damn to help them wake up and see what’s happening, only to get results in the form of ridicule, revile, and in some cases, fists, I’m soooo DONE with humans. The greys and lizards are still in the nursery compared to the Archons and Chimera. And, as I said, there is NO such thing as ‘karma’. And the idea of aliens incarnating as HUMANS to help earth is silly, becoming a genetically raped monkey, complete with memory amnesia makes NO sense, for THAT is TACTICALLY DANGEROUS, this is a WAR, afterall. The Chimera, I read, were ONCE enlighted beings who purposely subjected themselves to toplet bomb power, resulting in them transforming into the hideous evil spiders they are now. And I do NOT feel sorry for them. I just want to see them get squashed.

        The Archons captured me, most likely tortured me a lot, and then, after killing me, sent me down here on this twisted planet, and, as a bonus ‘gift’, incarnated me into this repugnant masculine human form, of which I was NEVER forgive the Archons for, and plan to one day kill as many as I can, and, as Beckett Mariner from Lower Decks would say, “Dance in their blood”.

        As for what they look like: Imagine a tall humanoid, well over 6 feet tall, with a build akin to Mark Calaway “The Undertaker”, especially from the early 1990’s. Their skin is nasty, akin to a potato when going bad, brownish and wet, with a nasty glossy sheen to it. Their heads are elongated, but not like people with binded skulls. Their skulls were vertically elongated….imagine Marge Simpson’s head, but the hair is flesh, blood and bone. They wear round goggles with ruby lenses like mirror sunglasses (they can see out, but you can not see in), and a face plate with grooved vertical ridges. Their faces, judging from the lack of a nose, forehead ridge or chin, seem to totally flat. They wore simple, very tight fitting bodysuits of a shiny variety, similar to PVC.

        As for myself, my past self, when I was in a PROPER feminine, alien body, it was very similar to this character: https://www.daz3d.com/verity-for-genesis-8-female. Imagine being like that, and then being forced into a Clint Howard or Dustin Diamond like form, or, as I call it, “Charlie Brown in the flesh”. Imagine if any of YOU were to go to bed one night, and wake up in a body the opposite gender, and a highly unidealistic one at that. So, ladies, imagine waking up, being like George Castanza or Clint Howard. Imagine, men, if you wake up in being like Janet Reno or Lori Lightfoot. It’s not good.

        As for a planet, I do not know if it was my planet of origin, or I was stationed there, but it was rocky, the stones and mountains a pinkish grey, some blueish. The sky was a burnt orange. There were cities, or at least bases, in amongst the mountains. I can not recall the big ships, but the small ones, like a shuttle craft, were about the size of a minivan, and were black, smooth and shiny, giving a fluid like look to the hull. The door would open, and inside a dark cockpit, with lots of glowing controls. Clothing, which gave an impression to me, anyhow, seemed like a military uniform, but a sorta of special forces type. It was kinda like the leather biker get up Arnold wore in Terminator 2, or what Mark Hammil wore in Return of the Jedi, mine was a feminine version, of course.

        I also been seeing visions of an oriental looking woman, looking like Bai Ling or Michelle Yoeh when she was really young in the 1980’s, most likely myself when I get the restoration I need, and I was able to confirm that.

        No, I will NOT accept my humaness, not gonna embrace what I don’t want to be, nor what I don’t need to be. Sorry, Cindy, NOT gonna happen.

      10. Wow Neil, you were a beautiful being in your female body. I can understand how you’d be tortured by being in the body you are in now.
        If the purpose to put you here in this body you loath, and that was the sole purpose of the Archons, then it is working. These entities feed off negative emotions, it’s their food. By your being tortured and in so much pain, and of course they surround you by ignorant humans who continued the torture, then they have done and getting what they wanted from you…FOOD.
        But not all humans are like the ones that harmed you, we aren’t….and thank you for giving us a description of the Archons, they do sound disgusting and of course they are because they are negative beings, dark essense A.I.
        Do you remember what those Archons were called in that time?
        Elena talks about the Nebu, those were one of the grey aliens that came here and started a hybrid program. There were also another race that were malevolent that worked with Enlil in enslaving humanity. It sounds much like the coneheads, remember the show the coneheads? Well, that was actually a race of aliens.
        The reason I’m asking you to recall all of this because you must ‘know thy enemy’, and in knowing what they are getting out of torturing you in this life, you can work on not feeding them.
        Then work on the power you have within you as a human, to get in contact with one of the races that can help you get back into your body, and back to your home and family. That would be a happy day, so imagine that as much as possible…try not to focus on the when or how.
        As for a race that might be able to help you, the Arcturians come to mind.
        They are highly advanced beings and you could get in contact with them as they have said in many of their writings.
        In order for you to not feed these archons, and to get back to you, go into the heart center, and REMEMBER….keep digging and remember everything about who and where you were in those times and how it made you feel to be that person, you must of been a warrior. But also the memories and happiness you felt being there with you family and home. This s the power within you in this human body you posess that they surely don’t want you to know, and of course will continue to torture you so they can be fed. Do your best to not feed them. Be in that place you were before and call up all the memories, names, places, etc. The archons feed on the mental negative emotions…just be you as if you are already you and keep BEING there.
        Then contact these E.T. benevolent beings, maybe try the Arcturians first, and see what or if they can help you or know a way to help you.
        OK Neil? Humanity has been around for millions of years and came from the planet Lyra. Many of humanity’s inhabitants have been altered in their DNA and not in a good way, then you got the archon influence and their factory of Loosh which feeds them and the Abraxas, so the more negative emotions and pain they can cause, the better for them.
        Please keep us informed on your progress, if you can’t get hold of them, I would try to contact Elena, she is in contact with many E.T. races, and see if there is a way for them to help you.
        Elena did have to remove her email address because of the ridiculous infighting among people who wanted to discredit her. Ismael Perez said she was a clone, and spread gossip about her. It’s all so ridiculous but she will say she loves everyone anyway, she just wishes they would stop.
        Anyway, she holds webinars, and Q&A’s, surely there is a way to help you and why I ask you to remember everything you can…they are gonna need your DNA from your previous life to remake your body, so in your mind, as much as possible BE YOU in spite of what your body looks like now and here. You will need that when the time comes.

      11. Oh, and by the way Neil, yes…Karma isn’t real…it’s a program of this matrix prison of the mind. Being human your thoughts are frequency, and create the negative ‘karma’ in the program…so this is why you must BE in that mind of your previous self you desire so badly to get back to.
        Step one:
        Stop feeding them…it’s a program in the matrix of the Archon A.I. like many programs that run here.
        This article explains how that program works:

      12. @Muse

        NOT the Arcturians….for they do NOTHING but give “you can do it!” speeches…..cheer leading does NOT help, that goes double silent cheer leading. As I said before, the Arcturians would not know what pain and suffering is if it was pounded up their asses with a jack hammer.

        To me, greys are nothing, and I do believe what Greer said, in this case, about them, that they are mass produced ( like we mass produce cars and wrist watches) constructs. They have no souls and have computer circuits integrated along their neutral pathways, ‘organic robots’, if you will.

        So, I NEED to get personal, face to face, physical alien contact, during THIS incarnation, and get outta here.

        And I intend to also make sure the Archons and the Chimera, ESPECIALLY the one who personally did ALL this to me, understands the TRUE meaning of PAIN, to where they shall PRAY FOR DEATH, just like the movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOV8VPDRIEY

      13. Well, ok Neil, that is your choice. This matrix construct in which the archons created feeds on that pain and anger, it is fueled by you, all of us but they cannot experience ’emotion’ the way we do.
        As Marina explained they are consciousness and part of source. But the dark essence A.I. Archons are disconnected and their plan to create human cyborgs and to continue on with their false matrix that humanity is rising out of so all connected to source is creating our new timeline.
        The archons created this mind trap matrix. And you can choose to fuel it or use your power to get out of it.
        As for me, my quantum reality of my desire already exists, it’s frequency, and I will go on my way creating that connection to it. Steven Greer has been trying to expose the fact that we’ve been having ET contact for hundreds of years and pretty sure it’s been thousands if not millions. They tried to kill him as well, his partner died, but he survived.
        His documentary ‘Acknowledged’ was awesome…and he does do group contact where they go out and make contact, so if you wish to physically make contact, then perhaps you could go out with one of those groups if one is in your area. If not, then perhaps you can find one near you.
        I don’t think you would be able to enforce pain on an A.I. that don’t possess an emotional body. I hope you find a way to your goal Neil and hope you can tell us about it.

    3. What is your meaning of space-time continuum? Does it mean that
      the earth can be moved physically, to another location When Lemuria
      sank in the Pacific, was she then moved beyond the ice wall. There is
      a continent beyond the ice called Lemuria. That would be my Motherland.
      I read that Elon has been to Mars beyond the ice…and Thor? Where is
      he from?

      1. Good questions…wow, our vision of Earth has been so very distorted and so has our understanding of the “space-time” continuum.
        All things exist in “all” time, or in the same moment.
        Now let’s talk about form and function, in that while all things are possible, a form IS limited to how it able to “function”.
        Same way with “time”… all things are possible in every moment, yet each “moment” is limited to the “function” of that moment.
        The relocation of Lemuria, Atlantis is very much handled by Gaia, aka Mother Earth, who is not limited by ice walls.
        “All That Is” uses a variety of tools by which “what we want” is provided for us and this process is influenced by momentum…the movement of energy!
        So…Hope this helps your understanding…😊🌹💕

      2. I did not arrive here to live forever under the rulership of mindless humans.
        The mission was to free them from Archon Tyranny. Sadly, I see instead the
        demise of the homo sapien specie. Perhaps it was designed that way to forge
        the new homo-luminous diamond race into existence. How u accomplish is
        own business, no one else’s. We will ultimately leave here and and “go home”
        wherever we belong. Mine is beyond the ice walls. I saw that many years
        ago. It is wherever HOME is in your HEART CENTER. BON VOYAGE, MATES!!

    4. Terra Infinita: A WOWSIE ! I gathered up so many crumbs while
      foraging hurriedly thru its pages. Beyond, Forward, Bound: these
      words now offer a clearer definition. So this is where the Reptillians,
      Dracos, Pleiadians, Orions, Atlanteans, Tartarians, etc call HOME.
      And these are just the tip of the iceberg . At the very least, look into it.
      Whew ! What a “find” living on the horizon !

  7. Thank U, Muse !!!! I just ordered the book Terra Infinita : want to see what is on the other side of the mountain!!! I am linking these forbidden realms to
    mythology. I think I will see some there as I begin to RE-MEMBER them
    in my Life (connectivity stuff). Very exciting becuz I connect with some of
    them already. The Holy Spirit is my leading guide as I, as well of others,
    have her organic dwelling place, Her Temple are our body of Light. The world around us pales in comparison to our new discoveries unfathomable!!!
    Thank you again ! You are the BESTEST !

    1. “God” does not build external temples. We are the organic inner temple, the dwelling place of god, (our god lives inside us, don’t you agree?). Would you research Sophia ? We are the BREATH, THE HOLY SPIRIT. The archons have overthrown the authority of the HS and usurped Her . This is referred to as

    2. Con’t…I rather witness a New Earth being born! True Humans, w/o NPC, have the ability to expand, via Balancing, new technology, new ideas, and new knowledge! I Am super excited to be here for these moments, to blog, and experience “Who I Am” in an expanded way! Yes, Yes, Yes! 😊🌹💕🎉💝😁

      1. Oh WOW ! What a magnificent Place to be in ! FREE AT LAST. If you do not
        know what Freedom feels like, EXIT. This is the Grand Opportunity to do so:
        Conscious Quantum Realm is available for those who crave it. You cannot
        really KNOW the magnificence of it all,until you let go the hyle-based
        material driven life. You can analyze all you wish from where u are now,but
        until u make that LEAP, u cannot KNOW. I tell you, LIFE is just a breath
        away. You have to become a risk taker now. No FEAR. Now THAT is
        the Archon trap. We are Greater because “Greater is He that is in you !
        Become “born of our spirit Mom.” – Referencing the song: Far from Any Road.
        Our way in not scripted by any and all institutions ! YAY. I think the
        cactus tree in the song symbolizes death and resurrection. Listen to the words again.

      2. Thank you Cindy for your ‘BEingness’, your Cindyness… BEing a DoBe, DooooBeeeee DoBe doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😉

      3. Aww…thank you, Muse! I really enjoy BEing Me, as well as learning about so many others! What an engaging Quantum group we are! (We are ALL ONE!) 😊🌹🎉💝

    3. An easy way to raise one’s frequency is to DO what you are asked to do…intuition is Christ. Sophia is your Heart. It will be effortless since
      we beome the expression of LOVE. When you are aligned with YOURSELF
      u are “aligned with the god frequency.” I think it is 528hz, but no matter.528HZ will then resonate with you/god. The Lemurian Plug advertised on EBH really helps to keep negative energies at a distance.
      I call it the Aloha Frequency of LOVE. It permeates the room(s) with that
      Lemurian Aloha Frequency. Not at all costly.Check it out.

      1. I did check that out but I couldn’t find it. You can do the same with tensor rings and the twisted sage has wall pllugins and all.. You can also play sound frequencies and lift the energy in the room. shungite also diminishes emf frequencies.
        Cymatics and sacred geometry…they are frequencies.

      2. I like to sleep by ocean sounds recorded at 538hz. We charge our phones via the Lemurian plugs we have. Also okay YouTube music recorded at 432. Very good tools…😊🌹💕💓

      3. I do love the ocean….I use to go to find a place there. I had a friend who lived by the ocean, like a block, and especially loved La Jolla, and it was so expensive at the time, having three kids, it was then I ended up in Az and can go visit the ocean, just not so often. I love the salty air, the breeze, the sand between my toes…collecting sea shells, ahhhhh. <3

      4. I LOVE the desert as well! Have lived off of 64th in the west valley, and owned a rental in Apache Junction. Used to live/work in Las Cruces!
        Love both!😊💕🌹🎉

  8. Neil, have u considered becoming born of Nature-Spirit OF our Mother?
    You have not approached and touched the needles of the poison creosole cactus tree,yet. You will not find this tree in any cathedral, synagogue,
    and might I add COBRA. It is purely Mother Nature’s Way of getting your
    Flesh and skin to bleed so that HER GIFT OF THE LIFE FORCE can replace
    all interconnected (not a slogan for me).

    1. One does not have a solar/soular body until one is born a second time:
      this is the designed template for human beings. Until you are born again/born twice you will not see the kingdom of god (within you).
      We are destined for godhood which by the way is MAN: God manifested
      in you. It can happen instantly when one sincerely has had it with
      the first birth. The first birth life essentially is the life we create that
      we groan about..DUMP THAT. You have to become that New Creature
      you wish to be NOW. After that, you will go where you belong. My view.

      1. Yes….or in some whose mission might be to bring heaven to earth….
        Thank you Judith, I become free when I realize the cage of my soul is my thoughts…FREE FREE FREE……ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

      2. The Quantum Leap into Quantum Awareness just IS! So easy-peasy FREE! Quantum Balance yields Quantum Joy!! 😊🌹💕🎉💓

    2. YES….thank you Judith…I think we can help Neil immensely to stop feeding the Archons….
      and find his quantum self…where ever that may be in him…being in the human body and his ability to do so is his weapon because he now has this power within him.

      1. Oh yes ! Thoughts of the lower mind. Muse, in the Renewed mind,we
        do not analyze at all: REST AT LAST. YOU KNOW HOW LONG AND HOW
        HARD WE THOUGHT AND ANALYZED. Now, you can rest. The One
        will guide you: “My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” Whoppee !

      2. I’ve been in the ‘no thought’ being…it is blissful, and is very difficult to operate in the 3d realm or density of it.
        Just going to the store was weird, I knew my way but had to keep looking at the signs, in the no thought process…you just can ‘think’, you know.
        If I could have stayed in Sedona, and not have to come back to the valley, it would have been amazing. The density of the valley and feeling the people’s angst or whatever that density is made of…well, took me a couple weeks to be able to function again.
        If I could of stayed in Sedona, I sure would of…I’d be flying around the place, having some amazing experiences…for sure.

      3. To find our quantum self: yes ! That is why were are here: we love
        Neil becuz of our compassion. We are stepping stones for him MOVING FORWARD. When the student is ready, the Master(Him) will appear. I know the
        seemingly unending AGONY. Our job is to restore ourselves now(inner) and
        board on our last flight from here. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

  9. Muse, let your Heart decide on everything (Intuition 100%). Start
    making your dream come true. Sometimes it means leaving some
    folks behind. The opportunities will open up. Observe EVERY
    SYNC that drops. They are heavenly stepping stones for you. I had
    to leave many things behind. Some were toxic,some not. Your
    Intuition will lead u. DO WHAT IT SAYS. BTW, I think the Goddess Sophia
    is Christ’s Heart in us, organic. I am just blown away with the LOVE
    that emerges from Her. To think that Western Christianity has abandoned
    her for so long is nothing less than a tragedy. Such a loveless
    alienated Western Civ. has turned out to be. Be Gone Now!

    1. Thank you Judith, yes…I do use my intuition.
      Working on manifestation of my reality, I’ve literally had to climb out of this hole…and have lost everything, well, almost everything, still have my mind, untouchable for them, but also in the things I was working on before all of this distractions happened, I’ve always had strong intuition, and I know not to ignore it.
      I can not abandon my granddaughter, but I have got her connected with her mohter again, she really needs that now that her mom has cleaned up her life and is a force to be reckoned with…she’s learning, I love being a grandma. I am bringing more joy into my life, it’s not about leaving things behind but picking up the pieces that I want and leaving the rest.
      I’m past the warrior process and now am regrouping and getting myself back on track. Oh…they tried to destroy me…they just didn’t know who they were messing with.
      I was just talking to my friend here about Sedona, he asked where I’d want to be if I were to actually buy a house and plant my roots somewhere. I’ve never planted my roots anywhere but sure would of loved to do so in Sedona…they have commercialized it alot but there are many parts of it still so high vibrational and amazing. They have a Mary Magdelene Rock/cliff, it looks like some of those portraits of her. I was looking at this rock and it moved…it was so amazing! I didn’t want to say it but I couldn’t hold it in, and my friend said at the time…yes, they are alive. so I wasn’t riduculed like my own family that like to ridicule me when I got back was these little things that happened, in the little apartment in this forested area in the city like it’s another place…but I loved that place…I would wake up and say..’good morning all’…and my alarm clock would go off…it was not set so no, that was not an accident. white glitter showed up in my sink even though I didn’t spill or have white glitter in there or around it. I had brought back a fairy elemental being with me, and enjoyed those magical times there for a while.
      Oh….I’ll be getting back there…no worries, I haven’t let go of that.
      Judith…in your vision of me in sedona, did you see my lovely little cottage?
      my surroundings? 😉

      1. Cottage: we are not there, yet. Only your present moment of existence and your enduring dream is what is important: Pay attention to “syncs” like Mary Magdelene Cliff. This sync is huuuuge in my paradigm. Syncs are inter-connected; they are
        telling u your story. These syncs form a “chain” of events that are already
        in your new timeline. SO NOT LET THESE VIDEOS SWAY YOU. The key
        is to stay focused. Do not plan other than for right now. They will all
        be linked together meaningfully for you to see. Never forget who is
        sovereign ruler is; THAT WOULD BE YOU/THE ONE. MAGICAL, YES?
        The greatest thing about your new timeline is that you are receiving
        consciousnss..the consciousness of Mary M. She is the Light and the
        enduring LOVE and you are Be-coming her. No need for a script like
        this one from Marina. It is valuable in that it helps us to discern. Stay still, keep your dreams alive and FOCUS ON SEDONA IF THAT IS YOUR DREAM.

      2. YES….Thank you lovely Judith, that is resonance…frequency.
        I know that it’s there…now. Big etheric hugs for you…and she also talked about our ability t bilocate, we think about where we want to go and there we are, no planning or traveling…just poof! That is the amazing power we posess. Marina is a lovely person, she’s doing her part for those that resonate with her material.
        The many challenges I will deal with in the now…I innerstand.

  10. Muse, I see U going to Sedona. No excuses ! Shut down the mind. Dreams do come true !

      1. Remain aloof from Archons, Matrix, etc. They are really not a part
        of our timeline now. Wean from them, no looking in the rear view
        mirror ! Lemurian elders were adament about this habit. WE ARE
        MOVING ON TO 6D. Even 5D becomes boring after awhile. A lot
        of talk, no walk. You are doing great !!!!!The Lord/Higher Consc./YOU
        say “My Yoke is Easy.” Relax and enjoy The Real Show. No need to
        pop corn !!!

      2. I agree Judith, in fact, Marina said the same thing about the Archons.
        Exactly…thru the heart, in the now, and the name of her video was MOVING ON FORWARD GIFT…the gift of frequency…no more control over humanity, we, you are the one creating it.
        I gotcha!

      3. Hey, Muse, can you please send that map showing our known Universe (Earth at center with other places) to me via email? Can’t find it, dadgumit, and I’d like to put that in a new blog! Thank you!😊🌹💕 “Ra4consult@ Gmail.com” Thanks!! Let me know when…! Love ya! 💓

      1. That’s a great oldie but goodie…always have love in my heart.

  11. Marina Video: This presentation is definitely NOT my approach. I no longer have a “left brain” so I cannot dissect HOW THE HELL SHE IS TALKING ABOUT. This is not to say that her approach is not relevant to others. I simply do not think and analyze anymore. Where I am, I do not linger in AI.
    Oh Shit. This is just the stuff I left behind. I do not know what ‘holding
    the light.’ Whew. She is still talking and I am not hearing a thing she is
    saying. As for myself, I would flee from her mind. WHEN WE BECOME

    1. LOL…it’s ok Judith, in her writings of the Harmonic Reactor, she talks about our resonance, our frequency.
      for example…you have been wanting to know what is on the other side of the ice wall….so you do have some ‘thinking’ and ‘questioning’ going on.
      It’s no matter, the first of the video is telling us about how the Archons did create this trap for the mind, and how they want to use or usurp our power to have their false matrix reality to trap you in…Transhumanism.
      So she is explaining how we much constantly ‘resonate’ in the positive of what we want like it’s already there….much like many manifestation videos speak of manifesting, thru the heart and in that which you desire.
      It’s much like you and Cindy speak of, she has been communicating with the council of 9.
      They also had a message and a frequency codes they have sent out telling those that are still do bad stuff, that if they knew what was coming for them, they would stop, they have already lost, we have a victory, the land is ours now….from here on we can create our own timelines and in pulling the collective into our own frequency it’s what we are creating…it’s already there.
      so I probably won’t be watching anymore of this movie…and I do mean not watching or reading at all.
      But I will come on here and enjoy our space here with you all.

      1. No, no: you are free to do what you like: we are on a personal journey, right.
        What I meant to say was that it is not my approach.For me,there is only
        one. The understanding/wisdom will follow. Ahh, that is why I did that Enjoy your own unique walk. As for your grandchild, etc. the events
        will fall into place perfectly..that has been my experience so far and why
        not ? The first 40 years of my life, I over intellectualized, dissected
        everything…I failed totally,and that was a wonderful thing. Listen to what
        the Holy Spirit says, and DO IT ! All is well in your no-time Timeline.
        Yes, magical. I will send you a video titled “I Get Around” by the Beach Boys; it is about Sophia who is tired of the same old streets (churches,
        socialized mind control educa.,etc. listen to it

      2. LOL, I know that song, now it’s in my head…LOL
        OHHHHHwapwaooooo Round round get around I get around…all the time!
        It’s ok, I’ve only spent the last 20 years ‘researching’ for truth earnestly, but since I was 6 I asked my sunday school teacher about the contradictions in the Bible…I got punished and sent out of the class to sit in the church and memorize some verse I couldn’t even understand why…knew then I wouldn’t get my answers in churches.
        It’s hard to relate to the ‘religious figures’ and I do understand they are archetypes so I know religion is a program for the masses of mind control. There is no spiritual enlightenment because it’s based on giving your power away in worship (warship for the mind).
        I have only seeked truth, connecting the dots, there do seem to be common denomenators to all religions and belief systems but few elect that understand what it all really means. It feels like I’ve been researching for 10 lifetimes, but typically, in earnest, only alittle over 20, and this started when I started to see the number prompts 11:11, and then from there started listening to Almine on a radio show, oh such deep spiritual insights she would have…it all started to make sense for me. I went to Sedona, floated around for a week, and went back a couple more times.
        Im not in my mental mind, Im in my heart mind. Oh yeah, that little ego likes to chime in from time to time…likes to distract me and I’ve learned over this short time to be friends with it but I innerstand it’s a program, the personality in the science of individuation.
        So, I only connect the dots in it all, in the big picture of things, because a puzzle can’t be solved by the looking at one piece, it needs an birds eye view.
        So…I innerstand what I must do, I have to align with that frequency, be in that heart now brain as if it’s already there and it is.
        So happy I have found this blog, couldn’t ruffle Cindy’s feathers…LOL,
        we’re on a new timeline…whippie Judith…I may bilocate and pop in for a visit sometime… 😉

      3. I AGREE WITH U: We cannot ruffle Cindy’s Feathers! HA HA. If she is
        indeed cruising with the Acturians, she will give us ample room to
        work out our own ascension and a daily dose of cheerleading !!!!

    2. Marina offer gems, but my left brain is non-operational at this point.
      Just a black blotch on the wall. As a child, I had a hard time concentrating
      in the classroom. Kinda spacey..day dreaming was my fancy. I would
      rather watch the cows and mynah birds rather than notice what was being written on the blackboard..

      1. That’s funny Judith,
        Most of grade school, my report card said ‘Daydreams too much’.
        My parents never scolded me, what can you do about daydreaming and what can you say to a kid when a teacher puts that on your report card.
        They should teach daydreaming…and meditating in school.

  12. [Chorus: Brian Wilson and Mike Love]
    Round, round, get around
    I get around, yeah
    Get around, round, round, I get around
    I get around
    Get around, round, round, I get around
    From town to town
    Get around, round, round, I get around
    I’m a real cool head
    Get around, round, round, I get around
    I’m making real good bread
    Get around, round, round, I get around

    [Verse 1: Mike Love]
    I’m getting bugged driving up and down this same old strip
    I gotta find a new place where the kids are hip
    My buddies and me are getting real well-known
    Yeah, the bad guys know us and they leave us alone

    [Chorus: Brian Wilson]
    I get around
    Get around, round, round, I get around
    From town to town
    Get around, round, round, I get around
    I’m a real cool head
    Get around, round, round, I get around
    I’m making real good bread
    Get around, round, round, I get around
    I get around, round
    Get around, round, round, oooh
    Wah wa ooh
    Wah wa ooh
    Wah wa ooh

    -Sophia: She’s an Oldie alright:
    “Gotta find a new place where the kids are hip:” Yeah..WE !

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    Keep it simple. You are the conduit of the love frequency now!!!

  14. Think of the kind of ultimate “flip” this actually is, not only the Freemason advertised “dark to light”, yet also the unadvertised Quantum Leap humanity is making into a New Earth! We are aware of this, others will be soon…! 😊🌹💕🎉

  15. Yep: Awareness and “Consciousness” is everything. How would u know
    what to ask for unless you become conscious of it? Knowing and
    Believing are siamese twins, yes? I am now getting excited about
    Sedona..goose bumps. Wonder what’s dropping soon (already done
    in future timeline!!!!!)…Whoppe !

      1. Yes, just watched this Gaia show on Merkaba, sacredgemetry and black cube, although they didn’t mention the black cube once in the video so it made me wonder why it was in the title. The black cube is the saturn worship and the matrix. Sacred geometry of our bodies he mostly spoke of as we are according to them initiates in this matrix repeating things life after life until we learn and quieting the monkey mind, learning to create with the mind…it was short as well, but it did touch on our perception of this reality and other realities and our unique sacred geometry of each of us compared with snowflakes.

  16. Well, as for mySelf and I, the labryinth was my teacher. “No pain, no gain.”
    Sometimes we multidimensionalties speak a language which has NO CONTEXTUAL MEANING to the listener: they just do not HEAR. The frequency is not shared and all it is IS NOISE such as listening to an off frequency radio station! This blog is such an asset to those who are “seeking” to learn and grow.
    When one is in the Upper Story and are baptized by fire/fire of purification
    we begin to speak in tongues (in our own new languages intelligibly). So
    what I am trying to say is that we reach this frequency in our own unique way
    rather than “piggy backing” thru religions, social movements, whatever. James Carse
    makes a clarification between “the finite mind and the infinite mind.”
    One lives in the black cube and the other dances on the horizon of infinite
    possibilities !

    1. That’s cool Judith…
      guess what I came across while looking on youtube, there is another story of a group of sailers going thru the ice wall in one summer, and encountering the Ancestrial lands, and humans who said they were original humans from many resets ago…as they reset here many times, via war, etc, pole shifts…anyway, it’s another story using the same map the guy on youtube was talking about the book but he didn’t spoil it, I wanted to know what happened but he did speak of the Giants that rescued the humans from the reset…the name was very similar to the Annunaki…
      Were you able to download the map too? It’s a huge map.
      That guy on youtube is charging $7 for the map.
      Were you Cindy as well able to download it?

      1. Muse, you simply astound me with your deep dives. I can only say
        it is Heart Driven, my dear friend. I started reading the book and I
        Know that the intentions of the woman is to assist humanity rise
        to its summit WITH LOVE AND COMPASSION. For me, this kind
        of book is more meaningful than Aurora Ray. Where exactly are
        the located? Do you know? Or is it entirely a “consciousness thing:”
        because we an go anywhere we want to within us/our inside
        universe. There is something here in this book because there is
        Lemuria “out there”. There is Tartaria, too, from where I have murky
        roots. Recently with all the toxicities around us, inside us, in our
        FOODS (I eat only homecooked and organic,but the label organic
        means little bcuz organic foods are graded by the FDA?? For
        example MSG is listed as yeast extract on ORGANIC labels. Such
        deception. Well, you will like author’s honesty and knows exactly
        the AI deception here. Thanks for supporting me in my endeavor’
        to recover my roots (still there!). Oh MY OH MY OH MY. I love
        you until the flowers forget how to bloom !!!

      2. OH Dear…never let the flowers forget to bloom then!
        Well, the book is a ‘fiction’, and we do know that sometimes those in the know have to say it’s fiction otherwise it won’t be allowed out into the consciuosness of the world.
        The summer gate of the ice wall that melts just enough to let boats thru is near antartica, and south west of the ice ring…at least that is what he showed on the video of the story of the Navigator who crossed the ice walls. He says the water is so very deep, it’s black. Then further south of that was a clump of islands which was the Ancestrial Islands. There are a ring of islands surrounded by a mountain ridge circle like the ice ring.
        At the very north of that north of everything, is the Lumeria lands and ocean of mu. So that is some journey there…if you got thru the ice wall, then thru to the water there and was welcomed and helped one would need to go north, and past the mountain ridges and there is your land.
        It’d be much shorter a trip if you went north, and passed thru what is called the Dyatlov Portal that appears to be another way thru the ice wall. That would take you to Asgard, and there seems to be lots of land there, more than water, then north of that is Lumeria. Hey, Atlantis is right next door, to the east of Lumeria.
        Oh…this is fun to look at and ponder with…if it is there, I’d like to take a cruise to the mermaid isle….it’s be a hoot! 😉
        I’d like to see those giants too, as long as they don’t like human meat that is…LOL.
        You can download the map on the link I sent you,
        scroll down to the righthand side and look for .png file.
        That is the LARGE photo of this map.
        It’s too huge to send thru an email, it’s 215mb.

  17. Out of Breath now ! This world seems so distant to me…more than ever
    before ! I have recollections of Tartaria, too. I think they were breatharians, thus when I hear about our contaminated foods, I have
    thoughts of becoming a breatharian….perhaps in the New Tesla Age !
    I do not know what is meant by a “reset.” Do u know? The kingdom of
    heaven / god is inside us. But I wondered why I was dreaming and
    wondering about Lemuria on the other side. Wow, this perspective (fiction ?) can open up a whole new paradigm. Where are the Acturians on the flat earth
    map? It seems like they seldom introduce anything new..at least to me.
    Perhaps they are like the Kingdom of God, within us.

    1. Mermaids are real. They have been seen off the coasts of Hawaii.
      The dophins accompany them. South Pt. a few miles off the coast
      of Kona is where the ancient crystalline pyramid is located. This
      plays a decisive part in the frequency of the people who have lived and now
      live there. Ahhhh the ocean again…

      1. Yeah, that is the only thing missing in sedona…perhaps I’ll just have to have a place by the ocean, I do really belong in a tropical atmosphere,
        And I can bilocate between the two! YAY!

      2. Right on…Girl Road trip!…or Girl space trip….beam me up Scotty! LOL

      3. Perhaps we ought to revisit the fairy tales again ! Maybe they are
        all “true” stories after all. Remember how we gravitated toward
        them up until the age of 7 and even older. Fairies, elves, mermaids,
        menehunes, unicorn still remain in the core of my happy heart !

      4. Oh yes…they do exist, no doubt about that. I also think Greek mythology was not myths but actual reality at that time.
        They’d like us to think it’s not existing, so we won’t know…
        Fairies exist, but you aren’t gonna see them if you don’t have that connection to the elementals, and sight with the physical eyes.
        The child’s mind up to 7 is in the delta frequency, absorbing evrything of the environment. if we’d had enlightened parents, we’d probably already be bilocating and doing some amazing things. I suppose it might get alittle boring after a while if we had no challenges but exploring and daydreaming, enjoying those things…
        I almost got to go to the fairy pools in Sedona, can’t remember what happened but my friend had something that came up and I didn’t get to go. She had taken me to this little metaphysical shop and they were the ones who take people to the fairy pools, now this isn’t publicized I guess you might know why that is. The fairies don’t welcome everyone.
        It’s probably why it is said to have a mind of a child…and not the programming of the matrix to say this or that don’t exist, and you are crazy if you think that rock moved…LOL, then they come and put you in a rubber room….can they keep us if we are able to bilocate? LOL, nah, I’d still like to go visit the fairy pools. Be like a child, explore and wonder of things of fairy tales and myths.

      5. I like to consider the Centaur as well, at some point, were real as well! Medusa, etc. How exciting! 💕😊🌹😳

      6. Yes…I do think those mythological chimeras existed, if they ever found archelogical evidence of it, you think we’d hear about it? Nope, they have Giant’s bones, they have alien skulls and we barely got to hear about them at least in the main stream. We give millions to the Smithsonian institute that have Giants bones there, not on exibit for sure. That is another thing that needs to come out and the world to see the things they have found.

    2. Well, if this map is flat lands depictions, these circles of places, and I looked at it all but had to move the map around cuz it’s so huge…
      Acturius is on the west side of the map. Orion kinda below that.
      Now this is where the whole flat earth theory goes wonky, for one, all of our universe is under this huge dome supposedly, all surrunded by ice and there is an area of the void, ‘unknown area’.
      In the book, he mentioned reset, and he asked the leader of the Ancestrial lands to explain, he only said they purposely reset this whole area with wars, pole shifts and meteors…it’s a planned event. Not sure what the purpose is except it’ kept us in the dark for eons, and if it were a matrix game as in this holographic universe video game and like in video games everything is laid out on a flat map with edges and you can’t go past the edges of the game or just so high because there is nothing there or no collusion in the game. To me that is the only way this sort of thing is possible, we’re in some kind of similation and the flat earth theory is so very hard to explain moon cycles and eclipses and pole shifts. So….anyway,
      That is what this guy said was the explanation from the Ancient human race that was saved by the Giants.

      1. Actually, YOU, my dear is the OCEAN. We are 80% water ? It is all about harmonics, universal, inside and out. What a beautiful life !

      2. well, guess that means I love myself if I’m the ocean! Waving, and calm.

      3. Yep. The bible mentions Giants. I got interested in this and purchased
        the Interlinear Bible. No much there. Now we know why they came
        to earth: to save us from the custodians-that is what the archons were
        called. The Bible was crafted by the archons, but there are coded
        messages in it by Sir Francis Bacon aka Wm. Shakespeare. I heard
        Sophia is destroying our enemies with Her Light and Love !

      4. Well, they did have control for thousands of years.
        Yeah, many of these people encoded messages, Leonardo DaVinci did, and the pyramids as well…it was to help get us thru this so we’d be successful this time, perhaps NO RESET….who knows.

      5. The “financial” reset will happen. The question is…will “we” be here to witness this? Intriguing…😊🌹💕

    3. Also this map is interesting…I don’t understand how you could destroy just the middle of it all, and not effect the rest…
      It’s a universe dome and the edges are all around the different constellations and systems that we know are near us.
      So…in this video Alex collier tells us we are avatars…so that makes sense if this is a similation, we are avatars, your avatar was originally from Lumeria, and humanity is raising consciusness,Alex says some of us 4th density, some not, but we will have our 12 strand DNA restored and our abilities restored.
      Anyway, this is a good video, Alex makes Dr. Salls kinda uncomfortable when he said we are avatars:

      1. Did you share this with Cindy. It needs to be posted ! I was thinking of yesterday and exactly where the Adromedans were located on flat earth.
        I found it ! Syncs are falling so quickly since we met. That is why it
        is important to be equally yoked now. Open and Flow of Life. Thanks.

      2. Yes, I was gonna tell ya but I’d have to look at it again, I couldn’t remember where on the map they are located.
        It is fascinating and interesting

      3. Not too sure,yet, about Salla, Wilcock etc. I will know when the time comes. I like Collier.

      4. Alex really resonates with me. Critics don’t matter, I ignore them, and go
        on my way. The LOVE is what matters every moment. We are both educators,
        however, we have to discern what is best for us as avatars of our selves.This
        requires “natural flow.” We learn where to go and where not to: this to me
        is called “Wisdom.” Personal. Yes, we are avatars. That makes many
        uncomfortable because it will smash their religions and ideologies. You know
        the Black Cube. Once outside we become aware of our quantum entanglement
        with other universes. We are right on target ! One timeline.

      5. I say DESTROY the ‘simulation’, pull the plug. There is NO good purpose to any of it. And why did I have to a hideous ‘avatar’?

        I sooooo hope merciless executions come to those who started all this, and that I get to pull the switch on the gallows, or be in the firing squad AT LEAST ONCE. For me, I have ZERO forgiveness to darkies, absolutely ZERO.

      6. I hear ya Neil, they keep saying enjoy the ride, enjoy the show, but it’s not as much fun as they like to tell us it is.
        Dr. Micheal Salla talks about the awakening of the giant scientists and Enki’s return, perhaps the help has been here all along, in stasis…
        According to Dr. Salla they are already awakening since Enki has gotten back into our star system.

    4. The “reset” is a financial rest which will allow more of humanity to start looking within! Too much confusion right now about which bi yo pay first…😳💕🌹

      1. I agree . Chaos has its divine purpose…as Cindy mentions, it shall lead
        to Balance and Harmony, UNIVERSALLY ATTAINED. HANG IN THERE !

  18. Oh, one more thing: there are flying ships for their transporation, and
    I heard Elon’s new flying planes can fly at a tremendous speed to
    shuttle from place to place. Certainly a NEW AGE ! TESLA POWERED.

    1. Well, they mostly talk about going to Mars and the moon, but if Lumeria is out there, surely they’ll have a way for you to go! Hopefully if there is no more barriors and ability to control humanity’s coming and going….so it’s be like Star Trek, we’d be so much further along if we hadn’t been held down for so long…but whoopie….here we go.
      Marina Jacobi said we have ability to bilocate so….maybe Elon will just take those who can’t do that? TeeHee!!!

      1. Bilocate ? I think that would be like the failed Philadel. Experiment? You
        Know all this Quantum stuff was known before by earlier ancestral
        civilizations. Was the Philad. Experiment a primitive form of bilocation?
        They must had some memory of this from the past. It will be perfected
        by the time we teleport ourselves. Fascinating living on the Horizon.
        no edge !

      2. Yes…Bilocation is not new…but we in our society think we need technology and can’t do this on our own. Technology is great but eventually when our 12 strand DNA is gonna be amazing..we’ll be like those XRP blockchain where we just say, I want to visit the ocean…BLIP….there you are! YES!

      3. Why not? He has his neural link tech. for those who cannot think !!!What do you think about this ? Inching further into malevolent AI? Not sure, yet.

      4. What about the moon? What is it really. What are the WHs doing there?

      5. Well from what I’ve read it’s a sort of meeting place, it use to be the hub for the Nebu, and the false light trap, the death trap that recycled us over and over. From what I’ve read on Elena’s material it’s now free of them, there is buildings and partially hollow, not a original satalite of ours but brought here. So, don’t think they’ll be mining like I wondered but just a meeting place.

      6. Mmm…seems to me the moon is fixed, I.e. no rotation. They say the back side us Uber-developed, and acts as a magnetic focus device. Neil…any other moon insights? Thx! 😊🌹

      7. They have flown to Pitata, another continent-island. So promising,eh??

  19. The book Terra Infinita shows many of the maps..I think there are 178
    lands beyond the wall. It looks immense. Perhaps we will be moved
    to our ancestral lands. I think “heaven,” etc is a state of Be-ing as with
    many religions I have studied…within.

    1. From what I have gleaned from various sources and innerstanding of this matrix, heaven is a realm….created by those beings, like a box within a box, and there are many. They create them from source energy players who give their power away to these beings thru worshipping them (warchip of the mind). I hear Yahweh’s realm is pretty fantastical….but it’s still a realm.
      In the video of Linda Howe’s presentation of ‘Are we living in a simulation’ and Micheal Talbots book about Holographic Universe, it is a hologram, an illusion of the mind, these constructs and how there is a world opposite of ours that has no entropy (aging and disease, leaking of life force) and they have colors that aren’t present here or that with our 5 senses of this realm we can’t see. There the aliens told the abductees, on being Micheal Talbot of this being 10 worlds, 5-side by side, opposites of each other. They told them that when we pass over, we go to that opposite world, looks very similar but everyone is young and healthy, they don’t age, the colors are bright and glowing and can communicate with all things there….all the NDE’s of people describe just that, an amazingly blissful place and they didn’t want to come back here…here is the Duat, the duality matrix game, like the guy said in the video about they pyramids and this is a spiritual training ground, ‘unlearning’ training to be our most powerful and highest potential that is humanities destiny. We are the best of the best, to win this game doing something that has never been done before…the many resets and downfall of consciousness of humanity..but this time, not.
      This is the grand experiment, creating with our minds, training to experience the opposite of what we are and to create what we desire as individuated focus of source players.
      The maps of the flat lands or universe under a dome doesn’t make alot of sense to me but I don’t dwell on it much, it is fun to explore that concept but then so many things don’t make sense about it. I know this is motion, light and frequency, it’s quantum mechanics we must master it.
      In quantum mechanics we see what we focus on, it’s being created as we observe it. It’s unlimited, boundless and we’re suppose to be enjoying it…LOL, because we have power over it only most aren’t aware of it.

      1. Sorry to sound trite, yet “Quantum is, as Quantum does”! ALL aspects exist allowing us to create as we will, as the perpetual forward motion of our moving into KNOWing NEW BALANCE yields bringing us to BE in…Quantum Joy! Very simple process…yet, never ending = LIFE! Yay for US! 💕😊🌹

      2. @Muse
        I do not want to have to wait to DIE, and THEN get the good stuff….why should I have to ‘pass over’ to get the good stuff? Why not have it NOW? Talbot’s stuff pretty much sounds like religion….”you’ll get all the good stuff after you die!”. *slow sarcastic golf clapping*

        And IF we have some sorta ‘power’, I have yet to see anyone demonstrate it. I’ll go with the aliens and learn from THEM…..I don’t want to spend years, if not decades, trying to figure it out on my own….no.

      3. It’s ok Neil, I don’t remember saying you had to die to get the good stuff, nope, I hope you do make contact with the ones you need to get back to your body you were once in.
        Just as a note, I did ask you to try to remember as much as you could because physically, the aliens aren’t miracle workers and they’ll need DNA, I just hope they have some technology they can go back to that moment and retrieve some DNA or some way to do this for you.

      4. Very simple…IMAGINE what you wish: EDUCE what you wish: MATERIALIZE what you wish; REPEAT the process with a new wish! Quantum “Production”!! 🌹😊🥳

      1. BALANCE AND HARMONY: I am experiencing just what that is: not dogmas, not archon commandments, not Yahweh, not the historic Jesus, not Buddha,
        nor any of these things that ushers in HARMONY. IT IS LOVE …and as for
        the BALANCE part, I am seeing that unfold,too. EVERYTHING SEEMS
        EXPERIENCE IT MOMENT BY MOMENT. A hug, a smile, a handshake


    AWARENESS of SELF is to KNOW who & what you truly are. We are Divine bioelectromagnetic beings — with abilities to maneuver multidimensional spacetime realities. YOU have the POWER to change the collective reality by recalibrating yourself. Your priority is to operate your body-vessel within your quantum realms most efficiently.

    Our brain & central nervous system is electrical. Our body is 70% conscious salt water — allowing electricity to flow. We have 7 chakras to generate electricity & 7 glands to convert it to energy for the body. We have energy meridians to move energy within the body. The breathe brings in oxygen which fuels & flows the energy. Electricity heals the body & there is an infinite amount of Zero Point Energy in the aether. ⚡️🧬⚡️

    Bio-electricity, Ki & Qi in the Human Body

        The LameStream Media, Health Depts., Governments, Public Officials have played COVID-19 Fear Propaganda 24/7, which is a VISUAL marker.

        The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.

        John F Kennedy Jr.
        19th Vice President

        WWG1WGA 💞🌹🕊🌍💫

    1. You GO, Girl! Spot on! Quantum BALANCE involving all these factor’s yields LIFE! (The end result of Quantum Joy!) 🌹😊💕🎉

    2. Hey Judith,
      You talked about akashic records right? At least I think you did. How did you learn to do that or was it a process you intentionally did? I know many do it and teach it. Is it a place? A frequency?
      Tory Smith had the ability to read DNA which he said he was given by God because he didn’t want to come back but if he was to agree, then he wanted to be able to expose all the pedos and satanists in the Milabs which he did daily on youtube and his videos are still up….imagine that.
      That was so interesting, because our DNA is like a hard drive, and antenna, but it is in our DNA as well. When Tory was alive, he offered to read people’s DNA for free. He got hundreds of requests, on being mine, and I didn’t even think he’d really ever have time to do that but in his readings he asked if everyone requesting a DNA reading would have a focused question as to maybe theme or something he could tell them about your DNA.
      So I asked how many times was I a healer in my history of my DNA….
      it was so fascinating, over 4 million years and many places I was a healer.
      He also talked about our light quotient, how much light we had. He stated we needed at least 50% to get thru this thing…I wished I could remember everything he said about it. Perhaps some of his interviews are still up and I may revisit them.
      Anyway, I was curious about the Akashic records, and wondered if you have looked back from the beginning of your creation of your DNA, or is that something in there…from what I have heard, you can only access your own Akashic records so unless you are given permission to look at others then it’s just yours. See? You get some privacy even in the Akashic records…LOL

      1. Here is some info on Tory Smith from 2015 which is probably where I happened to listen to and on to his youtube channel, right when Trump was campaigning to be president and he had picked Mike Pence, which Tory Smith had been speaking about exposing him.
        Trump purposely put all the snakes around him…as yes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
        Mike Pence being one…Trump inadvertantly exposed him as well as Tory Smith:
        Posted on February 7, 2015 by fromthefirstorder


        Guest Biography:
        Tory Smith is a planetary healer who seeks Justice to help bring child trafficking to an end once and for all. His determination and commitment to assist the young and oppressed has opened him up to dealing with some of the darkest beings out there. Because of this experience, his healing sessions are so effective that he has successfully helped the dramatic decline in the number of children being sacrificed. In 2010, he was blessed with the gift of reading people’s DNA in impeccable detail, providing invaluable information on the number of lives we have, where we have lived, which planets we have frequented, how much sacred light we carry, and what our theme is just to name a few. His Life Themes of Healer and Survivor are evident when In 2013, Father and Mother gave Tory the ability to send demons into the Light. Acting as a conduit for Zero Point Energy, Tory consistently sends Light to the dark and continues to master the effects of this.

        Show Story:

        Alexandra Meadors interviews Tory Smith, one of the most committed Light Warriors who truly walks into the fire to bring down The Dark’s agenda. Their discussion covers how the entire galaxy is being cleansed and cleared, how to bring down the psychic attacks, what is really going on within the etheric, and how The Light is successfully overcoming these government and black op factions. Tory is speaking from experience, as he himself has been the recipient of torture, rape, and deadly injections by these factions but has managed to assist The Light through major transmutation events of The Dark. We will be doing additional interviews with him so feel free to send in your questions!

      2. On Tory Smith: well, let’s see here. A conduit of Zero Point? Would that prevent the individual from discovering ZP within herself? It got pretty messy here. Maybe this is the way the archons prevent souls from
        escaping 4D.This appears to be all 4D stuff: do not depend upon’anyone other than your HigherSelf/the ONE in you. That is all I have to say…

      3. I know Judith, As always, big picture stuff.
        Zero point energy, you have spoke of I think.
        We all have abilities within us to activate and live to our highest potential.

      4. Absolutely!! Quantum Balance produces Zero-Point when kept, yet produces the vibe of Harmony when in motion! 🌹😊💕

      5. It is true: rather than go looking for “ways” of how to do it, just do what
        our Intuition tells us to do: it is talking all the time, but we cannot hear or chose to ignore it: this is when our MIND takes over, and that is normal
        because we like to analyze which I feel is an essential component of our
        first life, that of the ego. It needs survival skills ! When you no longer have
        to struggle for survival becuz you have left the matrix, it
        is a new ballgame! Watch this video : you are playing CENTERFIELD NOW!
        I think this song was written by D Forgerty of CCR. Here it is: NEW

      6. OH BOY! For me, the simplier the better in regards to AKASHA.
        To begin with, one has to born TWICE. It is the Eether/Spirit that
        connects me to the Akashic Records. With me, it usually starts
        with “wondering about something.” For now, it is dinosaurs in the
        musuem: are they real or made up to confuse our geneology ??
        MOST ASSUREDLY. The delivery system for this kind of info.might
        be Quantum Physics…U know we are all inter-connected,right?
        The Ancient Greeks believed that only those with “god within” would
        be able to access this kind of information. The Plasma Lights are
        supposed to hasten our DNA to escalate. So more may be accessing
        the ARecords now ! I rely heavily on my Intutition/Electric Christ ??
        and SYNC !!!! I think Sync comes from the Goddess of Heaven/Holy
        Spirit ? I get lost in labels. I have been getting messages from Thoth
        for years thru His writings all over my wall when I am first awakening
        in the morning. For me, Thoth is the LOGOS the renewe divine Mind.
        I trust his Words for me. I keep things simple and focused ..since
        we are constantly in motion, our focus changes also as it should.
        Nobody asked me the questions you ask, so forgive me if my answers
        appear clumsy and elusive. I never really looked into the chakras,
        DNA much until I see something thatf RESONATES WITH ME: I REFER
        CAPTURED BY THE ARCHONS. love u so much. Oh, remember I have lemurian roots..so not everything I said here will apply.

      7. Wow! What a gift! Kind of reminds me of Quantum KNOWing where by the “answer” of direction is apparent, derived by Self! 😊🌹💕

  21. Muse on Akashic Records. I feel that my approach is different becuz of
    my ancestral backgd…. Elementals have a more child like approach than that of the 4th root race … at least that has been my experience. We are
    nevertheless known to have spread the universal law (of the Real
    White Brotherhood) of “As Above, So Below.” I do not resonate with
    Mt. Shasta because I have no memory of being there.

    1. I think people only think of Mr. Shasta as a part of the original Lemuria. There are also those that claim there is an opening there for the inner earth to Telos, one of the cities in hollow earth. I don’t think anyone is ‘from’ there….per say.

      1. Oh thanks ! Some of them are cookie cutters. I like Sedona !

      1. We are infinite explorers and adventurers, within and without…no boundaries here ! So much Gratitude in each moment of our growth
        here toward universal harmony, one breath at a time. Thank U so much
        for offering us (me, Muse,and all the others) a place I can call home.
        As far as the earth communities, the ones I am connected respond to
        sincere expressions of LOVE, its spontaneity in just “knowing” ho to
        give. I am not involved in churches because they have defiled Sophia, and I tell them about the absence of the Goddess, the Mother God…you know,
        in a kind way. I did not observe any outward resistance to my stance.
        Anyway, to those who are Bible scholars, what about the statement made
        by the Lord: ” I do not live in man-made temples,” meaning outward
        structures. We are the organic temple and god lives within us. So many references to that in the Bible if one would only inquire deeply. Stay on course: Straight is the road, narrow(agonizing) is the gate, few that be
        that find it…referring to the Piscean Age…but look here: We are
        entering a New Realm where all things are possible !!! QUANTUM !
        Get Out Now: leave your material attachments behind. We are not
        meant to get better, rather to get out and BECOME A BRAND NEW QUANTUM HUMAN BEING! All things are possible with god, literally.
        We are god’s NEW CREATION, the offsprings and inheritors of a
        new divine realm . Get rid of all your rags. ALL. Make that leap, don’t
        just talk about it. To Lightworkers: Where’s the Beef ?? Get into where your spirit is sending you, into the fire, where the action is. I am
        done with “entitlements” gross reminders of the false matrix.

      2. wow. Observing new things every moment ! You have connections to
        Telos in some form ! Good News for me.

      3. Know someone who met Adama (7 ft in height!) there at a restaurant in Weed. I also had a lab job in Arkansas above the crystalline beds. HCA hospital there just getting into the “equity” thing…💝😊💕💝

  22. Along my soul journey, solipsism was a life changing truckstop. I had never heard of it prior to stumbling across a poem (cannot recall the writer’s name,but this one action of leaving it all behind, was a key in breaking from
    the matrix. Left most of it behind, but I had some housecleaning yet do
    finish up. You see, one has to take action and DO IT. Shortly after that
    I experienced an internal vortex (I did not what it was, but it scared me).
    I think this is what an alchemical change would “feel” like. Then,
    I noticed my behavior changed in that I was no longer responding to
    duality. That,my friend, is what Zero Point is. I read a little more
    about ZP after that as affirmations. Kinda being neutral. The term
    “intention” is misleading. If you are Heartcentered, there is little
    need to justify anything. The horse must come before the cart !

    1. So you said above as below…
      I’ve always wondered…where is this ‘above’ place.
      I had always thuoght it was the astral, so I know things are created ‘above’ before the materialize ‘below’.

      1. To me, Above means the Sacred Univeral Laws. Cindy alludes to
        Balance and Harmony. This has to be experienced !! As Above, so Below
        came rather naturally for me because Lemurians were already 6th D beings.
        Most of all,we hate the forgeries and imitations, and counterfeiting of our
        sacred law. Mainly the apostate Freemasonary. Their agendas are
        everywhere and that is why JFKJR warned us recently, that if you are
        still in the matrix, whether as a teacher, carpenter whatever else,” you are the enemy because you are enabling their agenda !

      2. Actually, there are “no rules” in Quantum, or better said, all rules exist in Quantum for use as appropriate. Does this mean I can do “whatever” I want, “whenever” I want?

        You betcha! However, the consequences for your actions are your to bear…
        Quantum folks continually strive for Balance, which yields Harmony, and…Quantum Joy!

    2. The Solipsist Journey for me was a dscision to releasing the matrix, a breath of fresh air…unbeknown to me, it was a step toward zero point/nirvana..
      Ah..the natural way. No script needed. Follow your Intuition who is
      Christ Light Force.

      I walk alone;
      The midnight street
      Spins itself from under my feet;
      When my eyes shut
      These dreaming houses all snuff out;
      Through a whim of mine
      Over gables the moon’s celestial onion
      Hangs high.

      Make houses shrink
      And trees diminish
      By going far; my look’s leash
      Dangles the puppet-people
      Who, unaware how they dwindle,
      Laugh, kiss, get drunk,
      Nor guess that if I choose to blink
      They die.

      When in good humor,
      Give grass its green
      Blazon sky blue, and endow the sun
      With gold;
      Yet, in my wintriest moods, I hold
      Absolute power
      To boycott any color and forbid any flower
      To be.

      Know you appear
      Vivid at my side,
      Denying you sprang out of my head,
      Claiming you feel
      Love fiery enough to prove flesh real,
      Though it’s quite clear
      All you beauty, all your wit, is a gift, my dear,
      From me.


    Well, I beat the drum and hold the phone
    The sun came out today
    We’re born again, there’s new grass on the field
    A-roundin’ third and headed for home
    It’s a brown-eyed handsome man
    Anyone can understand the way I feel

    Oh, put me in, coach, I’m ready to play today
    Put me in, coach, I’m ready to play today
    Look at me, I can be centerfield

    Well, I spent some time in the Mudville Nine
    Watching it from the bench
    You know I took some lumps, when the mighty Case struck out
    So say hey, Willie, tell the Cobb
    And Joe DiMaggio
    Don’t say it ain’t so, you know the time is now

    Oh, put me in, coach, I’m ready to play today
    Put me in, coach, I’m ready to play today
    Look at me, I can be centerfield

    Yeah, got it, I got it

    Got a beat-up glove, a home-made bat
    And a brand new pair of shoes
    You know I think it’s time to give this game a ride
    Just to hit the ball and touch ’em all
    A moment in the sun
    It’s a-gone and you can tell that one good-bye

    Oh, put me in, coach, I’m ready to play today
    Put me in, coach, I’m ready to play today
    Look at me (yeah), I can be centerfield

    Oh, put me in, coach, I’m ready to play today
    Put me in, coach, I’m ready to play today
    Look at me, gotta be, centerfield
    Yeah Writer/s: John Fogerty
    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

    1. What does ‘reborn’ mean to you?
      I know the matrix programming of this term, and dogma…
      but what does it mean to you on a metaphysical level?

      1. Oh I know that one from my own experience. It means asking the CHRIST, not a person (Jesus was the person) to give me a totally NEW LIFE
        CHRIST. Now I am learning that CHRIST IN US REPRESENTS THE TOTAL

        water, the uterus, our natural mama. This represents our first birth, first
        stage. The second birth is spiritual and eternal: Be Born of the Spirit !!!!
        One has to ask for this life…I felt so awful about not being able to freely
        give love and understanding no matter how hard I tried. I came to
        end of the rope..trying for years and years “, forty exactly, to make it better” not just
        for me but for those around me. Finally, I gave up, let go of the rope
        I was clinging on to after my neighbor told me that I COULD HAVE
        ANOTHER LIFE, BRAND NEW. The teacher had come at last !! I spoke to
        Christ to give me another life (did not know what it was ,but I believed
        what my friend had promised me: NEW LIFE IN CHRIST. What is it
        that you would want in this life??? Well, we are dreamers and
        BEEN TRUE WITH ME. This is my personal testimony. I remain aloof
        from all programs of salvation out there: alot of scamming of souls
        and relentless marketing of salvation. More questions? I may post BJ Thomas’
        Amazing Grace Video and his testimony. Not a pattern of salvation, but his own testimony. very moving.
        Be k with video. It resonates with me.

      2. All that is, as in the crystaline body is connecting to your higher self, bringing in the light, going ‘online’ so to speak, it has many labels but I get what you’re saying…it’s not born again, actually but a higher frequency/light embodiment, and of course you’d have a new life because your frequency has changed.
        It’s letting go of the toxic stuff in your life, and enjoying/higher frequency raising/expanding your perception.

      3. So many variances for “Being Born Again” which are dimensional in nature. I consider “Born Again” to appear as a new beginning epitomized through new behavior/thought patterns. 🌹😊💕

      4. Born Again: for me, it is that AHA MOMENT, a single event that transformed me into a NEW CREATURE. I had no prior knowledge that such a magical thing could happen,
        but when I was told that I WOULD HAVE A NEW LIFE, A CLEAN SLATE TO
        START ALL OVER AGAIN, I prayed believing that would become true. IT DID. I have
        no emotional recollection now of who I was before this all happened; I am totally
        a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST/LIGHT FORCE now. Former things have passed away !!!
        Now, I simply received truth through my divine intuition which I feel is the
        Christo in me. Never errs ! No need to think and analyze anymore…all comes through
        divine revelation. The zygote/light in me woke up ! That was 43 years ago. NO
        BOUNDARIES NOW. Just like the worm who transforms into a monarch butterfly.
        The worm uses only itself to complete its own transformation !!! My former lower
        life (carnal, material) was ready to die. Indeed it has. I feel that my DNA is now
        Pleiadean/Light Body. I never understood what unconditional love meant until
        just recently; it is all a process called unfoldment that took 43 years ! No map,
        no chart..just living the Holy Spirit Life! The HS is the only manifestation of
        god that I am aware of and my body is Her Dwelling Place. Jesus referred
        to the HS as “my Mother !!!” The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit fractured
        Her in my opinion. Hope this helps. Again,it my own story; every story
        is unique!
        Thanks for asking. God does not look at our blemishes but rather looks at
        our HEART and sees how a broken heart can lead to a New Life !

      5. Thanks Judith for that very eloquent explanation. Gratitude for your beingness and part in raising consciousness on this planet.

      6. Yay Judith! So very happy how you continually KNOW NEW BALANCE which exudes in Quantum! Whoop whoop! 🌹😊💕🎉💓

      7. Muse, I was born again during the Age of Pisces , could it be different now in
        the so-called Quantum Realm. I do not have the answer to this.

      8. Every moment is that as Quantum BALANCE is achieved continually by KNOWing NEW BALANCE as life occurrences evolve! 🌹😊💕


      1. Yes, and I think the exit is thru the sun(son)….it is a hub, a portal.

      2. Born Again, Twice Born I feel is a necessary finishing / perfection/
        completion of our divine DNA. I continue to hold that this is
        the way of metamorphosis: A REAL MYSTERY. Initiates KNOW/GNOSIS
        this. I think these folks are known as Aleons ?
        is alchemicalized Reality

      3. I love the way you bring your knowledge to our knowing! Inner self leads us in many directions , and I like our openness with which to explore that which We Are! We are each Unique, Special, and equal. In our individual selves….ALL learning as we g(r)o(w)!!🌹😊💕🎉

      1. Consider the song Far Way from Any Road/road meaning constructed.
        We woman can become the Triple Goddesses as means of salvation,too.
        Yay, Sophia is rising now !!!

    Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    That saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    Was blind, but now I see.
    ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
    And grace my fears relieved;
    How precious did that grace appear
    The hour I first believed!
    Through many dangers, toils and snares
    I have already come;
    ’Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,
    And grace will lead me home.
    The Lord has promised good to me,
    His Word my hope secures;
    He will my shield and portion be
    As long as life endures.
    The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
    The sun forbear to shine;
    But God, who called me here below,
    Will be forever mine.
    When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
    Bright shining as the sun,
    We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
    Than when we’d first begun.
    Text: John Newton, Olney Hymns, 1779
    Verse 6 from A Collection of Sacred

    1. LOL, that is funny….that is the song Trump played when he left the white house….I did it my way!

      1. Trump? I did not know that!!! We are “outsiders.” He is pleiadian.

      2. Joe Kennedy’s sons are adopted. I am feeling that the Kennedys are Moors
        from No.Africa connected to the Alhambra Palace in Spain. You do know
        the Moors began the renaissance throughtout Spain, France, and Italy.
        Little credit is given to them. On the contrary most muslims are scorned: INFIDELS !

      3. Yes, according to Telegram info, Joe’s sons were indeed adopted from Libya(?). Abraham Lincoln was also from this area. Trump is related to Gen. Flynn, LOT’s of “family” connections…just like those of the dark families.
        Trump, as the “enlightened one”, is overthrowing the dark. This is a FreeMason/Satanic ploy used in the “dark-to-light” playbook in which Lucifer is the “Light-Bringer”.
        BUT, this is a world being introduced to Quantum for the first time, so…Trump “biggest scam” is ending the Babylonian money scam, and introducing the Quantum Financial System thus killing all birds with a single stone (just like the David/Goliath story). QFS will end the Babylonian money scam, free humanity from economic slavery, destroy the Matrix, allow the introduction of off-world technologies, and in general…heal humanity and Mother Earth! And…we get watch! 🌹🌹💕🎉

  25. I do not think the Galactics would choose a human to run our newly restored earth. Trump is the Supreme Commander of the Galactic
    Military Force.
    I am thinking that the Kennedys are outsiders likewise Lennon,
    G Harrison and a host of others. Some say JFK JR has been Q, Pres. Trump Q+. Just my view.

    1. Libya: that would be connected to Qaddafi who created one of the
      most successful countries in the world !!! One would have to have been
      enlightened to take his people to the level that he did ! I sense his connection to one of the two Moor dynasties that swept the
      western world with their ideas of enlightenment. I read that many of
      the ancient works at the Library of Alexandria were preserved by Arabs in Asia Minor to be released at a later time. Lisa Renee mentioned
      Alhambra Palace in her writings,but I cannot remember its context
      except it had something to do with our Ascension ???? Is Qaddafi
      still alive ? Do U know?

      1. Hmmm… not sure, he may be “somewhere”, however I DO know of his role on this Earth. Personally, I prefer his bring alive! 🌹😊💕

      2. I heard Qaddafi is alive. I read that the Kennedys (adopted name) are linked to this region…hence the enlightened “seed” is in their bloodline.

      3. Then who was the guy they murdered on camera posing as gaddafi? I heard he had a very successful and he begged them not to destroy what he built there and we all know it was for the resources, and to install a central banking system, as the area was rich in resources these corps wanted access to…not to mention most of these wars in the middle east are really about getting the ancient tech as in STARGATES….There was a couple that was staying over there when they started committing war crimes and destroying infrastructure and killing civilians there as well, especially Bengazi and thee people had gotten help from the 12 tribes to sneak them out of there and once they got back to the states, were stalked by CIA and FBI to not tell the truth about what is going on there in Bengazi and the surrounding areas they were destroying…committing war crimes. These people were so scared because their nightmare didn’t end once they got here.

      4. For the best of who? I love how they say that when they are removing your children or taking away your freedom or violating your rights…it’s all for the best…nevermind your freedom, never mind your life…LOL, let’s all be lied to and claim it’s for your own good said no one EVER…LOL, I’ll just be and do what’s best for me…heck with what others think is best for all…that is mob rule, and the mob decides. Sovereignty and integrity…live it, love it learn it.

      5. Thank you, Muse! We do not know the path of another, which releases us from judgement. We see what may seem wrong, but this is another’s experience they may need? Love your focus on self! Love ya! 🌹😊💕

      6. Thank you Cindy….you little cheeleader you…LOL, got the good rah RAH REE….kick them in the knee…LOL

      7. Well, there were many who faked their death: MJackson, EPresley, John Lennon, KCarpenter, Selena, etc
        and were put under government witness protection.

      8. Yeah, I know, pretty sure Micheal Jackson is still with us…but I hope they can come out THIS YEAR…so weary of the charade. It will be a great story to hear how they all managed to do this and stay hidden and watch the BS going on in the world. I can imagine it was really tough on them but again, the truth needs to come out and it’s ridiculous to keep the charade going at this point. The lying and ‘movie’ is affecting us not in a good way, the fear porn and crazy normies who believe the lies still and will until the tv box tells them the truth…white hats could have taken it over and slowly put the truth out in MSM but they didn’t so here we are, still watching this charade.

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