Ted Cruz: Biden Has Lost Control of the White House ~ March 15, 2023


As per a Republican who used digital platforms to attack the Biden administration’s newly enacted $6.8 trillion budget, President Biden is not in charge of the White House.

2024 Budget is Terrible

The 2024 budgeting for the Biden administration, according to Sen. Ted Cruz, shows socialists are in power. The president, who made a big fuss of running as a unified contender who would work with people of the two leading parties, is not.

The budget, in the Republican’s opinion, sets forth a radical economic, educational, environmental, and medical program. It will result in unprecedented tax and expenditure hikes.

Cruz posted on Twitter, claimed Biden is no longer in charge, and warned socialists have taken over. He said this is a sad fact.

Cruz made similar remarks when in an interview with Fox News anchor Sean Hannity on Thursday night, which was mirrored in the post.

The host stated an increasing number of Americans were suffering. Many turned to surviving paycheck to paycheck, tapping out their retirement plans, and making little expenditures with credit cards.

Sen Ted Cruz: Socialists Are In Charge Of The White Househttps://t.co/TlHPBkGpcQ

— Mr Producer (@RichSementa) March 11, 2023

Hannity said he has seen the numbers and what is going on with the economy. He said the majority of people are unable to survive and cover basic expenses. Hannity also claimed he’s never seen things this bad before.

Cruz’s comments were pretty identical to those in his later tweet. He said Biden has no control and the people around him are socialists. They have clear objectives and those are to raise taxes to afford them the ability to spend money they don’t currently have.

He stated these people have caused a record-high inflation rate.

Cruz added that socialists believe they can simply keep printing money, increasing inflation, and taking loans from China, despite the fact the plan Biden presented would result in a $50 trillion national debt.

Cruz said it’s totally reckless.

Obama/Biden Logic: use the new Covid overspending (2020-2022) as the new baseline for your 2023-2024 budget instead of dropping back down to the less than $4.5 trillion our U.S. Federal Govt overspent in 2019 (pre-Covid)

Anybody catch that sleight of hand magic trick? 🪄 🐇 🎩 pic.twitter.com/hJF1vO5WF3

— Bill Peguillan (@BillPegs) March 13, 2023

The Texas Republican claimed while financing for the IRS was emphasized in the budget, financing for a border wall between the United States and Mexico was noticeably absent.

Also, he identified Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts as one of the proponents of Biden’s program.

Socialists Running the White House

Cruz questioned if we’re aware of what isn’t a part of the plan.

He then explained that financing for southern border security is not included. He claims the Biden administration doesn’t have the money to hire a sizable number of new Border Patrol personnel, yet they want to hire 87,000 IRS agents.

To tackle the fentanyl epidemic that resulted in over 100,000 overdoses last year under Biden’s leadership, the White House also lacks the funding for a sizable number of DEA agents.

According to Cruz, the proposal is merely tax and spending. He said the plan includes new taxes totaling $5.5 trillion. Direct taxes on energy are included.

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